31st BCS written result full

The results of the written test of the 31st Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) were published on Thursday 12 January 2012. A total of 6884 candidates passed the test .Of them, 3,066 came out successful in the general cadre, 2,805 in general and vocational, and 1,011 in professional cadres.
Results of two candidates were postponed for faulty documents.
The Complete result is here but why ? Because Bangladesh Public Service Commission  Official website ww.bpsc.gov.bd is DOWN now :(. We don't know why the site is down, down and down when any result was published . If you are confused with our given information and any roll number then you may download the PDF file from mideafire . Which was published by Bangladesh Public Service Commission .The Download Link is here  . To open the PDF file you must need a PDF reader software .

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