Short Cut Rules for Short cut students(Right form of verbs)

Short Cut Rules for Short cut students

RULE 1: Singular Subject=Singular Verb, Plural Subject=Plural verb
Ex.   Reayad is a meritorious student. Vehicles create traffic jam.

RULE 2: Preposition (in,at,on,of,for,from,by,with,without,before,after,into,across,about)+noun or Verb +ing .
Ex. Television is an important source of entertainment or entertaining. Children are fond of using mobile Phone.

RULE 3:  To +Verb1   but   (Addicted to, Adverse to, Be used to, With a view to, Look forward to, Get used to, Be accustomed to)+ Verb+ing.

Ex. Tori went to London to get a good job. Poresh tried to join the Army .We are looking forward to hearing from you. I went to the Stage with a view to dancing. People of Bangladesh are used to eating by their hands.

 RULE 4:    Verb+article+Adverb+adjective+noun.
Ex. Bangladesh is a densely populated country. Alam is a very good boy.

RULE 5 :  A , An , The +noun.  The+noun or verb+ing+of.
The necessity of learning English is indescribable. The using of Mobile is available .A constitution is essential for a nation. He has an Umbrella.

RULE 6: (Can, could, may , might, Shall, should, will, would, must, used to, have to, need, dare, ought to )+ V1
Ex.  He can do the Sum. It may rain today.Tori must study tonight.

RULE 7 :     While+Verb+ing
Ex.        While walking in the garden, I saw a snake. While sleeping I dreamt a good dream.

RULE 8:  (have, has, had, get, got, getting, having )+V3 or Adjective.Ex.  She got married yesterday. I had my car cleaned. Having taken the money, the thief ran away. Our Culture is getting westernized.  

RULE  9:  Passive Voice -(Can be, could be, may be , might be, Shall be, should be, will be, would be, must be, used to be, have to be,  ought to be )+ V3
Ex.  The work ought to be done. He will be helped by me.

RULE 10: I = am ,       (He, She, It) = is ,   (We, They, you ) = are   3rd person Singular Sub. = Has 3rd person Plural Sub. = Have
Ex.    I am Sourov. He is driving a car. We are going home. They have won the game. He has eaten rice.

RULE 11: There+is/was/has+Singular Subject.  There +are/were/have+plural Sub.
Ex.    There is a Mosque in our village. There are two ponds in our Village.

RULE  12: .( Each, every , one, any)+ 1 or more singular Sub.+Singular Verb.
Ex.  Each boy and each girl was present there. Every boy and girl has been given 100 tk.

RULE 13: (Somebody, Someone)+ Singular verb, (some boys, Some toys)+ plural verb.
Ex.  Someone has stolen the pen. Some boys have failed in the examination.

RULE 14:   (any, none, each, every, either, neither, one)+of+plural Sub.+singular Verb.
Ex. One of the boys is present there. None of them was present there. Either of them has stolen it.

RULE  15:  ( Population, public, crowd, army, congress, committee, team, government, family, pair, dozen, scenery, knowledge, hundred, thousand, furniture, machinery, information, bread, money, advice, poetry, gallows, ethics, mathematics, physics, news, electronics, dynamics, 2/3….dollars,  2/3….miles,  )+ singular verb.
Ex. Ill news runs a pace . Physics is a critical subject.

RULE 16 : (people, spectacles, trousers, scissors, brances, cloths, goods, headquarters, vegetables, laws, police, cattle, folk, circumstances, gentry.)+plural verb.
Ex. His circumstances are not good. People don’t eat the same food. Vegetables contain vitamin.

RULE 17:  (who, whose, whom, which, that) follow only  their before subject to choose a verb.
Ex.  It is I who am your friend. It is you who are my friend.

RULE  18:  Prefer to + verb+ing
Ex.   Arman prefers to reading newspaper. Joynal prefers to eating betel.

RULE 19:  ( Feel, love, hear, like, hate, see, forget, consist, seem, sound, smell, believe, know, wish, doubt, prefer, imagine, fear, taste, astonish, please, understand) they are used in present Indefinite tense not in continuous tense. 
 Ex.  I see the bird. I hear news. I forget everything.

RULE 20:  Distance/money/time+singular verb
Ex.  Thirty miles is a long way. 100 years is a long time. Money begets money.  

RULE 21 : Arithmetical Operations ( singular verb)
 Ex.  Five plus five is ten. Ten minus five is five. Ten divided by two is five.

RULE 22: (Always, regularly, generally, usually, occasionally, normally, naturally, frequently, everyday, daily, often) = Present Indefinite Tense.
Ex. Organizations frequently need employees who speak a standard form of English. English usually helps  to get good job. He always prays his prayer.

RULE  23: (now, at this/the moment, at present, day by day, increasingly,rapidly.)=Present continuous Tense.
Ex.  Mobile Phone users are increasing day by day. He is eating now.

RULE 24: (  yesterday, one day, ago, once, last, after a few days, last night, once upon a time,in the past, previously.) = Past IndefiniteTense.
Ex. I received your letter yesterday. One day I borrowed a book from you.

RULE 25: (Just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, immediately.) = present Perfect  Tense.
Ex. He has transferred from Dhaka recently.We have shifted to safe place immediately.

RULE 26: (mind/worth/without/get used to/got used to/ be used to/past,can’t help, couldn’t help, would you mind)+verb+ing
Ex. Would you mind having a cup of tea? He can’t help smoking.

RULE 27: Active voice – ( am, is , are, was, were, have been, has been, had been, shall be, will be, shall have been, will have been)+verb+ing
Ex. Shawon is doing the sum. It has been raining since morning.

RULE 28:  9(ask, decide, demand, forget, happen, hope, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plain, prepare, promise, remember, seem, try , want)+ to
Ex.  Mosarrof neglects his friend. It seems to me false.  We have decided to start a  business.

RULE  29:   ( had better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare, make, would sooner, had sooner)+verb1
Ex.  He had better read news paper regularly. I will not let you enter  the class room.

RULE 30: ( It is time, It is high time, wish, fancy) = Past Indefinite
 Ex.  I fancy I turned a pale. It is high time we developed our country.

RULE 31: Lest…. Should…
Ex.   Walk fast lest you should miss the train. Read attentively lest you should fail  in the exam.

RULE 32 : (if, wish, as if , as though) unreal past = were
 Ex. If I were a doctor, I could treat the poor. I wish I were a king.

RULE 33: If  Past Indefinite tense, Sub+would/could/might+verb1
Ex.  If I were a doctor, I could treat the poor. If you came , I would go.

RULE  34:  If + Present Indefinite, future Indefinite tense.or Sub.+may/can/shall/wil+v1
Ex.  If he runs in the rain, he will catch cold. If it rains , I will not go out.

RULE 35:  If + present perfect tense, Sub.+migh have/could have/ would have+verb 3
Ex.  If they had started earlier, they would have reached there in time. If I had seen him, I might have told him the news. 

RULE 36:  Present Indefinite or Present perfect tense +since+Past Indefinite tense.
Ex. It is many years since I came to Dhaka. Many years have passed since I had met her.

RULE 37:   Past Indefinite tense+ since+Past perfect tense.
Ex. Many years passed since I had seen her last.

RULE 38: Past Perfect+before+past Indefinite.    past Indefinite+after+past perfect.
Ex.The patient had died before the doctor came.The patient died after the doctor had come.

RULE 39: Beginning of the sentence- verb + ing or to + v1  (gerund, infinitive)
Ex. Rising early is a good habit. Sleeping is necessary to life. To take drugs leads a man to death.

RULE  40:        Verb+(how/what/when/which/why)+to
Ex.  Galib knows what to do. She taught me how to make a cup of tea.

RULE 41:   Things =  interesting ,    person = interested
 Ex.   History is very interesting subject. I am very much interested to meet him.

RULE 42: Uncountable noun ( water, air, tea, sugar, environment, furniture, kindness, rainfall, reputation, wood, paper, gum, courtesy, earth, bread, oxygen, smoke, bangla, English.)+singular verb.
Ex.  Air is very important element of the environment. Water plays a vital role in agriculture.

RULE 43 :   No+ noun   ,    Not+ adjective/adverb.
 Ex.  He has no education .He is not interested to study.

RULE 44:    Keep + noun+adjective.
Ex.   The teacher kept the boy silent.

RULE  45: No sooner had….than, Scarcely had…..when,  hardly had…before/when.
Ex.  No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away.

RULE 46:  (prefer, preferable, senior, junior)+to ( not  than).
Ex. Prottasha is junior to me.  I prefer to reading to writing.

RULE 47: Don’t use ‘to’ before (home, abroad, here, there)
Ex. He went abroad last month. He will go home tomorrow.

RULE 48:  (Sun, Death, Summer, Winter, Fear, Anger, War)  =  His
Ex.    The sun sheds his beams on earth. The death lays his icy hand even on the earth.

RULE 49:  (Earth, Moon, charity, Beauty, softness, Hope, Spring, Modesty, Nature, Peace, Virtue, Mercy, Justice )  = Her
Ex.  The moon reflects her shade on earth. The Spring comes with all her beauties.

RULE 50: If Simple Sentence contains two main verbs , It may be 2nd verb with ing or to+2nd     verb with present form. 
Ex. I saw him going . I am going to English World.

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