Cloze Test for HSC Exam

Cloze Test for HSC Exam
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the bellow (make any grammatical change if necessary). There are more words than you need.
source-manpower-explore-provide -concern -employment-independence-recreation-necessary-different-across-dense-solution-unemployment
Bangladesh is a (a) — populated country, but a large number of her people are (b)—. It is not possible for her to ensure (c) — to the teeming millions. Self-employment is a possible (d) —to this problem. It means that people themselves should (e) — avenues for self-employment. Facilities for training in (f) — trades and vocations are available (g) — the country. The youths, in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades and turn into a useful (h)—. The Govt. also (i) —easy loans and counseling with a view to helping them start an (j) — earning activity.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Modern life (a) — much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio-political crises. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places previously (e) —. It has (f) — helped the flourish of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and peoples (j) — the globe.
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the bellow (make changes if necessary). There are more words than you need.
flower-job-farming-raising-also-sectors- means-opportunities-engage-create-oneself- easily-rearing-many
Self-employment means to create (a) — opportunity for (b) — by ones own effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c) — a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGO’s have (d) — rendered their help. Livestock (e) —, agricultural (f) —, poultry (g) — are some of the (h) —. There are many (i) — for self-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j) — engage oneself in these jobs.
Answer to the question no. Set-1:
9. (a) densely (b) unemployed (c) employment (d) solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across (h) manpower (i) provides (j) independent.
10. (a) depends (b) realize/understand (c) destroyed (d) possible (e) impossible (f) profusely (g) gather (h) Moreover (i) developed (j) across.
Answer to the question no. Set-2:
9. (a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i) opportunities/means (j) easily.
Set-2: 10. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word in each gap :
source manpower explore provide
concern employment independence
recreation necessary different across
dense solution unemployment
Money is power and can do much good and evil. It gives (a) — and delight. It (b) — do everything. A person (c) — is a person to be pitied. Nobody pays (d) — respect to him. His friends do not (e) — him. He has to depend on the (f) — of others. In order to (g) — money he does a lot of jobs. It is a must (h) — our life. But it does not necessarily (i) — happiness. Happiness is absolutely a (j) — matter.
Set-3: 9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes, if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
veil knock looking saw sweet
indeed perfect perfection dress trade
against thinking beautiful live
Once upon a time there (a) — in the city of Baghdad a young bachelor who was by (b) — a porter. One day he sat in the market place leaning idly (c) — his basket. A young woman (d) — in rare silks and cloaked in a gold-embroidered mantle, stopped before him and gently raised her (e) — . Beneath it there showed dark eyes with long lashes and lineaments of (f) — beauty. “Lift up your basket, porter”, she said in a (g) — voice “and follow me.” At once the porter took up his basket, (h) — to himself, “This is (i) — a lucky day!” He followed her until she stopped at the door of a house and (j) — .
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruitseller. After a few days the fruit seller asked the grocer to (a) — his balance and weights to him. The grocer said, “I am sorry to say that the mice ate away your balance and weights.” The fruit seller became very (b) — at the (c) — excuse of the dishonest grocer. Then one day the fruit seller said to the grocer, “I am (d) — to the town to do some shopping. Please send your son with me to (e) — my things. We will come back tomorrow. ”So the grocer (f) — his son with the fruit seller. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. “Where is my son?” asked the grocer. “A crow carried your son away,” replied the fruit seller. “How can a crow (g) — away such a big boy?” The grocer shouted angrily. “Just the same way as the mice can (h) — away the balance and weight,” said the fruit seller. The grocer (i)— the point. He returned the balance and weights to the fruit seller. Then the fruit seller sent the boy (j) — to his father.
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes, if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
learn quickly over commit explain reading filled
enriched aloud times know possession thoughts of
Young people often consider (a) — poetry by heart a tiresome drudgery. But the learning of poetry has great advantage (b) — merely reading it. Poems that have been learnt become a permanent personal (c) —. The mind is (d) — with a store of beautiful or lofty (e) — and ideas which may be a source of pleasure, comfort and inspiration at (f) — when the books are not at hand. Poems selected for learning, however, should be worthy (g) — the time to be spent on them and should be those which make a strong appeal to the learner. The best way to (h) — a poem to memory is not to learn it line by line, but to read the whole poem (i) — over and over again until it is thoroughly (j) —.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap :
Man pollutes water, another vital (a) — of the environment by (b) — waste into it. Farmers (c) — chemical fertilizers and floods, (d) — mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Water is also (e) — by mills and factories when they throw their (f) — chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Water vehicles also pollute rivers by dumping oil, foods waste and human (g) — into them. In sanitary latrines (h) — on river and canal banks are also (i) — for further pollution. In this way various (j) — of waste and filth contaminate water.
সঠিক উত্তর: Set-2: 10. (a) comfort (b) can (c) without money (d) any (e) love (f) mercy (g) earn (h) for (i) bring (j) different
সঠিক উত্তর: Set-3: 9. (a) lived (b) trade (c) against (d) dressed (e) veil (f) perfect (g) sweet (h) said/thought (i) indeed (j) knocked
সঠিক উত্তর: 10. (a) return (b) angry (c) lame (d) going (e) carry (f) sent (g) take (h) eat (i) got (j) back
সঠিক উত্তর: Set-4: 9. (a) learning (b) over (c) possession (d) filled/ enriched (e) thoughts (f) times (g) of (h) commit (i) aloud (j) known
সঠিক উত্তর: 10. (a) element (b) throwing (c) use (d) are/get (e) polluted (f) poisonous (g) waste (h) standing (i) responsible (j) kinds
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes, if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
Once upon a time, there was a King who was very fond of (a) — his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) — to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The King called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c)—. At this the King got (d) — and condemned him to (e) — saying, “Men like you should not live to (f) — the peace of the world”. But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)—. “How long will you live?” asked the King. With ready (h)— the astrologer said, “The stars (i) — that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye”. Hearing this, the King turned pale like a dead man and should, “Drive this (j) — away, let him not come here again.”
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap:
One day a lad went to a famous teacher and having expressed his desires to (a)— knowledge, begged him to (b)— him in the arts and sciences. The learned man, wishing to (c)— out what sort of ability the lad (d)—, asked him where God (e)—. The lad replied, “I will answer you, if you will first (f)— me where he is (g) —”. The sage, from this sensible (h) —, thought highly of the boy’s (i)— and according to his (j)— perfected him in his studies. Thus the wisdom of the wise manifests itself early.
Answer to the question no. set-5: 9. (a) knowing (b) happened (c) unpleasant (d) angry/furious (e) death (f) spoil (g) execution (h) wit (i) declare/prove
(j) wretch.
10. (a) gain (b) teach (c) find (d) had (e) is (f) tell (g) not (h) reply (i) wit (j) ability.
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes, if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
device trained about perform essential great
abacus fairly large special recent sense
refers called
The computer is a fairly (a)—invention. It has now become an (b)—part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c)—revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d)—that helps people perform mathematical calculation may be (e)—a computer. In this sense the (f)—is a simple computer. Today however the term computer (g)—to special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculation and process (h)—masses of information at a (i)—speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)—mathematicians would need years to complete.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap :
Jerry was a twelve years old boy (a)—lived in the orphanage. The authoress hired the cabin (b)—to the orphanage. Jerry came to the cabin to (c)—wood for the authoress. He also did some extra works (d)—the convenience of the authoress. Once he (e)—a cubby hole where he put some kindling and medium wood (f)—that the writer might get dry fire materials read in case of (g)—wet weather. The authoress was pleased (h)—him. When she gave him some candy or apples he used to (i)—silent. He expressed his (j)—by looking at the gift and the authoress.
Answer to the question no. set-6:
9. (a) recent (b) essential (c) about (d) device
(e) called (f) abacus (g) refers (h) large (i) great
(j) trained.
10. (a) who (b) belongings (c) chop (d) for
(e) noticed (f) so (g) sudden (h) with (i) remain
(j) gratitude.
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box (make the grammatical changes if necessary. There are more words in the box than you need:

go have find lose die
bound way prefer enjoy be
dead preference take consider

We find changes in amusement and entertainment that (a)—taken place over time. Common forms of entertainment like snake charming, puppet shows, jarigan (b)— popular in the past are gradually (c)—their appeal. They are (d)—out. We don’t (e)—the existence of many of these. Now people like do (f)—T.V. They (g)—concert, disco, pop etc. All the changes that have (h)—place today are not (i)—good. Sometimes people are (j)—to receive some bad aspects of Western culture.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap :
Sports can give us (a)—. International sports (b)—organise different sporting events in different (c)—Most of these events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They pay for the sport event. They do it because in (d) they get the right of (e)—their products (f)—the events. The satellite channels (g)—the events (h)—. As a (i)—, people all over the world can (j)—the events live.
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.

prestige huge education indicate
invention instituted certificate division
treated material promote fame
contribute research

Every year the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a)— to the fields of science literature, economics and for the (b)—of peace. It is the world’s most (c)—prize. If there are more than one recipient, the prize money is (d)—equally among the winners. The prize was (e)—by Sir Alfred Nobel, the father of the science of destruction. He (f)— dynamite. Though Nobel was born in Sweden, he was (g)—in Russia. For this important invention, he become (h)—all over the world. He earned a (i)—sum of money. The prize is given from the interest of the money. The winners of the Nobel Prize are (j)—with great respect across the globe.
Answer to the question
Set-7: 9. (a) have (b) were (c) losing (d) dying (e) find (f) enjoy (g) prefer (h) taken (i) considered (j) bound/compelled
10. (a) delight (b) associations (c) countries (d) exchange (e) advertising (f) through (g) telecast (h) live (i) result (j) watch
Set-8: 9. (a) contribution (b) promotion (c) prestigious (d) divided (e) instituted (f) invented (g) educated (h) famous (i) huge (j) treated.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Many events of (a) — importance took place during the last century. Significant advances were made in the (b) — of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) — independence. The movement for democracy become (d) — in many parts of the world. Two world wars (e) — out in this century. It also witnessed the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (f) — as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. The Vietnam war and the gulf war killed (g) — of innocent people. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an (h) — nation was a momentous event. After a bloody (i) — of nine months, Bangladesh was born. Now we hold our heads (j) — in the comity of nations.
10. (a) most (b) fields (c) got (d) popular (e) broke (f) destroyed (g) a lot (h) independent (i) war (j) high/together
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammartical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
discuss go happy gossip cook
neighbour experience use bother visit
please household chores trouble
Mrs. Zaman is a housewife. She loves (a) — . She lives in an apartment block. There are seven more families in the building. She has an (b) — cook. So does not have to do any (c) — . Almost everyday around eleven O’clock she (d) — to visit one of her (e) — in the apartments mostly to gossip. Most of the housewives she (f) — do not have much domestic help and they (g) — this time to cook, clean or do other household (h) — . But Mrs. Zaman does not seem to be (i) — . She does not mind (j) — the personal matters of one family with another.
Answer to the Question
Set-8: 10. (a) most (b) fields (c) got (d) popular (e) broke (f) destroyed (g) a lot (h) independent (i) war (j) high/together.
Set-9: 9. (a) gossiping (b) experienced/ efficient (c) cooking (d) goes (e) neighbours (f) visits (g) use (h) chores (i) bothered (j) discussing.
discuss go happy gossip cook
neighbour experience use bother visit
please household chores trouble
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
A large number of people (a) — English all over the world. Some people use it as a (b) — language and some people take it as a (c) — language. Many international (d) — now depend on English to (e) — with offices in different countries. Their advertisements published in different (f) — are always in (g) —. They also want people who possess a good (h) — knowledge of English. People seeking employment (i) — expect to get good jobs without (j) — English.
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
present even television common BTV
division treated material promote fame
Television has become the most (a) — and most wide spread (b) — of entertainment of the (c) — world. A wide range of programmes of varied (d) — is telecast on (e) — channels. Almost every middle class and (f) — working class families have a (g) — set today. Television programmes are not only entertaining, they can be highly (h) — too. For example, television is used for (i) — learning. Courses run by the Open University are shown on (j) — by them.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Amin is a young man of 20 years. His parents were very poor. They could not provide his educational (a) —. Amin passed the SSC Examination. He thought that he (b) — not be able to continue his studies. He thought that he would get (c) — in poultry and cultivation of fish. He got himself admitted into Youth Development Training Center and after (d) — training he (e) — an amount of money from a bank. He (f) — a poultry farm. He was (g) — profits. Then he started fish cultivation (h) — brought huge (i) — for him. He is no more an (j) — man rather he can provide people with work.
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
drive without traffic conscious occur
be frequent many through easily
know move go come
It (a) — difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of (b) — here. Drivers change lanes (c) —. As a foreigner you may find lane changing (d) — signal quite distressing. Even drivers (e) — defying rules. Many people are not at all (f) — about traffic signals. They go around not (g) — what may happen to them if accident (h) — Rikshaw and baby-taxis (i) — in and out in a zigzag course and try to push (j) — whenever they find some space.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Bangladesh is a country (a) — an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. It is (b) — with more than 12 million people. About one thousand people (c) — per square kilometre. So it is, a (d) — populated country. The growth rate is very (e) — which must be (f) — immediately. If this rate (g) — on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h) — a great problem. So every one should (i) — forward to (j) — public consciousness.
Answer to the question:
Set-9:10. (a) use/speak (b) first (c) second (d) organisations (e) communicate (f) newspapers (g) English (h) command of (i) can not (j) knowing.
Set-10: 9. (a) common (b) source (c) present
(d) interest (e) numerous (f) even (g) television
(h) educative (i) distance (j) BTV.
10. (a) expenses (b) would (c) involved
(d) receiving (e) got (f) started (g) getting
(h) which (i) profit (j) unemployed.
Set-11: 9. (a) is (b) driving (c) frequently
(d) without (e) go (f) conscious (g) knowing
(h) occurs (i) move (j) through.
10. (a) with/having (b) populated (c) live
(d) densely (e) high (f) controlled (g) goes (h) face (i) come (j) create.

Vocabulary Test অংশ-৯
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্রের part-B (vocabulary test) অর্থাৎ ৯ ও ১০ নম্বর প্রশ্ন নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
warming cut rise anticipation habitats
increase extinction recklessly severe imperative
particularly catastrophe provide alarming
The destruction of forests and other (a) — is causing the (b) — of various plants and animals everyday. In the last 25 years alone the world has lost one-third of its natural wealth. Forests are being (c) — down. Moreover, they are being burnt (d) — resulting in an (e) — in carbon dioxide and ultimately the water level is (f) — as a consequence of global (g) —. It is (h) — that the new century will face an overwhelming environments (i) —. It is therefore (j) — to check the reckless pollution of the environment.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
For international communication a common language is (a) —. There are many (b) — for which English has achieved the (c) — of being that language. Now English has (d) — the national borders to (e) — people who speak other languages. It is no longer the (f) — possession of British or American or other native speakers, but a language that belongs to (g) — people. This phenomenon has led to a (h) — variety of English around the world. As more and more people speak English, more and more varieties have (i) — which are strongly (j) — by the pronunciation, grammar and idioms of the respective mother tongues.
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary).
mail operation nature between computer
distribute know individual base electronic
terminal difference communication
Electronic mail, popularly (a) — as ‘e-mail’ is the communication of textual messages via (b) — means. Although telex (c) — is also electronic in (d) — there are differences (e) — a telex and ‘e- mail’. While telex communication is (f) — to terminal, electronic mail communication is user to user via the (g) —. In telex, messages destined to a number of users are sent to the same terminal from where it is (h) — in a printed form by an operator. On the other hand, e-mail is delivered to (i) — electronic mail boxes (j) — in computers.
Answer to the question
Set-12: 9. (a) habitats (b) extinction (c) cut (d) recklessly (e) increase (f) rising (g) warning (h) anticipated (i) catastrophe (j) imperative.
10. (a) essential (b) reasons (c) status (d) crossed (e) reach (f) personal (g) world (h) great (i) appeared (j) influenced.
Set-13: 9. (a) known (b) electronic (c) communication (d) nature (e) between (f) terminal (g) computer (h) distributed (i) individual (j) based.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Atom bomb was first (a) — on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the World War II. When the first bomb (b) —, the world knew for the first time that man (c) — at long last been in possession of a force (d) — in all respects. The atom bomb (e) —. But alas ! the superhuman energy has been (f) — against mankind. One single bomb (g) — the (h) — town Hiroshima and another bomb Nagasaki. There had (i) — many children, women and patients not (j) — in the problems of the war.
9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box (make any grammatical changes if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.
embrace introduce noticing introduction remain
makes friend reputation noticeable make
keep usual interpreted control
The British have (a) — for (b) — their emotions private. Some obvious things are (c) — in British behaviour. For example, on public transport one passenger does not (d) — talk to another passenger. On meeting, people do not (e) — and often simply shake hands on a first (f) — . In theatres, concert halls and cinemas audiences (g) — quiet during performances. None of these behaviour traits should be (h) — as unfriendliness. If a visitor (i) — the first move to start a conversation, he will find a British citizen rather (j) —.
10. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap.
Student life is a life of (a) — for future struggle. To make him (b) — for the struggle, education is necessary. So the first and foremost duty of a student (c) — to prosecute his studies well. He who (d) — his lessons regularly (e) — well in the examination. On the (f) — the student who wastes his time cuts a (g) — figure. It should be (h) — in mind that none can get back the (i) — time. If the students neglect their studies, they will suffer in the (j) — run.
Answer to the question
Set-13: 10. (a) dropped (b) exploded (c) had (d) terrible (e) exploded (f) used (g) wiped (h) nice (i) been (j) involved.
Set-14: 9. (a) reputation (b) keeping (c) noticed/noticeable (d) usually (e) embrace (f) introduction (g) remain (h) interpreted (i) makes (j) friendly.
10. (a) preparation (b) fit (c) is (d) prepare (e) does (f) country (g) poor (h) kept (i) lost (j) long.
filled dangerously escape destroy
curse civilian tragic confined
innocent led suffer brutally
War is a (a) — for human civilization. In ancient time, war was (b) — only to the warriors. But at present all people both (c) — and military have to (d) — the curse of it. Nobody can (e) — from the bombers of the enemy. Rich cities, fields (f) — with green corns and beautiful places (g) — to ruins. Even the (h) — citizens have to die a (i) — death. Men, women, children and all are (j) — killed without any reason.
administration property has when
established speak to interfere
certain certainly have vote
A Citizen has (a) — rights and privileges. For example he (b) — a right to security of life and (c) — and protection of law (d) — necessary. The state is bound to give him such protection. He has right to (e) — as he pleases and the state should not (f) — with his freedom of speech. But he must not say anything that goes against the (g) — law of his land. He (h) — a natural right (i) — take a hand in the (j) — of the affairs of his country.
opportunities individual refine choices
process sensibility learning mind out
look purpose business obstacles
Education is the (a) — by which we develop our mind through a formal (b) — at an institution like a school, college or university. It is a mental and intellectual training which provides (c) — of growth and helps to overcome (d) — to progress. Again the (e) — of education is to enlighten the (f) — and develop his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the (g) — of education to train individuals to make the right (h) — to go ahead. It ennobles our mind and refines our (i) — . it also broadens our (j) —.
ontact quick important think
seen common available save
cities essential status affected
Communication system is very (a) — for a country. In the developed countries, it is so (b) —. So, they can (c) — with one another easily. But in our country, the (d) — people don’t get this scope. Now, many of us specially in the (e) — use mobile phone. Even the young generation is also (f) — to have this. It is not so (g) — for them. It is now a matter of (h) — also. But we are to (i) — of it positively at first. The babies become (j) — by the use of mobile phone.
source carry germs free
causes being arsenic contains
affects found water containing
Many people in Bangladesh are (a) — affected by arsenic now. Tubewell water (b) — arsenic (c) — arsenicosis. One should drink water from a (d) — that (e) — no arsenic. Arsenic patients do not (f) — the germs of arsenic rather the (g) — can only be (h) — in the (i) — contaminated with arsenic. So we should always drink water (j) — from arsenic.
victim who laws deserve
adulterate eating executed adulteration
need preparing miseries after
Everybody knows that food (a) — is a crime. (b) — food is poisonous and it causes fatal diseases. People (c) — this kind of poisonous food fall a (d) — to liver diseases, cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen (e) — are unscrupulous and running (f) — money only do this heinous work. They thrive on the (g) — of others. They (h) — severe punishment. The Govt. has taken certain steps against adulteration and enacted (i) — to punish the food adulterators. We appreciate such steps of the Govt. and expect that the laws will be (j) — properly in the interest of the nation.
সঠিক উত্তর : Cloze test with clues
1. a) getting b) habit c) essential d) various e) refreshes f) Oxygen g) atmosphere h) nature i) these j) cheerful.
2. a) safe b) against c) acid d) serious e) responsible f) strict g) hopes h) take i) save j) depends.
3. a) curse b) confined c) civilian d) suffer e) escape f) filled g) led h) innocent i) tragic j) brutally.
4. a) certain b) has c) property d) when e) speak f) interfere g) established h) has i) to j) administration.
5. a) process b) learning c) opportunities d) obstacles e) business f) individual g) purpose h) choices i) sensibility j) out look
6. a) essential b) quick c) contact d) common e) cities f) seen g) important h) status i) think j) affected.
7. a) being b) containing c) causes d) source e) contains f) carry g) germs h) found i) water j) free.
8. a) adulteration b) adulterate c) eating d) victim e) who f) after g) miseries h) deserve i) laws j) executed . 

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