General Rules of Preposition

Probable rules of preposition for JSC,SSC, HSC Examination
hvZvqvZ ev Mgbv‡_©
(hvb evnb Øviv)
I shall travel ---road.(Avwg moKc‡_ ågb Kie|)
We made a nice journey----boat.  (Avgiv ‡bŠKvq my›`i ågb K‡iwQjvg)
We entered ----- the back door.(‡m wcQ‡bi `iRv w`‡q cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj|)
Tareq is going to Sylhet--------bus.(ZvwiK ev‡m wm‡jU hvB‡Z‡Q|)
KvQvKvwQ wbw`ó mg‡qi c~‡e©
I can finish the work----next Monday.
(Avwg †mvmev‡ii g‡a¨ KvRwU †kl Ki‡Z cvwi|)
I will ring you-----4 pm.(Avwg †Zvgv‡K PviUv bvMv` †dvb Kie|)
I will reach there ---the evening.(Avwg mܨvi c~‡e©B †mLv‡b †cŠ‡Q hve|)
†Kvb e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i cv‡k/wbK‡U
The house is situated ----the railway.
(‡ijjvB‡bi cv‡kB evwowU Aew¯’Z|)
Come and sit----me.(Avgvi cv‡k G‡m em|)
You may pay-------cheque. (Zzwg †P‡Ki gva¨‡g cwi‡kva Ki‡Z cvi|)
He achieved success-----determination.
(‡m `„p cÖwZÁvi gva¨‡g mvdj¨ jvf K‡iwQj|)
A man is known----the company he keeps.
(GKRb gvbyl Zvi m½x †`‡L †Pbv hvq|)
It is 6 am-----my watch. (Avgvi Nwo Abymv‡i GLb QqUv ev‡R|)
The room is six feet------4 feet.(K¶wUi ‰`N© 6 dzU Ges cÖ¯’ 4 dzU)
†Kvb e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i cv‡k
He sat --------- me.  (†m Avgvi cv‡k e‡m wQj|)
 KviI m¤ú©‡K Rvbv‡Z
He is a German ---birth.(‡m Rb¥m~‡Î GKRb Rvgv©b|)
Rumi is Muslim---religion.( ag©m~‡Î wiwg gymjgvb|)
cÖwZÁv Kiv
I swear---you that I must do it.
 (‡Zvgvi bv‡g Avwg kc_ K‡i ejwQ Avwg Aek¨B GUv Kie|)
I shall help you-----Allah.(Avj­vni bv‡g kc_ K‡i ejwQ Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie|)
Kv‡Ri aviv
He is a politician-------------profession. (‡m †ckvq GKRb ivRbxwZwe`)
They are improving day---day.(‡m¸‡jv w`bw`b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Q|)
Mr Alam was died----accident.(Rbve Avjg `yN©Ubvq gviv wM‡qwQj|)
Lay by something ----the future.(fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ mÂq Ki|)
†Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘ AwZµg Kiv
They passed---the forest.(Zviv e‡bi avi w`‡q AwZµg K‡iwQj|)
A½cÖZ¨½ wb‡`©‡k
She took me-----the hand.(‡m Avgvi nvZ a‡i †djj|)

Switch the fan ---.(d¨vbwU eÜ Ki|)Turn the radio------.(‡iwWIwU eÜ Ki|)
Be ---from me.(GLb †_‡K `~i nI|)
My sister is –smoking.(Avgvi †evb aygcvbwe‡ivax)

‡Z/i  cÖKvk Ki‡Z
We go ----------- mosque. (Avgiv gmwR‡` hvB|)
I have ---study now.(Avgv‡K GLb covïbv Ki‡Z n‡e|)
My mother is very kind ------me.(Avgvi gv Avgvi cÖwZ Lye `qvjy)
It is our duty ------obey our parents.(evevgv‡K gvb¨ Kiv Avgv‡`i KZ©e¨|)
The school is adjacent ---our residence.(¯‹zjwU Avgv‡`i evm¯’v‡bi wbK‡U|)
His house is adjacent ---his office.(evwowU Zvi Awd‡mi mv‡_)
I owe---my teachers for my success.(Avgvi mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ Avgvi wk¶‡`i Kv‡Q Sbx)
He was walking ---the river.(‡m b`xi w`‡K hvB‡ZwQj|)
They are going ----the market.(Zviv evRv‡ii w`‡K hvB‡ZwQj|)
What is she ---you?(‡m †Zvgvi wK nq?)
They are brothers ---each other.(Zviv G‡K Ac‡ii fvB|)

The soldiers fought---the last.(‰mwb‡Kiv †kl ch©šÍ jovB K‡iwQj|)
The garden extends---the river bank.(evMvbwU b`xi Zxi ch©šÍ ewa©Z Kiv n‡qwQj|)
He works from dawn ---dusk.(‡m mKvj †_‡K mÜv ch©šÍ KvR K‡i|)
We invited him---the party.(Avgiv Zv‡K cvwU©‡Z Avgš¿Y Rvwb‡qwQjvg|)
The theif was beaten---death.(‡PviwU‡K wcwU‡q gviv n‡qwQj|)
The dying patient was brought back----life.
(kvwqZ †ivMwU Zvi Rxeb wd‡i †c‡qwQj|)
The watch is -----my liking.(NwowU Avgvi cQ‡›`i|)
The dish is not ---his taste.(LveviwU Zvi ¯^v‡`i g‡Zv bq|)
Count from 8----10 (8 †_‡K 10 ch©šÍ Mbbv Ki|)
Death is preferable –dishonour.(A¯§vb A‡c¶v g„Zz¨ †kªq|)
Nwoi mgq Kg †eSv‡Z
It is ten minutes----ten.(`kUv evR‡Z `k wgwbU evwK|)
‡Kvb GKUv c~Y© Ae¯’v
There are seven days---the week.(mvZw`‡b GK mßvn)
e¨w³i/e¯‘i ¯§„wZi D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤§v‡b
The book is dedicated---my mother.
 (eBwU Avgvi gv‡K DrmM© Kiv n‡q‡Q|)

Where are you coming ------?(Zzwg †Kv_v †_‡K G‡m‡Qv?)
We should refrain --------smoking.(Avgv‡`i aygcvb †_‡K `~‡i _vKv DwPZ|)

She has been singing here---------2005.(‡m 2005 mvj †_‡K Mvb MvB‡Z‡Q|)
You should not deviate------the truth.(‡Zvgvi mZ¨ †_‡K `~‡i _vKv DwPZ bq|)
My brother has been living here-----1947.
(Avgvi fvB 1947 mvj †_‡K GLv‡b evm Kwi‡Z‡Q|)
The man is died -----over eating.(‡jvKwU AwZwi³ †L‡q gviv wM‡q‡Q|)
Keep aloof------bad boys.(Lvivc evjK‡`i †_‡K `~‡i _vK|)

Butter is made ----milk.(gvLb `ya †_‡K ˆZwi|)
We get inspiration---our great men.
(Avgiv Avgv‡`i weL¨vZ gvbyl †_‡K Aby‡cÖiYv cvB|)
Sarifa is suffering ---fever.(kwidv R¡‡i AvµvšÍ|)

Øviv ev w`‡q
Give me a pen to write-----.(Avgv‡K wjLvi Rb¨ GKUv Kjg `vI|)
Here is a pen to write-------.(GLv‡b †jLvi Rb¨ GKwU Kjg|)
I have a pen to write--------.( Avgvi †jLvi Rb¨ GKwU Kjg Av‡Q|)

He failed to cope----the new environment.(‡m bZzb cwi‡e‡ki mv‡_ _vc LvBqv‡Z e¨_©|)
She is living ------his aunt.(‡m Zvi PvPxi mv‡_ _v‡K|)
I cannot comply ---your request.(Avwg †Zvgvi Aby‡iva i¶v Ki‡Z cviwQ bv|)
His opinion coincided ---me.(Zvi g‡Zi mv‡_ Avgvi wgj Av‡Q|)
I will not compete ---you for the post.
 (Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ GB c‡` cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq Dchy³ bq|)
I am acquainted ----him.(Avgvi mv‡_ Zvi cwiPq Av‡Q|)
I shall communicate ---my mother on the matter.(Avwg G e¨vcv‡i gv‡qi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Kie|)
They were amazed---the news.(Zviv msev`wU wb‡q wew¯§Z nj|)
The teacher deals –the subjects vividly.(wk¶K welqwU wb‡q e¨vcKfv‡e Av‡jvPbv Kij|)
The function began -the national anthem.(AbyôvbwU RvZxq cZvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi gva¨‡g ïi“ n‡jv|)
I hope you will cooperate ---me in this matter.
(Avwg Avkv Kwi GB &e¨vcv‡i Zzwg Avgv‡K mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡e|)
Don’t abide---a criminal.(Lvivc †jv‡Ki mv‡_ emevm Ki bv|)
I am vexed ----your conduct.(Avgvi †Zvgvi e¨env‡i wei³|)
The student is busy-----his desk.(QvÎwU Zvi †Uwe‡j e¨¯Í|)
The machine runs---electricity.(‡gwkbwU we`y¨‡Z P‡j|)
-----all their falsehood I forgive them.(Zv‡`i wg_¨vPvi m‡ËI Avwg Zv‡`i ¶gv K‡iwQjvg|)

Kv‡iv cÖwZ ev Dc‡i
Mr Matin is not happy---his job.(Rbve gwZb Zvi PvKzwi‡Z Lywk wQj bv|)
Mr Rahman is popular---the students.(Rbve ingvb Zvi QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i wbKU RbwcÖq|)
He is angry ---his younger brother.(‡m Zvi †QvU fvB‡qi cÖwZ wei³|)
I am familiar---him.(Avgvi mv‡_ cwiPq Av‡Q|)
I am content---what I have.(Avwg mš‘ó Avgvi hv Av‡Q|)
Kv‡Ri fve
He deals ---rice.                He deals ---vegetables.
(‡m Pv‡ji e¨emv K‡i|)           (†m kvKmewRi e¨emv K‡i|)
Do you have any money---you?(‡Zvgvi mv‡_ †Kvb UvKv Av‡Q|)
Nazrul can be compared –Shelly.(bRi“j‡K †kwji mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|)
The Padma abounds----fish.(cÙvq cÖPzi cwigv‡b gvQ _v‡K|)
g‡Zi wgj/Awgj
I agree ---your proposal.(Avwg †Zvgvi cÖ¯Ív‡ei mv‡_ GKgZ|)
Man should be satisfied ----what he has.(gvby‡li hv Av‡Q Zv wb‡q mš‘yó _vKv DwPZ|)
I am content----his behaviour.(Avwg Zvi e¨env‡i Lye mš‘ó|)
I am satisfied ---his result.(Avwg Zvi djvd‡j Lye mš‘ó|)
I am delighted-----his behaviour.(Avwg Zvi e¨env‡i Avbw›`Z|)
He is pleased ---me.(‡m Avgvi cÖwZ Lywk|)
I am dissatisfied----his behaviour.(Avwg Zvi e¨env‡i Amš‘ó|)
I am disgusted----his behaviour. .(Avwg Zvi e¨env‡i wei³)
The Headmaster is popular ---both teachers and students.
(cÖavb wk¶K QvÎ-QvÎx Ges wk¶K‡`i Kv‡Q LyeB RbwcÖq |)
e¯‘ Øviv
The hunter shot the bird----a gun.(wkKvix e›`yK w`‡q cvwLwU‡K ¸wj K‡iwQj|)
He killed a snake-----a stick.(‡m GKwU jvwV w`‡q GKwU mvc †g‡iwQj|)
f‡q,iv‡M,`ye©jZvq/VvÛvq ‡K‡c DVv
The child was trembling ---fear.(wkïwU f‡q Kvcu‡ZwQj|)
c‚ib Kiv
The bottle is filled ---water.(‡evZjwU cvwb‡Z cwic~Y©|)


eyS‡Z cviv
I can not make –what you say.(Zzwg hv ej Avwg eyS‡Z cvwi bv|)
wb‡q Avmv
Computer has brought ----a great change.
(Kw¤úDUvi eo ai‡bi cwieZ©b G‡b w`‡q‡Q|)
‡d‡U cov
He burst -----laughing at my joke.(‡m Avgv‡K †KŠZz‡K †n‡m †d‡U c‡owQj|)


e¨cK ev Awbw`ó mg‡qi
I am going away---a few days.(Avwg K‡qKw`‡bi R‡b¨ evB‡i hvw”Q|)
cÖZ¨vkv Kiv
We hope –better result.(Avgiv fvj djvd‡ji cÖZ¨vkv Kwi|)
‡Kvb e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i R‡b¨
There is a letter ---you.(GBwU †Zvgvi GKwU wPwV|)
The girl has a great aptitude –music.(evwjKvwUi m½x‡Zi cÖwZ †evS Av‡Q|)
He acted----me.(‡m Avgvi cwie‡Z© KvRwU K‡iwQj|)
g‡b Kiv
A greedy man is eager—riches.(GKRb †jvfx e¨vw³ m¤ú‡`i R‡b¨ jvjvwqZ|)
mvnvh¨ A‡_©
What can I do ---you?(Avwg †Zvgvi R‡b¨ wK Ki‡Z cvwi?)
D‡Ï‡k¨ ev KvR wb‡`©‡k
What did you do that ----?(Zzwg HUvi Rb¨ wK Ki‡Z cvi|)
He is learning English----his work.(‡m Zvi Kv‡Ri R‡b¨ Bs‡iwR wkL‡Q|)
KviY wb‡`©‡k
I am responsible ---this.(Avwg Bnvi R‡b¨ `vqx|)
MšÍe¨ ¯’v‡bi w`‡K Mgb
This ship is ----Singapore.           I am leaving ---home.
(GB RvnvRwU wmsMvcy‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv Ki‡e|)(Avwg evwoi D‡Ïk¨ iIbv w`‡qwQ|)
Are you ---or against the proposal. (Zzwg wK Avgvi cÖ¯Ív‡ei c‡¶ bv wec‡¶|)
†Kvb wKQyi wewbg‡q/g~j¨
I bought this book---20 taka.(Avwg 20 UvKv w`‡q eBwU µq K‡iwQ|)
You will get a coupon ---every 200 taka you pay.
(Zzwg 200 UvKvi wewbg‡q GKwU Kzcb cv‡e|)
The baby is crying ---food.(wkïwU Lvev‡ii R‡b¨ Kvbœv Ki‡Q|)
I walked ----three kilometers.(Avwg wZb gvBj c_ AwZµg K‡iwQjvg|)
The road has gone on ----kilometers and kilometers.
(iv¯ÍvwU wK‡jvwgUv‡ii ci wK‡jvwgUvi P‡j †M‡Q|)
You said that you would love me-----ever.
(Zzwg e‡jwQj †h Zzwg Avgv‡K wPiw`b fvjevm‡e|)
He has gone to Khulna ----three days. (‡m wZb w`‡bi R‡b¨ Lyjbv wM‡q‡Q|)
He is fit ---the post.(‡m c`wUi R‡b¨ Dchy³|)
‡`‡ki Rb¨ gviv hvIqv
They died----the country.(‡m †`‡ki R‡b¨ gviv wM‡qwQj|)
We hope ---better result.(Avgiv fvj djvd‡ji cÖZ¨vkv Kwi|
cÖ¯ÍZ _vKv
We ready ----the work.(Avgiv KvRwU Ki‡Z cÖ¯‘Z|)
The child is tall—his age.(evwjKvwU eq‡mi Zzjbvq j¤^v|)
Halima is tall ---her age.(nvwjgv Zvi eq‡mi Zzjbvq j¤^v|)
The train left ----Khulna.(‡UªbwU Lyjbvi D‡Ï‡k¨ Z¨vM K‡iwQj|)
I have been reading this book ---three hours.
(Avwg wZb N›Uv a‡i GB eBwU cowQ|)
Kv‡iv c‡¶
I won’t speak ---you.(Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ K_v eje bv|)

eyS‡Z cviv
I cannot call ---his name. (Avwg Zvi bvgwU g‡b Ki‡Z cviwQ bv|)
Z¨vM Kiv
You must give---your bad habit.
(‡Zvgv‡K Aek¨B †Zvgvi Lvivc Af¨vm Z¨vM Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Give ---your bad habits. .(‡Zvgvi Lvivc Af¨vm Z¨vM Ki|)
‡kl nIqv
Our school breaks ----at 5:30 p.m.(Avgv‡`i ¯‹zj mv‡o cvPuUvq †kl nq|)
He gets ---early in the morning.(‡m mKv‡j D‡V|)

               Uses of against 

One should defend oneself---evil temptations.
(cÖ‡Z‡Ki DwPZ Zvi Lvivc †Svc †_‡K wb‡R‡K `y‡i ivLv|)
I pleaded----his conduct.(Avwg e¨env‡i cÖwZkÖ“wZe×)
I have no claim---Kamal.(Kvgv‡ji cÖwZ Avgvi Awf‡hvM †bB|)
The workers rebelled ---the mill owner.
(kªwg‡Kiv wgj gvwj‡Ki wei“‡× we‡`ªvn K‡iwQj|)
I have antipathy ----him.(Zvi wei“‡× Avgvi ‡¶vf †bB|)
He brought a charge----me.(‡m Avgvi wei“‡× Awf‡hvM K‡iwQj|)
He is ---all corruptions.(‡m me `ybxwZi wei“‡×)
I complained ---the criminal.(Avwg †`vlx‡`i wei“‡× Awf‡hvM K‡iwQjvg|)
‡Vm †`Iqv
Don’t lean----the wall.(‡`qvj †N‡m `vwoI bv|)
He kept the sack---the wall.(‡m e¯ÍvwU †`qvj †N‡m ivLj|)
Everyone should store something—the rainy day.
(cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki `y©w`‡b wKQy mòq K‡i ivLv DwPZ|)
Seventy students passed ----eighty.(Avwk Rb Qv‡Îi g‡a¨ mËi Rb DËxY© n‡qwQj|)
Stealing is -----the law.(Pzwi Kiv †eAvBbx|)
Don’t try to swim ---the current.(‡mªv‡Zi cÖwZK~‡j mvZvi w`‡qv bv|)



‡Kvb wKQyi evB‡i
Nobody will go---the enclosure of the garden.
(evMv‡bi cÖvPx‡ii evB‡i †Kn hv‡e bv|)
bvMv‡ji evB‡i/Qvwo‡q
The matter was---imagination. (e¨vcviwU wQj Kíbvi evB‡i|)
wbw`©ó mg‡qi c‡i
You should not come to the office---10 oclock.
(`kUvi c‡i †Zvgvi Awd‡m Avmv DwPZ n‡e bv|)
He gets nothing ----it.(‡m †eZ‡bi evB‡i wKQyB cvq bv)

uses of throguh 
wfZi w`‡q
They went home ---the forest.(Zviv e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q P‡j †Mj|)
cvk w`‡q
Buriganga flows---Dhaka city.(eywoM½&v XvKv kn‡ii g‡a¨ cÖevwnZ n‡q‡Q|)
He came here---much hardship.(‡m K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g GBLv‡b G‡m‡Q|)
I know it----the newspaper.(Avwg GUv msev`c‡Îi gva¨‡g GUv †R‡bwQ|)
He got established---much struggle.(‡m K‡Vvi msMÖv‡gi g‡a¨ w`‡q cÖwZwôZ|)
It shall be on tour from Sunday---Friday.
(Avwg iweevi †_‡K kµevi ch©šÍ åg‡b _vKe|)
She got the prize---hard labour.(‡m K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQj|)

Uses of In

I will come home ---April.(Avwg GwcÖj gv‡m Avme|)
eQi/ hyM
He was born-----1996.(‡m 1996 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQj|)
It happened in the early centuries.(Bnv GB kZvwãi ïiy‡ZB N‡UwQj|)
mKvj,`yci, we‡Kj
I get up early---the morning.(Avwg mKv‡j DwV|)
He is ---the room now.(‡m GLb i“‡gi wfZi|)
He sleeps---the building.(‡m fe‡b Nygvq|)
eo kni,bMi
He lives---Khulna.(‡m Lyjbvq evm K‡i|)
Jute grows well ----Bangladesh.(evsjv‡`‡k cvU fvj R‡b¥|)
mxgv Øviv Ave×
The farmers work—the garden.(K…l‡Kiv evMv‡b KvR K‡i|)
We read---English.(Avgiv Bs‡iwR‡Z cwo,|) Say it ---English.(Bnv Bs‡iwR‡Z ej|)
SZzi bvg
I shall go to Chittagong---summer vacation.(Avwg MÖx‡¯§i QywU‡Z PUªMÖvg hve|)
He was ---Army.(‡m †mbvevwnbx‡Z PvKzix K‡i|)
I will succeed ---doing the work.(Avwg KvRwU K‡i mdj ne|)
‡cbwmj,Kvwj, PK w`‡q †jLv
I have written it---ink.(Avwg Kvwj w`‡q wj‡LwQ|)
She wrote ---Pencil.(‡m †cbwmj w`‡q wj‡LwQj|)
We believe---God.(Avgiv &Ck¦i‡K wek¦vm Kwi|)
The man was dressed ---black shirt.(‡jvKwUi Kv‡jv kvU© cwiwnZ wQj|)
She came here ---the disguise.(‡m QÙ‡e‡k GLv‡b G‡mwQj|)
She is absorbed ---the lesson.(‡m cv‡V g‡bvwb‡ek  Av‡Q|)
e¨_© nIqv
All his efforts resulted----failure.(Zvi me Avkv e¨_©Zvq cwiYZ nj|)
Our country is ---danger now.(Avgv‡`i †`k GLb ûgwKi gy‡L|)


It is a chain---gold.(GB †PbwU ¯^‡Y©i ˆZwi|)
This is a dress ---blue silk.(GB kvoxwU bxj wmé e‡Y©i)
This pen is ---my sister.(GB KjgwU Avgvi †ev‡bi)
The boy came ---a rich family.(evjKwU abx cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
The young boy died ---cholera.(Zi“b evjKwU K‡jivq gviv wM‡q‡Q|)
I am thinking  ---the matter.(Avwg welqwU wb‡q Dw`Mœ|)
He is lack ---money.(Zvi UvKv cqmvi Afve|)
He know everything ---this.(‡m GB e¨vcv‡i mewKQy Rv‡b|)

‡QvU wbw`ó Kg ¸iZ¡c~Y© ¯’vb
He lives ---Sathkira.(‡m mvZw¶ivq evm K‡i|)
wbw`©ó mgq
He will come -----5 p.m.(‡m cvPuUvq g‡a¨ Avm‡e|)
Rice sells ---50 per kg.(Pvj 50 UvKv †KwR‡Z wewµ nq|)
The train is running ---seventy miles per hour.
(‡UªbwU cÖwZ N›Uvq mËi wK‡jvwgUvi †e‡M P‡j|)
You must repair it---your own cost.
(‡Zvgv‡K Aek¨B †Zvgvi wb‡Ri UvKv w`‡q †givgZ Ki‡Z n‡e|)
The car runs ---50 kilometres per hour.(KviwU cÖwZ N›Uvq 50 wK‡jvwgUvi †e‡M P‡j|)
we`ª“c, gyL
†fsPv‡bv, ZvKv‡bv
He looks ---the picture.(‡m QwewUi w`‡K ZvwK‡q Av‡Q|)
Don’t jeer---the lame man.(‡Lvovu †jvK‡`i wb‡q nvwm we`ª“c K‡iv bv|)
‡Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯Í †h ¯’v‡b Av‡Q
He is ---work now.(‡m GLb K‡g© Av‡Q|)
‡Kvb wKQy †h mg‡q N‡U
He came here ----5:30 p.m.(‡m mv‡o cvPuUvq G‡mwQj|)
‡Kvb eq‡m hv wKQy m¤úv`b K‡i
Mr Rahman got married----27.
(Rbve ingvb 27 eQi eq‡m weevn K‡iwQj|)
‡h ¯’v‡b Kg© /PvKzix K‡i
He has been serving as a teacher—M.M School.
(‡m Gg.Gg, ¯‹z‡j wk¶K wn‡m‡e PvKzwi Kwi‡Z‡Qb|)
‡h covïbv K‡i
He study --------Dhaka University.(‡m XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q covïbv K‡i|)
He aims ----the tiger.(Zvi j¶¨ GKwU ev‡Ni w`‡K|)
‡Kvb gyn©y‡Z Dcw¯’Z _vKv
Mr Alam will be present ---the conference.
(Rbve Avjg GKwU m‡¤§j‡b Dcw¯’Z n‡e|)
The dog is running –me.(KzKziwU Avgvi w`‡K †`ŠovB‡Z‡Q|)
QywUi mgq
He will come to our home---Eid.
(‡m Avgv‡`i evwo‡Z C‡`i mgq Dcw¯’Z n‡e|)
iv‡Zi fvM ev Ask
I heard a sound -----midnight.(Avwg ga¨iv‡Z GKwU kã ï‡bwQjvg|)


msL¨vq †ewk
I have got ---70% marks in English.
(Avwg Bs‡iwR‡Z kZKiv mËi b¤^i wb‡q cvk K‡iwQ|)
†Kvb e¨vw³ ¯Íi ev eq‡mi Zzjbv
He is –criticism.(‡m mgv‡jvPbvi D‡×©)
msjMœ bv n‡q Dc‡i
The sky is ---our heads.(AvKvkwU Avgv‡`i gv‡Vi Dc‡i|)
 D”Pc` ev D”Pvmb
He is –me in rank.(‡m c`gh©vq Avgvi †_‡K Dc‡i|)
mvg©‡_i /mxgvi evB‡i

`yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ fvM K‡i †`Iqv,AšÍ©fy³ nIqv,A‡bK e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ NUv,cwi‡ewóZ nIqv, †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
Divide the mangoes----the babies.(wkï‡`i g‡a¨ Avg¸‡jv fvM K‡i `vI|)
`yB‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
Divide the mangoes----the two babies. .(wkï `ywUi g‡a¨ Avg¸‡jv fvM K‡i `vI|)


AvMg‡bi Dcj¶¨
He came –the occasion of my elder’s marriage ceremony.
(‡m Avgvi eo †ev‡bi weevn Abyôv‡b G‡mwQj|)
This is fine book---grammar.(GB eBwU e¨KiY eB‡qi Dci|)
 wbw`©ó w`b ev ZvwiL
We shall start for Cox’s Bazer ---Sunday.
 (Avgiv †mvgev‡i K·evRv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv w`e|)
 Dcwi Z‡ji ms¯úk©/ †j‡M Av‡Q Ggb Ae¯’vq Dc‡i
He put the watch—the table.(‡m NwowU †Uwe‡ji Dci ivLj|)
The cow lives—grass.(Mi“ Nvm †L‡q RxebaviY K‡i|)
I can not rely ---him.(Avwg Zvi Dci wbf©i Ki‡Z cvwi bv|)
mxgvi Dc‡i
The book is –the table.(eBwU †Uwe‡ji Dci)
 Zvr¶wYK djvdj
--receiving the letter, he was very happy. (cÎwU †c‡q †m Lye Lywk nj|)
 RxweKv wbev©n/ †eu‡P _vKv
We live –food.(Avgiv Lv`¨ †L‡q evwPu)
I acted –my teacher’s advice.(Avwg wk¶‡Ki Dc‡`k ‡gvZv‡eK KvRwU K‡iwQjvg|)
I congratulated her---her success.
(Zvi †MŠiegq mvd‡j¨i R‡b¨ Avwg Zv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvwb‡qwQjvg|)


‡Kvb wKQyi bx‡P
The ball is ---the table.(ejwU †Uwe‡ji bx‡P|)
Kv‡iv Aax‡b
The post is ---government.(c`wU miKv‡ii Aax‡b|)
The application is ---consideration.(Av‡e`bwU we‡ePbvaxb|)
The case is –trial. (gvgjvwU wePivaxb|)
AwaKZi Kg
There is no employee ---16 years in this factory.
(16 eQ‡ii wb‡P †Kvb PvKzixRxwe GB KviLvbvq †bB|)
The case is ---consideration.(gvgjvwU we‡ePbvaxb)
The traveled -----disguise.(Zviv QÙ‡e‡k ågb K‡iwQj|)

cv‡k A‡_©
He sat---me.(‡m Avgvi cv‡k emj|)
AwZgvÎvq A_©
Ripa was –herself with joy.(wicv wb‡RB AwZgvÎvq Avb‡›` wQj|)

Dci †_‡K bx‡P
Salam fell ---from the tree.(mvjvg MvQ †_‡K c‡o †Mj|)
bx‡Pi Ask
He lives ---the river. (‡m b`xi fvwU‡Z _v‡K|)

`yB‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ fvM K‡i †`Iqv,AšÍ©fy³ nIqv,A‡bK e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ NUv,cwi‡ewóZ nIqv, †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
Divide the mangoes----the babies.
`yB‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
Divide the mangoes----the two babies.

He is ---60.(Zvi eqm 60 Gi Dc‡i|)
‡Kvb wKQyi Dc‡i wKš‘ ms¯ú‡k© bq
There is a wooden bridge---the mountain.
(ce©‡Zi Dci GKwU Kv‡Vi †mZz Av‡Q|)
Dci w`‡q AwZµg Kiv
A bird is flying ---the green field.
(GKwU cvwL meyR e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q Do‡Q|)
GKcvk †_‡K Av‡iK cvk
Please turn---the page.(c„ôvwU DëvI|)
‡Kvb e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i Dc‡i †Kvb wKQy ¯’vcb Kiv Ges AvswkK ev m¤ú~b©fv‡e Ave„Z Kiv
Spread a cloth –the table.
(‡Uwe‡ji Dci GKLvbv Kvco weQvI|)
 †Kvb wKQyi mgq
We will discuss the matter---breakfast.
(mKv‡ji bv¯Ívi †k‡l Avgiv welqwU wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kie|)
‡Kvb wKQyi gva¨‡g †cÖiY Kiv
He will tell me the matter ---telephone.
(‡m Avgvi mv‡_ ‡Uwj‡dv‡b Avjvc Av‡jvPbv Ki‡e|)
Aci cv‡k
He lives ---the river.(‡m b`xi Aci cv‡k© evm K‡i|)
The total family is placed—me.(cwiev‡ii mevB‡K Avgvi Øviv miv‡bv nj|)
cÖwZwU Ask
He is very popular all ---Sathkira.(‡m mvZw¶ivi cÖwZwU As‡k Lye RbwcÖq|)
‡Kvb mgq a‡i
He will be at home----Ramadan.(‡m igRv‡bi cyiv mgqwU evwo‡Z _vK‡e|)
‡Kvb wKQy wb‡q
He quarreled----a triffle matter.
‡Kvb wKQy e¨vcZ _vKv
They chatted ---a cup of tea.
(‡m GKKvc Pv‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_ Mí K‡iwQj|)
wbw`ó mg‡qi †ewk
He will stay here—Friday.(‡m kµevi ch©šÍ GLv‡b _vK‡e|)


I will tell you everything –this matter.(Avwg †Zvgv‡K G m¤ú‡©K e¨vcviwU eje|)
I know everything ---you.(Avwg †Zvgvi m¤ú‡©K mewKQy Rvwb|)
He walked----the house.(Avwg evwowUi Pvwiw`‡K nvUujvg|)
I talk to you---the business.(e¨emv wb‡q Avwg Zvi mv‡_ K_v ewj|)
He is ---to die.(‡m g„Z cÖvq|)
He came to me---going to school.(‡m ¯‹z‡j hvevi c~‡e© Avgvi Kv‡Q G‡mwQj|)
I stood----him.(‡m Avgvi m¤§y‡L G‡m `vwo‡qwQj|)
Death---dishonour.(Acgvb A‡c¶v g„Zz¨ †kªq|)
Your name came---mine in the list.(‡Zvgvi bvg ZvwjKvq Avgvi bv‡gi c~‡e© G‡mwQj|)
wbw`©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨
I must finish the work---an hour.(Avwg GK N›Uvi c~‡e© KvRwU †kl K‡iwQjvg|)
¯’v‡bi g‡a¨
My house is---a mile of the college.(Avgvi evwowU K‡jR †_‡K GK gvB‡ji g‡a¨|)
bvMv‡ji g‡a¨
The price of the book will remain—reach.(eBwUi `vg mv‡a¨i g‡a¨ _vK‡e|)


‡Kvb Kvh© Kivi c‡i
He went there ---me.(‡m Avgvi c‡i †Mj|)
wcQywcQy/wcQ‡b QyUv
The police ran---the thief.(cywjk †PviwUi wcQ‡b wcQ‡b †`Šo w`j|)
‡Kvb wKQy weivgnxbfv‡e N‡U
The warmth is increasing day---day.
 (Mig w`b w`b e„w× cv‡”Q)
 ¸iZ¡‡Zi w`K †_‡K wKsev µ‡gi w`K †_‡K †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘ AbyMvgx nIqv
He is the talent----Ripon.
(‡m wic‡bi c‡i †gavex)
†Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i bvg Abymv‡i/†gvZv‡eK
The shirt is –my choice.(RvgvwU Avgvi cQ›` Abymv‡i|)
The boy was named—his father.
(evjKwU‡K Zvi evevi †`Iqv bvg Abymv‡i WvKv nq|)
He ran----wealh.(‡m a‡bi AvKv•Lv K‡i|)
He takes –his father.(‡m †`L‡Z Zvi evevi g‡Zv|)
Day –day he went to the dogs.(w`‡bi ci w`b †m †Mvj­vq hv‡”Q|)
---all he is a good man.(‡gv‡Ui Dci †m GKRb fvj gvbyl|)


AvovAvwo fv‡e
Go –the street.(AvovAvwo fv‡e iv¯Ív cvi nI|)
ga¨ w`‡q,
He walked ---the field.(‡m Rwgi ga¨ w`‡q nvUu‡ZwQj|)
kix‡ii A‡½i Dci
He hit him----the face.(‡m gy‡Li Dci AvNvZ G‡bwQj|)
e¯‘i GK cÖvšÍ †_‡K Ab¨ cÖvšÍ ch©šÍ
There is a over bridge---the road.
(iv¯Ívi Dci GKwU cvivcv‡ii R‡b¨ eªxR Av‡Q|)
Aci cv‡k
Our school is just ---the road.(Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU iv¯Ívi GK cv‡k¦© Aew¯’Z|)


†Kvb wKQyi †fZ‡i cÖ‡ek Kiv ev Kiv‡bv / MwZkxjZv A‡_© e¨eüZ nq|
He dived ----the water.(‡m b`x‡Z Wye w`j|)
Cut the paper---pieces.(KvMRwU UzKiv UzKiv Ki|)
He went ---the classroom.(‡m †kªYxK‡¶ cÖ‡ek Kij|)

wbw`©ó cwigvb ev msL¨vq Kg
I got ---80% marks in Science.(Avwg weÁv‡b kZKiv 80% Gi bx‡P b¤^i †c‡qwQjvg|)
The post is ---my dignity.(c`wU Avgvi c`gh©v`v †_‡K bx‡P|)
A‡c¶vK…Z bx‡P
I shall write my name---this line.(GB jvB‡bi bx‡P Avgvi bvg wjLe|)
A‡c¶vK…Z Kg
Your pen is ----50 taka.(‡Zvgvi KjgwU cÂvk UvKvi bx‡P|)

The baby was standing ---me.(wkïwU Avgvi wcQ‡b `vovB‡ZwQj|)
We should not speak ill of one---one’s back.
(Avgv‡`i KviI wcQ‡b K_v ejv DwPZ bq|)
You are ---time.(Zzwg mg‡qi c‡i G‡m‡Qv)
We are ---you.(Avgiv Avcbvi wcQ‡b AvwQ|)
DbœwZi †¶‡Î wcwQ‡q cov
Ripa is far---the first girl of her class.
(wicv Zvi †kªYxi Ab¨vb¨ evwjKv †_‡K wcQ‡b Av‡Q)

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