The Art of English Sentence

                           A passage   to the Art of Writing
                                                         By-S.M. Ahsan Habib
 do/does (eZ©gvb Af¨vm ev eZ©gv‡bi wb‡qvwgZ KvR)

AvMÖnx bv
S+am/is/are+interstested in +verb+ing+
  He is interested in reading a story book
S+am/is/are+not+interstested in +verb+ing
He is not interested in playing football.
  ‡Z fq cvq
‡Z fq cvq bv
S+am/is/are+ afraid of  +verb+ing
S+am/is/are+ not +afraid of  +verb+ ing
..m¤¢veb †bB
S+am/is/are+a +possibility of +verb+ing
There is a possibility of raining tomorrow
S+am/is/are+not+a +possibility of +verb+ing
B”Qv Av‡Q/†bB
S+have/has  +intention of /no intention of +verb+ing
cQ›` Av‡Q/†bB
S+have/has +choice of/no choice of  +verb +ing
..wcÖq bv
S+am/is/are+fond of  +verb+ing
Pvwj‡q hvIqv
S+keep/keeps on +verb+ing
S+do/does not +keep on +verb+ing
Pvwj‡q hvBwb
S+kept on +verb+ing
S+did not +keep on +verb +ing
S+am/is/are+successful in +verb+ing +……
S+insists on +verb+ing
S+give/gives up+verb+ing+…
S+do/does not give up +verb+ing ….
S+ am/is/are accustomed to +verb+ ing +…

         Verb (Past form)                      
      Shall do/will +(     )
                Shall do
    am/is/are+ verb+ ing
             am/is/are doing
    was/were +verb +ing
            was/were doing
     have/has+ verb of past participle
               have/has done
      had +verb of past participle
                       had done
Ki‡Z _vwK/_vK/_v‡K
       Keep +verb+(ing)                  
                     Keep doing
Ki‡Z _vKj/_vK‡j/_vKj/jvMj
      kept +verb +ing           kept doing
Ki‡Z _vK‡ev/_vK‡e
       Shall be/will be+ verb+(ing)
              Shall be/will be doing
mgq hver KiwQ/KiQ/Ki‡Q
         have/has been +verb+ ing         for /since
        has been raining for two hours
         have been reading since morning
Kiv DwPZ
            should (  verb )
              should do
Kiv cÖ‡qvRb
           need +( verb  )
              need do
nqZ K‡i/Ki‡e
              may +(verb)
              may do
Aek¨B K‡i/Ki‡e
         must+ (verb)
            must do
nqZ Ki‡jI Ki‡Z cvv‡i
            might +verb
             might do
Ki‡Z cv‡i
          can +(verb)
         can do
Ki‡Z cviZ
       could + ( verb)
         could do
           would +(verb )
        would do
Ki‡Z n‡e
 have/has to +(verb)
have/has to do                                                                       
Kivi K_v
 am/is/ are+ supposed to +(verb)
   am/is/are supposed to do
Kivi K_v wQj
 was/were+ supposed to+ (verb)
was/were supposed to do
Ki‡Z hv‡”Q
                 am/ is/ are+ going to +(verb)
              am/is/are supposed to do
Ki‡Z hvw”Qj
              was/were+ going to +(verb)
                 was/were going to do
m¤¢eZ K‡i/Ki‡e
               am/ is/ are+ likely to +(verb)
                am/is/are likely to do
m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj
               was/ were+ likely to +(verb)
                was/were likely to do
Lye m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj/Ki‡e
             am/ is/ are+ most likely to + ( verb)
             am/is/are most likely to do
Lye m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj
            was, were+ most likely to +( verb)
            was/were most likely to do
Ki‡Z n‡”Q
              Have/has got to +(verb)
g‡b nq K‡i
              seem to +(verb)
                seems to do
 eis Kwi
              had better+ (verb)
              had better
 eis Kwi
             would rather+ (verb)
             would rather do
KiZvg/Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í wQjvg
             used to+ (verb)
             used to do
 Ki‡Z Af¨¯’
              am/get used to +(verb)+ing
  Ki‡Z Af¨¯’ n‡q c‡iwQjvg
              was/got used to +(verb)+ing
  Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í n‡q co‡ev
             will be/get used to+ (verb)+ing
  Kwibv ej‡jB P‡j
             hardly ever +(verb)
  Kiv nq
           am/is/are+ Verb Past Participle
 Kiv nj/n‡qwQj
was/were+ Verb Past Participle
 Kiv n‡e
will be/shall be+ Verb Past Participle
Kiv n‡”Q
am/is/are+ being+ Verb Past Participle
Kiv nw”Qj
was/were+ being+ Verb Past Participle
Kiv n‡q‡Q
have/has+ been+ Verb Past Participle
Kiv DwPZ
 should be +Verb Past Participle
Kiv cÖ‡qvRb
      need to be+ (verb past participle)
nqZ Kiv nh/n‡e
      may be+ (verb past participle )
Aek¨B Kiv nq/n‡e
      must be+ (verb past participle )
nqZ Kiv n‡jI n‡Z cv‡i
      might be +( verb past participle)
Kiv †h‡Z cv‡e
       can be+  (verb past participle)
Kiv †h‡Z cviZ
      could be+( verb past participle)
Kiv n‡Zv
      would be +( verb past participle)
Ki‡Z n‡e
      have to be+( verb past participle)
Kivi K_v
am/ is/ are+ supposed to be+( verb past participle)
Kivi K_v wQj
  was/ were+ supposed to be +( verb past participle)
Kiv n‡Z hv‡”Q
  am/ is/ are+ going to be+( verb past participle)
cvIqvi ci
 After having                     After +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi c~‡e©
 Before having                  before +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi wcQ‡b
 Behind having                 Behind +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi cvkvcvwk
 Beside having                 Beside  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqvi Rb¨/`iæb
 For having                       For +verb +ing
cvIqvi _vKvi ‡‡Î
 In having                         In +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
Incase of having              In case of  +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
On account of having    
                                     On account of  +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
Because of having        Because of  +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi cwie‡Z©
In spite of having           In spite of  +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi gva¨‡g
Through having             Through  +verb +ing
By having                       By  +verb +ing
_vKv wb‡q
With having                   with  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqv e¨ZxZ
Without having              without  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqv n‡Z †_‡K
From having                 from +verb +ing
_vKvi Dci
On having                     on having +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqvi e¨vcv‡i/wel‡q/m¤ú‡K©
Of/about having          of/about +verb +ing

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