Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for the ensuring examination.

Nawsin Rahman


August 23,2014

My dear father
At first take my salam. I am very glad to receive your letter and I have read it many a time and felt deeply that you are so much anxious of me. I assure you that you  need not think so much about my studies. I am preparing very well for the ensuring examination.
Well, you will be delighted to know that I have got G.P.A.-5:00   in test examination. I am sure  now you will be proud of me it I can do better in the  SSC examaination. I have completed my  revision of English, Bengali and elective subjects. Do pray that I can keep your heads high by the grace of Allah.
Covey my salam to mother and love to sony. I am eagerly waiting for your next letter. With lots of love.
Your affectionate son



Nawsin Rahman


Sarif Rahman
523,Faridpur Town hall Road,Faridpur.

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