Practice Passage Narration for SSC/HSC Examination, Narration 01-15

1.    Sakib said to his English teacher, “Sir, I want to improve my English. How can I do that? Can you help me?” “Don’t worry, I will help you.” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said Sakib. “Give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking , reading and writing,” said the teacher.(mvwKe Zvi Bs‡iRx wk¶K‡K ejj,Òm¨vi,Avwg Bs‡iRx‡Z DbœwZ Ki‡Z PvB| Avwg wKfv‡e GUv Ki‡Z cvwi?ÓAvcwb wK Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡ib? ÒwPšÍv Ki bv,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ KieÓ wk¶K ej‡jb|ÒAvcbv‡K ab¨ev`,m¨vi,Ó mvwKe ejj|Òfvlvi PviwU `¶Zv we‡kl K‡i †kvbv,ejv,cov I †jLvi Dci †Rvi w`‡e|Ó)
Answer: Sakib respectfully told his English teacher that he wanted to improve his English. He (s)then asked him how he could do that. He (s) further asked if he could help him. The teacher told him not to worry and he would help him. Sakib respectfully thanked him. The teacher advised him to give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2.    “I have missed my plane,” Tareq said to a woman, “What shall I do now?” “Go to the desk marked ‘Enquires’ ‘the woman said. ‘Flight TW 226 has left,’ the man in the inquires,’ said. But your ticket is for flight BA 179. (ÒAvwg Avgvi D‡ovRvnvR †c‡Z e¨_© n‡qwQÓ ZvwiK GK gwnjv‡K ejj, Avwg GLb wK Kie?Ó ÔAbym›avbÕ wPwüZ m&_v‡b hvIÕ gwnjvwU ejj| wegvb wU WvwewjD 226 †Q‡o †M‡Q, AbymÜvb †K‡›`ªi †jvKwU ejj| wKš‘ †Zvgvi wU‡KU n‡”Q d¬vBU we G 179 |)
Ans: Tareq told a woman that he had missed his plan. He then asked her what he should do then. The woman advised him to go to the desk marked ‘Enquiry’ The man in the Enquiry said that flight TW226 had left but his ticket was for flight BA 179.

3.    “How are you ,Today?” I said to Sumon. “I am very nervous for the coming exam,” Sumon replied. “Haven’t you taken enough preparation for this?” I said to him again. “Yes, I have but I am in a fix. Let me read now,” said Sumon. (ÒZzwg †Kgb Av‡Qv? Avwg mygb‡K ejjvg| Avwg Avmbœ cixK&Yv wb‡q wPwšÍZ AvwQ|mygb DËi w`j|Zzwg Gi Rb¨ wK h‡_ó cÖ¯ÍywZ †bqwb|Avwg Zv‡K cybivq ejjvg|Òn¨v,Avwg wb‡qwQ wKš‘ Avwg GLb nZwe¤e /wPwšÍZ eyS‡Z cviwQ bv| GLb Avgv‡K co‡Z `vI|Ó mygb ejj|)
Answer: I asked Sumon how he (S) was that day. Sumon replied that he(S) was very nervous for the coming examination. I again asked him if he (S) had not taken enough preparation for that. Sumon again replied in the affirmative that he had but he was in a fix and requested that he might read then.

4.    The Headmaster said to the boys, “Why are you late today? Remember, punctuality is essential in every walk of life. I think you will not be late on any other day. Go to your class. May Allah bless you.”  (cÖavb  wk¶K evjKwU‡K ejj,Ò †Zvgvi AvR †`ix †Kb? †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q mgqgZ Avmv DwPr| g‡b †iL, Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU ¯Í‡i mgqvbyewZ©Zv cÖ‡qvRb|Avwg g‡b Kwi Zzwg Ab¨w`b Avi †`ix Ki‡e bv|Zzwg †Zvgvi †kªYx‡Z hvI| Avwg †Zvgvi mvdj¨ Kvgbv Kwi| Avj­vn †Zvgvi g½j Kiƒb|)
Answer: The Headmaster asked the boys why they were late that day. He advised them to remember that punctuality is essential in every walk of life. He hoped that they would not be late on any other day. He then told them to go to their class. He also advised that Allah might bless them.

5.    “Don’t mix with bad boys.” My father said to me, “You should read attentively as your examination is knocking at the door.” he said, “No, I don’t keep with  any bad company. I have just asked him if he knows the date of examination.” I replied. (evev Avgv‡K ejj, ÒZzwg Lvivc †Q‡j‡`i mv‡_ wg‡kv bv|Ó Ò †Zvgvi g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ †jLvcov Kiv DwPZ †h‡nZz †Zvgvi cix¶v AwZ wbK‡U|Ó †m ejj| Òbv, Avwg Lvivc m½x‡`i mv‡_ _vwK bv| Avwg †Kej Zv‡K cix¶vi ZvwiL m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z †P‡qwQjvg|ÓAvwg DËi w`jvg|
Answer: My father advised me not to mix with bad boys. Then he told me that I should read attentively as my examination was knocking at the door. I did not agree with him and said that I did not keep with any bad company. I had just asked him if he knew the date of examination.
6.     “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I asked the boy. “We can discuss terms and conditions then”, I said. “I shall be happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much,” he replied. “I shall try my best to meet you.”  ÒZzwg wK AvMvgxKvj Avgvi evox‡Z Avm‡e?Ó Avwg evjKwU‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg| Ó Avgiv kZv©ejx I aviv¸wj wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z cvwi|Zvici Avwg ejjvg Ò‡Zvgvi evox‡Z mv¶vZ n‡j Avwg Lykx ne| ‡Zvgv‡K  A‡kl ab¨ev`Ó †m DËi w`j|Ò Avwg Avgvi h_vmva¨ †Póv Kie|
Answer: I asked the boy if he would go to my house the next day. Then I told him that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He replied that he would be very happy to meet me at my house. He also thanked me very much. He added that he would try his best to meet me.
7.    “Good Morning, Rupa,” said Sohel. “How much preparation have you taken for SSC Examination?” “A great preparation” She replied. “I must get GPA-5” “Wow, what a lucky girl!” said Sohel. “But my preparation is not so good.” (mycÖfvZ, iƒcvÓ †mv‡nj ejj| Gm,Gm,wm cix¶vi  Rb¨ Zzwg †Kgb cÖ¯‘wZ  wb‡qQ?Ó PgrKvi cÖ¯‘wZÓ †m DËi w`j| Avwg Aek¨B wR wc I-5 cve |Ó wK fvM¨eZx evwjKv! †mv‡nj ejj,Ó ÓwKš‘ Avgvi cÖ¯‘wZ fvj bv |)
Answer: Sohel wished good morning to Rupa. Then he asked her how much preparation she had taken for the S.S.C  examination. She replied that she had taken a great preparation and added that she had to get GPA -5 . Sohel exclaimed with joy that she was a very lucky girl. On the other hand,/Being dissatisfaction , he said that his preparation was not so good.
8.    Returning home my father said to me. “Your progress in studies is very slow. You  always  move about with a group of your friends. Aren’t you idling away your time with them? Can’t you be more serious? Remember if you fail in the examination. I will stop paying your tution fees’.  “I’m sorry. I’ll mend myself.” I replied. (evev evox‡Z wd‡i Avgv‡K ej‡jb, ‡Zvgvi DbœwZi MwZ Lye axi; †Zvgv‡K †Zvgvi eÜz‡`i mv‡_ †`Lv hvq, Zzwg Zv‡`i mv‡_ Ajmfv‡e mgq AwZµg KiQ, Zzwg wK m‡PZb n‡e bv ? g‡b †iL,hw` Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki, Zvn‡j Avwg †Zvgvi †jLvcovi LiP eÜ K‡i †`e |Ó ÓAvwg `ytwLZ, Avwg wb‡R‡K ïa‡i wbe,Ó Avwg DËi w`jvg |)
Answer: Returning home my father told me that my progress in studies was very slow. He also said that I  always moved about  with you a group of friends. He again said that I was idling away time with them. He further asked me if I could be more serious. He warned me if I failed in the coming examination, he would stop paying my tuitions fees. I expressed my sorrow and  replied that  I would  mend myself.

9.    “Why don’t you attend my classes regularly?” The teacher said to the student. “You can not expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you.” “I am sorry, I have offended you.” “ I was ill in those days,” said the student. (Ó Zzwg †Kb †kªYx‡Z wbqwgZ nvwRi nI bv ?Ó wk¶K Qv·K ejj. Óhw` Zzwg we`¨vj‡q nvwRi bv _vK, Zvn‡j Zzwg †Zvgvi cvV wkL‡Z cvi‡e bv | Zywg cix¶vq I fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv Ó ÓAvwg `ytwLZ, m¨vi, Avwg fwel‡Z †kªYx‡Z nvwRi _vKe|ÓQvÎwU ejj |)
Answer: The teacher asked the student why he did not attend his classes regularly. The teacher also told that he (s) could not expect good results unless he (s) attended classes as he told him(s).The student courteously replied that he was sorry because he (stu) had offended him (teacher) and said that he had been ill in those days.
10.The boy said to the teacher, “Sir, I shall be much obliged if you will kindly lend me the book you praised highly in the classroom yesterday.” The teacher said, “I am glad to know that you are eager to read this book. You are welcome to any books that you like.”   “Thank you , Sir” said the boy. (evjKwU wk¶K‡K ejj, m¨vi Avwg LyeB AbyMZ _vKe hw` Avcwb AbyMªn K‡i GKwU eB avi †`b †h eBwU m¤ú‡K© Avcwb MZKvj †kªYx‡Z LyeB cÖksmv K‡iwQ‡jb |wk¶K ej‡jb, ÓAvwg LyeB Lykx †h Zzwg GB eBwU co‡Z LyeB AvMÖnx | ‡Zvgv‡K ¯^vMZg Avgvi †h †Kvb eB †bIqvi Rb¨ hv Zzwg cQ›` Ki |)
Answer: The boy respectfully told the teacher that he (boy) would be much obliged if he (teacher) kindly lent him the book he (teacher) had praised highly in the classroom the previous day. The teacher said that he was glad to know that he (boy) was eager to read that book. He added that he (boy) was welcome to any of his (teachers) books. Then the boy respectfully thanked him (teacher).
11.“Don’t you understand what I discuss in the class?” said the teacher. “Yes, Sir but we are afraid of reading English. So we are too weak in English.” replied the students. “Read attentively and you will overcome your fear,” said the teacher. (‡Zvgiv wK eyS‡Z cvi bv Avwg †kªYx‡Z wK Av‡jvPbv Kwi ?Ó wk¶K ej‡jb, n¨v m¨vi , wKš‘ Avgiv Bs‡iRx co‡Z fq cvB | ZvB Avgiv Bs‡iRx‡Z `~ej|Ó QvÎ/QvÎxiv DËi ejj Óg‡bv‡hvM w`‡q †jLvcov Ki Ges †Zvgv‡`i fq `~i Ki‡Z cvi‡e | Ó wk¶K ej‡jb |
Answer: The teacher asked if they didn’t understand what he(T) discussed in the class. The student replied in the affirmative. But they said that they were afraid of reading English that is why they were too weak in English. The teacher advised them to read attentively and  they would overcome their fear.
12.My father looked at me angrily and said to me, “Where have you been so long and why are you wasting your time?” After a moment, he said, “Will you not sit for the S.S.C  examination?” I said, “I went to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book, but he was not at home. So I had to wait for him.” (Avgvi evev ivMvwš^Zfv‡e ZvKv‡jv Ges ejj Ó GZ¶Y †Kv_vq wQ‡j Ges Zzwg †Kb †Zvgvi mgq bó Kwi‡ZQ?Ó wKQy¶b ci †m ejj, ÓZywg wK Gm.Gm . wm cix¶v w`‡e bv|? Avwg ejjvg ÓAvwg GK eÜzi evox‡Z GKwU eB avi Avb‡Z wM‡qwQjvg wKš‘ †m evox‡Z wQj bv| GRb¨ Avwg Zvi Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡iwQjvg |)
Answer: My father looked at me angrily and asked me where I had been so long and why I was wasting my time. After a moment, he asked if I would not sit for the S.S.C  examination .I replied that I had gone to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he had not been at home and so I had to wait for him.

13.“Why are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir? Why don’t you eat?” said the noble man. “I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saddi. “ I don’t understand what do you mean to say.” Said the noble man ,. “And I’m sorry.”
(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb bv ? m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj | ÓAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi ¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j | ÓAvwg eyS‡Z cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ   m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj, Ó Ges Avwg `ytwLZ |)
Answer: The noble man respectfully asked Sheikh Saddi why he was putting up the food in his pocket and why he did not eat. Sheikh Saddi replied that he was doing the right thing as his dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man told him that he did not understand what he meant to say. Then he expressed his sorrow.
14.Rashed said to karim. “How are you?” I went to your hostel yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?” “I went to the station.” said Karim. “I had to receive my maternal uncle there.”(iv‡k` Kwig‡K ejj,Ó Zzwg †Kgb AvQ? Avwg MZKvj †Zvgvi QvÎvev‡m wM‡qwQjvg wKš‘ †Zvgv‡K cvBwb |Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQj ? Ó Avwg †÷k‡b wM‡qwQjvgÓ Kwig ejj ,Ó Avgv‡K †mLv‡b Avgvi gvgv‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z n‡qwQj |)
Rashed asked Karim how he was. Rashed added that he had gone to the hostel the previous day but had not found him. Rashed again asked Karim where he had gone. Karim replied that he had gone to the station because he had to receive his maternal uncle there.
15.“What’s your programme after the examination?” asked Salam. Karim said, I’ve not yet decided. Can you suggest any? “Let us go on a picnic.” Said Salam. “What an excellent idea! I shall certainly join with you.” said Kamal. (Ócix¶vi ci †Zvgvi Kg©m~Px wK?Ó , mvjvg wRÁvmv Kij| Kvgvj ejj, Ó Avwg GLbI wmØvšÍ †bB wb| Zzwg wK †Kvb civgk© w`‡Z cvi ?Ó ÓPj Avgiv eb‡fvR‡b hvBÓ, mvjvg ejj | wK PgrKvi! Avwg wbwðZfv‡e †Zvgvi mv‡_ †hvM`vb Kie |Ó, Kvgvj ejj |)

Answer: Salam asked Kamal what his programme was after the examination. Karim replied that he had not yet decided. Then Karim asked him (S) if he could suggest any. Salam proposed that they should go on a picnic. Karim exclaimed with joy that it was an excellent idea. He said that he would certainly join with  him.

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