Rules of Narration for Assertive sentence

Assertive sentence
Rule-1: Reporting verb-এর object না থাকলে indirect speech-এর সময় said অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে। Inverted comma উঠে that বসবে। যেমন:
a.Talha Said, ’I am reading a book now’.
Answer: Talha said that he was reading a book then.
b. Imran Said, ’I will do my home work’. Answer: Imran said that he would do his home work.
c. Shila said, ’I am not wrong’.
Answer: Shila said that she was not wrong.
d. Hassan said, ’I met Rupa long ago’.
Answer: Hassan said that he had met Rupa long before.
e. Rashed said, ’I ate my meal yesterday’.
Answer: Rashed said that he had eaten his meal the previous day.
Try yourself:
a. He said, ’I go to college daily.’
b. She said, ’My brother will come here tomorrow.’
c. The man said, ’I do not take tea’.
d. Father said, ’I do not like student-politics’.
e. The boy said, ’I learn my lessons regularly’.
Rule- 2: Reporting verb-
এর object থাকলে said to-এর পরিবর্তে told/said to ব্যবহূত হবে। Inverted comma উঠে that বসবে। যেমন:
a. Riku said to Biplob, ’You are a good officer’.
Answer: Riku said to Biplob that he was a good officer.
b. Abu Huraira said to me, ’You are honest’.
Answer: Abu Huraira said to me that I was honest.
c. I said to her, ’You are a good girl’.
Answer: I said to her that she was a good girl.
d. Dolly said to me, ’I am going to college now’.
Answer: Dolly said to me that she was going to college then.
e. She said to me, `I have already finished my work`.
Answer: She said to me that she had already finished her work.
Try yourself:
a. My friend said to me, `I can help you.’
b. Sumon said to me, `I am busy now.`
c. I said to her, `You have done well in the Examination.’
d. Mother said to me, `You should love your motherland’.
e. The lady said to Rashed, `You are a very good boy’.
Rule-3: Reporting verb present/ future tense
হলে reported speech-এর tense-এর পরিবর্তন হবে না। Inverted comma উঠে that বসবে। যেমন:
a. Ali says, `I did not play yesterday’.
Answer: Ali says that he did not play the previous day.
b. He says, `I am happy.’
Answer: He says that he is happy.
c. They say to me, `You can help your father.’
Answer: They say to me that I can help my father.
d. He will say to her, `I shall do the work tomorrow’.
Answer: He will say to her that he will do the work the next day.
e. The man says to me, `I am not coming here’.
Answer: The man says to me that he is not going there.
Try yourself:
a. The man says, `I can do this.’
b. The teacher says, `Sultan Mahmud is a freedom fighter.’
c. Mother always says, `Freedom fighters are the heroic sons of the soil’.
d. She says, `Every mother loves her child’.
e. My friend says to me, `You are a good and sincere boy’.
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের পার্ট-A-এরন্যারেশন’-এর নিয়ম নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Assertive sentence
Rule- 4: Reported speech
চিরন্তন সত্য হলে tense-এর পরিবর্তন হবে না। Inverted comma উঠে that বসবে। যেমন:
a. Teacher said to the students, `The earth moves round the sun.’
Answer: Teacher said to the students that the earth moves round the sun.
b. Mother said to me, `Honesty is the best policy’.
Answer: Mother said to me that honesty is the best policy.
c. Father said to his son, `Ice floats on water’. Answer: Father said to his son that ice floats on water.
d. The teacher said to me, `Time and tide waits for none’.
Answer: The teacher said to me that time and tide waits for none.
e. The man said, `The sun rises in the east`. Answer: The man said that the sun rises in the east.
Try yourself: a. Waiz Al Karuni said, `Man is mortal.’ b. Mother said to me, `Honesty is the best policy.’ c. The teacher said, `Cox’s Bazar sea beach is one of the seven wonders in the world.’ d. He said to the boys, `Where is a will there is a way’.
e. I said to the boy, `Slow and steady wins the race’.
Rule- 5: Must
থাকলে had to ব্যবহূত হবে। Inverted comma উঠে that বসবে। যেমন
: a. The teacher said to the boy, `You must read this’.
Answer: The teacher said to the boy that he had to read that.
b. Mother said to me, `You must perform your duty.’
Answer: Mother said to me that I had to perform my duty.
c. He said to the labour, `You must do your duty.’
Answer: He said to the labour that he had to do his duty.
d. She told me, `You must buy a pen.’ Answer: She told me that I had to buy a pen.
e. Father said to his son, `You must abide by law and order.’
Answer: Father said to his son that he had to abide by law and order.
Try yourself: a. Mother said to me, `You must prepare your home works’. b. The teacher said to the boys, `You must waste your time’.
c. The master said to the labour, `You must complete the work today’.
The police said to the thief, `You must speak the truth’.
Father said to his son, `You must build up your career’.

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