এসএসসি পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি Grammar Test : Right Use of Verbs

প্রিয় ২০১৫ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার  শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, শুভেচ্ছা নিয়ো। আজ তোমাদের ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের Grammar Test-Gi Right Use of Verbs থেকে ৩টি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর  নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো।

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in the brackets.

(a) Shihab spoke with me that day, as though he— (complete) the work instantly.

(b) The books will— (provide) for helping the trainees.

(c) The building— (choose) before the school started.

(d)— the passage carefully. (read)

(e) Would you mind— (take) care of your caretaker.

(f) Rina and Ruma —(be) two sisters.

(g) The wages of sin— (be) death.

(h) Each of the girls— (be) present.

(i) Two thirds of the players— (be) very weak.

(j) You who— (be) my friend should stand by me.

(k) Fahim and Fahima accompanied by their father Mr. Parlan— (stop) the things recently.

(1) Five miles— (be) not a long distance.

(m) I am not my friends— (be) to do perform the work.

(n) I went there with a view to— (see) his parents.

(o) I am looking forward to— (receive) a letter from you.

(p) I let him—(go) there.

(q) I watched him— (leave) the place.

(r) When we finished the work, we—(would) go to sleep.

(s) I wish I — (be) a teacher.

(t) If you had taught us English we would—(perform) well.

2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs given in the box.

It was 10th July 2005. Meena (a) — 10 that day. Her parents (b)— her that they had (c)— to celebrate her birthday. Some friends of Meena (d)— to participate the party. For this reason Meena and her brother were busy (e)— and dusting the drawing room. Her father (f)— her a lovely dress. Her mother also (g)— a nice gift for her but wanted to keep it in dark. With a view to (h)— Meena pleasant surprise she kept it in secret. A fruit cake (i)—. It was due to be (j)— by three O’clock.

3.A ship without a rudder (a)— at the mercy of the wind and waves. Even if it (b)—. It cannot reach the goal. Similarly, a man without an aim simply (c)— his time and energy (d) — one thing after another. Once this aim is fixed it should (e)— to. It is because of the fact that a man (f) — an aim (g) — the difficulties he has to (h) — to reach the goat of life. (i) — of a career means fixing your aim in life. It makes you (j) — in life for struggle.

    (উত্তর পরের সংখ্যায় প্রকাশ করা হবে)
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