H.S.C English Final Suggestion-2015

H.S.C English Final Suggestion-2015
Seen Comprehension:
For 1st Passage+2ndPassage
Serial No.
Selected Seen comprehensions

How safe will the buildings be………….to reduce the losses
[U-7, L-5]
Statistics show that.......................................better salaries.
[U-3, L-2]
His name was Jerry..................................... over the bank.
[U-5, L-6]
Education is the process...................................right he was!
[U-9, L-1]
Fires swept over the prairies............................the buildings.
[U-7, L-2]
The unity by which................................inside the building.
[U-8, L-3]
Literacy as a skill  ................................................. culture.
[U-14, L-1]
Ismail Hossain is an affluent………….. outstanding success.
[U-20, L-3]
The process of globalization ..............users of the language
[U-21, L-6]
Sports are a popular forms ………………...in a big way to this.
[U-21, L-4]
Every year millions of people...............................diseases.
[U-6, L-15]
There have been significant……………...........entertainment.
[U-10, L-4]
Gender discrimination in Bangladesh................in society.
[U-24, L-4]
Television has become..........................................by them.
[U-10, L-1]
The most significant event..............................oppression.
[U-23, L-2]
Globalization has become..........................place to live in.
[U-21, L-1]
Water, another vital element.....................further pollution.
[U-6, L-2]
Working opportunities for women....................... project.
[U-15, L-3]
Globalization is now largely..................................possible.
[U-22, L-3]
Scientists have always……………………..……..these probes.
[U-22, L-2-C]
UNICEF stood generally………………..……….…in Bangladesh.
[U-15, L-6]
The British have a reputation………..will still be appreciated
[U-11, L-7]
In recent years………………………………….…..go under water
[U-6, L-3-B]
Human animal and plants……………………..kind to mankind.
[U-6, L-4-B]
British eating habits are...................................their fingers.
[U-11, L-3]
For with clues (Q : 9).
  1. Education is one of the basic..............everyday problems.
  2. Self-employment means.................one self in the jobs.
  3. Scientists have recently…………the threat of extinction.
  4. Addressing illiteracy problem..............dear motherland.
  5. Overeating means taking too much...........much food.
  6. Children are very fond of festivals.........a joyful mind
  7.  Education is one of the basic.........more human.
  8. There are many people in our country...........illness and disease.
  9. The British have a reputation for ......... are friendly.
  10. The development of railway..........its slow speed.
  11. Napoleon Bonaparte said............its mother.
  12. We cannot altogether get rid of ......... at all.
  13. Once upon a time .............. house and knocked.
  14. Animals must be able to protect themselves..........a dry leaf.
  15. Once upon a time there was a king..........come here again
  16. In ancient time, education..............of literacy
For without clues (Q : 10).
  1. One day a lad went to a famous............itself early.
  2. Modern life depends much on............the globe.
  3. One day a fox was very...........not sing.
  4. Electricity is now a part of ..............Power Development.
  5. It is a happy news that...........today or tomorrow.
  6. Everybody wants to live a happy............be utterly ruined
  7. A elephant does many things with........that trunk is!
  8. While eating food we have to think that...........a balanced diet.
  9. The Shatgombuj Mosque is ..............from further decay.
  10. Bangladesh is one of the member countries..........employment for the disabled.
  11. I do not think that it is ............. various text books.
  12. Newspaper in Bangladesh..........related incidents.
  13. A large number of people........English.
  14. One day a grocer borrowed...........his father.
  15. Language plays a very............... and believe.
For Tables (Q : 11)
  1. Environment pollution.....
  2. I am a first year college student.....
  3. The river erosion has made thousands of .....
  4. Charles Dickens was one of the .....
  5. One day Jerry broke the axe-handle suddenly......
  6. E-mail has brought about a revolution.....
  7. Emperor shah Jahan built the Taj mahal.......
  8. Socrates was a great philosopher of ancient Greece......
  9. Robinson Crusoe....
  10. Crusoe was born in England......
  11. Many diseases are rising at an alarming rate .......
  12. The present age......
  13. Many people living n city areas.....
  14. Mr. Robertson.....
  15. The ancient marine....
  16. Deprivation of the basic...
For Re-arranges (Q : 12)
  1. It was a frosty winter day (The ant and the grasshopper)
  2. Once there lived a young man named androcles
  3. Sheikh Saadi was a great persian Peet
  4. At last the hour of departure (Socrates)
  5. A rich man went to the farmer with one thousand
  6. A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water
  7. Long ago there was a mighty old king of England.
  8. Long ago there lived a hare in a forest.
  9. You may have heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam
  10. Who doesn't know the story of two friends passing
  11. A young boy of six or seven became the subject to talk (Thomas Alva Edision)
  12. Socrates believed that an angry man
  13. There lived two brothers named Ali and Bashir
  14. There was an old house in a village
  15. Einstein, the great scientist, was simple in his ways of life.
Paragraphs for (1st and 2nd Paper)
1. Bangladesh/Your country
2. Dowry System
3. Danger of Smoking
4. A Moonlit Night
5. Load Shedding
6. Gender Discrimination
7. Your Hobby
8. Mobile Phone/Face book/Modern technology/Internet
9. Drug Addiction
10. Traffic Jam
11. Tree Plantation  
12. Environmental Pollution
13. Book Fair
14. Leisure time
15. Gender discrimination
16. College Library

Question No-10  (10´1 = 10)  (Reports)
  1. Write a report on a road accident.
  2. Write a report on a massive fire on a garment factory.
  3. Write a report on a village fair.
  4. Write a report on the cultural week of your college.
  5. Write a report on a book fair.
  6. Write a report on Independence Day celebration.
  7. Write a report on devastating consequence of drug addiction.
  8. Write a report on price hike.
  9. Write a report on Traffic Jam
Question No-11: (15´1 = 15)  (Compositions)
1. Wonder of Modern Science.
2. Childhood Memories
3. Duties of a student
4. Reading newspaper
5. Population problem in Bangladesh.
6. The fruits of Bangladesh
7. Your first Day college
Question No-12: (10´1 = 10)  (Applications)
  1. Write an application to the principal of your college for permission to go on a study tour/picnic.
  2. Write an application to the principal of your college for permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium.
  3. Write an application to the principal of your college for increasing facilities in library
  4. Write an application to the principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel/a transfer certificate.
  5. Write an application to the principal of your college for a testimonial.
  6. Write an application to the chairman of your union council for construction of a bridge/sinking a tube well.
Question No-13: (10´1 = 10)  (Dialogues)
  1. Write a dialogue between two friends about  preparation for HSC examination.
  2. Write a dialogue between two friends on the causes of failure in English.
  3. Write a dialogue between two friends on frequent road accident.
  4. Write a dialogue about reading newspaper.
  5. Write a dialogue between two friends on benefits of early rising.
  6. Write a dialogue about tree plantation
  7. Write a dialogue about danger of smoking
Question No-14: (15´1 = 15)  (Story completing)
  1. Once there lived a poor woodcutter. But he was very honest. He earned........
  2. Sheikh saadi was the great poet in Iran. He used to lead a very simple life……..
  3. The hare and the tortoise. ……………………
  4. Two friends and a bear………………..
  5. Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth.....                                                                                                                                                                   
  6. Once there lived a good king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He loved his country............
  7. There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat..............
  8. Once there lived a poor man in a village. He had a peculiar goose which laid a golden egg.......
  9. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom.............
  10. An old farmer had four sons. They used to quarrel with one another………….

Lecturer in English 
Rajshahi Commerce College
01722 726316

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