Appropriate Preposition for SSC/HSC Exam

Appropriate Preposition for SSC/HSC Exam

Appropriate Preposition
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, তোমাদের পরীক্ষার জন্য Appropriate Preposition-এর প্রশ্ন দেওয়া হলোতোমরা এগুলো আগে নিজেরা অনুশীলন করবে এবং পরে উত্তরের সঙ্গে মিলিয়ে নেবে
# Read the following passages and fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Anger is one of the six passions which is harmful (a) - any man’s life. A very angry man becomes devoid b) - common sense. So none should be angry c) - anybody d) - anything. Anger makes a man similar e) - animals.
Today man has been suffering a) - various diseases. And there is no remedy b) - some fatal diseases. So man is subject c) - decay and death. One day he will depart d) - this world. Here he cannot live e) - a long time.
Mr. Rahman is accused a) - theft. The news appeared some papers. He was ashamed c) - the news. He appeared d) - judicial committee. It appeared e) - the committee that he was innocent.
A yearning a) - happiness is a common tendency of every human being. The easiest way to be happy is to be satisfied b) - what we have. For being happy, some people always hanker c) - money as they don’t know that true happiness lies d) -contentment. These people take money e) - the way of getting pleasure and thus they are deprived of true happiness.
Now-a-days many women are engaged a) -various jobs outside home. And they are proving that they are no less qualified than men b) - a job. However, teaching is perhaps the best profession for women. Because women who take c) - teaching as a profession are able to look d) -both their home and career. For women can easily make a homely environment e) - the class using their motherly love and affection.
A good student is fond a) - books. He adheres b) - his studies. He always tries c) - cut a brilliant figure in the examination. He never deviates d) - his duties because success depends e) - hard work.
সঠিক উত্তর:
Set-1. a. to/for b. of c. with d. for e. to.
Set-2. a. from b. for c) to d. from e. for.
Set-3. a. of b. in c. of d. before e. to.
Set-4. a. for b. with c. after d. in e. as/for.
Set-5. a. in b. for c. up d. after e. in.
Set-6. a. of b. to c. to d. from e. on.

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