Passage Narration for HSC Exam-2015

Passage Narration for HSC Exam-2015

     Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech:
1.     “Oh, my Lord, please do not kill the child.” said the woman. “Let her have him”said the king. “Now everything is clear to me.” Pointing the woman, he said to the servant, “Give her the child. She is the mother of the baby.”(ÒgnvivR,wkïwU‡K nZ¨v Ki‡eb bv|Ó gwnjvwU ej‡jb|I‡K (wkï‡K) Zvi (gwnjv) Kv‡Q w`‡q `vI|Óej‡jb ivRv| GLb mewKQz cwi¯‹vi n‡q †M‡Q Avgvi Kv‡Q|ÓgwnjvwU‡K †`wL‡q w`‡q wZwb f„Z¨‡K ej‡jb,Ó wkïwU‡K Zvi Kv‡Q `vI|DwbB GB wkïi gv|Ó)
Answer: The woman addressed her the king as her lord and told him (king) not to kill him (child).Thenthe king ordered his servant to let her(the woman) have him (child).Again the king said that everything was clear to him(king) then. Pointing to the woman, he again told his servant togive her the child. The king said that she was the mother of the baby.

2.     “Have you heard the name of Aesop?” asked the teacher. “No, Sir, who was he?” “Read the lesson attentively and then you will be able to know about him.” “ How interesting and instructive his fables are!” said the teacher. (Ò‡Zvgiv wK Cmc Gi  bvg ï‡bQ?Ó wk¶K  wR‡Ám Ki‡jb| Òbv,m¨vi,wZwb †K wQ‡jb?Ó ÒcovwU g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q coGes Zvn‡j Zzwg Zviu mg‡Ü Rvb‡Z cvi‡e|Zvi KíKvwnbx Kx gRvi Ges wk¶Yxq|Ó wk¶K ej‡jb|)
Answer: The teacher asked his studentif he had heard the name of Aesop. He (S) respectfully replied in the negative and asked him (T) who he was. The teacher advised him to read the lesson attentively and then he would be able to know about him. The teacher exclaimed that his fables are  very interesting and instructive.

3.     “You have cut off your hair,” asked Jim, “Cut it off and sold it,”said Della. “Don’t you like me just as well any how? I’m me, without my hair, ain’t I?” (ÒZzwg †Zvgvi Pzj †K‡U †d‡jQÓwRg ejj, †K‡UwQ Ges wewµ K‡iwQÓ †Wjv ejj, ÒZzwg wK †h‡Kv‡bv fv‡eB Av‡Mi g‡ZvB Avgv‡K c›Q` Ki‡e bv|Ó Avgvi Pzj QvovI Avwg †Zv AvwgB ZvB bv?Ó)
Answer: Jim asked Della ifshe had cut off her hair. She replied that she hadcut  off her hair and sold it. Then she asked him if he didn’t like her just as well any how. She added that she was her without her hair.To get confirmation she further asked him if she was not so.

4.     The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest Inn?” The peasant said “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” The Traveller said  “I don’t wish  to stay there, but I only want a meal.” ( ågbKvix K…lK‡K wRÁvmv Kij ÒZzwg wK Avgv‡K wbKUZg mivBLvbvi bvg ej‡Z cvi?Ó K…lK ejj Òn¨v, Avwg cvwi| Avcwb wK Ggb GKUv mivBLvbv Pvb hv‡Z Avcwb  ivZ KvUv‡Z cv‡ib?Ó  ågbKvix ejj, ÒAvwg †mLv‡b _vK‡Z PvB bv, wKš‘ Avwg ïay GKevi Lvevi PvB|Ó)
Answer: The traveler asked the peasant if he could tell him the way to the nearest Inn. The peasant replied that he could. The peasant asked the stranger if he wanted one in which he couldspend the night. The Stranger replied that he did not wish to say there but only wanted a meal.

5.     “Have you cut your hair off’ asked Jim. “Cut it off and sold it,” said Della. “Don’t you like me just as well, anyhow? I’m me without my hair, am’t  I ?”( Zywg wK †Zvgvi Pzj †K‡U †d‡jQ?Ó wRg ejj|ÒGUv †K‡U †d‡jwQ Ges wewµ K‡i w`‡qwQ,Ó †Wjv ejj|Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wVK Ggbfv‡e cQ›` KiQ bv,†h‡Kvb fv‡e?Avgvi Pzj Qvov‡Zv Avwg AvwgB AvwQ,AvwQ bv?Ó
Answer: Jim asked Della if she (D) had cut her hair off. Della said that she had cut it offand sold it. She asked him if he didn’t like her just as well, anyhow. She added that she was she without her hair.
6.     “Why are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir? Why don’t you eat?” asked the noble man. “I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saddi. “ I don’t understand what do you mean to say.” Said the noble man ,. “And I’m sorry.”(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb bv ? m¤ª¢vš—/gnvb †jvKwU ejj | ÓAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi ¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j | ÓAvwg eyS‡Z cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ   m¤£vš— †jvKwU ejj,ÓGes Avwg `ytwLZ |)
Answer: The noble man respectfully asked Sheikh Saddi why he was putting up the food in hispocket and why he did not eat. Sheikh Saddi replied that he was doingthe right thing and added that  his dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man told him that he did notunderstand what he meant to say. He further told that he was sorry.
7.     “Will you buy my hair,” asked Della.“I buy hair,” said Madame. “Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it.” “Twenty dollars,” said Madame. “Give it me quick “said Della.(ÒAvcwb wK Avgvi Pzj wKb‡eb?Ó †Wjv wR‡Ám Kij| Ò Avwg Pzj wKwb,Ó g¨vWvg ej‡jb| Ò‡Zvgvi Uzwc †LvjGes Avgv‡K †Zvgvi Pzj †`LvI|Ó Òwek Wjvi,Ó| ÒAvgv‡K ZvovZvwo ZvB w`b,†Wjv ejj|  
Answer: Della asked Madame if she (M) would buy her (D) hair.Madame replied that she(M) boughthair. Then she (M) told her(D) to take her (D) hat off and let them have a sight at the looks of the hair. After thatMadame said that she (M) would give her (D) twenty dollars for her (D) hair. Della agreed and requested her (M) to give the money to her quickly.
8.     “Follow my example” she said, as we shook hands” and never eat more than one thing for luncheon “I’ll do better than that” I said. I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.” “Humorist,” she cried gaily, jumping into a cab.”(ÒAvgvi `„óvš— Abymib Ki“b,Ó †m ejj hLb Avgiv Kig`©b KiwQjvg,  ÒAvi ga¨vü †fv‡Ri Rb¨ GKUv Lvev‡ii †ewk Lv‡eb bv||Ó ÔAvwg †mUvi †_‡K I wKQy fvj wKQy Kie|,Ó Avwg ejjvg, ÒAvwg AvR iv‡Z ˆbk‡fv‡Ri Rb¨ wKQyB Lve bv|Ó)
Answer: As he shook hands, she ordered me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I said (her) that I would do better than and added that I would eat nothing for dinner that night. Jumping into a cab,she cried gaily and said humorist.
9.     “Porter, you may go,” said the mistress of the house, laughing. “You have gained your freedom.” “By Allah,” he replied. “I will not leave this house until I have heard the stories of my companies.” (Ògy‡U,Zzwg †h‡Z cvi,Ó evwoi M„nKÎx© nvm‡Z nvm‡Z ej‡jb| ÒZzwg gyw³ †c‡qQ|Ó ÒAvj­vni Kmg,Ó †m Reve w`j| ÒAvwg Avgvi m½x‡`i Mí bv ï‡b GB evwo Z¨vM Kie bv|)
Answer: The mistress of the house told the porter laughing that he might go and added that he had gained hisfreedom. Swearing by Allah the porter replied that he would not leave that house until he had heard the stories of his companions.

10.            “I came here yesterday from my village,” he said. “Why did you come?” I asked, ‘My mother sent me to you with this letter.” “How is your mother? I have not seen her a long time. I hope she is quite well.(ÒAvwg MZKvj MÖvg †_‡K G‡mwQ,Ó †m ejj|Zzwg †Kb G‡m‡Qv?Ó Avwg wR‡Ám Kijvg| Ò Avgvi gv GB wPwVwU w`‡q Avgv‡K Avcbvi Kv‡Q cvwV‡q‡Qb|Ó Ò †Zvgvi gv †Kgb Av‡Qb? Avwg Zv‡K eûw`b †`wLwb|Avwg Avkv KiwQ wZwb fvj Av‡Qb|Ó
Answer: He told me that he hadgone there the previous day from his village. I asked him why he had gone. He replied that his mother had sent him to mewith that letter. I again asked him how his mother was. I told him that I had not seen her for a long time. I added that I hopped, she was quiet well.

11.            Once I asked a little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know. She said, “What a clever girl you are!”( GK`v Avwg GKwU wgwó †QvÆ †g‡q‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, Ò‡Zvgvi gv‡qi bvg wK?Ó †m PvZz‡h©i mv‡_ Reve w`j, Ò Avwg Avgvi gv‡qi bvg Rvwb wKšÍ eje bv|Ó Avwg ejjvg, ÒZzwg Kx eyw×gwZ †g‡q!Ó ÒAvwg Avgvi gv‡qi bvg Zv‡K ewj bv hv‡K Avwg wPwb bv,Ó †m AvZ¥wek¦v‡mi mv‡_ ejj|)
Answer: Once I asked a little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She also said that she did not tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she did not know. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl.

12.            “Could I help you, sir?” said the receptionist. The man replied, “Sure, I want to meet the Managing Director of the company.” The receptionist said, “Do you have an appointment?” “Yes, I have,” he said.(ÒAvMš‘K evjKwU‡K ej‡jb, ÒZzwg wK Avgv‡K wbKUZg †nv‡U‡j hvevi c_Uv ‡`wL‡q †`‡e?Ó Òn¨vu,†`Lve,Avcwb wK †Kvb AvevwmK †nv‡Uj Pvb †hLv‡b Avcwb ivZ KvUv‡Z cvi‡eb?Ó evjKwU ejj, ÒAvwg GLv‡b Ae¯’vb Ki‡Z PvB bv,eis Avwg GK †ejvi Lvevi PvBÓ AvMš‘K Reve w`j| evjKwU ejj, ÒAvgvi mv‡_ Avmyb|)
Answer: The receptionist addressing the man as sir asked him if he (R) could help him (M).The man replied in the affirmative and said that he wanted to meet the Managing Director of the company. The receptionist asked if he (M) had an appointment. He replied in the affirmative and said that he (M) had.

13.             “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I said to the boy, ‘We can discuss terms and conditions then.” “I shall be very happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much,” he replied.( ÒZywg wK AvMvgxKvj Avgvi evwo‡Z Avm‡e?Ó Avwg †Q‡jwU‡K ejjvg|ÔAvgiv ZLb aviv I kZ©vejx wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z cvwi|Ó ÒAvwg Avcbvi evwo‡Z wM‡q †`Lv Ki‡Z cvi‡j LyeB Lywk ne|Avcbv‡K A‡bK ab¨ev`, ‡m Reve w`j|)
Answer: I asked the boy if he wouldgo to my house the following day. I added that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He replied that he would be very happy to meet me at my house. He thanked me very much.

14.            The stranger said to the boy, “Will you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?” “Yes, I will. Do you want a residential one in which can spend the night?” the boy said. “I don’t want to say there, but only want a meal,” the stranger replied. The boy said , “Follow me.”(ÒAvMš‘K evjKwU‡K ej‡jb, ÒZzwg wK Avgv‡K wbKUZg †nv‡U‡j hvevi c_Uv †`wL‡q w`‡e?Ó Òn¨vu,†`Lve,Avcwb wK †Kvb AvevwmK †nv‡Uj Pvb †hLv‡b Avcwb ivZ KvUv‡Z cvi‡eb?Ó evjKwU ejj, ÒAvwg GLv‡b Ae¯’vb Ki‡Z PvB bv,eis Avwg GK †ejvi Lvevi PvBÓAvMš‘K Reve w`j|evjKwU ejj, ÒAvgvi mv‡_ Avmyb|Ó)
Answer: The stranger asked the boy if he would tell him the way to the nearest hotel. The boy replied in the affirmative and said that he would. The boy asked him if he wanted a residential one in which he could spend the night. The stranger replied that he did not want to stay there, but he only wanted a meal. The boy told the stranger to follow him.

15.             “Where are you going?” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you.” “What do you want?” “To earn my bread by the labor of my hands.” “Do you really work?” said the merchant. “Yes, if you have any”. Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.” “I do not see how I can do that.” said the youth .(ÒZzwg †Kv_vq hv”Q?ÕewYK ej‡jb,ÒAvwg Avcbvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z G‡mwQjvg|Ó ÒZzwg Kx PvI?Ó ÒwbR nv‡Z cwikªg i“wR †ivRMvi Ki‡Z PvB|Ó ÒZzwg wK mwZ¨B KvR PvI?ÓewYK ej‡jb| Òn¨vu,hw` Avcbvi Kv‡Q †Kvb KvR _v‡K|Ó ÒZvn‡j Avgv‡K AbymiY Ki Ges †`vKvb †_‡K Avgvi evmv ch©šÍ GKwU ev·ª enb  K‡i wb‡q `vI|Ó ÒAvwg ey‡SwQ bv Kxfv‡e Avwg †mUv Ki‡Z cvwvi,|ÓheyKwU ejj|)
Answer: The Merchant asked the youth where he(y) was going. The youth replied that he (y) had beencoming to see him (m).Again the merchant asked him(y) what he wanted. The youth said that he(y) wanted to earn his (y) bread by the labour of his (y) hands. The merchant again asked the boy if he (Y) really wanted to work. The youth replied in the affirmative that if he (M) had any. Then the merchant ordered the youth to follow him (M) and to carry a box from a ship to his (m) house. The youth said that he (Y) did not see how he (Y) could do that.

16.            A hawker said, “Will you buy any paper? I have all types of newspaper and magazines .Please take one from me.” “I buy books but now I need a weekly. Don’t  you have any weekly magazine ?” said Susmita.(‡dwiIqvjv ejj, ÒAvcwb wK †Kvb cwÎKv wKb‡eb?Avgvi Kv‡Q meai‡bi Le‡Ri KvMR Ges g¨vMvwRb Av‡Q|AbyMÖn K‡i Avgvi KvQ †_‡K GKwU wbb|Ó ÒAvwg eB wKwb wKšÍ GLb Avgvi GKwU mvßvwnK cÖ‡qvRb|‡Zvgvi wK †Kvb mvßvwnK g¨vMvwRb †bB?Ó myw¤§Zv ejj|)
Answer:A Hawker asked Susmita ifshe (S) would buy any paper. He(H) also said that he (H) had all types of newspapers and magazines. Again he requested her(S) to take one from him(H). Susmita replied that she(S) bought books but then she (S) needed a weekly. She also asked him (H) if he (H) didn’t haveany weekly magazine.

17.            “You look as a little bit like my mother,” he said, “especially in the dark by the fire.” “But you were only four Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked all these years?” “My mother lives in Mannville,” he said.(“ZvAvcbv‡K †`L‡Z mvgvb¨B Avgvi gv‡qi gZ,Ó †m ejj, Òwe‡kl K‡i AÜKv‡i Av¸‡bi cv‡k|Ó ÓwKš‘ †Rix,†Zvgvi eqm †Zv ZLb gvÎ Pvi eQi wQj hLb Zzwg GLv‡b G‡mwQj|‡Zvgvi wK g‡b c‡o GZ eQ‡iI †m †`L‡Z †Kgb wQj?Ó ‡jwLKv ej‡jb|Ò Avgvi gv g¨vbwfj G evm K‡ib,Ó †m ejj|)
Answer: Jerry told authoress thatshe looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. But Being surprised she told him that he had been only four when he had gone there. The authoress asked him (J) if he hadremembered how she (Jerry’s mother) had looked all those years. Finally Jerry (J) replied that his mother lived in Mannville.

18.            “May I come in sir?” A boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy entered the room and said, “Sir, I have come from Palaspur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose? How is he?” He said smiling. “He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years.” The boy said “How sad it is! May God cure him?” He said.(Ò‡fZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi,m¨vi?Ó `iRvq `vouv‡bv GKwU evjK Zv‡K ejj|Zvici Zvi Dˇii A‡c¶v bv K‡i evjKwU N‡i cÖ‡ek Kij Ges ejj, Òm¨vi, Avwg Rbve AwRZ †ev‡mi KvQ †_‡K GKwU wPwV wb‡q cjvkcyi †_‡K G‡mwQ|Ó ÒAwRZ †evm? †m †Kgb Av‡Q?Ó nvwmgy‡L †m ejj|ÒwZwb fvj †bB|wZwb `yeQi hver GKwU KwVb †iv‡M fyM‡Qb,Ó evjKwU ejj| ÒKZB bv cwiZv‡ci welq GwUÒ †Lv`v Zv‡K my¯’ Ki“b,Ó wZwb ej‡jb|)
Answer: A boy standing at the door, addressing him as sir asked him if/ he(B) might come in. Then without waiting for his (S) reply the boy entered the room and respectfully said that he (B) had come from Palashpur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose. He asked smiling if he had really come from Ajit Bose. He again asked how he was. The boy replied that he was not well and added that he had beensuffering from a serious illness for two years. He(S) exclaimed with grief that it was very sad and prayed that God might cure him.

19.            “Follow my example” she said, as we shook hands” and never eat more than one thing for luncheon “I’ll do better than that” I said. I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.” (ÒAvgvi `„óvšÍ Abymib Ki“b,Ó †m ejj hLb Avgiv Kig`©b KiwQjvg,  ÒAvi ga¨vü †fv‡Ri Rb¨ GKUv Lvev‡ii †ewk Lv‡eb bv||Ó ÔAvwg †mUvi †_‡K I wKQy fvj wKQy Kie|,Ó Avwg ejjvg, ÒAvwg AvR iv‡Z ˆbk‡fv‡Ri Rb¨ wKQyB Lve bv|Ó)
Answer: As he shook hands, she ordered me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I said (her) that I would do better than that and also said that I would eat nothing for dinner that night.

20. “Will you go to college today?” the mother said to her son.”No mother. Our classes are suspended.” “Then go to the market and bring some vegetables.” “Let me be ready and give me money. (ÒZzwg wK AvR K‡j‡R hv‡e?Ó gv Zvui cy·K ej‡jb| Òbv,gv| Avgv‡`i K¬vm ¯nwMZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|ÓZvn‡j evRv‡i hvI Ges wKQy kvKmewR wb‡q Avm|Ó ÒAvgv‡K ˆZwi n‡Z `vI Ges wKQy UvKv `vI|Ó)
Answer: The mother asked her son if he (S) would go to college that day.The son addressing as mother replied in the negative that their classes were suspended. Then the mother ordered her son to go to the market and bring some vegetables. The son told his mother that he might be ready and told  her to give him(S) some money.

21. “I’ll pay for it.” he said.“I broke it.I brought the axe down careless .”“ But no one hits accurately every time. Jerry, Moreover, the fault was in the wood of the handle. I”ll see the man who I have bought it from “ I told  him. (ÒAvwg Gi `vg †`e,Ó †m ejj| ÒAvwg GUv †f‡½wQ|Avwg Amveav‡b KzovjwU Øviv †Kvc w`‡qwQjvg|Ó ÒwKš—y †KD †Zv memgq mwVKfv‡e †Kvc †`q bv,Ó Avwg Zv‡K ejjvg|Òmgm¨vwU wQj nvZ‡ji Kv‡V| hvi KvQ †_‡K Avwg GUv wK‡bwQ Zvi m‡½ Avwg †`Lv Kie|Ó
Answer: He said that he would pay for it. He further said that he had broken it and had brought the axe down careless. I told him that no one hit accurately every time and added that the fault had been in the wood of the handle. I again told him that I would see the man from whom I had bought it.

22. “Why don’t you attend classes regularly?” the teacher said to the student, “You can’t expect great results unless you attend classes as I tell you .”“I am sorry sir,I have offended you ,” said the student .  (ÒZzwg K¬v‡m wbqwgZ Dcw¯’Z _vK bv †Kb?Ó wk¶K Qv·K ej‡jb| ÒZzwg fvj djvdj Avkv Ki‡Z cvi bv hw` bv Avwg †Zvgv‡K †hgb e‡jwQ †Zgb K¬v‡m Dcw¯’Z _vK|Ó ÒAvwg `ytwLZ,m¨vi, Avwg Avcbv‡K AvNvZ w`‡qwQ,Ó QvÎwU ejj|)
Answer: The teacher asked the student why he(S) did not/ attend classes regularly. He also said that he(S) could not expect good results unless he(S) attended classes as he (t)told him (S).Addressing as sir respectfully the student said that he(S) wassorry, as he (S) had offended him(T)

23. “Have you seen your mother, Jerry?”“I see her every summer .She was sends for me “I wanted to cry out.” Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?” He said,She comes up here from Manville whenever she can .She does not have a job now.”(ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi gv‡K †`‡LQ,†Rwi?Ó Avwg Zv‡K MÖx‡¯§ †`wL|wZwb Avgv‡K †W‡K cvVvb|Ó Avgvi wPrKvi w`‡Z B”Qv nj|ÒZzwg †Kb Zvi mv‡_ _vK bv? †Zvgv‡K wZwb Kx K‡i Avevi P‡j †h‡Z ‡`b|Ó †m ejj, Ò †m g¨v‡bbwfj †_‡K GLv‡b Av‡mb hLb mgq cvb|Zvi GLb PvKzwi †bB|)
Answer: The writer  asked Jerry if he had seen hermother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and added thatshe sent for him. She wanted to cry out and asked him why he was notwith her and how she could let him go away again. He said that she came up there from Mannville whenever she could. He also told that  she did not have a job then.

24. “Where are you from?” said the teacher. “I am from Nepal,” said the student. “How did you find Dhaka when you first arrived?” said the teacher. “Well, I like it. I think the city is very beautiful,” said the student.ÒZzwg †Kv_v †_‡K G‡mQ?Ó wk¶K ej‡jb| ÒAvwg †bcvj †_‡K G‡mwQ,Ó QvÎ ejj| ÒZzwg XvKv‡K †Kgb †`‡LwQ‡j hLb Zzwg cÖ_g G‡mwQ‡j?Ó wk¶K ej‡jb| Òfvj,Avgvi cQ›` n‡q‡Q|Avwg g‡b Kwi kniwU Lye my›`i,ÓQvÎ )
Answer: The teacher asked thestudent where she was from. The student replied that he was from Nepal. The teacher asked the student how he (S) had found Dhakawhen he was(S) had first arrived. The student said that she cameup there from Mannville whenever she could and that she did nothave a job then.

25. Once I asked a little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She replied cleverly, “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.” I said, “What a clever girl you are! May you prosper in life.” ”(GK`v Avwg GKwU wgwó †QvÆ †g‡q‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, Ò‡Zvgvi gv‡qi bvg wK?Ó †m PvZz‡h©i mv‡_ Reve w`j,Ò Avwg Avgvi gv‡qi bvg Rvwb wKšÍ eje bv|Ó Avwg ejjvg, ÒZzwg Kx eyw×gwZ †g‡q!Ó Zzwg Rxe‡b mdjKvg nI|Ó
Answer: Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name. She also said that she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl and I wished that she might prosper in life.

26. “Where is my son?” said the Grocer. “A crow carried you son away” said the fruit seller. “You liar. How can a crow carry away such a big boy?” “Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights.”( Avgvi †Q‡j †Kv_vq?gyw` ‡`vKvb`vi ejj| ÒGKwU KvK †Zvgvi †Q‡j‡K wb‡q †M‡Q, Ódj we‡µZv ejj| ÒZzwg wg‡_¨ev`x|KvK Kxfv‡e GZ eo †Q‡j‡K wb‡Z cv‡i?Ó ÒwVK †hfv‡e B`yui `vuwocvj­v Ges evULviv †L‡q †dj‡Z cv‡i|Ó
Answer: The Grocer asked the fruit seller where is (g)son was. The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his (g) son away. The grocer called the fruit seller liar and asked how a crow could carry away such a big boy. The fruit seller told the grocer that the same way as mice couldeat away the balance and weights.

27. “Where did you go yesterday?” said Lipi.“ I went to Chittagong to see my mother ,”said Mina. “She has been suffering from high blood pressure.” Is she sound now?” said Rajon. “No,” said Mina.(ÒZzwg MZKvj †Kv_vq wM‡qwQj?Ó wjwc ejj| ÒAvwg Avgvi gv‡K †`L‡Z PUªMÖvg wM‡qwQjvg,Ó wgbv ejj| ÒwZwb D”Pi³Pv‡c fyM‡Qb|Ó ÒwZwb wK GLb fvj Av‡Qb?Ó wjwc ejj| Òbv,Ó wgbv ejj|)
Answer:  Lipi asked Mina where she (m) had gone the previous day. Mina replied that she (m) had gone to Chittagong to see her (m) Mother. Mina added that she (mo) had been suffering from high blood pressure. Lipi again asked Mina if she (mo) was sound then. Mina replied in the negative.

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