Practice on Right Form of Verbs & Voice

Practice on Right Form of Verbs & Voice

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary:

Set-1:wipe, experience, endanger, fight, include, exclude, wash
As Bangladesh (a) — frequent natural disasters, she (b) — in the international distress call list. The people of this country preserve their existence through (c) — with natural forces. Besides, the adverse effects of natural forces, she is (d) — with greenhouse gases which may cause to (e) — away about one-third of our land mass.

Set-2: implement, come, require, engage, remain, imply, consider
It is high time we (a) — our brain in thinking about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry and oppression of women have to be (b) — in view of countries socio-economic, cultural, political etc. circumstances. United efforts (c) — to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must be drawn up to be (d) —. Anyway, we can hope that dowry system (e) — to an end in near future.

Set-3: result, add, enjoy, take, be, fall, reduce
Since the people of Bangladesh do not possess knowledge of health and (a) — much health care, malnutrition (b) — to the sufferings of the people. Most of the children of Bangladesh (c) — deprived of enough calories from the food (d) — by them. Lack of vitamin A (e) — in the eye-sight of many children.

Set-4: read, think, weep, say, torture, pray, go
One day while I (a) — newspaper sitting in my room, a woman with her little baby in her lap came to me (b) —. I could not recognize her first and she introduced herself and complained against her husband (c) — that she severely (d) — by him. I heard everything and advised her (e) — to the court.

Set-5: display, ruin, play, maintain, join, juxtapose, force, become
Undeniably, student politics (a) — a heroic role in our history for many years. However, it (b) — just a weapon of fulfilling some people’s self-interests only. It is also common knowledge in the universities that many reluctant students have to (c) — student wings of political parities just for getting a seat in the dormitory. They even (d) — to engage in serious party activities. Tales of brilliant students, careers being (e) — due to contemporary brand of student politics are also common place.

1. Change the following Active Voice into Passive:
(a) We made him captain.
(b) Always speak the truth.
(c) Do not open the door.
(d) Have you read the book?
(e) He will teach us English.
(f) Who has broken the plate?
(g) The book is printing.
(h) Nobody knows him here.
(i) Whom do you call?
(a) He was made captain by us.
(b) Let the truth be always spoken.
(c) Let not the door be opened.
(d) Has the book been read by you?
(e) English will be taught us by him. (or)
We shall be taught English by him.
(f) By whom has the plate been broken?
(g) The book is being printed.
(h) He is not known here
(i) Who is called by?

2. Change the following Passive Voice into Active:
(a) My watch was stolen.
(b) Let a letter be written y me.
(c) Rice is sold in the market.
(d) By whom will the bill be paid?
(e) His brother was hurt by him.
(f) English is spoken all over the world.
(g) The book was placed on the table.
(h) I am surprised at his conduct.
(i) Rome was not built in a day.
(j) He is well known to me.
(a) Some one stole my watch.
(b) Let me write a letter.
(c) Rice sells in the market.
(d) Who will pay the bill?
(e) He hurt his brother.
(f) People speak English all over the world.
(g) Someone placed the book on the table.
(h) His conduct surprises me.
(i) The Romans did not build Rome in a day.
(j) I know him well.


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