Practice on Right Form of Verbs

Practice on Right Form of Verbs

Right Form of Verbs

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

wipe experience endanger fight
include exclude wash

As Bangladesh (a) — frequent natural disasters, she (b) — in the international distress call list. The people of this country preserve their existence through (c) — with natural forces. Besides, the adverse effects of natural forces, she is (d) — with greenhouse gases which may cause to (e) — away about one-third of our land mass.

Set-1 : Ans: (a) experiences (b) is included (c) fighting (d) endangered (e) wash

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negative where necessary: 5

Try make be think
ponder abide indulge Mend

We often see young people (a) — in pompous ways of life. They (b) — by the advice of the seniors, not even of their guardians. Even they (c) — to realize the negative aspects of it. Pompous life (d) — them gradually derailed. When they realize the consequence on their lives, they often find it quite impossible to (e) — the damages.
Set-2. Ans: Try yourself.

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

implement come require engage
remain imply consider
implement come require engage remain imply consider

It is high time we (a) — our brain in thinking about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry and oppression of women have to be (b) — in view of country’s socio-economic, cultural, political etc. circumstances. United efforts (c) — to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must be drawn up to be (d) —. Anyway, we can hope that dowry system (e) — to an end in near future.

Set-3: Ans: (a) engaged (b) considered (c) are required (d) implemented (e) will come
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negative where necessary: 5

Be reach work come
confine dominate succeed

Today women play an important role in all spheres of life. Once they were (a) — by men. They (b) — no longer (c) — within the four walls. They have (d) — out of kitchens and are (e) — hand in hand with man.
Set-4. Ans: try yourself

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

result add enjoy take be fall reduce

Since the people of Bangladesh do not possess knowledge of health and (a) — much health care, malnutrition (b) — to the sufferings of the people. Most of the children of Bangladesh (c) — deprived of enough calories from the food (d) — by them. Lack of vitamin A (e) — in the eye-sight of many children.
Set-5: Ans. (a) do not take (b) adds (c) are (d) enjoyed (e) results

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negative where necessary: 5

Dare desire attain be may should assist

Everyone (a) — success in life but very few can (b) — it. One of the main reasons for his failure is that many people (c) — take risks. We must remember that life (d) — not a bed of roses. It is full of troubles and problems. We (e) — face them with courage.
Set-6 : Ans. Try yourself

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

read think weep say torture pray go

One day while I (a) — newspaper sitting in my room, a woman with her little baby in her lap came to me (b) —. I could not recognize her first and she introduced herself and complained against her husband (c) — that she severely (d) — by him. I heard everything and advised her (e) — to the court.
Set-7: Ans. (a) was reading (b) weeping (c) saying (d) had been tortured (e) to go
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negative where necessary: 5

See lean blow want cast screen lower

Robert Frost (a) — any severance of his with nature. Even when the window sash (b) — at night and the tree (c) — from his view he (d) — a shadow outline of the tree which (e) — a more profound influence over him than the rustling of leaves.
Set-8. Ans. Try yourself

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

display ruin play maintain join juxtapose force become

Undeniably, student politics (a) — a heroic role in our history for many years. However, it (b) — just a weapon of fulfilling some people’s self-interests only. It is also common knowledge in the universities that many reluctant students have to (c) — student wings of political parities just for getting a seat in the dormitory. They even (d) — to engage in serious party activities. Tales of brilliant students, careers being (e) — due to contemporary brand of student politics are also common place.
Set-9: Ans. (a) has been playing (b) has become (c) join (d) are forced (e) ruined

Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negative where necessary: 5

It is high time you (a) — for the Test Exam. You (b) — much time wandering aimlessly and doing meaningless jobs. Don’t you know that your parents and relatives highly expect you to (c) —. But if you are not serious right from now, you (d) — in the long run. Besides, your future (e) — in darkness

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

Wish achieve write be apprentice read feel

When he left school, Shakespeare was (a) — to a butcher. The school he attended is thought to have (b) — at Stratford. Shakespeare (c) — both name and fortune in London. His greatest plays (d) — on the stage towards the end of his life. One can not believe that anyone (e) — to disturb Shakespeare’s remains after his death.
Set-11. Answer: (a) apprenticed (b) been (c) achieved (d) were written (e) wishes

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

take pray offer keep do publish remain

With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly worked about the results. This is a common sight during the SSC examinations in thousands of families. Special prayers (a) — in families having such an examinee. Parents (b) — special care of their children. They make sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents shuttle to mazars and temples and (c) — for the examinees. Sometimes they give cash money and kinds for their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (d) — worried until the result (e) —.
Set-12. Answer: (a) are offered (b) take (c) pray (d) remain (e) is published

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

walk get run reach sit buy open

Last Friday I went to the zoo with some of my friends. We (a) — there before the gate (b) —. Then we (c) — some tickets and entered the zoo. While we (d) —, I saw my friend Raihan (e) — towards us.
Set-13. Answer: (a) reached (b) was opened (c) bought (d) were walking (e) running

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

do get beg want write receive choose

I (a) — your letter just now. You (b) — to know where I (c) — myself admitted and which subjects I (d) —. I am now (e) — everything in detail.
Set-14. Answer: (a) have got/have received (b) have wanted (c) have got/shall get (d) have chosen/will choose (e) writing

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

say be provide enrich face participate

Human life (a) — not static but dynamic. A man can not reach the highest peak of success if he (b) — in extra co-curricular activities. Traveling is also an important part of co-curricular activities. It is traveling which (c)—our knowledge, experience and promotes our attitudes. Therefore, traveling (d)—us with knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (e)—that out knowledge can be mobilized by traveling that different corners of the vast globe.
Set-15. Answer: (a) is (b) does not participate (c) enriches (d) provides (e) said.

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

write reach happen come do twinkle return

At last your long awaited letter (a) — us yesterday. You can hardly imagine how I jumped for joy and how mummy’s eyes (b) — with delight. When papa (c) — home in the evening and we told him that you (d) — very well in your mid-term examination he, too, was very pleased. So you may be sure of a very warm welcome when you (e) — here for Christmas.
Answer to the question set-16
(a) reached (b) twinkled (c) returned (d) had done (e) will come

Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

feel lead make inspire create imply devote

Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) — a man to do everything just and fair for his country and people. Actually it (b) — those qualities which makes a person (c) — his/her life for the well being of his country. Patriotic zeal (d) — a person dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. On other hand, those devoid of patriotic zeal (e) — any scruple to plot against the country.
Answer to the question set-17(a) inspires (b) implies (c) devote (d) makes (e) do not feel.

Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 5

begin say hold bid call invite recite

A Few days ago the marriage ceremony of my elder sister was (a) — in a very befitting manner. We (b) — our friends and relatives. The invited guests (c) — to come in the evening. After the arrival of the bridegroom the Qazi Solemnized the marriage (d) — the related verses from the Holy Quran. While (e) — farewell to my sister my parents burst into tears.
Answer to the question set-18
(a) held (b) invited (c) began (d) reciting (e) bidding

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