Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Discouraged,some of the men began to pack up,when all on a sudden ,a whirlphool was noticed in the nearest water.(nZvkvMÖ¯Í n‡q wKQy †jvK †MvQv‡Z ïi“ Kij,hLb KvQvKvwQ cvwb‡Z GKwU NywY©†mªvZ †`Lv †Mj|)
(ii) The fish was five feet off the shore now and was fighting harder than ever.
(gvQwU Zxi †_‡K cvPu dzU `~‡i wQj ZLb Ges c~‡e©i A‡bK mg‡qi †P‡q †ewk msMÖvg KiwQj|)
(iii) Then the man who caught it said, “He’s too beautiful to keep ,let him swim another day.”
(ZLb †h †jvKwU GUv‡K a‡iwQj †m ejj, Ò †m GZ my›`i †h Zv‡K a‡i ivLv hv‡e bv,Zv‡K Avi GKw`b mvZvui KvU‡Z `vI|Ó)
(iv) It was an hour before dawn and the beach was cold and windy.
(‡mUv cÖfvZ nIqvi GK N›Uv c~‡e© Ges ZLb mgy`ª ˆmKZ VvÛv Ges S‡ov wQj|
(v) All the men on the beach started at the magnificent fish for a minute.
(‰mK‡Zi me †jvKB †mB PgKcÖ` gvQwUi w`‡K GK wgwbU a‡i ZvwK‡qwQj|)
(vi) Yes, there was a blue fish on the line that fought furiously.
(n¨uv,eowuk‡Z GKwU bxj gvQ wQj †hwU fxlbfv‡e msMÖvg K‡iwQj|)
(vii) And with that he threw the fish back into the ocecan and watched it swim away.
(Avi Zvi mv‡_ †m gvQwU‡K mvM‡i Qy‡uo gvij Ges †mUv‡K mvZuvi †K‡U P‡j †h‡Z †`Lj|)
(viii) Eventually it could not resist the man’s strength and it was pulled ashore.
(Ae‡k‡l †mUv gvby‡li kw³‡K cÖwZnZ Ki‡Z cvij bv Ges Zv‡K mgy`ª Zx‡i †U‡b †Zvjv nj|)
(ix) Until the moment,the men had struggled a lot,but their efforts went unrewarded.(‡mB gyn~©Z ch©šÍ †jvK¸‡jv h‡_ó msMÖvg K‡iwQj wKš‘ Zv‡`i †Póv e¨_© nq|) †mB `vbe bxj gvQwU‡K ai‡Z hv kn‡i Av‡jvPbvi welq n‡q `vwuo‡qwQj|)
(x) Some fishermen in the distance were waiting to catch the giant bluefish-the talk of the town.(`~‡i wKQy †R‡j A‡c¶v KiwQj mB `vbe bxj gvQwU‡K ai‡Z hv kn‡i Av‡jvPbvi welq n‡q `vwuo‡qwQj|)
(xi) The fishermen tried to pull him in,but the fish would not give up.
(‡R‡jiv Zv‡K †U‡b Zzj‡Z †Póv Kij,wKšÍ gvQwU ek¨Zv ¯^xKvi KiwQj bv|)
(xii) Its gills opened and closed as if it were exhausted from the fight.
(Gi k¦vmhš¿ LyjwQj Ges eÜ nw”Qj †hb †mUv hy× K‡i K¬všÍ n‡q c‡owQj|)
(xiii) The battle continued.(msMÖvg Pj‡Z _vKj|)
(xiv) Fighting to be free,it was trapped in one man’s pole,and the man tightened his grip.
(gy³ nevi Rb¨ msMÖvg Ki‡Z Ki‡Z †mUv GK gvby‡li dv‡u` c‡o wM‡qwQj Ges †jvKwU Zvi AvKuov k³ K‡i a‡iwQj|
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The blacks were subjected to all sorts of indiginities.(K…òv½iv memgq Acgv‡bi wkKvi †nvZ|)
(ii) But the oppressive rulers could not break the sprit.(wKšÍ AZ¨vPvix kvm‡Kiv Zv‡`i) D`¨vg fv½‡Z cv‡iwb|
(iii)Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa.(‡bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv `w¶Y Avwd«Kvi me©‡kªô †bZv wQ‡jb|
(iv) Eventually,the great leader realized the goal of liberating his own.
(Ae‡k‡l †mB gnvb †bZv Zvui wb‡Ri †jvK‡`i ¯^vaxb Kivi j¶¨ AR©b K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(v) In fact,he was one of the greatest leaders of the world.(cÖK…Zc‡¶,wZwb we‡k¦i me©‡kªô †bZv‡`i Ab¨Zg|)
(vi) All his life he struggled against apartheid.(mvivRxeb a‡i wZwb eY©ev‡`i wei“‡× msMÖvg K‡i‡Qb|)
(vii) They were aliens in their own country.(Zviv Zv‡`i wbR †`‡kB wQ‡jb we‡`kx|)
(viii) It was government policy of racial segregation.(GUv wQj RvwZMZ c„w_KxKi‡Yi miKvix bxwZ|)
(ix) The blacks were treated cruelly. (K…òv½‡`i wbôziZvi mv‡_ e¨envi Kiv †nvZ|
(x) He was thrown behind the prison bars.(Zvu‡K †R‡j cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj|
(xi) The great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.
(GB gnvb †bZv cÖwZÁv K‡iwQ‡jb GB AgvbweK PP©vi mgvwß NUv‡Z|
(xii)They were denied all basic human rights.(Zv‡`i mKj †gŠwjK AwaKvi †_‡K ewÂZ Kiv n‡qwQj|
(xiii) The Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans.
(BD‡ivcxq‡`i ABD‡ivcxq‡`i †_‡K Avjv`v Kiv n‡qwQj|
(xiv) Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks.
(GgbwK KzKziI K…òv½‡`i †_‡K AwaKZi fvj e¨envi †c‡qwQj|
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story
(i) So some frogs made their home in the pond.(ZvB KZK¸‡jv e¨vO cyKziwU‡Z evmv evbvj|
(i) One day some boys were going by the side of the pond.(GKw`b wKQy evjK cyKzi cvo w`‡q hvw”Qj|
(ii) Then the boys began to throw stones into the pond for fun.
(ZLb evj‡Kiv gRv Kivi R‡b¨ cyKz‡i wXj Qyuo‡Z ïi“ Kij|
(iii) There was a little pond in a village.(GK Mªv‡g GK †QvU cyKzi wQj|
(iv) Many of them were hurt very seriously and killed.
(I‡`i A‡b‡KB mvsNvwZKfv‡e AvnZ nj Ges g‡i †Mj|)
(v) It was not so deep and its water was not clean and pure.
(GUv ZZ Mfxi wQj bv Ges Gi cvwb cwi¯‹vi I weï× wQj bv|)
(vi) So they were living there very happily.(myZivs Zviv cyKziwU‡Z my‡L evm K‡iwQj|)
(vii) The villagers did not bathe there and drink its water.
(MÖvgevmxiv GLv‡b †Mvmj KiZ bv Ges Gi cvwbI cvb KiZ bv|)
(viii) The stones hit the frogs one by one.(wXj¸‡jv G‡Ki ci GK e¨vO¸‡jvi Dci co‡Z jvMj|)
(ix) An old man saw it and forbade the boys to kill them.
(GKRb e„ׇjvK GUv †`Lj Ges Zv‡`i nZ¨v Ki‡Z evjK‡`i wb‡la Kij|)
(x) No one even disturbed them.(‡KD Zv‡`i wei³ KiZ bv|)
(xi) But the frogs did not know how to save their lives.(wKš‘ e¨vO¸‡jv Kxfv‡e cÖvY evuPv‡e Zv †f‡e †cj bv|)
(xii) The frogs played and sang there all the time.(e¨vO¸‡jv memgq GLv‡b †mLv‡b †LjZ Ges Mvb MvBZ|)
(xiii) They found the playful frogs in the pond. (Zviv cyKz‡ii g‡a¨ †LjviZ Ae¯’vq e¨vO¸‡jv †`Lj|
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) At one moment,a huge ice berg was spotted very close to the ship.
(‡Kvb GK gyn~©‡Z GKwU eidLÛ RvnvRwUi Lye Kv‡Q †`Lv †Mj|)
(ii) At that moment the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the Norht Atlantic.
(‡mB gyû©‡Z UvBUvwbK DËi AvUjvw›U‡Ki wngkxZj VvÛv cvwbi ga¨ w`‡q PjwQj|)
(iii) It was on April 10,1912.(GwU wQj 1912 mv‡ji 10 GwcÖj|)
(iv) She was carrying 1316 passengers and crew of 891.
(‡m 1316 Rb hvÎx Ges 891 Rb bvweK enb KiwQj|)
(v) The Titanic was sailing for Newyork from Southampton.
(UvBUvwbK mvD_¯úUb †_‡K wbDIq©‡Ki D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv ïi“ K‡iwQj|)
(vi) Four days after setting out,a great disaster happened.(hvÎvi Pviw`b ci GKwU fqven `y‡hv©M N‡UwQj|)
(vii) So she was regarded as unsinkable.(myZivs GwU‡K AWyebxq wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nZ|)
(viii) The Captain went down to see what had happened.(K¨v‡Þb wb‡P bvg‡jb,Kx n‡q‡Q Zv †`Lvi R‡b¨|)
(ix) The alarm had been given.(wec` ms‡KZ evRvb nj|)
(x) So the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly.
(myZivs K¨v‡Þb Zvi AvZ¼‡eva †_‡K eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h UvBUvwbK `ª“Z Wy‡e hvw”Qj|)
(xi) Five of the ship’s sixteen watertight compartments were totally damaged by the collision.(RvnvRwUi 16 wU cvwbcÖwZ‡ivaK K‡¶i g‡a¨ cvPuwU msN‡l© m¤ú~Y© ¶wZMÖ¯Í n‡qwQj|)
(xii) Suddenly there was a slight trembling sound from below.
(nVvr wbP †_‡K nvjKv av°vi kã cvIqv †Mj|)
(xiii) The great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision.(e„nr RvnvRwU `ª“Z Ny‡i wM‡qwQj msNl© Gov‡bvi R‡b¨|)
(xiv) At that time she was the largest ship in the world built in a very special way.
(‡m mgq GwU wQj we‡k¦i me©e„nr RvnvR †hwU we‡klfv‡e wbgv©Y Kiv n‡qwQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i)The Grassopher said, “Brother ant, give me a morsel of food.”
(Nvm dwoswU ejj, ÒfvB wcc‡ou,Avgv‡K GK MÖvm Lvevi `vI|Ó)
(ii) It was a frosty winter day.(w`bwU wQj Zzlviv”Qbœ kx‡Zi|)
(iii) The Grassopper went away being sad.(Nvm dwoswU welbœ g‡b we`vq wbj|)
(iv) The ant had stored them during the summer.”(wccu‡o MÖx¯§Kv‡j †m¸‡jv mÂq K‡iwQj|)
(v) The ant said, “Since you sang all summer,it seems you have to dance all winter.
(wccu‡o ejj,Ò‡h‡nZz Zzwg mviv MÖx¯§ Mvb †M‡q KvwU‡qQ,mviv kxZ †Zvgv‡K †eva nq bvP‡Z n‡e/†b‡P KvUv‡Z n‡e|)
(vi) A Grassopher ,half dead with hunger,came limping by.
(¶zavq Aa©g„Z GKwU Nvm dwos Lywou‡q Lywou‡q wcc‡oi Kv‡Q Gj|
(vii) Saying this the prudent ant locked his granary door.
(G K_v e‡j,weÁ wcc‡uo Zvi km¨ fvÛv‡ii `iRv eÜ K‡i w`j|)
(viii)The ant asked what he was doing during the summer.(wccu‡o Nvm dwos‡K wRÁvmv Kij,MÖx‡¯§ †m Kx K‡iwQj|)
(ix)He was singing all day long during the summer.(MÖx‡¯§ mvivw`b Nvmdwos Mvb †M‡qwQj|)
(x) An ant was taking out of his granary some grains of wheat.
(GK wccu‡o Zvi km¨fvÛvi †_‡K wKQy Mg †ei K‡i wb‡q hvw”Qj|)
(xi)The Grassopher saw what the ant was doing.(Nvm dwos †`Lj wccu‡owU Kx K‡iwQj|)
(xii)Hearing this the ant smiled grimly.(GK_v ï‡b wccu‡owU wb`©q n‡q nvmj|)
(xiii)The Grassopher replied that he was not idle.(Nvm dwos ejj,†m Ajm wQj bv|)
(xiv) During summer the ant was gathering the grains.(MÖx¯§Kv‡j wccu‡owU Lvevi msMÖn K‡iwQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Then he saw a spider trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave.(Gici †`L‡jb GKwU gvKovmv ¸nvi †fZ‡ii Qv‡` DVvi cÖvbvšÍi †Póv Ki‡Q|)
(ii) But it did not give up hope.(wKšÍ †mwU Avkv †Q‡o †`qwb|)
(iii) The spider failed again and again to succeed.(gvKomv mdj n‡Z wM‡q evi evi e¨_© nj|)
(iv) Bruce saw the spider climbing to the ceiling after some unsuccessful attempts.
(eª“m gvKomvwU‡K K‡qKevi e¨_© ‡Póv Kivi c‡iI Qv‡` DV‡Z †`L‡jb|)
(v) He gathered an army of strong men and attacked his enemies.
(wZwb kw³kvjx ˆmwbK‡`i GKwU evwnbx MVb Ki‡jb Ges Zvi kΓ evwnbx‡K Avµgb Ki‡jb|)
(vi) The dauntless spider inspired Bruce to shake off the darkness of despair.
(GB A`g¨ gvKovmv eª“m‡K wbivkvi Avuavi †S‡o †djvi Rb¨ Drmvn †hvMv‡jb|)
(vii) The enemies courted defeat and Robert Bruce regained his kingdom.
(kΓiv civRq eiY Ki‡jv Ges ievU©eª“m Zvui ivR¨ cyii“×vi Ki‡jb|)
(viii) The king fougth bravely but lost the battle.(ivRv mvnwmKZvi mv‡_ hy× Ki‡jb,wKšÍ hy‡× †n‡i †M‡jb|)
(ix) Robert Bruce was a famous king of Scotland.(ievU©eª“m ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi GKRb weL¨vZ ivRv wQ‡jb|)
(x) He had to flee from his kingdom to save his life.
(Rxeb i¶vi R‡b¨ Zv‡uK ivR¨ †_‡K cvwj‡q †h‡Z n‡qwQj|)
(xi) Enemies invaded his kingdom.(kΓiv Zvi ivR¨ Avµgb Kij|)
(xii) He took shelter in a remote cave.(wZwb `~ieZ©x †Kvb GKwU ¸nvq Avkªq MÖnY K‡ib|)
(xiii) One he was lying in the cave.(GK`v wZwb ¸nvi g‡a¨ ky‡q wQ‡jb|)
(xiv) The king was always in a gloomy state for his unhappy condition.
(ivRv Zviu `ytLRbK Ae¯’vi Rb¨ me©`v welbœ Ae¯’vq _vK‡Zb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He was born on 18 June at Bathua village in Hat Hazari of Chittagong.
(wZwb 18Ryb PUªMÖv‡gi nvUnvRvixi ey_yqv MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(ii) He is the third among fourteen children of his parents.(wZwb Zviu wcZvgvZvi †PŠÏ mšÍv‡bi g‡a¨ Z…Zxq|)
(iii) Then he got himself admitted into a collegiate school and passed the Matriculation standing 16th position.(Zvici wZwb K‡jvwR‡qU ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nb Ges †lvok ¯’vb `Lj K‡i g¨vwUªK cix¶vq DËxY© nb|
(iv) After passing the Intermediate Examination,he got himself admitted into the university of Dhaka in the Department of Economics.(D”P gva¨wgK cix¶vq DËxY© n‡q wZwb XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q A_©bxwZ wefv‡M fwZ© nb|)
(v) He established Grameen Bank in 1976 and started his microdcredit programme from Jobra village.(wZwb 1976 mv‡j MÖvgxY e¨vsK cÖwZóv K‡ib Ges †Rveiv MÖvg †_‡K ¶z`ªSY Kg©m~Px ïi“ K‡ib|)
(vi) His activities of poverty alleviation and promotion of peace have been famous all over the world.(`vwi`ª`~ixKi‡Y I kvwšÍ ¯’vc‡b Zvi D‡`¨vM wek¦e¨vcx weL¨vZ nq|)
(vii) You must have heard the name of Professor Dr.Muhammad Yunus.
(‡Zvgiv wbðqB Aa¨vcK BDby‡mi bvg ky‡bQ|)
(viii) His father’s name is Hazi Dula Mia and mother’s name is Sufia Khatun.
(Zvui wcZvi bvg nvRx `yjv wgqv Ges gvZvi bvg mywdqv LvZzb|)
(ix) He completed his primary education from Lama Bazer Primary School and got first place in the scholarship examination.(wZwb jvgvevRvi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq †_‡K Zvi cÖv_wgK wk¶v mgvß K‡ib Ges e„wË cix¶vq cÖ_g nb|)
(x) He got Economics in 1961 and did his Ph.D in 1969 from the USA.(wZwb 1961 mv‡j A_©bxwZ‡Z Gg.G cvm K‡ib Ges 1969 mv‡j hy³iv‡óª †_‡K wc GBP wW wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)
(xi) He passed the Intermediate Examination from Chittagong College.
(wZwb PUªMÖvg †_‡K D”P gva¨wgK cix¶vq cvm K‡ib|)
(xii) Grameen Bank and his microcredit programmes have been very successful in poverty reduction all over the world.(Zvi MÖvgxb e¨vsK I ¶z`ªSY cÖKí `vwi`ª we`yi‡Y wek¦e¨vcx mdj nq|)
(xiii) His project for the promotion of peace through poverty reducation all over the world.
(`vwi`ª we`yi‡Yi gva¨‡g kvwšÍ cÖwZôvq Zvi GB cÖKí Av`©k wn‡m‡e wek¦e¨vcx MÖnY Kiv nq|)
(xiv) His is awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 2008 of which the Bengali nation is proud.
(2006 mv‡j wZwb kvwšÍi R‡b¨ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb hv evOvwj RvwZi Rb¨ M‡e©i welq|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) His friends and dispels could not bear the sight.(Zvui eÜz Ges f³e„›` `„k¨wU mn¨ Ki‡Z cvij bv|)
(ii) With eyes full of tears,they bade Socrates a last farewell.
(AkÖ“ fiv bq‡b Zvuiv m‡µwUm‡K †kl we`vq Rvbvj|)
(iii) A few moments passed,Socrates lay down and covered his face.
(K‡qKgyn~Z© AwZµvšÍ nj,m‡µwUm ï‡q co‡jb Ges Zvi gyL †X‡K †dj‡jb|)
(iv) The cup contained hemlock,a very strong poison.
(‡cqvjvq †ngjK bvgK GK cÖKvi AZ¨šÍ kw³kvjx wel wQj|)
(v) At last,the hour of deparature had arrived.(Ae‡k‡l we`v‡qi gyn~Z© G‡m coj|)
(vi) A moment later,he uncovered his face and looking at Crito,said, “Don’t forget the debt,Crito.”(GK gyn~Z© c‡i wZwb gyLgÛ‡ji c`©v mwi‡q †`b Ges wµ‡Uvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q ej‡jb, Òwµ‡Uv,SYUvi K_v fy‡j †hI bv|Ó)
(vii) They burst into tears and cried loudly like children.
(Zviv Kvbœvq †f‡½ coj Ges wkïi gZ wPrKvi K‡i Kv`u‡Z _vKj|)
(viii) Socrates met his friends and dispels for the last time.
(m‡µwUm †klev‡ii gZ Zviu eÜz I f³e„‡›`i mv‡_ mv¶vr Ki‡jb|)
(ix) He asked them to let him die in peace.(wZwb Zvu‡K kvwšÍ‡Z gi‡Z †`qvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i cÖwZ Avnevb Rvbvb|)
(x) At sunset,the Governor of the prison came.(m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq Kviva¨¶ G‡m c‡ob|)
(xi) Then there came a man with a cup in hand.(Gici nv‡Z GKUv †cqvjv wb‡q †mLv‡b GKRb †jvK Av‡m|)
(xii) He argued with them about the immorality of the soil.
(wZwb AvZœvi AgiZœ m¤ú‡K© Zv‡`i mv‡_ hyw³ c~Y© K_v ej‡jb|)
(xiii) He told them that the soul of man cannot die.(wZwb Zv‡`i‡K ej‡jb †h,gvby‡li AvZ¥v gi‡Z cv‡i bv|)
(xiv) Socrates took the cup in his hand,said his prayer and drank the hemlock.
(m‡µwUm †cqvjv Zviu nv‡Z †bb,cÖv_©bv K‡ib Ges wbwØ©avq †ngjK wel cvb K‡ib|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) This time he put on gorgeous dress.(Gevi wZwb RvuKRKug †cvkvK cwiavb Ki‡jb|)
(ii) The courtier understood his fault and begged pardon to the poet.
(ivRmfvm` Zvi wb‡Ri fy‡ji eyS‡Z cvi‡jb Ges Kwei Kv‡Q ¶gv cÖv_©bv Ki‡jb|)
(iii) On his way back home,Sadi again took shelter in the same courtier’s home.
(evwo †divi c‡_ mvÕ`x cybivq GKB ivRmfvm‡`i evwo‡Z Avkªq wb‡jb|)
(iv) He set out for the emperor’s palace in ordinary dress.
(mvaviY †cvkvK cwiavb K‡i wZwb mgªv‡Ui cÖvmv‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv K‡ib|)
(v) Sadi replied, “My dress derserves this food.(mvÕ`x Rev‡e ej‡jb, ÒG Lv`¨ Avgvi †cvkv‡Ki cÖvc¨|Ó)
(vi) He was simple in his ways of life.(wZwb mvaviY Rxebhvcb Ki‡Zb|)
(vii) On the way,he took shelter in a courtier’s house.(cw_g‡a¨ wZwb GK mfvm‡`i evwo‡Z Avkªq †bb|)
(viii) Sheikh Sa’di was a great Persian poet.(‡kL mvÕ`x cvi‡m¨i GKRb gnvb Kwe wQ‡jb|)
(ix) They asked, “Why are you putting the foods in your dress?”
(Zviv wR‡Ám Kij, ÒAvcbvi RvgvKvc‡oi g‡a¨ †Kb Lvevi ivL‡Qb?Ó)
(x) Once he was invited to the emperor’s palace.(GK`v wZwb mgªv‡Ui cÖvmv‡` Avgwš¿Z n‡jb|)
(xi) The courtier’s men were surprised to see this.(GB †`‡L mfvm‡`i †jv‡Kiv wew¯§Z nj|)
(xii) The courtier and his men did not show much honour and hospitality to him.
(ivRmfvm` Ges Zvui †jvKRb Zv‡uK †ewk m¤§vb I AvwZ‡_qZv cÖ`©kb K‡iwb|)
(xiii) Now Sadi began to put his foods in the pockets of his dress.
(Gevi mv`x Zvui Lvevi¸‡jv Rvgvi c‡K‡U ivL‡Z jvM‡jb|)
(xiv) The courteier received him cordially and entertained him with rich and delicious foods.(ivRmfvm` Zv‡uK AvšÍwiK Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡jb Ges `vgx I my¯^v`y Lv`¨ Øviv Zv‡uK Avc¨vqb Ki‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Then he joined the training programme of NHC.
(c‡i wZwb Gb GBP wm cÖwk¶Y Kg©m~Px‡Z AskMÖnY K‡ib|)
(ii) Poverty then forced him to look for works.(`wi`ªZv ZLb Zv‡K Kg©mÜv‡b eva¨ K‡iwQj|)
(iii) He was remained associates with it since then.(ZLb †_‡K †m Gi m‡½ RwoZ Av‡Q|)
(iv) He was an unemployed youth of an improvised family.(‡m wQj `wi`ª cwiev‡ii †eKvi hyeK|)
(v) Belal’s lot has changed radically.(‡ejv‡ji fvM¨ Avg~j e`‡j †Mj|)
(vi) Belal is now an affluent man.(‡ejvj GLb †ek m”Qj GKRb gvbyl|)
(vii) He worked as a labourer.(‡m w`b gRy‡ii KvR KiZ|)
(viii) Then he got a lease of land in his village.(c‡i †m Zvi MÖv‡g GKLÛ Rwg BRviv wbj|)
(ix) He is now happy to be a self-sufficient man.(GKRb ¯^wbf©i e¨w³ wn‡m‡e GLb †m Lye mywL|)
(x) He has also been raising hi-breed cows for milk as well as to produce manure.
(‡m DbœZ Rv‡Zi MvfxMvfx cvjb ïi“ Kij `y‡ai R‡b¨ Ges mvi Drcv`‡bi R‡b¨|)
(xi) Through hard work he has managed to turn the wheel of fortune.
(KwVb cwikªg K‡i †m Zvi fv‡M¨i PvKv Nyiv‡Z mg©_ n‡q‡Q|)
(xii) He applied his new and improved knowledge to cultivating vegetables.
(‡m Zvi bZzb Ges DbœZ Ávb mewR Pv‡l cÖ‡qvM Kij|)
(xiii) Belal studied upto class eight.(‡ejvj Aóg †kªYx ch©šÍ covïbv K‡iwQj|)
(xiv) Belal first received training in vegetable cultivation.(‡ejvj cÖ_‡g mewR Pv‡l cÖwk¶Y †bq|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The farmer was surprised.( K…lK wew¯§Z nj|)
(ii) So,he could not devote himself to his work.(ZvB †m †Kvb Kv‡R gb w`‡Z cviwQj bv|)
(iii) Now a new thinking took hold of the farmer..(GLb K…l‡Ki gv_vq GKwU bZzb wPšÍv Pvcj|)
(iv) He did not find any safe place to keep the bag.(‡m e¨vM ivLvi †Kvb wbivc` RvqMv Ly‡Ru cvw”Qj bv|)
(v) He could not think where to keep the money.(‡m UvKv †Kv_vq ivL‡e,†f‡e cvw”Qj bv|)
(vi) He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money there.
(‡m Zvi Kz‡uo N‡i GKUv eo MZ© Ly‡o UvKv¸‡jv ivLj|)
(vii) He said to himself, “One thousand rupees is a lot of money.”
(‡m g‡b ejj, Ò GK nvRvi UvKv,A‡bK UvKv|Ó)
(viii) He gradually raised that he had money,but no peace of mind.
(µ‡g †m eyS‡Z cvij,UvKv †c‡jI †m kvwšÍ nvwi‡q‡Q|)
(ix) “Keep this money and remove your distress.”(ÒGB UvKv¸‡jv ivL Ges †Zvgvi ˆ`b¨ `~i Ki|Ó)
(x) He always thought that his money could be stolen any time.
(memgq Zvi wPšÍv nj,UvKv¸‡jv †Pvi bv wb‡q hvq|)
(xi) He took the bag of the money from the rich man and thanked him.
(‡m abx †jvKwUi KvQ †_‡K UvKvi e¨vMwU wbj Ges Zv‡K ab¨ev` w`j|)
(xii) This thought kept him awake and his sleep fled away at night.(G wPšÍvq †m iv‡Zi Nyg nvivj|)
(xiii) A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand rupees in a bag.
(GKRb abx †jvK GK nvRvi UvKv fwZ© GKUv e¨vM wb‡q GK K…l‡Ki wbKU †Mj|)
(xiv) He said to him, “Look my friend, I’ve brought taka one thousand for you.”
(abx †jvKwU ejj, Ò‡`L, eÜz,†Zvgvi Rb¨ GK nvRvi UvKv wb‡q G‡mwQ|Ó)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) But it had no effect.(wKš‘ me †Póv e„_v †Mj|)
(ii) At last he found a jar in a garden.(Ae‡k‡l GK evMv‡bi g‡a¨ †m GKwU Kjwm †`L‡Z ‡cj|)
(iii) As he was leaving the jar in despair,he noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.
(nZvkvq KjwmwU †Q‡o hvevi mgq wbK‡UB †m bywo cv_i †`Lj|)
(iv) But it was at the bottom and out of his reach.(wKš‘ cvwb wQj Kjwmi Zjvq Ges †m Zv bvMvj cvw”Qj bv|)
(v) He flew from one place to another in search of water.
(cvwbi †Lvu‡R †m GK RvqMv †_‡K Ab¨ RvqMvq D‡o †eovw”Qj|)
(vi) He took some pebbles.(‡m wKQy bywo cv_i wbj|)
(vii) Then he hit upon a plan.(Ae‡k‡l †m GKUv Dcvq †ei Kij|)
(viii) Then he flew away.(Zvici †m D‡o †Mj|)
(ix) Then he dropped the pebbles into the jar.(cv_i¸‡jv †m GK GK K‡i Kjwmi g‡a¨ †djj|)
(x) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink.(GK`v GK KvK LyeB Z…òvZ© n‡q cvwb cvb Kij|)
(xi) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank to his fill.
( cvwb hLb Kjwmi gy‡L Gj,ZLb KvK cÖvYf‡i cvwb cvb Kij|)
(xii) As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by littleThe crow tried to turn the jar over and over again. (GK GKwU bywo cv_i Kjwm‡Z covi mv‡_ mv‡_ Kjwmi cvwb µ‡gB Dc‡i DV‡Z jvMj|)
(xiii) The crow tried to turn the jar over and over again.(KvKwU Kjwm D‡ë w`‡Z evievi †Póv KiwQj|)
(xiv) There was some water in the jar. (KjmwU‡Z mvgvb¨ cvwb wQj
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He made up his mind to step down the throne and divide the kingdom.
(wZwb gbtw¯’i Ki‡jb wmsnvmb Z¨vM Ki‡eb Ges Zvi ivRZ¡ fvM¨ K‡i †`‡eb|)
(ii) Goneril declared, “Sir, I love you more than I can say.”
(M‡bwij †NvlYv Ki‡jb, ÒRbve,Avwg hv e¨³ Ki‡Z cvwi Zv †_‡K ‡ewk Avcbv‡K fvjevwm|Ó)
(iii) But first he wanted to know how much they loved him.
(wKšÍ cÖ_‡g wZwb Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb Zviv Zvu‡K KZUzKz fvjev‡m|)
(iv) Lear was satisfied.(wjqvi mš‘yó n‡jb|)
(v) He called for the map of his kingdom and drew his finger round one third of it.
(wZwb Zuvi iv‡R¨i gvbwPÎ Avb‡Z ej‡jb Ges Zvi GK Z…Zxqvs‡ki Pvwiw`‡K Zvui Av½yj w`‡q `vM w`‡jb|)
(vi) He was tired of rulling and needed rest.
(wZwb ivR¨ kvmb K‡i K¬všÍ n‡q co‡jb Ges Zvui wekªv‡gi cÖ‡qvRb nj|)
(vii) Then it was turn of Cordelia,the youngest and most loved daughter.
(AZtci Zvui me©Kwbô Ges wcÖqZgv Kb¨v K‡W©wjqv cvjv Avmj|)
(viii) Lear was shocked and said, “Nothing will come of nothing.”
(wjqvi gg©vnZ n‡jb Ges ej‡jb, ÒwKQyB bv †_‡K wKQyB cvIqv hv‡e bv|)
(ix) When asked his second daughter Regan said, “My love for you shall never change.(hLb wR‡Ám Kiv nj,Zvui wØZxq Kb¨v wiM¨vb ej‡jb, ÒAvcbvi Rb¨ Avgvi fvjevmv KLbI cwie©Zb n‡e bv|Ó)
(x) At first Lear asked his eldest daughter, “How much do you love me?”(cÖ_‡g wjqvi Zvi me©‡R¨ô Kb¨v‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jb, ÒZzwg Avgv‡K KZUzKz fvjev‡mv?Ó)
(xi) He had three daughters Goneril,Regan and Codelia.
(Zvui M‡bwij,wiM¨vb Ges K‡W©wjqv bv‡g wZb Kb¨v wQj|)
(xii) Lear was pleased and gave her a third of his kingdom.
(wjqvi mš‘ó n‡jb Ges Zvui iv‡R¨i GK Z…Zxqvsk Zv‡K w`‡q w`‡jb|)
(xiii) When asked Cordelia said, “Nothing”.
(hLb wR‡Ám Kiv nj,K‡W©wjqv ej‡jb, ÒwKQyB bv|Ó wKQyB bv †_‡K wKQyB cvIqv hv‡e bv|Ó)
(xiv) Long ago there was a mighty old king of England named Lear.
(A‡bK A‡bK w`b Av‡M wjqvi bv‡g Bsj¨v‡Ûi GKRb kw³ai e„× ivRv wQ‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The first friend climbed up a tree without any second thought.
(‡Kvb wØZxq wPšÍv bv K‡i cÖ_‡g eÜzwU GKwU Mv‡Q DV‡jv|)
(ii) Suddenly a bear came there growling.(nVvr GKwU fvjyK MR©b Ki‡Z Ki‡Z †mLv‡b Avmj|)
(iii) Who doesn’t know the story of two friends passing through a forest?
(GKwU Ai‡Y¨i †fZi w`‡q †n‡Uu hvIqv `yB eÜzi Mí †K bv Rv‡b?)
(iv) The latter could not climb the tree.(wØZxqRb Mv‡Q DV‡Z cviZ bv|)
(v) They were talking about their love for each other.
(ci¯ú‡ii cÖwZ Zv‡`i †h fvjevmv Zv wb‡q Zvi K_v ejwQj|)
(vi) He could not make out what to do.(‡m Kx Ki‡Z n‡e †f‡e †cj bv|)
(vii) The bear smelt his nose,ears and face.(fvjyK Zvi bvK,Kvb Ges gyLgÛj ï‡uK †`Lj|)
(viii) With ready wit,he lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.
(Dcw¯’Z eyw×i mvnv‡h¨,†m gvwU‡Z ï‡q coj Ges g„Z gvby‡li fvb Kij|)
(ix) Then the bear went away.(AZtci fvjyKwU P‡j †Mj|)
(x) After that the first friend come down.(Gici cÖ_g eÜzwU wb‡P bvgj|)
(xi) He said that the bear advised him not to trust a man who leaves his friend in danger.
(‡m ej‡jv †h fvjyKwU Zv‡K Dc‡`k w`‡q‡Q Ggb †Kvb gvbyl‡K wek¦vm Ki‡jv fvjyKwU Zv‡K Kx e‡j‡Q|)
(xii) He asked his friend what the bear told him.(‡m Zvi eÜz‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jv fvjyKwU Zv‡K Kx e‡j‡Q|)
(xiii) It considered him to be dead.(‡m Zv‡K g„Z g‡b Kij|)
(xiv) The second friend stood up.(wØZxq eÜzwU D‡V `vuovj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He was born in Jilan in Iraq.(wZwb Biv‡K wRjv‡b Rb¥MÖnb K‡ib|)
(ii) She was very pious and taught him many important and religious things.
(wZwb LyeB avw©gK wQ‡jb Ges Zvu‡K LyeB ¸iZ¡c~Y© I ag©xq wk¶v cÖ`vb K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(iii) Hazrat Abdul Quader was a famous religious figure in Islam.
(nhiZ Avãyj Kv‡`i Bmjvg a‡g©i GKRb weL¨vZ agx©q e¨w³Z¡ wQ‡jb|)
(iv) His mother decided to send him to Bagdad with a view to educating him there.
(Zviu gv Zv‡K †jLvcovi R‡b¨ evM`v‡` cvVvevi wmØvšÍ MÖnY K‡ib|)
(v) His father died eveb before his birth.(Zvui wcZv Zvui R‡b¥i c~‡e©B B‡šÍKvj K‡ib|)
(vi) The boy left for Bagdad with a caravan of merchants,but on their way a gand of robbers fell upon them and looted their money.(evjKwU ewYK‡`i GK Kv‡djvi mv‡_ evM`v‡` hvÎv K‡ib,wKšÍ cw_g‡a¨ GK`j WvKvZ Zv‡`i‡K Avµgb K‡i Ges Zv‡`i UvKv cqmv jyÚb K‡i|)
(vii) That time the roads were unsafe;often gangs of robbers fell upon the traveler and plundered their belongings and money.(‡m mgq iv¯ÍvNvU wbivc` wQj bv; cÖvqB WvKvZ `j c_Pvix‡`i Dci PovI nZ Ges mnvh m¤^j I UvKv cqmv jyU K‡i wb‡q †hZ|)
(viii) One of the robbers said the small boy might have something with him.
(WvKvZ‡`i GKRb ejj †QvU evjKwUi Kv‡Q †Kvb wKQy _vK‡Z cv‡i|)
(ix) At the time of sending,his mother sewed forty gold coins in his shirt and advised him never tell a lie.(Zv‡Ku cvVvevi mgq Zvui gv Rvgvi wfZi PwjkwU ¯^Y©gy`ªv †mjvB K‡i †i‡L ‡`b| Ges KLbI wg_¨v K_v bv ejvi R‡b¨ Dc‡`k †`b|)
(x) The boy said, “Mother has advised me never to tell a lie even in danger.”
(‡Q‡jwU ejj, Ògv Avgv‡K KLbI wg_¨v K_v bv ejvi Dc‡`k w`‡q‡Qb|Ó)
(xi) The leader felt surprised and said, “You might not have disclosed the fact.
(m`©vi wew¯§Z nj Ges ejj, ÒZzwg G Z_¨wU cÖKvk bv Ki‡jI cvi‡Z|Ó)
(xii) But Abdul Quadar spoke out, “No,no, I have forty gold coins sewed in my shirt.”
(evjK Avãyj Kv‡`i ej‡jb, Òbv,bv, Avgvi Rvgvi †fZ‡i PwjkwU ¯^Y© gy`ªv †mjvB Kiv Av‡Q|Ó)
(xiii) The robbers felt ashamed of their deeds and gave up robbery.
(WvKvZiv Zv‡`i AcK‡g©i Rb¨ jw¾Z nj Ges WvKvwZ †Q‡o w`j|)
(xiv) The gang leader said that perhaps the boy had nothing with him.
(WvKvZ `‡ji m`©vi ejj †h m¤¢eZ evjKwUi Kv‡Q wKQyB †bB|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story
(i) The blacks were subjected to all sorts of indiginities.(K…òv½iv mKj cÖKvi Agh©v`vi cvÎ wQj|)
(ii) But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit.
(wKšÍ AZ¨vPvix kvm‡Kiv Zvui g‡bvej †f‡½ w`‡Z cv‡i wb|)
(iii) Nelson Medela was the greatest leader of South Africa.
(†bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv wQ‡jb `w¶Y Avwd«Kvi me‡P‡q gnvb †bZv wQ‡jb|)
(iv) Eventually,the great leader realized the goal of liberating his own people.
(Ae‡k‡l GB gnvb †bZv Zvui RbM‡Yi gyw³i welqwU Dcjwä Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb|)
(v) In fact,he was one of the greatest leaders of the world.
(ev¯ÍweKB wZwb wQ‡jb we‡k¦i me‡P‡q gnvb †bZv‡`i GKRb|)
(vi) All his life he struggled against apartheid.(eY©‰elg¨i wei“‡× wZwb mviv Rxeb msMÖvg K‡i †M‡Qb|)
(vii) They were aliens in their owb country.(Zviv wQ‡jb wbR †`‡k cievmx|)
(viii) It was government policy of racial segregation.(RvwZMZ wew”QbœZv wQj miKvwi bxwZ|)
(ix) The blacks were treated cruelly.(K…lv½‡`i mv‡_ wbg©g AvPiY Kiv nZ|)
(x) He was thrown behind the prison bars.(Zv‡uK KvivMv‡i Aei“× Kiv nj|)
(xi) The great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.
(AgvbweK Kvh©µ‡gi mgvwß Uvbvi Rb¨ GB gnvb †bZv `„p cÖwZÁv K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(xii) They were denied all basic rights.(Zv‡`i mKj †gŠwjK AwaKvi A¯^xKvi Kiv nZ|)
(xiii) The Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans.
(BD‡ivcxq A-BD‡ivcx‡`i †_‡K c„_K Kiv n‡qwQj|)
(xiv) Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks.
(Ggb wK KzKzi I K…òv½‡`i †P‡q AwaK fvj e¨envi ‡cZ|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The king was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(ivRv ‡R¨vwZlx‡`i KvQ †_‡K Zvi fwel¨r m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z cQ›` Ki‡Zb|)
(ii) The king called him to the palace.(ivRv Zv‡K ivR`iev‡i †W‡K cvVvb|)
(iii) At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(G‡Z ivRv µ× nb Ges Zv‡K g„Zy¨ `Êv‡`k cÖ`vb K‡ib|)
(iv) A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.(GKRb bvgKiv †R¨vwZlx ivRvi ivRavbx cwi`©kb K‡ib|)
(v) Once there was a king.(GK`v GK ivRv wQ‡jb|)
(vi) With ready wit he said, “The stars declare that I’ll die only a week before your death!”(Dcw¯’Z eyw× LvwU‡q wZwb ej‡jb, Òb¶Î e‡j w`‡”Q †h,Avcbvi g„Zz¨i gvÎ GK mßvn c~‡e© Avwg gviv hve|Ó)
(vii) But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution.(wKš‘ †R¨vwZlxi g„Zz¨`Ê Kvh©Ki Kivi R‡b¨ Zv‡K wb‡q hvevi cy‡e© Zvi gv_vq Av‡iKwU wPšÍvi D`q nj|)
(viii) The king then asked, “How long would you live?”
(ivRv ZLb Zv‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jb, ÒZzwg KZw`b †e‡Pu _vK‡e?Ó)
(ix) The astrologer told something very unpleasant.(‡R¨vwZlx LyeB AcÖxwZKi wKQy ej‡jb|)
(x) He thought for a while for some way of escape.
(Gici wZwb wKQy¶b evPuvi †Kvb Dcvq wb‡q wPšÍvfvebv Ki‡jb|)
(xi) He thought that the king would prove him a liar putting him to death.
(wZwb fve‡jb †h ivRv nq‡Zv Zv‡K wg_¨vev`x cÖgvY Kivi R‡b¨ †g‡i †dj‡Z cv‡ib|)
(xii) At this the king turned turned pale.(G‡Z ivRv weeY© n‡q c‡ob|)
(xiii) “Drive this wretch away and let him not come again, “shouted the king.
(ivRv wPrKvi K‡i ej‡jb, ÒGB nZfvMv‡K GLvb †_‡K Zvwo‡q `vI Ges Zv‡K Avi KLbI Avm‡Z w`I bv|Ó)
(xiv) I shall wait to receive your majesty where you have been sending me.
(Avcbv‡K m¤§v‡b Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z Avwg †mLv‡b A‡c¶vgvY _vKe †hLv‡b Avcwb Avgv‡K cvwV‡q w`‡”Qb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He became very annoyed.(wZwb Lye wei³ n‡jb|)
(ii) Then he sent it to his friend with the words on it “Carriage to be paid on delivery.”
(AZtci GwU wZwb Zvui eÜzi Kv‡Q cvwV‡q w`‡jb, Ò mieivn Kivi ci WvKgvïj cwi‡kvwaZ n‡e|Ó)
(iii) He wanted to teach his friend a good lesson.(wZwb Zvui eÜz‡K DwPZ wk¶v w`‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(iv) The poet had to pay double postage.(Kwe‡K wظb gvïj cwi‡kva Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|)
(v) He packed it up in a fine box.(wZwb GKwU my›`i GKwU ev‡· fwZ© Ki‡jb|)
(vi) With a great hope in mind he opened the box.(g‡b eo Avkv wb‡q wZwb ev·wU Lyj‡jb|)
(vii) So he procured a heavy stone.(ZvB wZwb GKwU fvix cv_i msMÖn Ki‡jb|)
(viii) Thus the poet taught his friend a good lesson.(Gfv‡e Kwe Zvui eÜz‡K GKwU DwPZ wk¶v w`‡jb|)
(ix) During his stay he received an unpaid letter from his friend.
(Zvui Ae¯’vbKv‡j wZwb Zvui eÜzi KvQ †_‡K WvKgvïj †`qv nqwb Ggb GKwU wPwV †c‡jb|)
(x) His friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable.
(Zvui eÜz fve‡jb ‡h,cv‡m©‡ji wfZ‡ii e¯‘ g~j¨evb n‡e|)
(xi) So,he paid the heavy charge for carrying.(ZvB wZwb en‡bi Rb¨ e¨vcK g~j¨ cwi‡kva Ki‡jb|)
(xii) The letter contained nothing but some words.(wPwV‡Z wKQy K_v Qvov Avi †Kvb wKQyB wQj bv|)
(xiii) To his utter surprise,he found nothing but an ordinary stone.
(Pig we¯§‡qi mv‡_ wZwb †`L‡jb †h,GKwU mvaviY cv_i Qvov †fZ‡i Avi †Kvb wKQyB †bB|)
(xiv) An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.
(GKRb Bs‡iR Kwe Zvui ¯^v‡¯’¨i DbœwZi R‡b¨ BZvjx‡Z Ae¯’vb KiwQ‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The master was very amused.(M„nKZ©v LyeB Avb›` †c‡jb|)
(ii) One of the ducks was standing on one leg and had the other leg folded inside.
(nv&um¸‡jvi GKwU cv‡qi Dci `vwuo‡qwQj Ges Ab¨ cv wfZ‡i ¸wU‡q †i‡LwQj|)
(iii) The master looked at the cook.(M„nKZ©v evey©wPi w`‡K ZvKv‡jb|)
(iv) The master clapped his hands loudly.(M„nKZ©v D”Pk‡ã nvZZvwj w`‡jb|)
(v) The cook told him that the duck had one leg only.(eveywP© Zv‡K ej‡jb †h, nvumwUi gvÎ GKwU cv wQj|)
(vi) The roast looked delicious and the cook ate one of the legs of the duck.
(Sjmv‡bv gvsm †`L‡Z my¯^v`y g‡b nj Ges eveywP© nv‡umi GKwU cv †L‡q †djj|)
(vii) The master was very annoyed.(M„nKZ©v LyeB wei³ n‡jb|)
(viii) The master was not to be fooled.(M„nKZ©v LyeGKUv †evKv wQ‡jb bv|)
(ix) At that moment the cook looked out of the window.(H gyn~‡Z© eveywP© Rvbvjvi evB‡i ZvKvj|)
(x) He said there was no such thing as one-legged duck.(wZwb ej‡jb,GK cv wewkó nvum ej‡Z Ggb wKQyB †bB|)
(xi) A cook onece roasted a duck for his master.(GK`v GK eveywP© Zvi M„nKZ©vi R‡b¨ GKwU nvum †ivó K‡iwQj|)
(xii) The cook replied that his master was right.(eveywP© cÖZy¨‡Ë‡i ejj †h, Zvi M„nKZ©v wVKB e‡j‡Qb|)
(xiii) It put down its other leg and ran off.(GwU Zvi Ab¨ cv bvgvj Ges †`Š‡o P‡j †Mj|)
(xiv) The cook insisted that the duck had one leg only.
(eveywP© `„pZvi mv‡_ ejj †h,nvumwUi ïaygvÎ GKwU cv-B wQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Androcles was very much afraid.(G‡ÛªvK¬m Lye †ewk fxZ n‡qwQj|)
(ii) So,one day he crept into a cave and fell asleep.
(ZvB GKw`b †m nvgv¸wo w`‡q GKwU cª‡ek Kij Ges`ª“Z Nywg‡q coj|)
(iii) His master was cruel and unkind.(Zvi gwbe wQj LyeB wbôzi Ges wb`©q|)
(iv) He became very weak and sick for want of food.(Lv‡`¨i Afv‡e †m Lye `ye©j Ges Amy¯’ n‡q coj|)
(v) A lion had entered the cave roaring loudly.(D”Pi‡e MR©b Ki‡Z Ki‡Z GKwU wmsn ¸nvq cÖ‡ek Kij|)
(vi) Once there was a slave named Androcles.(G‡ÛvK¬m bv‡g GKRb µxZ`vm wQj|)
(vii) He felt sure that the beast would kill him.(‡m wbwðZ fve‡jv †h cïUv Zv‡K †g‡i †dj‡e|)
(viii) He thought that he might die.(‡m fvej †h †m gviv †h‡Z cv‡i|)
(ix) It was crying for pain in its leg.(GwU Zvi cv‡qi e¨v_vq AvZ©bv` KiwQj|)
(x) He held himself in a forest for many days.(A‡bK w`b †m wb‡R‡K R½‡j jywK‡q †i‡LwQj|)
(xi) After a while, a great noise woke him up.(wKQy¶Y ciGK weKU k‡ã Zvi Nyg †f‡½ †Mj|)
(xii) One day he fled away from his master’s house.(GKw`b †m Zvi gwb‡ei evwo †_‡K cvjvqb Kij|)
(xiii) Soon he realized that the lion was not angry.(kxNÖB †m eyS‡Z cvij †h,wmsnwU µz× wQj bv|)
(xiv) Androcles removed a thorn from the lion’s paw.(G‡ÛvK¬m wms‡ni _vev †_‡K GKwU KvuUv †ei Kij|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) They looked for him here and there for sometime.(Zvuiv wKQy¶Y Zvu‡K Gw`K Iw`K †LvuR Ki‡jb|)
(ii) Once the queen of Belgium invited him to Brussels.(GK`v †ejwRqv‡gi ivYx Zvu‡K wbgš¿Y Rvbv‡jb|)
(iii) So, they went back to the queen and informed her that Einstein had not come by train.
(ZvB Zvuiv ivYxi Kv‡Q wd‡i †M‡jb Ges Rvbv‡jb †h,Uªb‡hv‡M AvBb÷vBb Av‡mb wb|)
(iv) “I did not think that anybody would send a car for me,” replied the great scientist with a smile.(gnvb weÁvbx g„`y †n‡m ej‡jb, Ò‡KD Avgvi Rb¨ Mvox cvVv‡e,Zv Avwg fvwewb|Ó)
(v) But understandably,they failed to find him out.(wKš‘ ‡evaMg¨ Kvi‡YB Zviv Zv‡uK Ly‡uR †ei Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jb|)
(vi) Einstein,the great scientist,was simple in his ways of life.
(gnvb weÁvbx AvBb÷vBb Rxebhvc‡b LyeB mvaviY wQ‡jb|)
(vii) He traveled to Brussels by train and got down at the station.
(wZwb Uªb‡hv‡M eªv‡m‡j‡m †M‡jb Ges †÷k‡b †b‡g co‡jb|)
(viii) “But I can assure you that I have greatly enjoyed the walk,”said Einstein.
(AvBb÷vBb ej‡jb, ÒwKšÍ Avwg Avcbv‡K wbwðZ Ki‡Z cvwi †h,†n‡uU G‡m Avwg LyeB Avb›` †c‡qwQ|Ó)
(ix) They never imagined that this shabby man would be Einstein.
(Zviv KíbvI Ki‡Z cv‡iwb †h,GB RxY©e¯¿ cwiwnZ †jvKwUB AvBb÷vBb|)
(x) Einstein however,walked the whole way with a suitcase in one hand and a violin in the other.(hvÔ‡nvK AvBb÷vBb GK nv‡Z GKwU my¨U‡Km Ges Ab¨ nv‡Z GKwU †envjv wb‡q mg¯Í iv¯Ív ‡nu‡U Av‡mb|)
(xi) The officials also expected to see somebody who was rich and aristocratic.
(Kg©KZ©xe„›`I Ggb GK e¨w³‡K †`Lvi Avkv K‡iwQ‡jb whwb n‡eb weËevb I m¤£všÍ|)
(xii) The queen was highly amazed at his simplicity.(Zvui mijZvq ivYx LyeB wewb¥Z nb|)
(xiii) But he could not think that many gorgeously dressed officials had come to receive him at the station.(wKšÍ wZwb wPšÍv Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb †h,RvuKRgKc~Y© †cvkvK cwiwnZ A‡bK Kg©KZ©v †÷k‡b Zv‡K Af¨©_bv Rvbv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(xiv) When he reached the destination,the queen said to him, “I sent for a car for you,Dr.Einstein.”(wZwb MšÍe¨¯’‡j †cŠQ‡j ivYx Zvu‡K ej‡jb, ÒWt AvBb÷vBb,Avwg Avcbvi R‡b¨ Mvwo cvwV‡qwQjvg|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He bougth a cat to kill the mice.(Bu`yi gvivi R‡b¨ wZwb GKwU weovj µq Ki‡jb|)
(ii) They were doing a lot of mischief there.(Zviv †mLv‡b A‡bK Lvivc KvR K‡iwQj|)
(iii) There was an old house in a village.(GK MÖv‡g GK cyiv‡bv evwo wQj|)
(iv) The mice were in great difficulty.(Bu`y‡iiv Lye wec‡`i g‡a¨ wQj|)
(v) There lived a number of mice in that house.(‡mB evwo‡Z †ek wKQy Bu`yi evm KiZ|)
(vi) At this all remained silent,as there was none to tie the bell round the cat’s neck.
(‡h‡nZz weov‡ji Mjvq N›Uv evuavi †KD wQj bv ZvB G‡Z mevB wbie iBj|)
(vii) All the mice thanked the young mouse for his plan.
(mKj Bu`yi Zi“b B`yuiwU‡K Zvi cwiKíbvi R‡b¨ ab¨ev` Rvbvj|)
(viii) Several proposals were made but none of the proposals was good.
(‡ek wKQy cÖ¯Íve Kiv nj,wKš‘ GKwU cÖ¯Íve I fvj wQj bv|)
(ix) At last a young mouse rose to speak.(Ae‡k‡l GKwU Zi“b Bu`yi K_v ejvi R‡b¨ `vuovj|)
(x) The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan to get rid of them.
(evoxi gvwjK LyeB wei³ n‡jb Ges wec` †_‡K D×v‡ii R‡b¨ GKwU cwiKíbv ‰Zwi Ki‡jb|)
(xi) They could not move freely as before.(c~‡e©i g‡Zv Zviv ¯^vaxbfv‡e Pjv‡div Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)
(xii) They held a meeting to discuss the matter and find a way to be free from this danger.(welqwU Av‡jvPbv Kivi R‡b¨ Ges wec`gy³ nIqvi Dcvq Ly‡uR †ei Kivi R‡b¨ Zviv GKwU mfvi Av‡qvRb Kij|)
(xiii) He said, “I have a good plan for your consideration.Let us tie a bell round the time.”(wZwb ej‡jb,Ò‡Zvgv‡`i we‡ePbvi R‡b¨ Avwg GKwU fvj cwiKíbv K‡iwQ|Avgiv weov‡ji Mjvq GKwU N›Uv †e‡ua w`e|ZLb Avgiv Zvi AvMgb ïb‡Z cve Ges wb‡R‡`i‡K h_vmg‡q jywK‡q ivL‡Z m¶g ne|Ó)
(xiv) But an old mouse stood up and said, “No,doubt the idea is good.But who will tie the bell?”
(wKš‘ GKwU eq¯‹ Bu`yi `vwuo‡q ejj, Òm‡›`n †bB †h aviYvwU eoB PgrKvi|wKšÍ weov‡ji Mjvq N›Uv evua‡e †K?Ó)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Basir milked the cow and drank the milk.(ewki Mvfxi `ya †`vnb KiZ Ges `ya cvb KiZ|)
(ii) Ali was the younger brother and Basir was the elder.(Avjx wQj †QvU fvB Ges ewki wQj eo|)
(iii) Basir grew fatter and Ali became thinner day by day.
(w`b w`b ewki ‡gvUv n‡Z jvMj Ges Avwj wPKb n‡Z jvMj|)
(iv) There lived two brothers lived Ali and Basir.(Avjx Ges ewki bv‡g `yB fvB evm KiZ|)
(v) They inherited a cow that Ali grazed everyday.
(DËvwiwaKvi my‡Î Zviv GKwU Mvfx †c‡qwQj Ges Avjx cÖwZw`b Zv‡K Nvm LvIqvZ|)
(vi) One day their father died.(GKw`b Zv‡`i wcZv gviv hvq|)
(vii) Basir drank the juice alone.(ewki GKvB im cvb KiZ|)
(viii) Ali watered the palm tree.(Avjx Zvj Mv‡Q cvwb w`Z|)
(ix) Basir agreed to share the cow’s milk with Ali.(ewki Avjx‡K i‡mi fvM w`‡Z ivwR nj|)
(x) Basir had to share the cow’s milk with Ali.(ewki‡K Avjxi m‡½ `ya fvM K‡i wb‡Z n‡qwQj|)
(xi) The clever man whispered something into Ali’s ears.(PvjvK †jvKwU Avjx‡K Kv‡b Kv‡b wKQy ejj|)
(xii) Ali started beating the cow just when Basir was about to milk it.
(ewki Mvfxi `ya †`vnb Ki‡Z †M‡j Mvfx‡K gviwcU ïi“ Kij|)
(xiii) Basir requested Ali not to cut the palm tree.( (G ewki Avjx‡K ZvjMvQwU bv KvUvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kij|)
(xiv) A clever man noticed everything. (GKRb PvjvK/weP¶Y †jvK mewKQy j¶¨ K‡iwQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) One day a woman became more furious than ever.(GKw`b gwnjvwU c~‡e©i †P‡q AwaK w¶ß n‡jb|)
(ii) “I know that after thunder comes rain.”(Avwg Rvwb †h eRªcv‡Zi ci e„wó Av‡m|)
(iii) Socrates joined with them in their laughther.(m‡µwUm Zv‡`i mv‡_ nvwm‡Z †hvM w`‡jb|)
(iv) Suddenly she poured much water over him.(nVvr K‡i wZwb Zvui Dci cÖPzi cvwb †X‡j w`‡jb|)
(v) Socrates went outside.(m‡µwUm evB‡i †M‡jb|)
(vi) He quietly remarked, “I am expecting this.”(wZwb kvšÍfv‡e gšÍe¨ K‡ib, ÒAvwg GUvB Avkv KiwQ|Ó)
(vii) Socrates believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a human being.
(m‡µwUm wek¦vm Ki‡Zb †h,GKRb ivMx gvbyl cïi †P‡q I Aag|)
(viii) He sat on the doorstep of his residence looking out on the path street.
(wZwb Zvui evwoi `iRvq e‡m evB‡i ivRc‡_i w`‡K ZvwK‡q †`LwQ‡jb|)
(ix) She began to insult the great scholar of Greece.( (wZwb MÖx‡mi gnvb cwÛZ‡K Dcnvm Ki‡Z jvM‡jb|)
(x) She went upto him with a bucket full of water.( (wZwb cvwb fwZ© GKwU evjwZ wb‡q Zvui Kv‡Q P‡j hvb|)
(xi) He had a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse.
Zvui GKRb ¯¿x wQ‡jb,whwb mvgvb¨ Kvi‡Y †i‡M †h‡Zb|)
(xii) The passers-by in the street were much amused at the incident.
(GB NUbvq ivRc‡_i c_Pvixiv Lye gRv Abyfe Kij|)
(xiii) The wife found that her husband was not paying the least heed to her word.
(¯¿x †`L‡jb †h,Zvui ¯^vgx Zvui K_vq mvgvb¨ KY©cvZ I Ki‡Qb bv|)
(xiv) She tried her utmost to irritate Socrates. .(wZwb m‡µwUm‡K D‡ËwRZ Kivi R‡b¨ h_vmva¨ †Póv Ki‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Sometimes it was difficult to satisfy him with water.(KL‡bv KL‡bv DËi w`‡q Zv‡K mš‘ó Kiv KwVb nZ|)
(ii) His father got angry for this kind of activity.(G ai‡Yi Kg©Kv‡Ûi Rb¨ Zvui evev ivM Ki‡Zb|)
(iii) People soon got tired when they talked to him.(Zvi mv‡_ K_v ej‡j gvbyl `ª“Z K¬všÍ n‡q coZ|)
(iv) Because he always asked, “Why,Why,Why?”(KviY †m memgq wR‡Ám KiZ, Ò‡Kb,†Kb,†Kb?Ó)
(v) He was born in a village of Milan in the United States of America on the 11th of February,1847.(wZwb 1887 mv‡ji 11 B †deª“qvix hy³iv‡ói wgjv‡b GK MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(vi) The boy often undertook some risky adventures.(cÖvqB †Q‡jwU SzwKc~Y© `ytmvnwmK KvR KiZ|)
(vii) He was Thomas Ala Edison.(wZwb wQ‡jb Ugvm Avjfv GwWmb|)
(viii) He was very inquisitive about things around him.
(Zvui Pvicv‡k hv wKQy wQj †m m¤^‡Ü wZwb LyeB †KŠZ~njx wQ‡jb|)
(ix) But at the same time he was proud of the young boy.(wKš‘ GKB mv‡_ wZwb KwP evjKwUi Rb¨ Mwe©Z wQ‡jb|)
(x) But there was only one person who did never feel annoyed with the boy.
(wKš‘ ïay GKRbB wQ‡jb whwb †Q‡jwUi Dci wei³ n‡Zb bv|)
(xi) For example,once the boy set his father’s barn on fire only to see how it could burn.(D`vnib¯^iƒc,GKw`b †Q‡jwU Zvi evevi †Mvjvq Av¸b awi‡q †`q †Kgb K‡i Av¸†b cy‡o Zv †`Lvi R‡b¨|)
(xii) Do you know who this boy was?(‡Zvgiv wK Rv‡bv,GB †Q‡jwU †K wQj?)
(xiii) And that person was his loving mother.(Avi †mB e¨w³ wQ‡jb Zvui †mœngqx gv|)
(xiv) A young boy of six or seven became the subject of talk in a village.
(Qq-mvZ eQ‡ii GK Aí eq¯‹ evjK MÖv‡gi Av‡jvPbvi welqeš‘‡Z cwiYZ n‡qwQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He was quiet happy in Brighton.(wZwb eªvBU‡b †ek my‡LB wQ‡jb|)
(ii) He described London as a dimal city,smoky,foggy and wet.
(wZwb jÛb kni‡K GKwU wbivb›`gq,†auvqvhy³,Kzqvkv”Qbœ Ges Av`ª© kni e‡j eY©bv K‡ib|)
(iii) Rabindranath was the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarda Devi Tagore.
(iex›`ªbv_ wQ‡jb †`e›`ªbv_ VvKzi I mvi`v †`ex VvKziivYxi †PŠÏZg mšÍvb|)
(iv) Away from his brother’s home he was lucky to find a friendly English family of Dr.and Mrs Scott.(fvB‡qi evwo †_‡K `~‡i Aew¯’Z Wt ¯‹U I wg‡mm ¯‹‡Ui gZ eÜz myjf Bs‡iR cwievi‡K †c‡q wZwb fvM¨evb wQ‡jb|)
(v) Though he was full of admiration for English society yet he was called back to India in 1880.(Bs‡iR mgv‡Ri cÖwZ hw`I Zvui D”Q¡wmZ cÖksmv wQj,Z_vwc Zv‡K 1880 mv‡j fvi‡Z wd‡iAvm‡Z ejv n‡jv|)
(vi) He went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.
(wZwb A‡bK †QvU‡ejv †_‡KB we`¨vj‡q †h‡Zb Ges AvU eQi eq‡m wZwb Zvi cÖ_g KweZv iPbv K‡ib|)
(vii) He often visited the Houses of Parliament and listened to Gladstone and John Bright’s debates on Irish Home rule.(wZwb cÖvqB nvDR Ae cvjv©‡g›U cwi`k©b Ki‡Zb Ges AvBwik †nvg i“j Gi Dci MvW‡÷vb Ges Rb eªvB‡Ui weZ©K g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q ïb‡Zb|)
(viii) He returned home without any qualification of distinction.
(m¤§vbRbK †Kvb †hvM¨Zv AR©b e¨vwZ‡i‡KB wZwb evwo wd‡i Av‡mb|)
(ix) He joined the brother’s family at Brighton and attended school there.
(wZwb eªvBU‡b Zvui fvB‡qi cwiev‡i wgwjZ nb Ges †mLv‡b wZwb we`¨vj‡q †hvM †`b|)
(x) At the age of seventeen,in 1878,he arrived in London.(1878 mv‡j 17 eQi eq‡m wZwb jÛb †cŠ‡Qb|)
(xi) Young Tagore joined London University,where he attended Henry Morley’s lectures on English literature.(Zi“b VvKzi jÛb wek¦we`¨vj‡q †hvM`vb K‡ib †hLv‡b wZwb Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i Dci cÖ`Ë †nbix g‡j©i e³…Zv ïb‡Zb|)
(xii) But soon his brother sent him to London to benefit from the education in the west.
(wKšÍ kxNÖB Zvui fvB cðv‡Z wk¶v †_‡K mydj jv‡fi D‡Ï‡k¨ Zvu‡K jÛb cvVvb|)
(xiii) But the girls’ parents in fact treated him like a son.
(wKšÍ †g‡q‡`i wcZvgvZv Zv‡uK ev¯Íe †Q‡ji gZ g‡b Ki‡Zb|)
(xiv) Their two daughters were taken aback with the presence of a blackie in the house.
(Zv‡`i Kb¨vØq Zv‡`i evwo‡Z GKRb K…òv‡½i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z nZevK n‡q hvq|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He was glad to have a meal.(Lvevi †c‡q †m Lye Lywk nj|)
(ii) He told his wife about a poor helpless Beduin woman.
(wZwb GKRb Amnvq `wi`ª †e`yCb gwnjvi K_v Zvui ¯¿x‡K ej‡jb|)
(iii) The Caliph offered her food which they had brought with them.
(Lwjdv Zv‡u`i mv‡_ K‡i wb‡q Avmv Lvevi gwnjv‡K w`‡jb|)
(iv) On hearing the fact,his wife expressed her eagerness to set out immediately for helping her fellow woman.(NUbv †kvbvgvÎ Zvui ¯¿x Zvi gZB GKRb gwnjvi mvnv‡h¨i R‡b¨ AbwZ wej‡¤^ hvIqvi AvMÖn cÖKvk Ki‡jb|)
(v) She heard that the Caliph Omar (R) was a harsh man.
(‡m ï‡bwQj †h,Lwjdv Igi (ivt) GKRb K‡Vvi gvbyl|)
(vi) After a while they reached the house of the Beduin Woman.
(Aí¶‡bi g‡a¨ Zvuiv †e`yCb gwnjvi evwo †cŠ‡Q †M‡jb|)
(vii) His wife was still waiting for her husband.(Zvi ¯¿x ZLb ch©šÍ ¯^vgxi Rb¨ A‡c¶v KiwQ‡jb|)
(viii) It was past midnight when the Caliph returned home.
(Lwjdv hLb evwo wdi‡jb ZLb iv‡Zi wØcÖnb AwZµvšÍ|)
(ix) When they went,they took with them some food.(hvIqvi mgq Zvuiv Zvi mv‡_ K‡i wKQy Lvevi wb‡q †M‡jb|)
(x) Then they entered into a conversation on life and teachings of the prophet (Sm)
(Gici Zviv gnvbex (m) Gi Rxeb I wk¶v m¤ú‡K© K‡_vcK_‡b cÖe„Ë nb|)
(xi) She expressed her feelings towards them.(wZwb Zvu‡`i Kv‡Q Zvi Abyf~wZ e¨³ Ki‡jb|)
(xii) The Beduin restlessly walked up and down.(‡e`yCb Aw¯’iZvi mv‡_ nvUuvnuvwU KiwQj|)
(xiii) Now she bowed low in gratitude to the Caliph.(Zvici †m Lwjdvi Kv‡Q K…ZÁZvq gv_v bZ Kij|)
(xiv) Later on she learnt that the visitor was the caliph.(c‡i †m Rvb‡Z cvij †h,Av¸š‘K e¨w³B Lwjdv|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Alexander,the king of Macedon,crossed the Khayber pass and reached India.
(‡gwm‡Wv‡bi ivRv Av‡jKRvÛvi LvBevi wMwic_ AwZµg K‡ib Ges fvi‡Z †cŠ‡Qb|)
(ii) Then he came to the plain of the Punjab.(Gici wZwb cvÄv‡ei mgZj f~wg‡Z G‡m †cŠ‡Qb|)
(iii) Alexander was pleased with Porus for his bold reply.
(Av‡jKRvÛvi cyi“i cÖwZ Zvi mvnwmKZv c~Y© Rev‡ii Rb¨ Lywk nb|)
(iv) There ruled a king called Porus.(‡mLv‡b cyi“ bv‡g GKRb ivRv kvmb Ki‡Zb|)
(v) But unfortunately he was defeated in a battle.(wKš‘ `yfvM¨©µ‡g wZwb GK hy‡× civwRZ nb|)
(vi) “Like a king,” was the reply of Porus.(cyi“i Reve wQj ÒGKRb ivRvi gZ|Ó)
(vii) He was brought before Alexander.(Zv‡K Av‡jKRvÛv‡ii mvg‡b nvwRi Kiv nq|)
(viii) He wanted to attack the land of Porus.(wZwb cyi“i ivR¨ Avµgb Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(ix) He showed his boldness before Alexander.(wZwb Av‡jKRvÛv‡ii mvg‡b Zvui mvnwmKZv cÖ`©kb K‡ib|)
(x) He also made him king of another province in the Punjab.
(wZwb ZvuK cvÄv‡ei Av‡iKwU cÖ‡`‡ki ivRv evwb‡q †`b|)
(xi) Then he was taken to prisoner.(Gici Zvu‡K e›`x Kiv nq|)
(xii) Porus came forward with his men and arms in order to defend his land from the attack of Alexander.(Av‡jKRvÛv‡ii Avµgb †_‡K †`k‡K i¶v Kivi Rb¨ cyi“ Zvi †jvKRb I A¯¿k¯¿ GwM‡q Av‡mb|)
(xiii) He allowed him to rule his country as before.(wZwb c~‡e©i gZB Zv‡Ku †`k kvmb Kivi AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib|)
(xiv) Alexanader asked him how he would like to be treated.
(Av‡jKRvÛvi Zvu‡K wR‡Ám K‡ib,Kx iKg e¨envi wZwb †c‡Z Pvb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He struggled hard and at last was able to come out of the trap minus his tail. (‡m A‡bK †Póv K‡i Ges Ae‡k‡l ‡jRwenxb Ae¯’vq dvu` †_‡K †ei n‡Z m¶g nq|)
(ii) As the foxes assembled for the meeting he should to them, “Dear friends! I’ve made a great discovery.”(‡LKuwkqv‡jiv mfvq GKwÎZ n‡j †m wPrKvi K‡i Zv‡`i‡K ej‡jv, ÒwcÖq eÜzMY,Avwg GKUv g¯Íeo Avwe¯‹vi K‡i †d‡jwQ|)
(iii) There lived a very clever fox in a jungle.(R½‡j GKUv PvjvK †LKuwkqvj evm KiZ|)
(iv) “So I advise all of you to do away with your tails,”he concluded. “You’ll look far better without them, I’m sure.Look! I’ve already cut off mine”.he tried to convince the others.(Dcmsnv‡i †U‡b †m ej‡jv, ÒAZGe,Avwg †Zvgv‡`i mevB‡K Dc‡`k w`w”Q; †Zvgiv †Zvgv‡`i †jR †K‡U †dj;Ó Ò‡jR QvovB †Zvgv‡`i‡K fvj †`Lv‡e,GUv Avwg wbwðZ|‡`L! B‡Zvg‡a¨BAvwg Avgvi †jR †K‡U †d‡jwQ||Ó ‡m Gfv‡e Ab¨vb¨‡`i †evSv‡Z †Póv Kij|)
(v) The listerners were very confused and were trying to assess the situation.
(‡kªvZviv LyeB wØavwš^Z n‡q coj Ges cwiw¯’wZ Abyave‡bi †Póv Kij|)
(vi) The fox was very sad as he thought he looked strange and foolish without his tail.
(†LKuwkqvj LyeB `ytwLZ nj, G‡f‡e †h, †jR Qvov Zv‡K A™¢yZ I ‡evKv †`Lv‡”Q|)
(vii) “You didn’t cut your tail,”said he,pointing at the speaker, “May be you’ve lost it in some way or other,and now you want the others to lose their tails.”(e³v‡K j¶¨ K‡i †m ejj, ÒZzwg †Zvgvi †jR KvUwb|Ó Ònq‡Zvev Zzwg †h †Kvbfv‡e †Zvgvi †jRwU nvwi‡q‡Qv Ges GLb Zzwg Pv”Q †h,A‡b¨ivI Zv‡`i †jR nvivK|Ó)
(viii) So,friend?What’s the use of carrying such a heavy load of a tail all the time?”He asked.(‡m wR‡Ám Kij, ÒZvB eÜzMb? mviv¶Y †j‡Ri g‡Zv GZ fvix †evSv en‡bi cÖ‡qvRb wK?)
(ix) ‘After a long research I’ve found that we don’t need our tails.” said he.
(‡m ejj Ò`xN M‡elYvi ci Avwg Dcjwä K‡iwQ †h, Avgv‡`i †j‡Ri †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb †bB|)
(x) He called a meeting of all the resident foxes of the jungle.
(‡m mKj R½jevmx †LKuwkqvj‡`i GKUv mfv Avnevb Kij|)
(xi) He became envious of the other foxes who obviously looked some handsome,and made a plan to have their tails cut.(‡m Ab¨vb¨ ‡LKuwkqv‡ji cÖwZ Clv©š^Z n‡q coj hv‡`i‡K ¯úófv‡eB my›`i †`Lvw”Qj Ges †m Zv‡`i †jR †K‡U †djvi Rb¨ GKUv cwiKíbv Kij|)
(xii) But an old fox saw through the evil scheme of the fox without a tail.
(wKšÍ GKwU e„× †LKuwkqvj †jRwenxb †LKuwkqv‡ji Amr D‡Ïk¨ Abyaveb Kij|)
(xiii) One day while walking through the jungle he fell into a trap.
(GKw`b e‡bi ga¨ w`‡q Pj‡Z wM‡q ‡m GKUv dv‡u` AvU‡K †Mj|)
(xiv) “They make you look ugly and dirty but they are of little use.”added he.
(‡m AviI ej‡jv,G¸‡jv (†jR¸‡jv) †Zvgv‡`i‡K †`L‡Z KzrwmZ Ges †bvsiv evwb‡q‡Q,wKš‘ G¸‡jv KgB Kv‡R jv‡M|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The hare was always proud of his speed.(Li‡MvkwU me©`v Zvi MwZi R‡b¨ Me© KiZ|)
(ii) The next day the hare and the tortoise reached the venue.(c‡ii w`b Li‡Mvk I K‡”Qvc cÖwZ‡hvMxZv ¯’‡j †cŠQj|)
(iii) One day he challenged the tortoise to defeat him in a race.(GKw`b †m GK †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq civwRZ Kivi R‡b¨ K”Qc‡K cÖwZØw›ØZvq Avnevb Rvbv‡jb|)
(iv) The hare ran very swiftly.(Li‡Mvk Lye `ª“Z †`Šo w`j|)
(v) Long ago there lived a hare in a forest.(A‡bK Av‡M GK e‡b GK Li‡Mvk evm KiZ|)
(vi) They got ready.(Zviv cÖ¯‘Z n‡jv|)
(vii) The hare always teased the torotoise.(Li‡Mvk memgq K”Qc‡K cwinvm KiZ|)
(viii) Covering much,the hare took rest.(A‡bK `~‡i hvevi ci Li‡Mvk wekªvg wb‡Z jvMj|)
(ix) A tortoise also lived nearby.(wbK‡UB GK K”Qc I evm KiZ|)
(x) They went to a fox and wanted him to act as a judge.(Zviv GK wkqv‡ji Kv‡Q †Mj Ges Zv‡K wePvi‡Ki KvR Kivi AwfcÖvq Rvbvj|)
(xi) He decided to take rest for sometime.(‡m wKQy¶b wekªvg †bqvi wmØvšÍ wbj|)
(xii) The tortoise accepted the challenge.(K”Qc cÖwZØw›ØZvi Avnevb MÖnY Kij|)
(xiii) As the fox waved the flag,the two started running.( ‡kqvj cZvKv Dov‡j Df‡q †`Šo ïi“ Kij|)
(xiv) But the tortoise ran very slowly.(wKQy K”Qc Lye ax‡i ‡`Šov‡Z jvMj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The food was very hot.(Lvevi Lye Mig wQj|)
(ii) The old woman felt pity for him and quickly gave Taimur a full dish of food.
(e„×v gwnjv Zvi cÖwZ m`q n‡jb Ges ˆZgyi‡K ZvovZvwo GKwU cvÎ f‡i Lvevi w`‡jb|)
(iii) It was situated far away from the capital.(Bnv ivRavbx †_‡K A‡bK `~‡i Aew¯’Z wQj|)
(iv) When the news reached the prince,he came with a large army.
(ivRKzgv‡ii Kv‡Q LeiwU †cŠuQ‡j wZwb GK wekvj †mbvevwnbx wb‡q AMÖmi n‡jb|)
(v) The area was surrounded on all sides.(mew`K †_‡K GjvKvwU †NivI Kiv n‡jv|)
(vi) Taimur’s soldiers were all killed,but Taimur escaped with great difficulty.
(‰Zgy‡ii me ‰mb¨ gviv †Mj,wKš‘ ˆZgyi A‡bK K‡ó i¶v †c‡jb|)
(vii) He disguished himself as a poor traveler and supported himself by begging.
(wZwb `wi`ª cw_‡Ki QÙ‡ek aviY Ki‡jb Ges wf¶v K‡i Rxeb evPvu‡Z jvM‡jb|)
(viii) Taimur was so hungry that he did not wait.(‰Zgyi GZB ¶zav©Z wQ‡jb †h Zvi †`wi mBj bv|)
(ix) He hurriedly dug his fingers right at the middle of the dish.
(wZwb `ª“Z cv‡Îi wVK gvSLv‡b Zvi Av½yj XywK‡q w`‡jb|)
(x) Young Taimur once attacked a province of a powerful prince.
(GK`v Zi“b ˆZgyi GKRb kw³kvjx ivRcy‡Îi GKwU cÖ‡`k (ivR¨) Avµgb Ki‡jb|)
(xi) One day he became very hungry and could not get anything to eat.
(GKw`b wZwb Lye ¶zavZ© n‡jb Ges Zv‡Ku wKQy Lvevi †`qvi Rb¨ GKRb e„×v gwnjv‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡jb|)
(xii) He came to a house and asked an old woman to give him something to eat.
(xiii) As a result he burnt his fingers.(d‡j Zvui Av½yj cy‡o †Mj|)
(xiv) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world.(‰Zgyi wQ‡jb civµgkvjx wek¦we‡RZv‡`i Ab¨Zg|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He could not think where to keep the money.(UvKv¸‡jv †Kv_vq ivL‡eb Zv wZwb fve‡Z cvi‡jb bv|)
(ii) He did not find any safe place to keep the bag.(_‡jwU ivLvi Rb¨ wZwb †Kvb wbivc` ¯’vb Ly‡uR †c‡jb bv|)
(iii) He gradually realized that he had money,but no peace of mind.
(wZwb µgvš^‡q Abaveb Ki‡Z jvM‡jb †h Zvi UvKv Av‡Q wKšÍ myL †bB|)
(iv) He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money there.
(wZwb Zvui Kz‡oN‡ii wfZ‡i GKwU MZ© Lyuo‡jb Ges UvKv¸‡jv †mLv‡b ivL‡jb|)
(v) So,he could not devote himself to his work.(ZvB wZwb Zviu Kv‡R wb‡R‡K g‡bvwb‡ek Kiv‡Z cvi‡jb bv|)
(vi) He said to himself, “One thousand rupees is a lot of money.
(wZwb wb‡R wb‡R ej‡jb, ÒGKnvRvi A‡bK UvKv|Ó)
(vii) Now a new thinking took hold of the farmer.(GLb K…l‡Ki g‡b GKwU bZzb wPšÍv Gj|)
(viii) He said to him, “Look,my friend! I have brought one thousands rupees for you.”
(wZwb Zvu‡K ej‡jb, Ò`¨vL eÜz!Avwg †Zvgvi R‡b¨ GK nvRvi iƒcx G‡bwQ|)
(ix) The farmer was surprised .(K…lK AevK n‡q †M‡jb|)
(x) The rich man went to the farmer with one thousand rupees in a bag.
( abx ‡jvKwU GKwU _‡ji g‡a¨ K‡i GK nvRvi iƒcx wb‡q K…l‡Ki Kv‡Q †M‡jb|)
(xi) He always thought that his money could be stolen any time.
(wZwb memgq wPšÍv Ki‡Zb †h UvKv¸‡jv †h‡Kvb mgq Pzwi n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i|)
(xii) He took the bag of money from the richman and thanked him.
(wZwb abx e¨w³wUi KvQ †_‡K UvKvi _‡jwU MÖnY Ki‡jb Ges ab¨ev` Rvbv‡jb|)
(xiii) This thought kept him awake and his sleep fled away at night.(GB wPšÍv Zvu‡K RvMÖZ K‡i ivLj Ges Zvui iv‡Zi Nyg cvwj‡q †Mj|)
(xiv) “Keep this money and remove your distress.”(ÒGB UvKv¸‡jv ivLyb Ges `ytL `y`©kv `~i Ki“b|Ó)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) As he was leaving the jar in despair,he noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.(hLb †m wbivk n‡q Kjwm †Q‡o hvw”Qj,ZLb †m b~wo cv_‡ii GKwU ¯‘c †`L‡Z †cj|)
(ii) But it had no effect.( wKš‘ G‡Z †Kvb KvR n‡jv bv|)
(iii) At last he found a jar in a garden.(Ae‡k‡l †m GK evMv‡b GKUv Kjwm †`L‡Z †cj|)
(iv) But it was at the bottom and out of his reach.(wKš‘ Bnv (cvwb) wQj Zj‡`‡k Ges Zvi bvMv‡ji evB‡i|)
(v) He flew from one place to another in search of water.
(‡m GK ¯’vb †_‡K Ab¨ ¯’v‡b cvwbi mÜv‡b Do‡Z jvMj|)
(vi) He took some pebbles.(‡m wKQy b~wo cv_i wbj|)
(vii) Then he hit upon a plan.(Zviuci †m GKUv Dcvq †ei Kij|)
(viii) Then he flew away.(Zvui ci †m D‡o P‡j †Mj|)
(ix) Then he dropped the pebbles into the jar.(Zvici †m b~wocv_i¸‡jv‡K Kjwmi g‡a¨ †dj‡Z jvMj|)
(x) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink.(GKwU Kv‡Ki LyeB Z…òv †cj Ges †m cvwb cvb Ki‡Z PvBj|)
(xi) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank his fill.
(cvwb hLb Kjwmi gy‡L G‡m †Mj ZLb KvKwU Z…wß wgwU‡q cvb Kij|)
(xii) As each pebble went down,the water in the jar rose up little by little.
(cÖwZwU b~wo hLb bx‡P Rgv n‡Z jvMj,Kjwmi cvwb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í Dc‡i D‡V Gj|)
(xiii) The crow tried to turn the jar over and over again.(KvKwU KjwmwU‡K evievi Dcyo K‡i †djvi †Póv Kij|)
(xiv) There was some water in the jar.(Kjwm‡Z wKQy cvwb wQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) “Alas!” she cried, “Why should I always have to stay in the kitchen while my sisters dress in silk and satin?”(nvq! †m †K‡`u ejj,Ò‡Kb Avgv‡K ivbœvN‡i memgq _vK‡Z n‡e,hLb Avgvi †ev‡biv wm‡éi I †ikwg ‡cvkvK cwiwnZ _vK‡e?Ó
(ii) She had to work very hard in the kitchen.(Zv‡K ivbœvN‡i A‡bK cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡Zv|)
(iii) Her mother was dead.(Zvi gv gviv wM‡qwQj|)
(iv) Once upon a time there lived a maiden named Cinderella.
(‡Kvb GK mg‡q wmb‡Wªjv bv‡g GK Kzgvix †g‡q evm KiZ|)
(v) She had two elder sisters.(Zvi `yB †evb wQj|)
(vi) That is why,she was called Cindrella.(GB R‡b¨B Zv‡K wmb‡Wªjv ejv nZ|)
(vii) Her sisters were unkind to Cindrella.(Zvi †ev‡biv wmb‡Wªjvi cÖwZ wb`©q wQj|)
(viii) The two sisters rode away in their fine silk dress.
(`yB †evb wm‡éi cvZjv Kvco c‡i †Nvovi Mvox‡Z P‡o Mgb Kij|)
(ix) They made her stay among the pots and Kettles and do all the hard work about the house.
(x) One day the sisters came dancing into the house. .(GKw`b Zvi †ev‡biv bvP‡Z bvP‡Z evwo‡Z cÖ‡ek Kij|)
(xi) Sometimes, to keep warm,she crept among the cinders.
(gv‡Sg‡a¨ †m Av¸b †cvnvevi Rb¨ R¡jšÍ Kqjvi wbKU nvgv¸wo w`‡q _vKZ|)
(xii) Poor Cindrella who had to stay behind,looked at her old ragged clothes and burst into tears “We have been invited to the king’s ball,” they cried.( (‡ePvix wmb‡Wªjv,hv‡K evwo‡Z †_‡K †h‡Z n‡qwQj,Zvi cyivZb †Qov Kvc‡oi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †`Lj Ges Kvbœvq †f‡½ coj|)
(xiii) “We have been invited to the king’s ball,”they cried.
(Zviv wPrKvi K‡i ejj, ÒAvgiv ivRvi bv‡Pi Avm‡i Avgwš¿Z n‡qwQ|Ó)
(xiv) At length the day of the great ball came.(Ae‡k‡l bv‡Pi gnvaygav‡gi w`bwU Gj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The guests praised the king.(‡gngvbiv ivRvi cÖksmv Kij|)
(ii) This made the king very happy.(G‡Z ivRv Lye Lywk n‡jv|)
(iii) But he was very hospitable.(wKš‘ wZwb Lye AwZw_civqb wQ‡jb|)
(iv) People loved him.(gvbyl Zvu‡K fvjevmZ|)
(v) The king ordered the man to kill Hatem Tai and bring his head.
(ivRv nv‡Zg ZvC‡K nZ¨v K‡i Zvi gv_v wb‡q Avmvi R‡b¨ †jvKwUi cÖwZ Av‡`k w`‡jb|)
(vi) So the king wanted to kill him.(ZvB ivRv Zv‡uK nZ¨v Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(vii) There lived a very kind man in Yeman.(B‡q‡g‡b GKRb AZ¨šÍ `qvjy †jvK evm Ki‡Zb|)
(viii) The king felt happy and proud.(ivRv myL I Me© Abyfe Ki‡jb|)
(ix) One the following day he sent one of his men to Hatem Tai.
(c‡ii w`b wZwb Zvui GKRb ‡jvK‡K nv‡Zg ZvC Gi Kv‡Q cvVvj|)
(x) The name of that kind man was Hatem Tai.(H `qvjy †jvKwUi bvg wQj nv‡Zg ZvC|)
(xi) One day the king gave a dinner.(GKw`b ivRv GK ˆbk †fv‡Ri Av‡qvRb Ki‡jb|)
(xii) He was not rich.(wZwb abx wQ‡jb bv|)
(xiii) They praised him more than their king.(Zviv Zv‡`i ivRvi PvB‡Z Zvui (nv‡Zg ZvCi) †ewk cÖksmv Ki‡jb|)
(xiv) The guests also praised Hatem Tai.(‡gngvbiv I nv‡Zg ZvCi cÖksmv Kij|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He did not like the hard and fast rules of Schools.(wZwb we`¨vj‡qi evauvaiv wbqgKvbyb cQ›` Ki‡Zb bv|)
(ii) He was born at a village in Kishoregonj in 1974.(wZwb 1914 mv‡j wK‡kviM‡Äi GKwU MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(iii) He was an artist.(wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb wPÎwkíx|)
(iv) So,he drew pictures secretly.(ZvB wZwb †Mvc‡b Qwe AvKu‡Zb|)
(v) Do you know Joynul Abedin?(‡Zvgiv wK Rqbyj Av‡e`xb‡K †Pb?)
(vi) His father Tamj Uddin was a police officer.(Zvi wcZv ZwgRDwÏb GKRb cywjk Awdmvi wQ‡jb|)
(vii) He was awarded gold medal in All India Art Exhibition.
(wbwLj fviZ wPÎ cÖ`©kbx‡Z wZwb ¯^Y©c`K cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib|)
(viii) His name and fame spread all over the world.(Zvui hk I L¨vwZ mviv we‡k¦ Qwo‡q c‡o|)
(ix) In 1938,he became first class in the Art College.
(1938 mv‡j KjKvZv miKvwi Pvi“Kjv gnvwe`¨vj‡q wZwb cÖ_g wefv‡M cÖ_g ¯’vb AwaKvi K‡ib|)
(x) At the age of fifteen,he went to Kolkata.(c‡bi eQi eq‡m wZwb KjKvZv P‡j hvb|)
(xi) He breathed his last on May28,1976.(1976 mv‡ji 28 †k †g wZwb †kl wbtk¦vm Z¨vM K‡ib|)
(xii) At the age of nineteen he got himself admitted into Kolkata govt.Art College.
(19 eQi eq‡m wZwb KjKvZv miKvwi AvU© K‡j‡R fwZ© nb|)
(xiii) He drew a lot of pictures of famine during the Second World War in 1993.
(wZwb 1939 mv‡j wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i mg‡q `ywf©‡¶i Dci AmsL¨ Qwe A¼b K‡ib|)
(xiv) He was in search of an art school there.(wZwb †mLv‡b GKwU AvU© ¯‹z‡ji mÜv‡bi wQ‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) An English boy was making a small boat.(GK Bs‡iR evjK GKwU †QvÆ ‡bŠKv ˆZwi KiwQj|)
(ii) “My country is on the other side of the sea.(Òmgy‡`ªi Aci cÖv‡šÍ Avgvi †`k|Ó)
(iii) “I did not see my mother for a good time.”(Ò‡ek `xN© mgq a‡i Avwg Avgvi gv‡K †`wL bv|Ó)
(iv) Napoleon,the king of France was a great hero.(d«v‡Ýi ivRv †b‡cvwjqvb GKRb gnvb exi wQ‡jb|)
(v) The king was charmed by the words of the small boy.(‡QvÆ †Q‡jwUi K_v ï‡b ivRv gy» n‡jb|)
(vi) He won many battles and conquered many countries of Europe.
(wZwb A‡bK hy‡× Rq jvf K‡i‡Qb Ges BD‡iv‡ci A‡bK †`k Rq K‡i‡Qb|)
(vii) Suddenly he noticed a wonderful thing.(nVvr wZwb GKwU Avðh© welq j¶¨ Ki‡jb|)
(viii) “Let me go to my country.(ÒAvgv‡K Avgvi †`‡k †h‡Z w`b|Ó)
(ix) One day he was walking along the sea-shore.(GKw`b wZwb mvM‡ii Zx‡i nvUuwQ‡jb|)
(x) The king asked him why he was making such a small boat.
(ivRv Zv‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jb,†Kb †m GZ †QvU †bŠKv ˆZwi Ki‡Q|)
(xi) The boy was brought before him.(‡Q‡jwU‡K ivRvi mvg‡b Avbv nj|)
(xii) “ I shall go to my country to send him to his country.(ÒGB †bŠKv w`‡q Avwg Avgvi †`‡k hve|Ó)
(xiii) He made all arrangements to send him to his country.
(wZwb (ivRv) Zv‡K Zvi †`‡k cvVvevi Rb¨ mKj e¨e¯’v Ki‡jb|)
(xiv) The boy said, “ I shall cross the sea.”(‡Q‡jwU ejj, ÒAvwg mvMi cvwo †`e|Ó)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The lion was relieved of his pain.(wmsnwU Zvi hš¿bv †_‡K gyw³ †cj|)
(ii) To escape torture,one day he fled from his master’s house.
(Ryjyg AZ¨vPvi n‡Z gyw³ cvIqvi R‡b¨ †m GKw`b Zvi gwb‡ei evwo †_‡K cvjvqb Kij|)
(iii) It was unbearable for him.(GwU wQj Zvi R‡b¨ Amnbxq|)
(iv) He took the lion’s paw in his hand and removed a big thorn from it.
(‡m wms‡ni _vevwU Zvi nv‡Z Zz‡j wbj Ges Zv ‡_‡K eo GKwU KvuUv Zz‡j †djj|)
(v) He used to infict heavy torture on him.(‡m Zvi Dci AZ¨vwaK Ryjyg-AZ¨vPvi KiZ|)
(vi) The merchant sold him to a rich man in another country.
(ewYK Zv‡K Ab¨ †`‡ki GK abx †jv‡Ki KvQ †_‡K wewµ K‡i w`j|)
(vii) Unfortunately he was caught by a slave merchant.(`yfv©M¨ekZ †m GK µxZ`vm ewYK KZ…©K a„Z© nq|)
(viii) The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning.(wmsnwU AvZ©bv‡` Zv‡K AvnZ e‡j g‡b nj|)
(ix) A lion lived in a cave.(GK ¸nvq GKwU wmsn evm KiZ|)
(x) He came near the lion.(‡m wms‡ni Kv‡Q Gj|)
(xi) He took shelter in a cave.(‡m GK ¸nvq Avkªq wbj|)
(xii) In the evening the lion entered the cave.(mܨv †ejvq wmsnwU ¸nvq cÖ‡ek Kij|)
(xiii) The man was very rude and cruel.(‡jvKwU wQj AZ¨šÍ wbôzi I wb©`q|)
(xiv) Once there lived a young man named Androcles.(GK`v G‡ÛvKjm bv‡g GK wK‡kvi evm KiZ|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He earned a lot of money from his dynamite business.(wZwb Zvi wWbvgvBU e¨emv †_‡K cÖPzi A_© Dcv©Rb K‡ib|)
(ii) He was an engineer.(wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb cÖ‡KŠkjx|)
(iii) The ‘Nobel Prize’has been being given since 1901.(1901 mvj †_‡K Ò †bv‡ej cÖvBRÕcÖ`vb Kiv n‡”Q|)
(iv) In1850 Alfred joined his father’s company.(1850 mv‡j Avj‡d«W Zvui wcZvi †Kv¤úvbx‡Z †hvM`vb K‡ib|)
(v) This award was named after Alfred Nobel.(Avj‡d«W †bv‡e‡ji bvgvbymv‡i GB cyi¯‹v‡ii bvgKiY Kiv nq|)
(vi) Dr Alfred was born on 21st October,1883 at Stockholm,Sweden.
(1833 mv‡ji 21†k A‡±vei myB‡W‡bi ÷K‡nv‡g W.Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(vii) He had ammunition business at Leningrad.(‡jwjbMÖv‡W Zvi †Mvjvevi“`‡`i e¨emv wQj|)
(viii) He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work.
(m„Rbkxj Kg©‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi R‡b¨ wZwb GKwU cyi¯‹vi cÖ`v‡bi cwiKíbv nv‡Z †bb|)
(ix) His father Emanuel Nobel was an arthitect and researcher.
(Zvi wcZv Bgvby‡qj †bv‡ej GKRb ¯’cwZ I M‡elK wQ‡jb|)
(x) After some years Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.(K‡qK eQi ci Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej wWbvgvBU Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|)
(xi) The prize is given every year.(G cyi¯‹viwU cÖwZ eQi †`qv nq|)
(xii) So it was called the ‘Nobel Prize.”(ZvB G‡K †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi ejv nq|)
(xiii) The award was also given for setting up peace in the world.(wekk¦vwšÍ cÖwZôvi RM‡Z GB cyi¯‹vi cÖ`vb Kiv nq|)
(xiv)The prize has immortalized his name.(cyi¯‹viwU Zvui bvgvbymv‡i Agi K‡i †i‡L‡Q|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The lion laughed and said, “O you! Are you suitable to help me?”
(wmsn †n‡m ejj ÒAv‡i Zzwg! Zzwg wK Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kiv Dchy³|)
(ii) The lion said, “You are small in size but wonderful.”(wmsn ejj, ÒZzwg AvKv‡i †QvU wKš‘ Kv‡Ri|Ó)
(iii) While going outside the net,the lion said, “It is a lesson for me.”
(Rvj †_‡K †ei n‡q hvIqvi mgq wmsn ejj, ÒBnv Avgvi R‡b¨ GKUv wk¶v|Ó)
(iv) In fact,the strong or mighty sometimes are also dependent on the weak one.
(Avm‡j †Kvb †Kvb mgq mej ev kw³kvjx‡`iI `ye©‡ji Dci wbf©ikxj n‡Z nq|)
(v) “Many thanks to you.You have saved my life,”said the lion.
(wmsn ejj, Ò‡Zvgv‡K A‡bK ab¨ev`|Zzwg Avgvi Rxeb i¶v K‡iQ|Ó)
(vi) From then the lion was kindhearted to the tiny creatures.
(ZLb †_‡K wmsn ¶y`ª Rx‡ei cÖwZ `qv©`ª nj|)
(vii) The mouse was proud of saving the lion.(wmsn‡K i¶v Kivi R‡b¨ Bu`yi Mwe©Z n‡qwQj|)
(viii) The lion caught it and it began to tremble with fear.(wmsn I‡K a‡i †djj Ges GwU f‡q Kvcu‡Z ïi“ Kij|)
(ix) A lion was sleeping in a cave.(GKwU wmsn ¸nvq g‡a¨ Nygvw”Qj|)
(x) Listening this,the mouse came swiftly and found the lion in a trap.
(GUv (kã) ï‡b Buy`yi `ª“Z Qy‡U Avmj Ges wmsn‡K dv‡u`i g‡a¨ †`L‡Z †cj|)
(xi) At that time,a mouse fell upon its body playing.(‡mB mgq GKwU B`yui Zvi kix‡ii Dci †Lj‡Z †Lj‡Z D‡V c‡o|)
(xii) After sometime,the lion fell into a trap and he was crying “Save me,please,save me,please.”(wKQy¶Y ci wmsnwU GKwU dv‡u` AvUKv c‡o wPrKvi Ki‡Z _v‡K, Ò`qv K‡i Avgv‡K evPvuI,`qv K‡i Avgv‡K evuPvI, ,`qv K‡i Avgv‡K evuPvI,)
(xiii) The mouse cut the net into pieces and thereby he was saved.
(B`yui Rvj †K‡U UzKiv UzKiv K‡i †djj Ges G‡ZB †m i¶v †cj|)
(xiv) The mouse said,“Let me go,sooner or later, I may help you.”.
(B`yuiwU ejj, ÒAvgv‡K †h‡Z w`b,AvR †nvK Kvj †nvK Avwg Avcbvi mvnv‡h¨ Avm‡Z cvwi|Ó)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Ayesha Begum and her husband had nothing to support themselves.
(Av‡qkv †eMg Ges Zvi ¯^vgxi fiY †cvl‡Yi g‡Zv wKQyB wQj bv|
(ii) Her husband was a landless farmer.(Zvui ¯^vgx GKRb f~wgnxb K…lK wQ‡jb|)
(iii) He used to work on other people’s land.(wZwb Ab¨ †jv‡Ki Rwg‡Z KvR Ki‡Zb|)
(iv) Finally Ayesha Begum began to beg from door to door.(Ae‡k‡l Av‡qkv †eMg Øv‡i Øv‡i wf¶v Kiv ïi“ Ki‡jb|)
(v) They started to work with their father in their village.(Zviv MÖv‡g Zv‡`i wcZvi mv‡_ KvR ïi“ K‡i|)
(vi) Their sons grew up.(Zv‡`ui †Q‡jiv eo n‡jv|)
(vii) In the town they began to earn well.(kn‡i Zviv fvj Avq Ki‡Z ïi“ K‡i w`j|)
(viii) At first they used to send money to their parents.(cÖ_g w`‡K Zviv Zv‡`i wcZv gvZvi Kv‡Q UvKv cvVvZ|)
(ix) But after getting married they could not send money to them.
(wKšÍ weev‡ni ci Zviv Zv‡u`i Kv‡Q UvKv cvVv‡Z cviZ bv|)
(x) Ayesha Begum had three sons and two daughthers.(Av‡qkv †eM‡gi wZbcyÎ Ges `yB Kb¨v wQj|)
(xi) So they had to pass their days through much hardship.(ZvB Zv‡`i wb`vi“b Afv‡ei g‡a¨ w`bvwZcvZ Ki‡Z nZ|)
(xii) They became very weak and feeble for want of food.(Lv‡`¨i Afv‡e Zviv Lye `ye©j I wb‡¯ÍR n‡q c‡o|)
(xiii) She did so to manage food for herself and her husband.
(‡m Zvui wb‡Ri Ges Zvui ¯^vgxi Lv`¨ †hvMv‡oi Rb¨ Giƒc KiZ|)
(xiv) One day they came to the town to earn more money.(AwaK A_© DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ Zvuiv GKw`b kn‡i P‡j Av‡m|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He saw Fazlul Huq was reading his lessons and tearing off the pages of his book one after another.
(wZwb †`L‡jb dRjyj nK Zvui cov co‡Qb Ges eB‡qi c„ôv¸‡jv G‡Ki ci GK wQ‡uo †dj‡Qb|)
(ii) “So, I do not need them at all,” said he.(ÒZvB G¸‡jv Avgvi †gv‡UB `iKvi †bB,Ó wZwb ej‡jb|)
(iii) He thought his son would one day be a great man in the subcontinent.
wZwb fve‡jb Zvui cyÎ GKw`b Dcgnv‡`‡ki GKRb weL¨vZ gvbyl n‡eb|)
(iv) “I am not playing.I have already gone through these pages.”
(ÒAvwg †Ljv KiwQ bv| Avwg BwZg‡a¨ G c„ôv¸‡jv c‡o †d‡jwQ|Ó)
(v) He was greatly charmed at the wonderful memory of his son.(wZwb Zvui cy‡Îi we¯§qKi ¯§„wZkw³ †`‡L gy» n‡jb|)
(vi) The great leader of our country whom we love and admire is Sher-e-Bangla A.K Fazlul Huq.
(‡`‡ki †h weL¨vZ †bZv‡K Avgiv fvjevwm Ges kª×v Kwi wZwb n‡”Qb †ki-B-evsjv G.†K dRjyj nK|)
(vii) He at once entered the room and said, “O my boy,don’t play with your book.”
(wZwb Zr¶bvr N‡ii g‡a¨ cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb Ges ej‡jb, Ò‡n Avgvi cyÎ,†Zvgvi eB‡qi mv‡_ †Ljv Ki K‡iv bv|Ó)
(viii) From his boyhood,he was a very meritorious boy.(‡Q‡j‡ejv †_‡KB wZwb wQ‡jb AZ¨šÍ †gavex †Q‡j|)
(ix) His father Kazi Wazed Ali was a renowned pleader in the Barisal Bar.
(Zvui evev KvRx Iqv‡R` Avjx wQ‡jb ewikvj ev‡ii cÖL¨vZ DwKj|)
(x) His father wanted to test him.(Zvui evev Zv‡uK cix¶v K‡i †`L‡Z PvB‡jb|)
(xi) He asked him to quote some lines from such and such pages of his book.
(wZwb Zvui eB‡qi AgyK AgyK c„ôv¸‡jv †_‡K wKQy jvBb DׄZ Ki‡Z ej‡jb|)
(xii) Fazlul Huq quoted the pieces from memory word for word.(dRjyj nK Ask¸‡jv A¶‡i A¶‡i gyL¯Í ej‡jb|)
(xiii) His father was passing by.(Zvui evev cvk w`‡q hvw”Q‡jb|)
(xiv) One day the boy Fazlul Huq was reading in his study.(GKw`b dRjyj nK Zvui covi N‡i cowQ‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) It continued for a full week.(GB Ae¯’v c~Y© GK mßvn a‡i Pj‡Z _v‡K|)
(ii) The very next day the rain started to fall.(wVK c‡ii w`bB e„wó co‡Z Avi¤¢ K‡i|)
(iii) She wanted to grow some peas before the hot weather set in.
(Mig AvenvIqv ïi“i c~‡e©B †m wKQy gUiKjvB Drcv`b Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj|)
(iv) Last year he started her garden early.((MZ eQi †m Av‡Mev‡MB evMvb Avi¤¢ K‡iwQj|)
(v) Mina loves gardening.(wgbv evMvb Kiv cQ›` K‡i|)
(vi) All her seeds washed away.(Zvi me exR †f‡m wM‡qwQj|)
(vii) Mina started to prepare fresh.(wgbv bZzb K‡i evMvb ˆZix ïi“ K‡i|)
(viii) Then the sun finally came out.(Gici Ae‡k‡l m~h© †ewi‡q Av‡m|)
(ix) She now knew the uncertainty that the farmers must endure each year.
(GLb †m †mB AwbðqZvi K_v Rvb‡Z cvij hv K„l‡Kiv cÖwZeQi Aek¨B mn¨ K‡i _v‡K|)
(x) People may have different hobbies.(gvby‡li bvbv ai‡bi kL _vK‡Z cv‡i|)
(xi) Some may have strange habits.(Kv‡iv Kv‡iv A™¢yZ Af¨vm _vK‡Z cv‡i|)
(xii) It revealves the taste of a person.(†Kvb e¨w³i iƒwP G †_‡K cÖKvk cvq|)
(xiii) It refreshes us.(Bnv Avgv‡`i‡K m‡ZR K‡i|)
(xiv) It gives us new ideas too.(Bnv Avgv‡`i‡K bZzb aviYvI cÖ`vb K‡i|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) As he came near,the man said that he wanted some financial help.
(wZwb wbK‡U Avm‡ZB †jvKwU ejj †h, †m wKQy Avw_©K mvnvh¨ Pvq|)
(ii) Hojja immediately replied, “Why have you made me climb all the way downstairs to ask for money instead of shouting from below? (†nv¾v Zr¶bvr DËi w`j,ÒUvKvi K_v wb‡P †_‡K wPrKvi K‡i ejvi cwie‡Z© †Kb Zzwg Avgv‡K mgMÖ wmwou †e‡q wb‡P bvg‡Z eva¨ Ki‡j,|)
(iii) Hojja was quite curious.(†nv¾v n‡jb Lye DrmyK|)
(iv) Hojja decided to teach him a good lesson.(‡nv¾v Zv‡K GKUv DwPZ wk¶v †`Iqvi K_v fve‡jb|)
(v) Sudenly he saw someone calling from below.(nVvr wZwb †`L‡jb †KD Zv‡Ku wbP †_‡K WvK‡Q|)
(vi) At this Hojja became furious.(G‡Z †nv¾v ivMvwš^Z n‡jb|)
(vii) He saw there a man standing at the foot of the stairs.
(wZwb †`L‡jb, wmwoui †Mvovuq GKRb †jvK `vwou‡q Av‡Q|)
(viii) One day Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-story house.
(GKw`b bvwQi DÏxb †nv¾v Zvi †`vZvjv evwoi Qv‡` GKwU wQ`ª †givgZ KiwQ‡jb|)
(ix) Being greatly annoyed,the man asked why Hojja had made him climb up the stairs only to say that he had no money.(LyeB ivMvwš^Z n‡q †jvKwU wR‡Ám Kij †Kb †nv¾v Zvui Kv‡Q UvKv †bB,ïay GB K_v ejvi R‡b¨ Zv‡K me wmwo †f‡½ Dc‡i DwV‡q‡Q|)
(x) The man was asking him to get down and listen to him.
(‡jvKUv Zv‡uK wb‡P †b‡g Zvi K_v †kvbvi Rb¨ WvKwQj|)
(xi) When they both got to the roof top,Hojja said to the man, “Sorry,I have no money.”
(hLb Zviv Df‡q Qv‡`i Dc‡i DV‡jb,ZLb †nv¾v †jvKwU‡K ej‡jb,Ò`ytwLZ,Avgvi Kv‡Q UvKv †bB|Ó)
(xii) He thought that the man had something important to say.
(wZwb fve‡jb †h,‡jvKwUi ejvi gZ wKQy ¸iZ¡c~Y© K_v wQj|
(xiii) Therefore,he told the man to climb up the stairs with him.
(AZÎe wZwb †jvKwU‡K Zvui mv‡_ wmwoui Dc‡i DV‡Z ej‡jb|)
(xiv) So he climbed from the roof down the stairs.(ZvB wZwb wmwou †e‡q wb‡P †b‡g G‡jb|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) Desdemona was fascinated by his stories and especially by the story of his life.
(Zvi Mímg~n Ges we‡kl K‡i Zvi Rxe‡bi Kvwnbx ï‡b †WRwWgbv gy» nb|)
(ii) Othello was a brave soldier who had risen to become a general.
(I‡_‡jv wQ‡jb GKRb mvnmx ˆmwbK whwb †Rbv‡i‡j DbœxZ n‡q‡Qb|)
(iii) He told them of deserts,caves and mountains high enough to touch the sky.
(wZwb Zv‡`i‡K gi“f~gx , ¸nv Ges MMb Pz¤^x myD”P ce©Zmg~‡ni K_v ej‡Zb|
(iv) Brabantio,a rich senator of Venice,had only one child, a daughter named Desdemona.
(‡fwb‡mi GKRb weËevb wm‡bUi,eªvevwbkIÕi wQj ïay GKwU Kb¨v mšÍvb,hvi bvg †WRwWgbv|)
(v) Her pity soon turned to love and she confessed to Othello that she loved him.
(kxNªB Zvi Ki“Yv fvjevmvq cwiYZ nq Ges wZwb I‡_jvi Kv‡Q cÖKvk K‡ib †h,wZwb Zv‡K fvjev‡mb|)
(vi) She refused them all because she loved Othello, a noble Moor from North Africa.
(I‡_jv †h mKj e„× hy× K‡iwQ‡jb Zvui A™¢yZ Kvwnbx Ges Zvui †`Lv ¯’vb mg~‡ni K_v Zv‡`i‡K ej‡Zb|)
(vii) He had shown his bravery in many bloody battles against the Turks.
(ZzKx©‡`i wei“‡× wZwb A‡bK i³¶qx hy‡× Zvui mvnwmKZv cÖ`©kb K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(viii) She pitted Othello for the misfortunes and hardships of his life.
(wZwb I‡_jvi `y©fvM¨ Ges Zvi Rxe‡bi †K¬kmg~‡ni Rb¨ Zvi cÖwZ Ki“Yv †`Lvb|)
(ix) She was so beautiful that many young men of the best families wished to marry her.
(wZwb GZB my›`ix wQ‡jb †h me‡P‡q m¤£všÍ cwievimg~‡ni A‡bK hyeK Zvu‡K weevn Kivi B”Qv K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(x) Everyone praised him and the snate trusted and honoured him.
(cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zvui cÖksmv KiZ Ges wm‡bU Zvu‡K wek¦vm KiZ I m¤§vb †`LvZ|)
(xi) He also told them of men who ate human flesh and strange race of people whose heads were under their shoulders.(wZwb H mg¯Í A™¢yZ m¤cÖ`v‡qi †jvK‡`i K_v ej‡Zb hv‡`i gv_v Zv‡`i Kv‡aui wb‡P wQj|)
(xii) Brabantio often invited Othelo to his house where he and his daughter listended in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventured.(eªvevbwkI I‡_‡jv‡K cÖvqB Zvi evmvq Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡Zb †hLv‡b wZwb Ges Zvi Kb¨v AvMÖn mnKv‡i I‡_jvi Awfhvbmg~‡ni K_v g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q ïb‡Zb|)
(xiii) Hearing it,she had to weep and she never became tired of listening to it.(GB Kvwnbx ï‡b wZwb †K‡`u ‡dj‡Zb Ges wZwb KLbI Zv ï‡b K¬všÍ n‡Zb bv|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) The perseverarance and tenacity of the spider inspired Bruce very much.
(gvKomvi Aa¨vemvq Ges GKvMÖZv eªm‡K Mfxifv‡e AYycÖvwYZ Kij|)
(ii) One day he sat in a lonely hall,brooding over his sad lot.
(GKw`b wZwb wbR©b K‡¶ em‡jb Ges wb‡Ri `y©fvM¨ wb‡q Mfxifv‡e wPšÍv Ki‡Z jvM‡jb|)
(iii) This happened six times.(Qqevi GgbwU NUj|)
(iv) Swearing to do or die,he fought the English for the seventh time.
(evPuvgivi kc_ wb‡q wZwb mßg ev‡ii gZ Bs‡iR‡`i wei“‡× hy× Ki‡jb|)
(v) But the spider did not give up the struggle.(wKš‘ gvKomvwU Zvi †Póv eÜ Kij bv|)
(vi) This time he was successful in driving the English from his kingdom.
(Gevi wZwb Zvui ivR¨ †_‡K Bs‡iR‡`i Zvov‡Z m¶g n‡jb|)
(vii) He was also an ardent patriot and a gallant soldier.(wZwb GKwbó †`k‡cÖwgK Ges wbfx©K ‰mwbK I wQ‡jb|)
(viii) Suddenly a spider caught his view.(nVvr GKwU gvKomv Zvui `„wó‡Z Gj|)
(ix) But he once lost his kingdom to England in a battle with the British forces.(wKš‘ weªwUk ˆmb¨‡`i mv‡_ GK hy‡× Bsj¨v‡Ûi Kv‡Q wZwb Zvui ivRZ¡ nvivb|)
(x) It was trying to reach the ceiling.(Qv‡` †cŠuQv‡bvi Rb¨ GUv †Póv KiwQj|)
(xi) He fought with the English for his country for a long time,but he failed.(wZwb Zvui †`‡ki Rb¨ `xN©w`b a‡i Bs‡iR‡`i mv‡_ hy× K‡ib,wKšÍ e¨_© nb|)
(xii) But each time it tried,it dropped again.(wKš‘ hZeviB †m †Póv Kij,ZZeviB c‡o †Mj|)
(xiii) Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland.(iev©U eª“m ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi ivRv wQ‡jb|)
(xiv) It tried again and again and at last reached its goal.(‡m evi evi †Póv Kij Ges Ae‡k‡l j‡¶¨ †cŠuQj|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) He is rebel poet and our national poet.(wZwb GKRb we‡`ªvnx Kwe Ges Avgv‡`i RvZxq Kwe|)
(ii) Very often he used to flee away from school.(cÖvqB wZwb ¯‹zj †_‡K cvwj‡q †h‡Zb|)
(iii) He lost his father in his boyhood.(‰kke Kv‡jB wZwb Zvi wcZv‡K nvivb|)
(iv) So,he drew the attention of the public.(ZvB wZwb Rbmvavi‡Yi `„wó AvK©lb K‡ib|)
(v) He was called Dukhu Mia for his sorrow.(Zvui `ytL K‡ói R‡b¨ Zv‡uK `yLy wgqv bv‡g WvKv n‡Zv|)
(vi) Nazrul Islam was born on the 20th May,1899 in Burdwan.
(bRi“j Bmjvg 1899 mv‡j 20 ‡g ea©gvb †Rjvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(vii) He was fond of adventures,music and jatra party.(wZwb †ivgvÂKi Kg©KvÛ ,msMxZ Ges hvÎv cQ›` Ki‡Zb|)
(viii) As a result his mother fell in great financial problem.(d‡j Zvi gv `vi“Y Avw_©K mgm¨vq c‡ob|)
(ix) He did not like the hard and fast rules of the school.(wZwb we`¨vj‡qi evuavaiv wbqg-Kvbyb cQ›` Ki‡Zb bv|)
(x) He spent his early life in great hardship.(‡Zvgiv KvRx bRi“j Bmjv‡gi bvg ï‡b _vK‡e|)
(xi) He spent his early life in great hardship.(wZwb Zvui cÖv_wgK Rxeb LyeB K‡ói g‡a¨ KvUvb|)
(xii) One day this Dukhu Mia became a great poet.(GKw`b GB `yLy wgqv weL¨vZ Kwe n‡qwQ‡jb|)
(xiii) He could sing,dance and compose verses even in his boyhood.
(wZwb ˆkk‡eB Mvb MvB‡Z,bvP‡Z Ges GgbwK KweZv iPbv Ki‡Z cvi‡Zb|)
(xiv) As a boy Nazrul was restless and absent minded.(evjK wn‡m‡e bRi“j wQ‡jb PÂj I Ab¨gb¯‹|)
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Re write the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.
(i) They set it on fire.(Zviv GUv‡Z Av¸b awi‡q w`j|)
(ii) Seeing the armed forces taking position,Dr Zoha came forward.
(‡mbvevwnbx‡K Ae¯’vb wb‡Z †`‡L Wt †Rvnv mvg‡b GwM‡q G‡jb|)
(iii) Finally,Dr Zoha was shot in the back at 11 in the morning.
(Ae‡k‡l mKvj 11Uvq w`‡K Wt †Rvnvi wcQb w`‡K ¸wj jv‡M|)
(iv) Later,he was bayonet charged too.(cieZ©x‡Z Zv‡K †e‡qv‡bU ØvivI AvNvZ Kiv nq|)
(v) Meanwhile,the students doused a parked army jeep with kerosene.
(B‡Zvg‡a¨ QvÎiv †mbvevwnbxi cvK© Kiv GKwU Rx‡c †K‡ivwmb †Zj †X‡j Av¸b awi‡q †`q|)
(vi) The teacher saw this.(wk¶KMY GUv cÖZ¨¶ Ki‡jb|)
(vii) The armed forces saw the situation.(mk¯¿ evwnbx Ae¯’vUv †`Lj|)
(viii) They started to take up position against the students.(Zviv Qv·`i wei“‡× Ae¯’vb wb‡Z ïi“ Kij|)
(ix) Then he declared that their bullets would pierce his heart first.
(ZLb wZwb †Nvlbv Ki‡jb †h,Zv‡`i ey‡jU cÖ_‡g Zvui e‡¶ we`xY© Ki‡e|)
(x) He requested the armed forces not to open fire on the students.
(Qv·`i‡K ¸wj bv Kivi Rb¨ wZwb mk¯¿ evwnbx‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡jb|)
(xi) But they didn’t pay any heed to him.(wKš‘ Zvui K_vq Zviv KY©cvZ Kij bv|)
(xii) So,they requested the guards on duty to open the gate.
(ZvB Zviv KZ©e¨iZ cÖnix‡`i †MU Ly‡j w`‡Z Aby‡iva Kij|)
(xiii) The situation went beyond control.(Ae¯’v wbqš¿‡bi evB‡i P‡j †Mj|)
(xiv) The agitated students of Rajshahi University started to jump over the locked gate and to scale the wall.(ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we¶z× QvÎiv Zvjve× †MU Ges †`qvj jvwd‡q UcKv‡Z ïi“ Kij|)
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12. Rewrite the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story: 14
i) He was quite happy in Brighton.
ii) He described London as a dismal city, smoky, foggy and wet.
iii) Rabindranath was the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarda Devi Tagore.
iv) Away from his brother’s home he was lucky to find a friendly English family of Dr. and Mrs. Scott.
v) Though he was full of admiration for English society yet he was called back to India in 1880.
vi) He went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.
vii) He often visited the Houses of Parliament and listened to Goldstone and John Bright’s debates on Irosh Home Rule.
viii) He returned home without any qualifications of distinction.
ix) He joined his brother’s family at Brighton and attended school there.
x) At the age of seventeen, in 1878, he arrived in London.
xi) Young Tagore joined London University, where he attended Henry Morley’s lectures on English literature.
xii) But soon his brother sent him to London to benefit from the education in the West.
xiii) But the girl’s parents in fact treated him like a son.
xiv) Their two daughters were taken a back with the presence of a ‘blackie’ in the house.
Ans. to the Ques. No. Set-3
11. (i) The present age has seen a wide disintegration of large kin groups. (ii) Women are associating now with earning and out of home activities. (iii) As they began to contribute to the family income, they started influencing decisions about family matters. (iv) In the developed countries now household work and outdoor activities are done equally by both husbands and wives. (v) Extended families have given and are still giving place to small, nuclear families. (vi) Marriage now often break up in the west and children of the broken families are having psychological problems.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
iii vi x ii ix i xii xi vii iv xiv xiii v viii