Rules of Passage Narration-2

Rules of Passage Narration

Rule 1:প্রথমত, পুরো Passage টি পড়ে কেSpeaker এবং কে Audience তা চিহ্নিত করতেহবে। তারপর তাদের উক্তিগুলোরMood বা ক্রিয়ার ধরন চিহ্নিত করতেহবে
Example:  “Will you buy my hair.” asked Akhi. “I buy hair.” said Tori.  Ans. Akhi asked Tori if he would buy her hair. Tori replied that he bought hair.

Rule 2: Reporting verb wU gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡jI  Indirect Speech  G Sentence Gi cª_‡g e‡m|
              Example:  “Where are you from?” said the student. “I am from Jamalpur.” said Tori.
             Ans. The student asked Tori where he was from. Tori replied that he was from Jamalpur.

Rule 3:  বক্তা যদি পুরোPassage একাধিক উক্তি ব্যবহারকরে থাকেন তাহলে প্রথমউক্তির পরে পরবর্তী উক্তিগুলোর ক্ষেত্রে হবে-
             (a)Assertive Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: added/further added/also said ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
            (b)Interrogative Sentenceএর ক্ষেত্রে: again asked/further asked/also asked ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
            (c)Imperative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and Requested /and ordered to ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
           (d)Optative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and prayed/and wished that ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
           (e) Exclamatory Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and exclaimed in joy that/ in grief that ব্যবহার করতে হবে

Example:  “ I’ll pay for it. I’ll repair the broken axe. I broke it.” He said to me. “Why did you break it? How did you show your responsibility? Do you have money for repairing it?” I said. 
Ans. He told me that he would pay for it. He added that he would repair the broken axe. He further added that He had broken it. I asked him why he had broken it. I also asked him how he had showed his responsibility. I further asked if he had money for repairing it.

Rule 4: Reported Speech G hw` ïay ‘Yes’ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the affirmative or Subject + Auxiliary Verb e‡m  Ges  Reported  Speech G ‘Yes’ Gi ci †Kvb e³e¨ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the affirmative and said that..e‡m|
            Example:I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “Yes”  He said.
           Ans. I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the affirmative. Or he said that he had.  
            2. Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “Yes, I will join my work tomorrow.” 
Ans. Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the affirmative and said that he would join her work the next day.
Rule 5: Reported  Speech G hw` ïay ‘No’ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the negative or Subject + Auxiliary Verb + not
            e‡m  Ges  Reported  Speech G ‘No’Gi ci †Kvb e³e¨ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the negative  and said
Example:  1.  I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “No”  He said.  Ans. I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the negative. Or he said that he hadn’t.   2. Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “No, I will join my work tomorrow.” 
Ans. Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the negative and said that he would join her work the next day.
Rule 6: Direct Speech G Please Ges Sir Gi cwie‡Z© Indirect Speech G h_vµ‡gkindly/ politely/ respectfully e‡m|
Direct Speech sir থাকলে indirect Speech Sir এরপরিবর্তে Respectfully বা Addressing as sir ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Direct:“Yes,sir” he replied,“I have completed my home work.”
Indir:He replied respectfully in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.
Addressing as sir he replied in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.
Exmple:  “May I come in, sir”, “Yes, come in” said Tori. “Please teach me” said the student.   Ans. The student respectfully asked Tori if he might come in.The student requested Tori politely to teach him clearly. 

Rule 7:  Direct Speech G KvD‡K m‡¤^vab (address) Ki‡j Indirect Speech G addressing as e‡m|
Exmple:   “Are you happy, students” said Torikul. 
Ans. Addressing as students, Torikul asked if they were happy.

Rule 8: Inverted comma Gi evB‡i reporting verb Gi AwZwi³  Ask Sentence  Gi ïi“‡ZB  e‡m|
Example. “Are you there” asked Mina, knocking to the door. “Follow my example.”  Mina said to me, as we shook hands. 
Ans.  Knocking to the door, Mina asked me if I was there. As we shook hands, Mina advised me to follow her example.

Rule 9:Reported Speech G Assertive Gi ci? _vK‡j Indirect Speech G reporting verb Gi cy‡e© being surprised e‡m| (Interrogative Gi wbqg nq).
Example: She said to me, “You have felt how she passed her day?”
Ans. Being surprised, she asked me if I had felt how she had passed her day.

Rule 10: Reported Speech G Thank _vK‡j Indirect Speech Greporting verb Gi subject + thanked + reporting
                 verb  Gi object e‡m|
                 Example: He said to me, “Thank you.” Ans. He thanked me.

Rule 11: Reported  Speech G Goodbye  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G reporting verb  Gi subject + bade +
                  Reported  Speech Gi object e‡m|
                  Example: He said  “Goodbye my friends.” 
                  Ans. He bade his friend’s good bye.

Rule 12: Reported  Speech G good morning/ good evening/ good night  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G reporting 
                 verb  Gi subject+ wished+  good morning/good evening/good night  e‡m|
                 Example:  He said  to me, “Good morning.” 
                 Ans. He wished me good morning.

Rule 13: Reported Speech G A‡bK mgq c~b©v½ Sentence _v‡K bv †m‡¶‡G Indirect Speech G e³vi e³e¨ Abymib K‡i c~b©v½ 
                sentence Ly‡R wb‡Z nq|
Example: I can buy your drama book. How much will I pay you?  “Hundred taka only?” I said to him. “Everything is ok.”
Ans. I told him that I could buy his drama book. I also asked him how much I would pay him. I further asked him if hundred take only would do. He replied that everything was ok.

Rule 14: Reported Speech G A‡bK mgq e³v I †kªvZvi D‡j­L _v‡K bv| Indirect  Speech  G e³vi ‡¶‡Î the speaker  Ges
                †kªvZvi ‡¶‡Î the listener  emv‡Z nq|
Example: “Where are you going now?” “I am going to market” Ans. The speaker asked the listener where he was goning then. The listener replied that he was going to market.

Rule 15: Reported Speech G cried/ muttered (A¯úófv‡e  K_v ejv)/ replied/ asked  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G
                reporting verb  Gi ‡Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
Example:“Save me.” She cried.
Ans. She cried to save her.

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