Some Important Paragraphs

The Internet

The information system of the world has become globalized with the magical touch of internet. Like a spider-web the Internet has spread its interconnected link with tens, hundreds or even thousands of computers. And it has enabled them to share information and communication with one another widely, effectively and inexpensively. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to bring the information and communication system within their palm. The Internet has brought new opportunities to government, education and business. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information and automated tax processing. Bangladesh as a developing country does not have access to the Internet in all spheres. Still internet here has some access to the business world and the banking system. Educational institutions also use the Internet to some extent. Internet here also allows a great variety in digital entertainment. People can enjoy music, movie, gaming, chatting with friends, sharing views and ideas about world affairs just by pressing few keys. We hope that we will get full-fledged access to the Internet, an international computer network, to make our Bangladesh a developed and prosperous country.     

My Family

The type of family I live in is a nuclear family. As a trend of the present age both of my parents work outside. Both of them are government employees. So, they set out in the morning and return home in the evening. I am a college first year student. I am also busy till afternoon with my college and studies. My only brother goes to university in the morning and comes late in the evening. As I come home early, I pass most of my time either by watching TV or sitting in front of my computer. I do engage myself but I feel so lonely and bored as I have to be all by myself. Even when my family members return home, I feel lonely because they have no time to talk to me. They are very tired. I sometimes feel that there is none to give me any psychological support. There is none to understand me. But as everything has two sides, a nuclear family like mine has some merits. I have a lot of time to study. I have a room of my own. Nobody comes to bother me. I have a world of my own. I can do whatever I like. And in the weekends I enjoy the time with my parents. They spend much of their time with me at that time. But after the weekends I am again alone.     


Mobile Phone or Cell Phone

Mobile phone is a telephone system that works without any wire. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place.  Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time. Solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and view. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phones also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set a t a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village, in a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least, terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalized here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.

Face book

Face book is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being My Space. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone. Face book was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called the face book. It was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard into other Ivy League schools. At that time, it was only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within English speaking countries, but has since expanded to include anyone. Face book users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information about themselves. The choice to include a profile in a network means that everyone within that network can view the profile. The profile typically includes the following: Information, Status, Friends, and Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Users are able to search for friends and acquaintances by e-mail address, school, university, or just by typing in a name or location for search. When people become friends, they are able to see all of each others' profiles including contact information. E-mail notifications let users know when new friends have chosen to add them to their list or when someone has sent a message to them within the system. A popular feature on Face book is the ability to share photographs uploaded from a phone, camera, or hard drive. As with other private information, users have the option to allow only friends to see their pictures or anyone. There is an unlimited amount of storage available, which is a major advantage of Face book’s photograph sharing capabilities.

Global Warming/Greenhouse Effect

Now a days global warming has made the environmentalists think about the dreadful consequences. It has become a threat to all living beings on earth. Global warming is due to greenhouse effect. It is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being trapped on earth. This is happening because of environmental pollution. We are destroying our tropical rain forests, growing industries and mills-factories, using CFC gas. Thus, we are polluting our environment. By the destruction and burning down our forests, the amounts of carbon dioxide are increasing.  The increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth have made a layer in space. The sun rays are coming through the layer but the heat can not pass through the layer. This is why the heat is being trapped on earth and making our globe warmer. As a result of this, the temperatures of the world are increasing day by day. The weather pattern is changing.The alarming news is that the polar ice caps are melting and this might cause the flooding of huge areas of the globe. Bangladesh also can not escape the paws of this enemy. The lower southern part of the country may go under water one day. We should prevent the pollution of the environment and save our only living place.

Price hike

Price hike means the rise of price of daily necessaries. Today price hike is a common phenomenon in our economy. The price of essential commodities is increasing by leaps and bounds. The causes of price hike are many. Hoarding is one of the important factors for soaring price level. People hoard the essential commodities with an ill motive and as a result there is break down in the supply. Smuggling and black marketing are also important factors that cause price hike. Essential commodities are always being smuggled across the border. Shortage of supply due to low production also accelerates the price hike of essential goods. Our population is increasing in geometrical progress, while the supply of food increases in arithmetical progress. For this the supply of goods is very scanty in comparison to our demands. However efforts should be made and necessary actions and proper measures should be taken to tackle the situation. Hoarding should be controlled. Smuggling and black-marketing are to be eradicated. Adequate supply of essential commodities is to be ensured. And last of all government should launch programmed to tackle the price hike problem.

Leisure/Leisure Activities in Bangladesh/Pastimes 

Man is born to work. He needs to work to live. But at the same time he can not work continuously. He needs leisure to be recharged. Human beings can not be compared to machines. In order to earn their living, people all over the world lead a hectic and busy life. So, they need something else besides their work to be energized. The monotonous working hours load their brains with tiredness and stress. That is why they need pastimes. It refreshes them, at the same time it gives them a new life. There may be thousands types of pastimes all over the world. Many pastimes around the world are common to people no matter what their nationality or race. But some are not. However, whatever the country, one activity that is common to all is watching television. Bangladesh is a rural based country. So, most people pass their leisure either playing in the field or gossiping in the rural areas. But in the urban sites there are a number of pastimes. Reading story books, collecting stamps, gardening, playing some indoor and outdoor games are the types that teenagers usually do in their leisure. Now a days going to different clubs or hotels has become teenage craze. Some people have selected walking, sightseeing, fishing, cooking etc as their leisure activities. The types of pastimes may vary from person to person according to their taste and culture. But the reason behind leisure is the same. The only reason is to have relaxation and pleasure.

Climate Change

Climate change is now the most unpredictable threat to our planet. The earth’s climate has changed over the last century. There is stronger evidence that most of the warming observed the last 50 years is due to human activities. Because of gas emissions, temperatures should continue to rise over the 21st century. Its impact will be severely negative on both mankind and nature. Human activities that contribute to climate change include in particular the burning of fossil fuels, agriculture and land-use changes like deforestation. These causes emissions of carbon dioxide [co2] , the main gas responsible for climate change . And for this possibly many catastrophic changes will be inevitable. The more the greenhouse gases are emitted, the higher the tendency will be for the earth to warm. It will widespread the melting of snow and ice. Serious consequences will be a rise in sea levels, which will endanger coastal areas and small islands. Therefore, only reducing emissions of greenhouse gases should reduce the risk of the adverse effects .Many options for emission reduction is available. But the whole world needs to be concerned to remove this fatal threat. 

Environmental Pollution

Heal the world, make it a better place ----this should be the slogan of the day, when environmental pollution has become a global problem in our beautiful planet. This world has been created for human beings and it is they who are contaminating it by creating ecological imbalance in our ecosystem. For example, man makes fires for different purposes which create smoke causing alarming air pollution. On the other hand, human contaminates water by throwing various kinds of waste and filth. Again sound pollution and odour pollution are also adding to the problem. And we can see the effects of environmental pollution really frightening. But the most catastrophic and shocking effect of the environmental pollution is greenhouse effect. It is the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution. This could horribly reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy wildlife, raise sea level and thereby may cause floods. All these dangerous consequences are created by man. And our earth is not the same one that used to be. We can not bring back the old one, but we can give birth to a new and fresh world by preventing environmental pollution.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means the condition of being unable to stop taking illegal harmful substances that some people smoke or inject. Drugs like heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, prehensile etc give exciting feelings to those who take these. But frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to certain death. Among the addicted people, the young generation is larger in number.  There are mainly two reasons behind it. First one is young people are more curious. So, whatever they see harmful or useful, they are the first to taste. Again, frustration is another cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young, they become addicted to drugs. It has become a global problem. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas all over the world are directly or indirectly affected by it. Drugs have terrible effects on human body. It is a slow poison that damages the brain and all internal functions of the body leading ultimately to death. Again, drug addiction gives birth to new crimes. Drugs are very expensive. So, young people involve in crimes to get money for taking drugs. In Bangladesh drug problem has become a national problem. Bangladesh is often used by the drug dealers as transit from one country to another. In these circumstances, all concerned must create awareness both individually and collectively. The highest punishment of dealing in or smuggling drugs is death in Bangladesh. The law must be enforced immediately. Parents, teachers must give proper teachings so that children can choose the right thing. This curse can be eradicated only when each and every person of a country becomes aware of it.     

                                       A good teacher
A good teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to his students dynamically. He is to find out the problems of his students .He is friendly with them. He tries to make his students well-disciplined, punctual, attentive, truthful, and honest. A good teacher is a good citizen of a country. A teacher is a potential builder, nation builder of a nation. Our country needs a large number of a good teacher. He is also considered a respectable man. Every body respects him for his activities. So a good teacher is respective and honored by all everywhere.

                                    A village doctor
A village doctor is a very important person in the village. He is very familiar figure with the people of the village. He serves among the people of the village. He does not any much about medicine and he called a quack. He attends in his dispensary in the morning and works for the patients. Sometimes he goes to the village to see his patients. He is very sincere about his patients. So his respected by all the people of the village. A village doctor is not so-well-off. Though he is a quack but he saves the poor villagers from immature death. In fact he is the moat trusted friend and guide to poor village people.   

A School Magazine
The school magazine is a journal published by a school. It is generally an annual publication. It is the mirror of a school. It mainly contains the writings of the students and teachers. A Committee is formed for the publication of a committee. A senior teacher is the editor of the magazine. There are some students in the committee. The editors collect writings from the students. First a notice is given in every class. The teacher encourages the students to write. The man editors along with other editors select the best writings. It contains poems, essays, short plays, puzzles, jokes. It plays an important role in creating a new writer. It helps the students to improve their writing and thinking power. It teaches the students work together. It helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It highlights the various aspects of the school development programme.

                                                National Flag
A flag is a piece of cloth, attached by one edge to a rope used as the distinctive symbol of a country, or as a single. Every country has a national flag of her own, which symbolizes the sovereignty of the country. National flag is the symbol of a country. Every independent nation of the world has a national flag of our own. It various from country to country. Our national flag is rectangular in shape. The ratio of its length and breadth is 10:6. The color of our national flag is green with a red circle in the middle. The red circle of the flag denotes the blood of our national heroes. They sacrificed their live for the country in 1971. We love and respect our national flag very much. We feel proud of our national flag. Our national flag always inspire us to dedicate our lives for the greater interest of the country. Our national flag is holier, dearer and more precious to us than any other earthly possessions. We should determine to defend it even at the cost of our lives.

How to prepare custard
To prepare custard, first wash the fruits and peel them. Then cut the fruits into small pieces and keep them in a bowl. Now boil the milk in a pot. Next mix sugar in it and stir well. Now take the custard powder in a small cup of 4 tablespoons of cold milk and mix well. Then pour the mixture into the boiling milk and stir well. Boil for five minutes, stirring it all the time. After that take the pot off the stove. Let the custard be cool. Finally pour it into the fruit bowl. Now the delicious custard is ready to eat.

My favourite TV Programme
There are many kinds of TV programs on TV. I like to watch cartoons, game shows, and comedies. But cartoons are my favorite. I usually watch TV for thirty minutes a day and the program I watch is a cartoon called Doraemon. It is on TV from six thirty to seven o'clock, Monday to Friday. A lot of people watch it at that time. It's an interesting cartoon. Doraemon is drawn by a Japanese cartoonist. Doraemon is a smart robot and the star of the cartoon. He can do many incredible things. For example, he can go traveling everywhere or make people smaller or bigger. Doraemon is a good TV program. It is my favorite TV show.

The Ethnic People in Bangladesh
Ethnic is one kind of tribe or community of people. They are different from us. Their religion is also different from ours. They are very important part of the culture of our country. Their culture is different from modern western culture and therefore interesting for the people of western countries. Their clothes, jewellery, cooking and eating habit is different from ours. The majority of those people live in Chittagong Hill tracts. Some of them live some regions of Mymensing, Rajshahi, Bhola and Sylhet.They live in the forest areas, in the hills and in rural areas. They practise Jhum cultivation. By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Bhuddists. They speak their own mother tongue along with the affected/unnatural pronunciation. They have some common characteristic. They have their own lifestyles. They build their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms. Rice is their staple food. Men wear lungi and women wear thamis or sarongs and angis.Hunting and fishing are their favourite pastimes.They are fond of songs,music,dances,theatre and fair.

Naskahi Khantha
Nakshai Kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt.The name was taken from Bengali word, ‘Nakshi’ which means artistic pattern.It is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India.The art has been practised in rural Bengal for centuries.The Nakshi Kantha’became popular after poet Jasim uddin’s poem “Nakshi Kanthar Math”was published in 1929.It has a far reaching effect on the field of Bangladeshi culture and tradition.Traditional kanthas are made for family use.Old or new cloth and thread are used to make these quilts.Mymensingh,Jamalpur,Rajshahi,Faridpur,Bogra and Jessore are most famous for this craft.Now it is produced commercially and we can find them in many expensive handicraft shops in cities.The quilts are now in great demand because of the colourful patterns and designs embroidered on them.Finally,we can say that “Nakshai Kantha” signifies a token of Bengali culture

My best friend

Friendship is a spiritual bond. It never ends. Every man wants to keep a good company. A friend is one of the greatest blessings of man. Like others I have a friend. His name is Mijan. He is one of my best friends. He is my class –fellow. He is a bright student in our class. He is always regular in his studies. I like him most for some of his qualities. He is simple, truthful and modest. He is always true to his words. He obeys his superiors. He is neat and charming in habits. He is intelligent and well-behaved. He never quarrels with others. He does not spend even a single moment in vain. He is reliable, honest, sincere and broad-minded. He never speaks ill of others. He says his prayers regularly. He is also a good player. He always tries to help me in all possible ways. He helps me in solving questions on all the over and affection for me. Really I am happy with his behavior. Thus he is my best friend  true sense. I am proud of him. I always wish him golden success in life.

Good Health

Good health means soundness of body and mind. It keeps one fit and free from diseases. By observing certain rules, one can keep good health. One is to take a balanced diet, drink pure water , take regular exercise and rest etc. he is also to observe the rules of cleanliness. Since most of the people of our country live below the level, they do not get the food they need for good health. Even the rich and the educated people are not conscious of the rules of good health. They do not take a balanced diet because they think that costly food means a nutritive food. As a result most of the people of our country like frustration, hopelessness etc. but only taking a balanced diet are not enough to keep goop good health. The person who is ambitious and runs after wealth cannot maintain a good health. By keeping simple and care free life one can lead a peaceful life.

Good Food
Good food means the right kind of food for our health. It is nutritious. It must contain natural substances that our body needs to grow properly and stay healthy. We have to eat only a certain amount of food that our body needs. It protects us from diseases and weakness. Good food never harms our body. It helps to build up our body equally. Too much eating is bad for health. We should avoid over eating. So we do not need the same kind of food in the same quantity. It depends on our growth and physical structure. We must choose the right food for our daily diet. Rice , ruti,, fish , meat , milk, egg ,vegetables , fruits , pure drinking water etc are good foods .These are helpful for our body. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. They keep our body free from diseases. They are also good for our skin. We need to drink milk everyday. We must drink pure water.

                          A Nature Lover
His passion is to plant trees. Now he is sixty-three years old. He started planting trees when he was only ten years old. His father once told him that he can get God’s blessings by planting trees.Kartic believed it heart and soul. Never in his life had he stopped planting trees.Many of his trees are now 35-40 years old. artic feels happy to see them.He also feels to see people sitting under these trees saplings. By now he has planted hundreds of trees.He has planted trees beside the roads,in and around the bazer,schools and colleges,open fields and many other places.Katric does a noble job by planting trees in his lesiure.He saves the environment and thus saves the humanity

Folk Song

Folk songs are songs that are sung in traditional style of a community or country.These songs are different from the others in themes, words and tunes. They mainly reflect the joys and sorrows of the common people of the community or the country. In Bangladesh we have a rich tradition of folk songs. These songs are sung with the traditional musical instruments such as the tabla ektara,dotara etc. However, folk songs also have some categories such as the Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagaon etc. These songs have their traditional specialties. For example Palligiti tells the joys and sorrows of the village people.Bhatiali tells the joys and sorrows of the people whose lives are closely related with the rivers of Bangladesh.They are the boatmen,the river gypsies etc.Lalongiti is a devotional or philosophical songs about creator and creation.Folk songs are valuable resources of Bangladesh and Bangladeshi culture.

River Gypsies in Bangladesh
River gypsies are an ethnic group in Bangladesh. They are known as bedey to local people. They have their own lifestyles and culture. They live in groups. They do not own any land. They live a nomadic life travelling from one place to another. They roam across our rivers and waters in small country boats. This boats are their houses. Throughout the monsoon, they remain busy with fishing. They also dive for natural pearls in waters. Men catch snakes and entertain people with snake charming and sell herbal cures. Women go from door to door sell bangles, cosmetics and many other things. They also try to heal pains of old people often by sucking out blood from their body. They are use d to water life. They inherit from their forefathers necessary life skills to survive in water. They have no education. So the authority feels the need to bring them under formal education network. Some voluntary organizations are running special schools on boats to educate river gypsy children in some areas.

Using a dictionary
Using a dictionary is very important for a student as well as for all. A dictionary is a collection of words. It lists the words of a language and gives necessary information about them. It tells us about the spelling, pronunciation, meaning and parts of speech etc. of words .Sentences are given in italics to make the meaning of words clear. Example sentences show how words are used. It also gives the synonyms and the antonyms of a word. We find words made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Parts of speech are shown. A verb word is always given in the simple present tense. But the past form of a verb and the past participle are also shown.

Hygiene means to keep ourselves, our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health. Nobody likes an unclean person. So we should follow the rules of hygiene. We should have a bath everyday to keep our body clean. This will keep the body free from dirt and bacteria. We should wash our clothes regularly. It is important to wash our hands before meals and after using the toilets. We should brush our teeth. We should also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be pure. Moreover, we should keep our surroundings and environment neat and clean. If we do and follow all the above things properly, we will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.

How to make a garden.
A set of instructions are given to make a garden. At first they have to find out a suitable piece of land to make a garden. Then they can decide which flower they will grow in the garden. They are to prepare the soil and put manure. They have to plants the seeds and put the fence around in the garden to protect harmful animal and children. They should take special care of the garden and water the young plants regularly. They have to take preventive measures against harmful pests and insects.

How to Become a Good Student
Every student wants to become a good student. If he wants threw become a good student he is to flow a set of instruction. First he/she is to attend the classes regularly. A good student has to do study everyday.  He should never cram anything. He/she should try to understand what he/she is taught and what he/she reads. If necessary he/she can consult with the teacher. He/she can make notes himself/herself and revise them frequently. He/she should have a good relationship with him/her classmates and discuss with them the things he/she goes through everyday. He/she can write more and prepare himself/herself properly for the examinations.

A Good Citizen

A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen following the rules of his land or society. Good citizenship makes a man good citizen. Good citizens are those who never harm other people. It is a noble quality that is essential for the people of a country. A good citizen lives in a society with clam and peace. He never quarrels with others. He does not become jealous towards other members of the society. Rather than he becomes friendly to all. He believes in co-operation. He is ready to die for his country. He builds up a friendly environment in the society. Actually, good citizens are the heart and soul of a country. A good citizen is very important to make a peaceful society. A good citizen is respected by all of the society. One important aspect for being a good citizen is to help people. All around us, we can see there are always people in need for our help. Our job as good citizens is to help those kinds of people. Another important thing we have to remember for being a good citizen is to have an active participation in our community.  We all should try to be a good citizen. As a student, I always try to be a good citizen.

An Ideal student

The student who learns his lessons regularly and avoids all those that stands against his way to study is called an ideal student. He gets up early in the morning. He is always attentive and regular in his studies. He is truthful, honest, modest and pious. He studies with rapt attention. He goes to school regularly. He always makes good result in the examination. He never wastes a single moment. He is very helpful to his fellow students. He abides by the rules of discipline in all aspects of life. He prepares his life with a noble aim. His aim is to be a great. He is obedient to his superiors, parents and teachers. He never tells a lie. He says his prayer five times in a day.He thinks welfare of the country. All the students try to follow his way of life.

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