Prepositons Practice JSC SSC :HSC

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1.     Poly bags are used (a)------ many ways. They are particular used(b) ----carrying things and packaging  but these bags do not decompose (c)---any rate. So when people throw these bags, they create many problems These thrown (d)----- bags in town and city areas unlimitedly find ways(e) ----drains and sewerage. (cwje¨vM A‡bK fv‡e e¨eüZ nq| †m¸‡jv we‡kl fv‡e e¨eüZ nq wRwbmcÎ enb Kiv ev †gvoK Kivi Rb¨|wKš‘ Gme e¨vM †Kvb fv‡eB c‡P bv| ZvB †jv‡K hLb Gme e¨vM †d‡j †`q,ZLb †m¸‡jv A‡bK mgm¨v m„wó K‡i| Gme †d‡j †`qv e¨vM kniv‡j ‡kl ch©š— b`©gv Ges cqtcÖYvjx‡Z ¯’vb K‡i †bq| )  
2.     The result of honesty is (a)---description. It results (b)---peace. On the other hand, misery results(c)---vice. So we should abstain (d)----evil deeds. They bring (e)---ruin.(mZZvi djvdj eb©bvZxZ|Gi djvdj cÖkvwšÍ‡Z wbwnZ _v‡K|Aciw`‡K,`y‡fvM© AmZZvi djvdj|ZvB Avgv‡`i Lvivc Kvhv©ejx †_‡K `~‡i _vKv DwPZ hv cwinvi K‡i Pjv DwPZ|Lvivc Kvh©xejx aesm mvab K‡i _v‡K|)
3.     An honest man is true (a)—his word. He does not deviate (b)—the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (c)—honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d)—any greed. He has no ambition (e)—worldly things.( GKRb mr †jvK Zvi K_vq mZ¨Zv cÖ`©kb K‡ib|‡m mr c_ †_‡K wePwjZ nq bv|‡m Rv‡b †h mwZ¨Kvi cÖkvwšÍ mZZvi g‡a¨ wbwnZ|ZvB †m †Kvb †jv‡fi wkKv‡i cwZZ nq bv|cvw©_e wRwbmmg~‡n Zvi †Kvb j¶¨ _v‡K bv|)
4.     The Olympic Games were named (a)—the town of Olympia in Greece. In those days Greece was divided (b)----many cities. They used to fight (c)----themselves. A man named Iphitos was concerned (d)----such wasteful strifes.He hit(e)---a plan to set up peace in the country.His plan worked well.(Awjw¤úK †Mgm MÖx‡mi Awjw¤úqv kn‡ii bv‡g bvgKib Kiv nq|Hw`b¸‡jv‡Z MÖxm A‡bK kn‡i wef³ n‡qwQj|Zviv wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ SMov KiZ|BwdUm bv‡gi ‡jvKwU Ggb AvPibg~jK ؇›Ø DwØMœ n‡q c‡owQj|‡m †`‡k kvwšÍ ¯’vcb Kivi Rb¨ GKwU cwiKíbv AvUj|Zvi cwiKíbv fv‡jvfv‡e Kv‡R †j‡MwQj|)
5.     A good student is fond (a)-----books. He adheres (b)------his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c)------the examination. He never deviates (d)-------his duties because success depends (e)------hard work.(GKRb fvj Qv‡Îi Kv‡Q eB wcÖq, †m Zvi covïbvq g‡bv‡hvMx|‡m cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z me©`vB †Póv K‡i|‡m KL‡bv Zvi KZ©e¨ †_‡K wePy¨Z nq bv|Kvib †m Rv‡,K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi Dci cÖ‡Z¨K mdjZv wbf©i K‡i|)              
6.     A man accustomed (a) -----hard work is afraid (b)-----any difficulty. He is worthy (c)------prays for his hard work. He is never indifferent (d) ----success .he knows that the idle suffer(e) ----long run.(K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi Af¨¯— e¨vw³ †Kvb mgm¨vq fq cvq bv| †m Zvi K‡Vvi cwik‡gi Rb¨ cÖksmvi †hvM¨|‡m mdjZv †_‡K KLbB Avjv`v bq|‡m Rv‡b †h, Ajmiv cwibv‡g Kó †fvM K‡i|)
7.     It is known to all that smoking is detrimental (a) ----health. In spite of knowing that fact, the smoker do not abstain(b) -----smoking .They are indifferent(c)  ---their health. Those who are addicted (d) ---smoking lose appetite(e) ----food. GUv me©Rbwew`Z †h aygcvb   ¯^v‡ûi Rb¨ ¶wZKi |G mZ¨ Rvbv m‡Z aygcvqxiv a~gcvb †_‡K weiZ _v‡K bv Zviv Zv‡`i ¯^v‡¯_i e¨cv‡I D`vwmb|a~gcvb AvmKZiv ¶zavgv‡›`¨ †fv‡M|
8.     We have many duties (a)------our parents,because we are indebted to them (b)-----our life on earth.They are our best well wishers.They take special care (c)------us,right(d)-----our birth with greatest love and affection.They love us more than anyone else (e)—earth.(gvZv wcZvi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i A‡bK KZe¨ Av‡Q, Kvib c„w_ex‡Z Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Avgiv Zuv‡`i Kv‡Q FYx|Zvuiv Avgv‡`i †kªô ïfvKv•¶x|Avgv‡`i R‡b¥i mgq Zvuiv cig †mœn I fv‡jvevmv w`‡q Avgv‡`I cÖwZ hZœ  †bb|Dciš‘ c„w_exi †h‡Kvb wKQzi †P‡q Zvuiv Avgv‡`i fv‡jvev‡mb|)
9.     The moon is very familiar figure (a)—all of us. She awakens a feeling (b)—love and tenderness in our heart. Even the infant stretches(c)—its hands to grasp this beautiful object. Nor is her appeal confined (d)—only children. Ever since the stirring of the poetic faculty in man, she has furnished a theme (e)—poets and artists.(Pvu` Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q Lye cwiwPwZ e¯‘|GwU Avgv‡`i ü`‡q fvjevmv I †mœnkxjZv ev †KvgjZvi Abyf~wZ RvMvq|GgbwK †Kv‡j †bIqv wkï Zvi nvZ¸‡jv evwo‡q †`q GB my›`i wRwbmwU cvIqvi Rb¨|Gi Av‡e`b ïay wïï‡`i Kv‡QB bq|cÖ‡Z¨K gvby‡li KíbvwcÖq g‡be„wˇK evov‡bv †_‡K ïi“ K‡i GwU Kwe Ges wkíx‡`i Rb¨ I fv‡ei †hvMvb w`‡q‡Q|)
10.  In a society all men are not equally well off. Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because (a) ------ inequal distribution of notional wealth. Many are depried (b) ------ the basic needs of life. They must be provided (c) ------ their dues. The rich always draw a line of contrast (d) ------- themselves and the poor. Most of them look down (e) ------- the poor. They should be conscious and their humanity should improved. (mgv‡Ri cÖwZwU †jvK mgvbfv‡e fvM¨evb bq|‡KD abx Ges †KD Lye Mixe|RvZxq m¤ú‡`i Amg e›U‡bi Kvi‡Y GUv nq|A‡b‡K Rxe‡bi †gŠwjK cÖ‡qvRb †_‡K ewÂZ nq|Zv‡`i b¨vh¨cvIbv¸‡jv Aek¨B †hvMvb w`‡Z n‡e|abxiv Mixe n‡jI Zv‡`i g‡a¨ ˆel‡g¨i †iLv †U‡b †`q|A‡b‡K Mixe‡`i N„Yv K‡i| Zv‡`i m‡PZb nIqv DwPZ Ges gvbweKZvi Dbœqb Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|)
11.  A pious man is absorbed (a)------meditation. He has firm faith in the Almighty. He abides (b)-----the rules of religion. He clings (c)------his faith. He knows that man is accountable to the Almighty Allah (d)----his action. So, he leads his life according to religion. He is not angry (e)----anybody.(GKRb avwg©K †jvK a¨v‡b gMœ _v‡Kb|me©kw³gv‡bi cÖwZ Zvi `„p wek¦vm/Cgvb Av‡Q|wZwb a‡g©i wewa-weavbmg~n gvb¨ K‡ib|wZwb Zvi wek¦v‡m AUj _v‡Kb|wZwb Rv‡bb †h gvbyl me©kw³gv‡bi wbKU Zvi K…ZK‡g©i gva¨‡g g~j¨vwqZ nq|ZvB wZwb a‡g©i Abymv‡i Rxebhvcb K‡i _v‡K|‡m Kv‡iv ivMvwš^Z nq bv|)                              
12.  One should not run (a)—the money because those who are hanker (b)—money cannot enjoy mental peace. Sometimes, it may lead one (c)—some unexpected troubles. It so happens that greed for money brings (d)—many problems. So we should be contented (e)—what we have.(A‡_©i wcQ‡b †`Šov‡bv Kv‡iv c‡¶ DwPZ bq KviY hviv A‡_©i Rb¨ †jvfx nq Zviv gvbwmK kvwšÍ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|KLbI KLbI GUv KvD‡K AcÖZ¨vwkZ mgm¨vi w`‡K †V‡j w`‡Z cv‡i|Ggb I N‡U †h,A‡_©i †jvf A‡bK mgm¨v e‡q wb‡q Av‡m|ZvB Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q ZvB wb‡qB mš‘ó _vKv DwPZ|)
13.  Do you want (a) ------ enjoy sound health? Your answer will certainly be (b) ----- the affirmative. It is because everybody wants to enjoy this. But you have (c) ----- know the way of maintaining sound health. (d) ------- This you need to know what sound health is. When a person has physical fitness and mental fitness, he\ she can be said to be enjoying sound health. Now, you can think (e) --- physical fitness first.(Zzwg my¯^v¯’¨ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z PvI?wbwðZfv‡e †Zvgvi DËi n¨v n‡e|GUvi KviY cÖ‡Z¨‡K GUv Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Pvq|‡Zvgv‡K my¯^v¯’¨ A¶zbœ ivLvi mwVK c_ Rvb‡Z n‡e|GRb¨ my¯^v¯’¨ wK †Zvgvi Rvbv cÖ‡qvRb|hLb GKRb e¨w³i kvixwiK I gvbwmK mejZv _v‡K ZLb †m my¯^v¯’¨ Dc‡fv‡Mi K_v ej‡Z cv‡i|GLb,cÖ_‡gB Zywg kvixwiK mejZvi K_v wPšÍv Ki‡Z cvi|) 
14.  The Eiffel Tower was named (a)—Gustave Eifel. A Frenchman. He was born(b)—a prosperous family in 1832. he graduated(c)—the Central School of Engineering(d)—Paris and went to work(e)—a railway construction company.(AvB‡dj UvIqvi GKRb d«vÝ Awaevmx ¸‡¯Íf AvB‡d‡ji bv‡g bvgKib Kiv nq|‡m 1832 mv‡j GKwU mg„×kvjx cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|‡m c¨vwi‡mi †K›`ªxq cÖ‡KŠkjx we`¨vjq †_‡K mœvZK wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|Zvic‡i †m GKwU †ijI‡q wbgv©Y †Kv¤úvbx‡Z KvR Ki‡Z wM‡qwQ‡jb|)
15.  Charity is a virtue that elevates human nature. A person should be endowed (a)---this virtue. It leads people to think favourably (b)---their fellowmen and do them good. Everybody should practice this habit(c)---the very childhood. The right use of it brings happiness (d)---earth. It is a form of self-sacrifice(e)---which society cannot exist.(`vbkxjZv Ggb GKUv ¸b hv gvby‡li ¯^fve‡K DPuy‡Z wb‡q hvq|GKRb e¨w³i GB ¸bwU _vKv DwPZ|m½xi cÖwZ AbyK~j wPšÍv Ges Zv‡`i Rb¨ fvj Kivi e¨vcv‡i GB ¸bwU gvbyl‡`i cwiPvwjZ K‡i _v‡K|cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wkïKvj †_‡KB GB ¸bwUi Af¨vm Kiv DwPZ|GB MybwU mwVK e¨envi c„w_ex‡Z kvwšÍ e‡q wb‡q Av‡m|GUv n‡jv GK ai‡bi AvZ¥Z¨vM hv Qvov mgvR evPu‡Z cv‡i bv|)
16.  Man has an unquenchable thirst knowledge. He is never satisfied(b)—what he has know and seen.For this,he sets out (c)---travelling.But it needs a lot of money and patience.The people of developed countries are fit (d)—it.So,they are capable (e)----earning practical knowledge.( Áv‡bi Rb¨ gvby‡li Amxg Z„òv _v‡K bv|‡m hv †`‡L Ges ï‡b ïay †mUzKz wb‡qB mš‘ó bq|GRb¨ †m åg‡b †ei nq|wKšÍ Gi Rb¨ cÖPzi UvKv I †ah© cÖ‡qvRb|DbœZ †`‡ki †jvKRb G‡Z †hvM¨|ZvB Zviv ev¯Íe Ávb AR©b Ki‡Z m¶g|)
17.  Every year many students in our country do bad in the SSC examination because they fail (a)-English. Why do they fail in English? Firstly, they suffer (b)----foreign language phobia. Secondly, they learn English in order (e)---cross the stairs of examination. Thirdly, our teachers cannot make the lessons interesting(d)---the students. Finally, perhaps our syllabus is not designed considering the needs (e)---our students. We must come out of this situation.(cÖwZ eQiB Gm,Gm,wm cix¶vq Avgv‡`i †`‡ki A‡bK QvÎ-QvÎx Lvivc K‡i _v‡K KviY Zviv Bs‡iwR‡Z AK…©ZKvh© nq|‡Kb Zviv Bs‡iwR‡Z AK…ZKvh© nq?cÖ_gZ,Zviv we‡`kx fvlvi fxwZ‡Z fxZ|wØZxqZ,Zviv cix¶vi avc/evauw cvi nIqvi Rb¨ Zviv Bs‡iwR †k‡L|Z„ZxqZ,Avgv‡`i wk¶Ke„›` QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i wbKU cvV‡K AvK©lbxq K‡i Zzj‡Z cv‡i bv|cwi‡k‡l ejv hvq †h,QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Pvwn`v †gvZv‡eK wm‡jevm cÖYqb Kiv nq bv|Avgv‡`i GB cwiw¯’wZ n‡Z †ei n‡q Avmv DwPZ|)
18.  A good student is never indifferent (a)---his study. He knows well that success lies (b)----hard work. So he is always absorbed (c)---deep studies. Nothing can prevent him (d)---working hard. His hard work and sincerity result (e)---ultimate success.(GKRb fvj QvÎ Zvi covïbvi cÖwZ D`vmxb _v‡K bv|‡m fv‡jv K‡iB Rv‡b †h K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi g‡a¨B mvdj¨ wbwnZ Av‡Q|ZvB †m me©`v Mfxi covïbvq gMœ _v‡K|‡Kvb wKQyB Zv‡K K‡Vvi cwikªg †_‡K weiZ ivL‡Z cv‡i bv|Zvi K‡Vvi cwikªg Ges AvšÍwiKZvB Zvi Zvr¶wbK mvdj¨ wb‡q Av‡m|)
19.  About 72 percent of the surface (a)----the earth is covered(b)----water, but its distribution (c)---the land is not at even. The desert region has little or no water, but our country has been richly endowed (d)---water resources. Apart (e)----heavy rainfall during the monsoon, we have one of the largest networks of rivers in the world.(c„w_exi cÖvq 72% f~-fvM cvwb Øviv c~Y© wKšÍ f’wg‡Z Gi e¨envi Av‡`Š h_v_© bq|gi“AÂj Lye Kg ev †Kvb cvwb †bB|wKš‘ Avgv‡`i †`k cwic~Y©fv‡e cvwb m¤ú‡` Ave„Z|‡gŠmygx FZz‡Z AwaK e„wócvZ e¨wZ‡i‡K Avgv‡`i †`‡k c„w_exi Ab¨Zg †bUIqvK© Av‡Q|)
20.  Everyone desires (a)—wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b)—riches. Some are content(c)—what they have. True happiness lies (d)—contentment. It is high time we gave (e)—the habit of covetousness.(cÖ‡Z¨‡KB m¤ú‡`i AvKvsLv K‡i,wKš‘ msL¨K GUv jvf K‡i|wKQy †jvK UvKvi wcQ‡b †`Šuovq|wKQy Zv‡`i hv Av‡Q Zv wb‡q mš‘ó|mwZ¨Kvi myL mš‘wói g‡a¨ wbwnZ _v‡K|Avgv‡`i †jvf †Q‡o †`qvi GUvB mwVK mgq|)
21.  Yesterday a college student was run (a)---by a car. The student was crossing the road and walking (b)---Dhaka College. The passers-by and the students of Dhaka College rushed(c)----the spot. The student was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The doctors and the nurses came (d)---to help the student. A medical board was formed headed(e)---Dr.Hasibur Rahman.(MZKvj GK K‡jR QvÎ Mvox Pvcv c‡owQj|QvÎwU iv¯Ív AwZµg Ki‡ZwQj Ges XvKv K‡j‡Ri w`‡K †n‡uU hvw”Qj|cw_‡Kiv Ges XvKv K‡j‡Ri QvÎiv NUbv¯’‡ji w`‡K QyUj|QvÎwU‡K XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j †bqv n‡jv|wPwKrm‡Kiv Ges †mweKviv QvÎwU‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ GwM‡q Gj|Wvt nvwmeyi ingv‡bi †bZ…‡Z¡ GKwU †gwW‡Kj †evW© MVb Kiv n‡qwQj|)
22.  A diary is a record (a)---daily events, thoughts and feelings. Many things happen (b)---life.We cannot keep all of them (c)---memory. A complete diary is a life story (d)---brief.We should always develop the habit (e)---writing a diary.(GKwU Wv‡qwi n‡”Q ˆ`wbK NUbvewj,wPšÍv‡PZbv Ges Abyf~wZi †iK©W|Rxe‡b A‡bK wKQy N‡U|Avgiv †m¸wji mewKQy g‡b ivL‡Z cvwi bv|GKwU c~Y©v½ Wv‡qix ,GKwU Rxe‡bi msw¶ß Mí|Avgv‡`i me©`v Wv‡qix †jLvi Af¨vm Dbœqb Kiv DwPZ|)
23.  Man has an unquenchable thirst (a)----knowledge.He never satisfied (b)---what he has known and seen.The curiosity to know,more coupled (c)------the indimitable spirit of adventure has inspired him to undertake and carry (d)------dangerous tasks.It eventually resulted (e)-----epoch making discoveries.
24.  Although a city life has many advantages, a city dweller sometimes get tired (a)-----it. He cannot attend the office and other places (b)----time because (c)-----traffic jam. The air in the city is polluted (d)-----smoke and dust. Besides he is always easy (e)-----a lot of commitments.(hw` kn‡i Rxe‡b A‡bK my‡hvMmyweav Av‡Q,wKš‘ knievmx G‡Z gv‡S gv‡S K¬všÍ n‡q c‡o|‡m mgqgZ Awdm Ges Ab¨vb¨ RvqMvq UªvwdK hvbR‡Ui Kvi‡Y Dcw¯’Z n‡Z cv‡i bv|kn‡ii evZvm,†avquv I a~jvevwj Øviv `~wlZ nq|GQvov I Zv‡K me©`v A‡bK `vwqZ¡ wb‡q e¨¯Í _vK‡Z nq|)                                                
25.  Mr. Abdullah was very popular (a)—his students. The students had easy access (b)—his room. Wherever the students entered (c)—his room, they found him absorbed (d)—study. He was proficient (e)—English.(Rbve Ave`yj­vn GKRb ¯‹zj wk¶K|‡m Zvi Qv·`i Kv‡Q LyeB RbwcÖq|QvÎiv Zvi K‡¶ mn‡RB cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z cv‡i|hLbB QvÎiv Zvi N‡i cÖ‡ek K‡i Zviv Zv‡K covïbvq wbgMœ _vK‡Z †`‡L|‡m Bs‡iwR‡Z Lye `¶|)
26.  Drug addiction means strong attraction (a)------harmful things like heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, coaine, phensidyle. These drugs are taken by smoking or (b)------injection. The frequent taking of these drugs lead a man (c)-----death. So all concerned should create awareness (d)--, personal and family levels (e)------this dangerous impact of drug addiction. (gv`Kvmw³ A_© n‡jv wn‡ivBb,Avwdg,gvwiRyqvbv,giwdb,†Kv‡KBb,†dbwmwWj BZ¨vw` wRwb‡mi cÖwZ Zxeª AvK©lb| Gme gv`K †avuqv A_ev Bb‡RKk‡bi Øviv MÖnY Kiv nq| Nb Nb Gme gv`K MÖnYGKRb gvbyl‡K g„Zz¨i w`‡K †V‡j †`q|ZvB mswk­ó mK‡ji DwPZ e¨w³MZ Ges cvwievwiK ch©v‡q gv`‡Ki fqsKi Kzdj m¤ú©‡K m‡PZbZv m„wó Kiv|)
27.  Today man has been suffering (a)—various diseases. And there is not remedy (b)—some fatal diseases. So man is subject(c)—decay and death. One day he will depart (d)—this world. Here he cannot live(e)—a long time.(AvRKvj †jv‡Kiv wewfbœ †iv‡M fyM‡Q|Ges wKQy wKQy cÖvYNvwZ †iv‡Mi †Kv‡bv cÖwZKvi †bB|ZvB gvbyl ¶q Ges g„Zz¨i Ke‡j c‡o‡Q|GKw`b †m GB c„w_ex †Q‡o P‡j hv‡e|GLv‡b †m `xN© mg‡qi Rb¨ †e‡Pu _vK‡Z cv‡i bv|)
28.  It might have known (a)----you that smoking is as if one is taking slow poison to die. It is very injurious (b)—health. A puff(c)---smoke contains millions of particles which may cause cancer, blood pressure, loss of eye-sight. Nicotine in tobacco is very dangerous (d)---your health. Your teeth and fingers will be affected. You will also suffer (e)---lack of oxygen in your blood resulting in respiration troubles.(GUv †Zvgvi Rvbv _vK‡Z cv‡i †h, a~gcvb K‡i‡Q †m †hb g„Zz¨i w`‡K avweZ nIqvi Rb¨ ax‡i ax‡i wel MÖnY Ki‡Q|Bnv ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ LyeB ¶wZKi|wmMv‡i‡Ui GKUv‡b j¶vwaK Dcv`vb _v‡K hv K¨vÝvi,i³Pvc,`„wón«vm NUvq|Zvgv‡Ki wb‡KvwUb ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ LyeB ¶wZKi|‡Zvgvi `vuZ Ges Av½yj ¶wZMÖ¯Í n‡e|Zzwg i‡³ AwK&ª‡R‡bi Afve Abyfe Ki‡e hv k¦vmKó NUvq|)
29.  You will be happy to learn that I won the first prize(a)----the speech competition held(b)---our school yesterday(c)----the importance of learning English. Now I am telling you briefly what I said (d)---that occasion. Being an international language. English holds the key(e)---the broad expanse of learning and knowledge.(Zzwg †R‡b Lykx n‡e †h,Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡j Bs‡iwR wk¶vi ¸i‡Z¡i Dci MZKvj AbywôZ e³…Zv cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq Avwg cÖ_g cyi¯‹vi wR‡ZwQ|Avwg GLb †Zvgv‡K ms‡¶‡c ejwQ H Abyôv‡b Avwg Kx e‡jwQjvg|GKwU AvšÍRvwZ©K fvlv nIqvi Kvi‡b Bs‡iwR,wk¶v I Áv‡bi e¨‡qi †¶‡Î m‡ev©”P `vex iv‡L|)
30.  Cordellia took leave (a)----jealous sisters with tears in her eyes. She begged them to take good care(b)----their father. But they said it was not necessary for her(c)---teach them their duty. She should look (d)---her husband welfare and not trouble(e)----them.(AkÖ“wm³ †Pv‡L Ki‡Wwjqv Zvi wnsmyK †evb‡`i KvQ †_‡K we`vq wbj|‡h Zvi evevi mwVK cwiPh©v Kivi Rb¨ Zv‡`i‡K Aby‡iva K‡iwQj|wKšÍ Zviv ejj Zv‡`i KZ©e¨ m¤ú©‡K Zv‡`i‡K wkwL‡q †`Iqvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|Zv‡K Zvi ¯^vgxi hZœ †bIqv DwPZ Ges Zv‡`i wec‡` †djvi `iKvi †bB|)
31.  You know that smoking is not only a bad habit but also injurious (a)----health. A puff (b)---cigarette contains millions of particles which may cause cancer, blood pressure or loss of eye sight. Nicotine in tobacco is very dangerous(c)---your health. Your teeth and your fingers will be affected. You will suffer (d)----lack of Oxygen in your blood resulting(e)---respiration troubles.(‡Zvgiv Rvb †h,a~gcvb GKwU Lvivc Af¨vmB bq GUv ¯^v‡¯’i R‡b¨I ¶wZKi|GKkjv wmMv‡iU Ggb j¶ j¶ Dcv`vb _v‡K hv K¨vÝvi,D”P i³Pvc A_ev `„wó kw³nxbZv NUv‡Z cv‡i|Zvgv‡Ki wb‡KvwUb †Zvgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ fqsKvi|‡Zvgvi `vZu bv bL AvµvšÍ n‡e|Zzwg †Zvgvi i‡³ AwK&ª‡R‡bi ¯^íZvq fyM‡e d‡j †Zvgvi k¦vm cÖk¦v‡mi mgm¨v NU‡e|)
32.  Noise is different (a)--------sound. It is harmful (b)--------our health. If some body exposes (c)--------noise exceeding 70 decibel, he is likely to suffer (d)-----hearing problem. This problem is acute (e)-----big cities.(Ò‡KvjvnjÓ wRwbmwU ÒkãÓ †_‡K Avjv`v|GUv Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ ¶wZKi|‡KD hw` 70 †Wwme‡ji AwaK k‡ãi m¤§yLxb nq †m m¤¢eZt kªeY mgm¨vq fyM‡e|G mgm¨v eo kni¸wj‡Z cÖKU|)
33.  I hope you are alright. What are you going to do(a)—the next autumn vacation. Please come to my place. I invite you to pass a few days(b)—me in my village. I hope you will have a jolly good time here. My village is(c)—the bank of a small river which is full (d)—the brim(e)—the rainy season.(Avwg Avkv Kwi fvj Av‡Qv|cieZx© †ng‡šÍi QywU‡Z Zzwg wK Ki‡Z hv”Q? `qv K‡i Avgv‡`i MÖv‡g G‡mv|Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi evox‡Z Avgvi m‡½ K‡qKUv w`b KvUv‡Z Avwg †Zvgv‡K Avgš¿b RvbvB|Avwg Avkv Kwi Zzwg GLv‡b my›`i Avb›`gq w`b KvUv‡e|Avgv‡`i MÖvgwU GKwU †QvÆ b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Z hv elv©Kv‡j Kvbvq Kvbvq f‡i hvq|)
34.  A good student is fond (a)-----books. He adheres (b)------his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c)------the examination. He never deviates (d)-------his duties because success is born(e)------Perseverence.(GKRb fvj Qv‡Îi Kv‡Q eB wcÖq, †m Zvi covïbvq g‡bv‡hvMx|‡m cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z me©`vB †Póv K‡i|‡m KL‡bv Zvi KZ©e¨ †_‡K wePy¨Z nq bv|Kvib †m Rv‡,K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi Dci cÖ‡Z¨K mdjZv wbf©i K‡i|)              

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