Practice Passage Narration for SSC/HSC Examination, Narration 31-50

31. “Ratan, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, Sir, I did it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points.” replied Ratan. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.” (ÒiZb, Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR cvV K‡i‡Qv ?Ó wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij | Òn¨v, m¨vi, Avwg Bnv K‡iwQjvg| wKš‘ MÖvgv‡ii wKQy welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb|Ó, iZb DËi w`j|Òmgm¨v †Kv_vq?Ó wk¶K ejj,ÒPj Avgiv Avevi †Póv Kwi|Ó)
Answer:The teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English lesson that day. Ratan replied that he had done it but he had not understood some grammatical points. The teacher again asked him where the problem was. He suggested that they should try again.
32. “I’ve got GPA-5 in the SSC examination” said Rafiq. “Congratulation!” I said. “What do you intend to do now?” “I want to study physics, Chemistry and higher Mathematics of H.S.C at home.”  “I’ll to try to get admission in BUET after my H.S.C exam.” Rafiq replied. (ÒAvwg Gm.Gm.wm cix¶vq wR.wc.G-5 †c‡qwQ,Ó iwdK ejj|ÒAwfb›`b!Ó,Avwg ejjvg|ÒZzwg GLb wK Ki‡Z PvI?ÓÒAvwg evox‡Z c`v_© we`¨v,imvqb we`¨v,I D”PZi MwYZ co‡Z PvB|Avgvi GBP, Gm, wm cix¶vi ci Avwg ey‡q‡U fwZ© n‡Z †Póv Kie|Ó iwdK Dˇi ejj|)
Answer: Rafiq said  that she had got GPA-5 in the SSC Examination. I congratulated him.  I  asked him what he intended to do then. He replied that he wanted to study Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics’ of H.S.C at home. He added that he would try to get admission in BUET after his H.S.C exam.

33. “Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that,” I retorted “I’ll eat nothing at dinner to night.” “Humorist!” she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. ( ÒAvgvi `„óvšÍ Abymib KiÓ Avgvi nvZ wgjv‡bvi mgq †m ejj, Ges `ycy‡ii Lvev‡i GKwU wRwb‡mi AwZwi³ KL‡bv Lv‡e bv|Ó ÒAvwg Zvi †P‡q AviI KieÓ Avwg mgywPZ Reve w`jvg, ÒAvwg iv‡Zi cÖavb Lvev‡i wKQyB Lve bvÓ|ÒiwmK! †m Avb›`wP‡Ë wPrKvi K‡i GKwU K¨v‡e jvwd‡q P‡o emj|)
As we shook hands she advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that and added that I would eat nothing at dinner that night. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and commented that I was a humorist.
34. “I’ve lost my tooth.” said Samira. “I’ll look ugly and horrible.” “Don’t worry,” said Mina. “Just put your tooth into a rat’s hole and a rat will give you one of its fine teeth.” (ÒAvwg Avgvi `vZu nvwi‡qwQ|Ó, mvwgiv ejj| Ò Avgv‡K KzrwmZ I fqsKvi †`Lv‡e|Ó ÒwPšÍv K‡iv bv|Ó wgbv ejj|Ò‡Zvgvi `vZu Bu`y‡ii M‡Z© ivL Ges Bu`yi Zvi GKwU my›`i `uvZ w`‡e|Ó)
Answer: Samira told Mina that she(S) had lost her tooth. She added that she would look ugly and horrible. Mina told her (s) not worry and also advised her (s) to just put her tooth into a rat’s hole and a rat would give her (s) one of its fine teeth.
35. The stranger said to the boy, “Will you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?” “Yes, I’ll. Do you want a residential one in which you can spend the night?” the boy said. “I don’t want to stay there, but only want a meal.” the stranger replied. ( ågbKvix K…lK‡K wRÁvmv Kij ÒZzwg wK Avgv‡K wbKUZg mivBLvbvi bvg ej‡Z cvi?Ó K…lK ejj Òn¨v, Avwg cvwi| Avcwb wK Ggb GKUv mivBLvbv Pvb hv‡Z Avcwb  ivZ KvUv‡Z cv‡ib?Ó  ågbKvix ejj, ÒAvwg †mLv‡b _vK‡Z PvB bv, wKš‘ Avwg ïay GKevi Lvevi PvB|Ó)
Answer: The stranger asked the peasant if he could tell him the way to the nearest hotel. The peasant replied that he could. The peasant asked the stranger if he wanted one in which he could spend the night. The Stranger replied that he did not wish to say there but only wanted a meal.
36. A hawker said to me, “Do you want any newspaper? I have all types of newspers. Please take one.” I said, “ I want a weekly. Do you have any magazine?” He said, “Yes, I have the latest copy of The Jai Jai Din.” (GK nKvi Avgv‡K ejj, ÒAvcwb wK †Kvb cwÎKv Pvb? Avgvi mKj ai‡bi msev`cÎ Av‡Q| `qv K‡i GKwU wbb|ÓAvwg ejjvg, ÒAvwg GKwU mvßvwnKx PvB|‡Zvgvi Kv‡Q wK †Kvb mvgwqKx Av‡Q? †m ejj Òn¨v,Avgvi Kv‡Q hvqhvqw`b Gi me©‡kl Kwc Av‡Q|Ó)
Answer: A hawker asked me if I wanted any news paper and told me that he had all types of newspapers. He further requested me to take one. I told him that I wanted a weekly and also asked him if he had any magazine. He replied in the affirmative and said that he had the latest copy of the Jai Jain Din.

37. The teacher said to Rita. “Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself.” Rita said. “Sir. I am sorry. The teacher said. “Be attentive and listen to my lecture. May Allah bless you.”  (wk¶K iZœv‡K ejj, ÒZzwg †Kb †kªYx‡Z K_v ejQ? †Zvgvi wb‡Ri AvPi‡Y mshZ nIqv `iKvi|Ó iZœv ejj, Òm¨vi,Avwg `ytwLZ|Ó wk¶K ejj,Òg‡bv‡hvMx nI GesAvgvi e³„Zv †kvb| Avj­vn †Zvgvi g½j KiyyK|Ó)
Answer: The teacher asked Rita why she was talking in the class and added that she should behave herself. Ratna respectfully said that she was sorry. The teacher advised her to be attentive and listen to his lecture and also wished that Allah might bless her.
38. “I came to Dhakathis morning. I sent you a telegram before starting from home.” He said, “Did you receive it in time?” He asked. “No, I did not receive it.” I replied. (ÒAvwg G mKv‡j XvKv Avmjvg|evox n‡Z iIbv nIqvi c~‡e© Avwg †Zvgvi GKwU evZv© cvwV‡qwQjvg|Ó †m ejj, ÒZzwg wK GwU mgqgZ MÖnY K‡iwQj?Ó †m wRÁvmv Kij |Òbv, Avwg GwU cvBwbÓ Avwg DËi w`jvg|)
Answer: He said to me that he had come to Dhaka that morning. He also said that he had sent a telegrame before starting from home. He then asked me if I had received that in time.I replied in the negative and told that I had not received that.
39. Mother said to Rina, “Are you going to school, now?” “Yes” Rina replied, “Yes” Arif replied. “You have to return soon because we will go for Eid shopping” said mother. “What a nice idea! Mum, you are great,” Rina said. (gv ixbv‡K ejj, ÒZzwg wK GLb ¯‹y‡j hv”Q?Ó ixbv DËi w`j Òn¨v,| Ò‡Zvgv‡K ZvovZvwo evox‡Z wdi‡Z n‡e KviY Avgiv C‡`i †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z hve|Ó gv ejj|Ó ÒwK my›`i cwiKíbv! ÓZzwg gnrÓ ixbv ejj|)
Answer: Mother asked Rina if she was going to school then. Rina replied in the positive. Mother told her that she had to return soon because they would go for Eid shopping. Rina exclaimed with joy that it was a very nice idea. She also expressed that her mum was great.
40. “Why are you talking in the class?” said the teacher. “I was talking with Ali about the schedule of S.S.C  examination.” replied Karim. “Don’t gossip in the class. Be attentive to your lesson” said the teacher. “Sorry, Sir.  Please forgive me for this time.” said he.(ÒZzwg ‡kªYx‡Z †Kb K_v ej‡Qv ?Ó wk¶K ej‡jb| Avwg Avjxi mv‡_ K_v ej‡ZwQjvg Gm Gm wm cix¶vi mgqm~Px m¤ú©‡K|Ó Kwig DËi w`j|‡kªYx‡Z Mí K‡iv bv|‡Zvgvi cv‡V g‡bv‡hvMx nI|Ó  wk¶K ej‡jb| Ò`ytwLZ,m¨vi| GB mg‡qi Rb¨ AbyMÖn K‡I Avgv‡K ¶gv Ki‡eb|Ó ‡m  ejj|
Answer: The teacher asked Karim why he was talking in the class. Karim replied that he had been talking with Ali about the Schedule of the S.S.C examination. The teacher advised him not to gossip in the class and again advised him to be attentive to his lessons .He expressed sorry with respectfully and forgave him for that time.

41.“Have you done your home work?” The mother said to the daughter, “No, I’ve forgotten.” said the daughter. “That’s very bad. You must be more careful about your homework. By doing so, you can’t expect to do well in your studies.’ said the mother. (ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi evoxi KvR K‡i‡Qv?Ó gv Zvi Kb¨v‡K ejj|Òbv, Avwg fy‡j wM‡qwQ|Ó Kb¨v ejj|‡mwU AZ¨šÍ Lvivc|Zywg †Zvgvi evoxi KvR m¤ú©‡K Aek¨B mZK© n‡e|GBfv‡e Kivi gva¨‡g Zzwg  fvj djvdj jv‡fi Avkv Ki‡Z cvi bv|gv  ejj| )
Answer: The mother asked the daughter if she had done her home works. The daughter replied in the negative and told that she had forgotten. The mother told that that was very bad. She suggested the daughter that she must be more careful about her home work. She also warned her daughter that by doing so, she could not expect to do well in the examination.
42.‘Shima, can you tell me what I am teaching?” the teacher asked. I’m sorry. Sir. I can’t follow,” replied Shima. “You can’t because you are attentive, ‘the teacher said.(Òmxgv, Zzwg wK Avgv‡K ej‡Z cvi‡e Avwg wK wk¶v w`‡ZwQ| wk¶K ej‡jb| Avwg `ytwLZ, m¨vi|Avwg AbymiY Kwiwb|mxgv DËi w`j| ÒZzwg cvi bv KviY Zzwg g‡bv‡hvMx bv|Ó wk¶K ej‡jb|
Answer: The teacher asked Shima if she could tell him what he was teaching. Shima replied in the negative that she could not follow. The teacher then told that she could not follow because she was not attentive.
43.“Have you offered your prayer today?” I said to my brother. “No, I have forgotten.” he said. “That’s bad.” I said. “We must pray everyday.” He said, “ I am sorry. I shall always say in time.” I said to him, “May Allah bless you.”
  (ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi cÖv_©bv K‡i‡Qv? Avwg Avgvi fvB‡K e‡jwQjvg| Ôbv, Avwg fy‡j wM‡qwQjvg| ‡m ejj||‡mwU AZ¨šÍ Lvivc|Avwg ejjvg|Ò Avgv‡`i Aek¨B cÖwZw`b cÖv_©bv Kiv DwPr|  ‡m ejj, Ò Avwg `ytwLZ|Avwg wbqwgZ cÖv_©bv Kie|Avwg Zv‡K ejjvg,Ò Avj­vn †Zvgvi g½j Kiyb|Ó)
Answer: I asked my brother if he had offered his prayer that day. He replied in the negative and said that he had forgotten. I said that was bad. I also said that we had to  pray everyday. He said that he was sorry and added that he would say it in time. I wished that Allah might bless him.
44.“Do you know why you are sent to school?” “For playing with friends, father.” “No, you are sent to learn and write.” “But I won’t read and write.” replied Jack sulky. “Yes, you will.”( ÒZzwg wK Rvb †Zvgv‡K ¯‹z‡j cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q?Ó ÒeÜz‡`i mv‡_ †Ljv Kivi Rb¨,evev|Ó Ò bv,†Zvgv‡K †jLvcov †kLvi Rb¨ cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q|Ó ÒwKšZz Avwg †jLvcov Kie bv|Ó R¨vK DËi w`j|Òn¨v, Zzwg Aek¨B Ki‡e|
Answer: Father asked Jack if he knew why he was sent to school  for playing with friends. Father expressed his negativeness and told him that he was sent to learn to read and write. Father asserted that he (Jack) would read and write.
45.“Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazer?” asked Hasan. “No, I have never gone there, “replied Kamal. “But I long for visiting the place.” “I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year,” said Hasan. “How charming the scenery is!”(ÒZzwg wK KL‡bv K·evRv‡i wM‡qQ?Ónvmvb wRÁvmv Kij| Òbv, Avwg KLbI K·evRv‡i hvBwb|Kvgvj DËi w`j|wKš‘ Avwg RvqMvwU‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨ `xN©w`b †_‡K cÖZ¨vkv KiwQ|Avwg MZ eQi mgy`ª ˆmK‡Z hvIqvi my‡hvM †c‡qwQjvg|nvmvb ejj| ÒwK my›`i RvqMvwU!Ó)
Answer: Hasan asked Kamal if he had ever been to cox’s Bazer. Kamal replied that he had never gone there but he longed for visiting the place. Hasan added that he had an opportunity to visit the sea beach the previous year. He exclaimed with joy that the scenery was very charming.

46.Rashed said Tapas, “I went to the station. I had to receive my uncle there. Where did you go? I went to your house to collect a book from you.” “I am sorry. Let’s go. I shall lend you the book.” (iv‡k` Zvcm‡K ejj, ÒAvwg †÷k‡b wM‡qwQjvg| Avgvi gvgv‡K †mLv‡b Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z n‡qwQj|Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQj|Avwg GKUv eB‡qi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡`i evox‡Z wM‡qwQjvg|Ó ÒAvwg `ytwLZ| Pj hvB|Avwg †Zvgv‡K eBwU avi w`e|Ó
Answer: Rashed said Tapas that he (R ) had gone to the station and he (R) had to receive his (R) uncle there. Rashed also asked Tapas where he (T) had gone. Tapas replied that he had gone to his house (R) to collect a book from him (R ). Rashed apolozied and proposed to him that they should go. Rashed also confirmed him and told him (T) that he (R) would lend him (T) the book.
47.The Teacher became very angry with the student and said, “Why have you disturbed the class in this way? I have told you before that when I am speaking you should be silent. Leave the class and do not come today”.(wk¶K QvÎwUi mv‡_ †i‡M ejj, Ò‡kªYx‡Z †Kb Gfv‡e e¨vNvZ m„wó K‡iQ?Ó †Zvgv‡K Av‡M e‡jwQ †h hLb Avwg K_v ewj ZLb †Zvgvi wbie _vKv DwPZ|‡kªYx †Q‡o P‡j hvI AvR †kbx‡Z Avm‡e bv|Ó )
Answer; The teacher became angry with the student and asked why he (s) had again disturbed the class in that way. He added that he had told him before that when he was speaking he should be silent. Then he ordered the student to leave the room and not to return again that day.
48.Teacher said to me, “Why did you not perform your homework?”  I said to him, “Sorry I was busy with my mother’s treatment.” Then he said, “From now on I expect you to be punctual” I said, “Ok, Sir.”(wk¶K Avgv‡K ej‡jb, Ò Zzwg †Kb †Zvgvi evoxi KvR Kiwb?ÓAvwg ejjvg, Ò`ytwLZ Avwg Avgvi gv‡qi wPwKrmvq e¨¯Í wQjvg|Ó Zvici †m ejj,Ò GLb †_‡K Avwg Avkv Kwi Zywg mg†qi cÖwZ †Lqvj ivL‡e|Ó Avwg ejjvg| ÒwVK Av‡Q,m¨vi,Ó)
Answer: The Teacher asked me why I had not performed my home work. I told him sorrowfully that I had been busy with my mother’s treatment. Then he told that from then on the expected me to be punctual told him respectfully that it would be ok.
49.“Nafia, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes Sir.” she replied. “But I haven’t understood one grammatical point.” the teacher assured her saying. “Come to my room, I’ll help you understand the point.” “Thank you sir.” she smilingly said.(Òbvwdqv, Zzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi Bs‡iRx wel‡qi cvV K‡i‡Qv?Ó wk¶K  wRÁvmv Kij | Òn¨uv, m¨viÓ †m DËi w`j|wKš‘ Avwg MÖvgv‡ii GKwU welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb| wk¶K Zv‡K Avk¦vm w`‡q ejj ,Ò Avgvi iy‡g Avm,Avwg †Zvgv‡K eyS‡Z mvnvh¨ Kie|Òab¨ev`, m¨viÓ †m nvwmgy‡L ejj| )
Answer: The teacher asked Nafia if she (N) had done his (R) English lesson that day. Nafia replied in the affirmative with respectfully said that he(R) had not understood one grammatical point and also requested him (T) to explain her (N) to understand the point. He (R) thanked him (T) with respect.
50.My friend said to me, “Why are you sitting alone here?” I have been looking for you. Let us go for a walk in the open field. “Leave me alone.”(Avgvi eÜz Avgv‡K ejj, Ò Zywg GLv‡b †Kb GKv e‡m AvQ?Ó Avwg †Zvgv‡K LyRwQ|wRÁvmv Kij|Pj Avgiv †Lvjv gv‡V nvwU| ÒAvgv‡K GKv _vK‡Z `vI|)
Answer: My friend asked me why I was sitting alone there and told me that he had been looking for me. He further proposed that we should go for a walk in the open field. I told him to leave me alone.

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