Rules of Narration for Exclamatory sentence

Rule-1: Reporting verb উঠে নিচের word গুলো বসবে। যেমন:
আনন্দ বুঝালে- exclaimed with joy/delight, b. দুঃখ বোঝালে- exclaimed with sorrow/grief.
বিস্ময় বোঝাতে- exclaimed with wonder/surprise
শপথ বোঝাতে- swearing by Allah
বাকি পরিবর্তন Assertive এর মতো হবে।
Example: a. The boys said, ‘We have won the match’.
Answer: The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
b. He said, ‘Alas! I could not save you’. Answer: He exclaimed with sorrow that he could not save me.
c. The boy said, ‘What a fool I am!’ Answer: The boy exclaimed with wonder that he was a great fool.
d. He said, ‘What a nice bird it is!’ Answer: He exclaimed with wonder that it was a very nice bird.
e. The man said, ‘How dirty the house is!’
Answer: The man exclaimed with wonder that the house was very dirty.
Try yourself
a. The captain said, ‘Hurrah! Our team has won!’ b. He said, ‘Alas! I am undone.’
c. I said, ‘Had I the wings of a bird!’
d. The teacher said to the student, ‘Bravo, You have done well!’
e. He said, ‘Good bye, my friends.’

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