Rules of Narration for Optative sentence

Rule-1: Inverted comma উঠিয়ে দিয়ে that বসাতে হয় +reporting verb উঠিয়ে wish/pray হয় +reported speech-এর কর্তার পরে may/might হয় +অন্যান্য নিয়ম assertive sentence-এর ন্যায় হবে। যেমন: a. Father said to me, ‘May you be happy’. Answer : Father wished that I might be happy.
b. Mother said to me, ‘May Allah bless you”. Answer : Mother prayed that Allah might bless me.
c. The girl said, ‘Oh! May I have the wings of a bird!’. Answer : The girl wished that she might have the wings of a bird.
d. He said, ‘Long live our President’.
Answer : He prayed that our President might live long. e. The woman said, ‘Long live the King’. Answer : The woman prayed that the King might live long.
Try yourself
a. His mother said, ‘May God bless you.’
b. The man said, ‘Long live the martyrs.’
c. The mother said to her son, ‘May you succeed in the examination.’ d. The teacher said to the student, ‘May you stand first in the examination.’
e. They said, ‘Long live our grand father.

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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