Rules of Narration for Imperative sentence

Rule- 1: Imperative sentence হলে reporting verb said/said to -এর পরিবর্তে
অনুরোধ বোঝালে- requested
আদেশ বোঝালে- ordered/ commanded c. উপদেশ বোঝালে- advised d. নিষেধ বোঝালে- forbiade
ক্ষমা বোঝালে- begged f. কিছু না বুঝালে- told বসে। যেমন: a. Father said to me, ‘Go home at once.’Answer: Father ordered me to go ho me at once.
b. The teacher said to me, ‘Please come here again.’ Answer: The teacher requested me to go there again.
c. The officer shouted to his men, ‘Halt’. Answer: The officer ordered his men to halt.
d. He said to me, ‘Please open the door.’Answer: He requested me to open the door.
e. The teacher said to the students, ‘Do your homework now.’
Answer: The teacher ordered the students to do their homework then.
Try yourself: a. He said to me, ‘Please, give me a glass of water.” b. Mother said to me, ‘Always speak the truth.’ c. Mr. Kamal said to the boy, ‘Do the sum now’. d. I said to her, ‘Please, lend me your pen.’ e. The man said to the porter, ‘Follow me.’

Rule- 2: Imperative sentence-
টি negative হলে to-এর পরিবর্তে not to বসবে। তবে forbade লিখলে not to হবে না। যেমন: a. Father said to me, ‘Do not run in the sun.’ Answer: Father ordered me not to run in the sun. Or. Father forbade me to run in the sun.
b. The teacher said to the students, ‘Never tell a lie.’Answer: The teacher ordered the students never to tell a lie. Or. The teacher forbade the students ever to tell a lie.
c. He said to me, ‘Do not do this.’
Answer: He ordered me not to do that. Or. He forbade me to do that.
d. I said to her, ‘Do not waste your time.’ Answer: I ordered her not to waste her time. Or. I forbade her to waste her time.
e. She said to the boy, ‘Do not come here again.’ Answer: She ordered the boy not to go there again. Or. She forbade the boy to go there again.
Try Yourself: a. Rini said to Ruby, ‘Do not lament for the post.’ b. The teacher said to the boy, ‘Do not do as you wish.’ c. Father said to his son, ‘Don’t smoke any longer.’ d. Mina said to Dina, ‘Please do not give him your pen.’ e. Mother said to his child, ‘Do not go there in future.’
Rule- 3: Let
দ্বারা প্রস্তাব বুঝালে propose to/suggest বসে + inverted comma উঠে that বসে + they/we should বসে + মুল verb-থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে। যেমন: a. Hassan said to his friends, ‘Let us have a picnic on Friday’. Answer : Hassan proposed to his friends that they should have a picnic on Friday.
b. The man said to his companions, ‘Let us not miss this chance’.
Answer : The man proposed to his companions that they should not miss that chance.
c. They said to me, ‘Let us arrange for a picnic’. Answer : They proposed to me that they should arrange for a picnic.
d. He said, ‘Let us go out for a walk’. Answer : He proposed that they should go out for a walk. e. My friends said to me, ‘Let us go to Cox’s Bazar’. Answer : My friends proposed to me that they should go to Cox’s Bazar.
Try Yourself
a. Students said to the teacher, ‘Let us arrange for a study tour.’ b. He said to me, ‘Let us go out for a long drive.’ c. They said to us, ‘Let us decide the matter.’ d. Sumon said to me, ‘Let us open a bank account’. e. The man said to me, ‘Let us minimize the matter as early as possible’.

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