এসএসসি পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি 6 ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র Grammar Test : Right Use of Verbs

প্রিয় ২০১৫ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার  শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, শুভেচ্ছা নিয়ো। আজ তোমাদের ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের Grammar Test-এর Right Use of Verbs  থেকে ৩টি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর  নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো।  ৪.   February 21(a) — as Martyr’s day. On this day of 1952, some heroic sons of Bangladesh (b) — their glorious lives for the shake of our mother tongue. Now, it (c) — a matter of prestige and pride that February 21 is the International Mother Language Day. It (d) — globally in recognition of sacrifies of the martyrs for (e) — the rightful place of Bangla. The declaration of 21 February as the Mother Language Day (f) — a glowing homage by the internal communities to the martyrs who (g) — their blood for the cause of mother tongue. It (h) — surely a great tribute. So, we should (i) — the spirit and (j) — our language.   5.    The Eiffel Tower (a) — after Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman who (b) — the Tower . He was born in a prosperous family in 1832. He (c) — from the Central School of Engineering in Paris and (d) — to work for a railway construction company. His mother (e) — that Gustave would not go far. (f) Ô— patient, Mum. I’ve got some ideas. You’ll see’, Gustave (g)— his mother. For years Gustave (h) —plan after plan of dams, factories, stations and structures of great size. All over Europe engineers (i) — them. In the middle of 1880s a group of French industrialists (j) — the government to organise a worlds Fair in Paris. 6.   The Olympic Games (a) — after the town of Olympia in Greece. It was in Olympia that the games were first held long before the Christian era (b) —, In those day Greece (c) — into many cities used to fight one another most of the time. A man named Iphitos (d) — concerned about such wasteful strifes. He (e) — upon a plan and (f) — the best athletes from the near by cities to the valley of Olympia to (g) — part in athletic contests. Iphitos’s plan (h) — well. For a time the Greek warriors, Instead of (i) — their neighbor, tried to (j) — their rivals in friendly games and sports. Answer : 1. a. had completed b. be provided c. had chosen d. Read e. taking  f. are g. is  h. is i. are j. are/were k. have stopped l. is m. am n. seeing o. receiving p. go q. leaving  r. would go s. were t. have performed. 2. a. was b. assured c. agreed d. were invited e. cleaning f. gave g. bought h. giving i. has been ordered j. delivered  3. a. drifts b. tries c. wastes d. spoiling e. be stuck f. having i. overcome h. face i. choosing j. prepared 4. a. is regarded  b. sacrificed c. is d. is observed e. establishing f. is g. shed h. is  i. uphold j. upgrade  5. a. was named b. built c. graduated d. went e. thought f. Be g. assured h. made i. copied j. persuaded  6. a. were named b. began c. was divided d. became e. hit f. invited g. take h. worked  i. fighting j. out do.(evwK Ask c‡ii msL¨vq) - See more at: http://www.dailynayadiganta.com/details.php?nayadiganta=OTA2NDI=&sec=12#sthash.hENCRAuP.dpuf

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