এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ৩ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র

Transformation of sentences
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, আজ  ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের PART-A-এর Transformation of sentences নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। একটি ছোট প্যাসেজের ৫টি sentence-এর নিচে দাগ থাকবে এবং শেষে বন্ধনীর ভেতর নির্দেশনা থাকবে। নির্দেশনা অনুসারে বাক্যগুলোকে পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।
Transform the underlined sentences as directed.                              
(a) Health is wealth (complex). (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man(positive). (c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability(compound). (d) He can succeed in life (interrogative). (e) Everybody must be conscious of health (negative).
(a) It is health which is wealth. (b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man. (c) Can’t he succeed in life? (d) There is no one who can not but be conscious of health? (e) Mustn’t everybody be conscious of health?
Raju is a good boy. (a) I do not know his father’s name (complex). (b) But I know the place where he was born (simple). He is an active man. (c) Though he is poor, he is honest(compound). (d) He is the best player (negative). (e) What a simple life he leads! (assertive)
(a) I do not know what his father’s name is. (b) But I know his birth place. (c) He is poor but honest. (d) No other player is as good as he. (e) He leads a very simple life.

(a) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master (Passive). (b) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation (Simple). He ate one of the drumsticks (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (Compound) (d) The master enquired of the missing leg. (Interrogative) (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg. (Negative).
(a) Once a duck was roasted for his master by a cook. (b) The roast was too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation. (c) His master sat down to eat and noticed the drumstick. (d) Didn’t the master enquire of the missing leg? (e) But the cook told him that the duck had no more than one leg.
(a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative) (d) There was another ruler also named queen of Sheba. (Make it compound) (e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it complex).
(a) Long long ago there was a very wise king. (b) He was called wise Solomon by people. (c) Actually, at that time he was wiser than all other kings. (d) There was another ruler and she was named queen of Sheba. (e) One day she thought that Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested.
(a) This admixture may corrupt the nature of the original commodity. (Make it passive) (b) The value or the effectiveness of the finished product is destroyed by adulteration. (Make it active) Adulterated foods and beverages cause a serious health hazards. (c) We have laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen. (Make it complex) (d) Their effort has been proved ineffective since adulteration of  foods and other commodities is on the increase. (Make it compound) (e) It is strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against adulteration. (Make it simple).
(a) The nature of the original commodity may be corrupted by this admixture. (b) Adulteration destroys the value or the effectiveness of the finished product. (c) We have laws and law-enforcing agencies that/which can stop the dishonest businessmen. (d) Their effort has been proved ineffective and so adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase. (e) Strong public awareness is essential for the fight against adulteration.
# বাকি অংশ ছাপা হবে আগামীকাল
সহকারী অধ্যাপক
ঢাকা স্টেট কলেজ, ঢাকা

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

নবীনতর পূর্বতন