DEGREE in Details


1.Positive Degree
2.Comparative Degree
3.Superlative Degree
1.Positive Degree t hLb †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘icÖviw¤¢K Ae¯’v eY©bv Kiv nq, †mwU n‡”Q Positive Degree.
†hgbt-He is good.
They are intelligent.
2.Comparative Degree t-hLb `yB e¨w³, e¯‘ ev `yB c‡¶iwfZi Zzjbv eySvq ZLb Comparative Degree nq|
†hgbt-Shamim is better than Rahim.
They are wiser than us.
3.Superlative Degree t- A‡b‡Ki wfZi †Kvb we‡kl e¨w³, e¯‘ ev e¨w³eM© ev e¯‘ mgyn‡K me‡P‡q †QvU, me‡P‡q eo, me‡P‡q DrK…ó ev me‡P‡q wbK…ó, me‡P‡q `vgx, me‡P‡q m¯—v Giƒc eySv‡Z Superlative Degree nq|
Positive ‡_‡K comparative
Rule-1: ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g No other\any other+noun _vK‡j Positive ‡K comparative wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g g~j Sentence Gi †k‡li AsGi c‡ii noun\pronoun +verb +g~j ev‡K¨iadjective Gi comparative form +than+ any other +g~j sentence Gi subject
Positive        :No other boy is as clever as he/Any other boy is as clever as he.
Comparative:He is cleverer than any other boy.
Positive        :No boy is as tall as Ripon.
Comparative:Ripon is taller than any other boy.
Rule-2: Affirmative ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡gB hw`very few,any other/no other  bv †_‡K mivmwi †Kvb noun ev pronoun _v‡K, Z‡e wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx comperative n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun  +verb+ not+ adjective Gi comparative form+than+g~j sentence Gi subject.

Positive        :They are as brave as a lion.
Comparative:A lion is not braver than they.
Positive        :He can run as quickly as I.
Comparative:I can not run more quickly than he.

Rule-3: Positive   degree   hy³ Affirmative sentence G auxiliary verb  Qvov hw` g~j verb  _v‡K Z‡e comparative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li as  Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun+ tense  Abymv‡i  do not/ does not/ did not+g~j verb  Gi base form + adjective Gi comparative form +than+g~j sentence  Gi.Subject. †hgbt-
Positive        :A plane flies as fast as a rocket.
Comparative:A rocket does not fly faster than a plane.
Positive        :The forbidden book lasted as long as the other books.
Comparative:The other books did not last longer than this forbidden book. 
Positive ‡_‡Kcomparative 

Rule-4:Very few /A small number of  hy³Positive degree  †_‡Kcomparative  Kivi mgq than Gi civery few  Gi cwie‡Zthan the majority of /than most other©  ewm‡q wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- g~jsentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡ii noun /pronoun +verb+adjective  Gi comparative form +than the majority of /than most other +very few ev‡` Gi c‡ii Ask|
Positive        :Very few women are as beautiful as she.
Comparative:She is more beautiful than most other women.
Positive        :I think very few people are as wise as our principal.
Comparative:I think our principal is wiser than most other people.

Rule-5: †k‡li as Gi c‡iclause  hy³ A_v©„r as Gi ci subject +verb hy³negative  wewkópositive  †_‡Kcomparative  Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g g~jsentence  Gisubject +verb +negative kã ev` hv‡e Gesless n‡e+adjective AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡ethan+†k‡lias ev‡` Gi c‡ii clause ev †k‡li asGi c‡ii.subject+verb.
Positive        :She is not so young as I expected.
Comparative:She was less young than I expected.
Positive        :Shima does not work as much as she said.
Comparative:Shima works less than she said.

Rule-6:As +clause  A_vras  †icisubject +verb hy³affirmative sentence  Gi positive †_‡Kcomparative  Kivi mgq wbæi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- g~jsentence  Gisubject +verb +not +adjective Gi comparative +than +†klias  ev‡` Gi c‡iiclause.
Positive        :Birds do not fly as/so fast as a plane.
Comparative:A plane flies faster than birds.
Positive        :She was not talkative as people said.
Comparative:She was not more talkative than people said.
Rule-6: As soon as  hy³positive  †Kno sooner  †hvM K‡icomparative  Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt No sooner +had +subject g~j+verb  Gipast participle  +than evKx Ask|
Positive        :As soon as he came,we stood up.
Comparative:No sooner had he come than we stood up.
Positive        :As soon as we reached the station, the train left.
Comparative:No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
Rule-1:No noun/no other hy³positive  †_‡K Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Superlative Gi MVbt g~jsentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡iiNoun/Pronoun+verb+the superlative  +no other ev‡` g~jsubject   mn evKx Ask| †hgbt-
Positive       :No other boy is as studious as Rafsan.
Superlative  :Rafsan is the most studious boy.
Positive       :No other boy is as notorious as he.
Superlative  :He is the most notorious boy.

Rule-2: Very few  hy³ Positive  †_‡KSuperlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi  MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Superlative Gi MVbt g~jsentence  Gi †k‡lias  Gi c‡iiNoun/Pronoun +one of the +g~jadjective  GiSuperlative +very few ev‡` subject.
Positive       :Very few people are so cautious as Mamun.
Superlative  :Mamun is one of the most cautious people.
Positive       :Very few countries are as beautiful as Bangladesh.
Superlative  :Bangladesh is one of the most beautiful countries.
Rule-3:Few other hy³positive  †_‡Ksuperlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e&

Superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi †k‡lias  Gi c‡iiNoun/pronoun +verb+not only +the +adjective Gi superlative +few other ev‡`subject.
Positive       :Few other dramatists are as great as Shakespear.
Superlative  :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Positive       :Few other metals are as precious as Gold.
Superlative  :Gold is not only the most precious metal. 
Rule-1:Than  Gi ciany other/all other +noun hy³comparative†_‡Kpositive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MV AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive  Gi MVbt No other  +g~j sentence Gi than Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun I cieZx© Ask hw` _v‡K +verb +as +adjective Gi positive +as+ g~j Sentence  subject.

Comparative :He is better than any other boy.
Positive        :No other boy is as good as he.
Comparative :She is more intelligent than any other girl in the class.
Positive        No other girl in the class is as intelligent as she.

Rule-2:Than  Gici any other/most other bv †_‡K ïaygvÎ hy³ Gi †_‡K  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MvbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

PositiveGiMVbtg~jSentenceGithanev‡`thanGic‡iinoun/pronoun+verb+not+so/as+comparativeGipositive form +as +g~j sentence  Gi Subject .
Comparative :Babar was braver than a lion.
Positive        A lion was not so brave as Babor.
Comparative :He can run faster than Shemul.
Positive        Shemul can not run as fast as he.
g~j ev‡K¨ not _vK‡j cwiewZ©Z ev‡K¨ not n‡e bv Avi g~j ev‡K¨ not bv _vK‡j cwiewZ©Z ev‡K¨ verb Gi ci notn‡e| wKš‘ than Gi ci ïaygvÎ noun/pronounhy³ negative sentence  Gi comparative  †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z Zn‡e|

Comparative :A bird does not fly faster than a plane.
Positive        A plane flies,at least, at fast as a bird.
Comparative :He did not speak English more fluently than I.
Positive        I spoke English, at least, as fluently as he.

Comparative ‡_‡K Positive
Rule-3: Than  Gicimost other /few other/the majority of +nounhy³comparative  Gi positive  Kivi mgh wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbtVery few +than the majority of /than most other ev‡` Gi wVK c‡ii noun+ verb+as +comparative Gi Positive +as  +g~j adjective +as+ sentence Gi subject.
Comparative :She is more beautiful than the majority of women.
Positive        Very few women are as beautiful as she.
Comparative :Jerry is more courageous than most other boys.
Positive        Very few boys are as courageous as Jerry.

Rule-4: Not less than hy³comparative  †_‡KPositive  Kivi mgX wb‡æi MVbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive Gi MVbt g~j Sentence Gi Than Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun +verb +Kgv (,)+at least Kgv(,) +as+ g~jsentence  Gi.subject.
Comparative :He is not less cautious than Karim.
Positive         :Karim is, at least, as cautious as he.

wKš‘  No less than hy³ comparative †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject+verb +Kgv (,)+at least+ Kgv (,)+no less than   ev` wM‡q †mB¯’‡j as much n‡e+ adjective +than ev‡` g~j sentence  Gi cieZx© Ask|
Comparative :I have got no less than five hundred taka.
Positive        I have got,at least, as much as five hundred taka.

ZvQvov ïaygvÎ no fewer than/not fewer than hy³ comparative †_‡K positive Kivi mgq Dc‡ii wbqgB cÖ‡hvR¨ Z‡e as much as Gi cwie‡Z as  many as©  n‡e| †m‡¶‡Î wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt cÖ_‡g subject +verb +no fewer than ev` wM‡q as many as +msL¨v evPK kãmn noun/pronoun |
Comparative :There are no fewer than fifty boys.
Positive        There are as many as fifty boys. Or As many as fifty boys are there.

Rule-5: not, no e¨ZxZ less  hy³ comparative †_‡K positive Kivi mgq Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive Gi MVb t g~j sentenceGi subject +verb +not as +less ev‡` adjective +as +g~j ev‡K¨i †k‡li Noun/pronoun  |
Comparative :This land is less fertile than that.
Positive        This land is not as fertile as that.
Comparative ‡_‡K Positive

Rule-6:Than +clasue  hy³ sentence  Gi subject +verb+as +Comparative  †_‡K positive  Kivi  mg‡q Not  n‡e bv Ges wb‡æi MVbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb+ as+ comparative adjective Gi Positive form +as +than ev‡` than Gi c‡ii clause ev than Gi c‡ii subject Ges verb. †hgbt
Comparative :The prices were not higher than she had calculated.
Positive        The prices were as high as she had calculated.
Comparative :The work was not more difficult than you said.
Positive        The work was as difficult as you said.

wKš‘ Than +clause hy³ affirmative †K comparative  †_‡K positive Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g than Gi c‡ii subject +than Gi c‡ii verb Gi negative form +g~j subject Gi object  n‡e +to be +as +comparative adjective Gi positive +as +pronoun +they/it +be verb.|
Comparative: The prices were higher than she had calculated.
Positive        She had not anticipated the prices to be as high as they were.
Comparative: They were hungrier than I thought.
Positive        I did not think them to be as hungry as they were.
Comparative ‡_‡K superlative
mvaviYZt than any other /than most other/than majority of  hy³comparative sentence Gi superlative  nq|
Rule-1: # Than any other hy³ comparative †_‡K superlativeKivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb +the +adjective Gi superlative form+ than any other ev‡` Gi c‡ii noun  .†hgbt-
   Comparative  :She is more intelligent than any other girl.
   Superlative    :She is the most intelligent girl.
   Comparative  :Nipu is fairer than any other girl.
   Superlative    :Nipu is the fairest girl.

Rule-2: # Than most other/Than the majority of hy³ comparative  evK¨ †_‡K superlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi subject  +verb+ one of the+ adjective Gi superlative form +than most other +ev‡` G‡I c‡ii noun  I c‡ii Ask|‡hgbt-
Comparative  :Tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Superlative    :Tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
Comparative  :Sher-E-Bangla was better than most other politicians in Bangladesh.
Superlative    :Sher-E-Bangla was one of the best politicians in Bangladesh.
Superlative ‡_‡K comparative

Rule-1: # ïaygvÎ The  + superlative hy³ sentence †K comparative Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymY Ki‡Z n‡e|

comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi subject  +(the ev‡` ) adjective Gi comparative degree +than any other +g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li noun/pronoun  evKx Ask| ‡hgbt
Superlative    :Jerry is the best boy.
Comparative  :Jerry is better than any other boy.
Superlative    :This is the most difficult work.
Comparative  :This is more difficult than any other work.

Rule-2: #One of the + superlative  hy³sentence  Gi comparative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject  +verb+ superlative adjective Gi Comparative +than +most other /than the majority of +g~j adjective Gi c‡ii noun.
Superlative    :He is one of the most intelligent boys.
Comparative  :He is more intelligent than most other boys.
Superlative    :Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh.
Comparative  :Dhaka is bigger than most other cities in Bangladesh.

Rule-3: #Not only  hy³ superlative degree  †K comparative Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb +not +comparative +than +few other +g~j sentence Gi last noun.
Superlative    :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Comparative  :Shakespear is not greater than few other dramatists.
Superlative    :Nasim is not only the most brilliant boy.
Comparative  :Nasim is not more brilliant than few other boys.

Rule-4: #Not one of the +superlative  hy³sentence  Gi comparative  Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt Few +g~j sentence Gi †k‡li noun ev pronoun+ verb +adjective Gicomparative +than + g~j sentence Gi subject . †hgbt-
Superlative    :He is not one of the best boys.
Comparative  :Few boys are better than he.
Superlative ‡_‡K positive

Rule-1: #The +superlative  hy³ sentence  †K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive  MVbt No other +superlative adjective Gi c‡ii noun +verb + as+ the ev‡` Superlative  adjective Gi positive form +as  +g~j Sentence  Gi subject  I cieZx© Ask|

Superlative    :He is the wisest man in the village.
Positive          :No other man is as wise as he in the village.
Superlative    :We are the most fortunate persons.
Positive          :No other person is as fortunate as we.
Rule-2: #One of the +superlative adjective  hy³ evK¨‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive   Gi MVbt  cÖ_‡g very few / a small number of /a few/+ g~j  sentence Gi †kl noun +verb+ as +adjective Gi positive form + as + sentence Gi  subject
Superlative    :Rani is one of the fairest girls.
Positive          :A small number of girls are as fair as Rani.
Superlative    :He is one of the cleverest boys.
Positive          :Very few boys are as clever as he.

Rule-3: #Not only hy³ superlative sentence †K positive Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive  Gi MVbt Few other +†kl noun (plural) +verb+ as +adjective Gi positive +as +  g~j sentence  Gi subject .
Superlative    :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Positive          :Few other dramatists are as great as Shakespear.
Rule-4: # Not one of the +superlative †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Superlative    :He is not one of the best boys.
Positive          :He is not as good as few boys.

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