Exclusive probable Transformation of sentence for Any Exam

Exclusive probable Transformation of sentence for Any Exam

        Negative sentences
   only  Øviv e¨w³ †evSv‡j
only (e¯‘/welqevPK kã Gi †¶‡Î)
              only (msL¨v)
                                none butn‡e
                            nothing butn‡e
             not more than/not less than         n‡e
Only Allah can save us.(e¨vw³ ev Avjjvni bvg _vK‡j)
None but Allah can help us.
Only Allah can save me.
None  but  Allah can save me.
Only the book is found.
Nothing but the book is found.
Allah alone can save us.
None but Allah can save us.
He has only a few friends.
He has nothing but a few friends.

must/has to/have to/need to _vK‡j
can not but/can not help+ verb+ing n‡e
had to /needed to_vK‡j
could not but/could not help n‡e
Man must obey some rules.
Man cannot help obeying some social rules.
You must obey your parents.
You cannot but obey your parents

                   as soon as…_vK‡j
           No sooner …..than +wØZxq clause
As soon as he saw the bear/police, he ran away.
No sooner had he seen the bear/police than he ran away.
As soon as he reached home, the rain started.
No sooner had he reached the home than the rain started.
As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.

The problem is so difficult for us to solve.
The problem is so difficult that we cannot solve it.
The problem was so difficult for us to solve.
The problem was so difficult that we could not solve it.

        Every/all+ noun _vK‡j
 There is no (Every c‡ii Ask)+but+verb+……
 There is no+ ( Every/ all Gi  c‡ii Ask) +who/which +auxiliary verb +not+ verb e‡m|
 ¯’v‡b  Gi c‡ii kãwU+g~j kãwU wecixZ kã+ evwK Ask|
Everybody loves his country.
There is no man but loves his country.
Every mother loves her child.
There is no mother but lover her child.
Every king has a crown.
There is no king but has crown.
Every teacher loves his students.
No teacher hates his students.
Every rose has thorn.
No rose is without thorn./There is no rose but has thorn.
Everybody lives in society.
There is nobody but lives in society.

Every/all ¯’v‡b no+every/all  Gi c‡ii kãwU+g~j kãwU wecixZ kã+ evwK Ask|
All Bangladeshis are polite.
No Bangladeshi is impolite.
Everyone had to admit that she was pretty.
None could deny that she was pretty.
Everybody must die.
Nobody can but die.

Always _vK‡j
always  Gi ¯’v‡b  I cÖavb kãwU wecixZ kã n‡e|)
I always remember you.
I never forget you.
I shall always remember him.
I shall never forget him.
Always speak the truth.
Never tell a lie.
Her parents always liked her.
Her parents never disliked her.

           mvaviY Affirmative _vK‡j  
Sub+verb+not+cÖavb kãwU wecixZ kã (antonym)+evwK Ask
Samir is a regular(wbqwgZ) student
Samir is not an irregular student.
I will be ever loyal to my country.
I will never be disloyal to my country.
Man is mortal.
Man is not immortal.
The boy is very agile.
The boy is not awkward at all.
He was present in the meeting.
He was not absent from the meeting.
The police punished the thief.
The police did not forgive the thief.
Who can do this sum?
None can do the sum.
This is a fact.
This is not a fiction./This is nothing but a fact.

        Assertive  sentences
                Exclamatory  Sentences

What +a/an+ adjective /adverb +adjunct +subject+ aux. verb (am /is/are/ was/ were)/ main verb+! (Exclamation mark)
How/What (verb) hy³
 Sub+verb +a/an (hw` _v‡K)+very/great/most+ adjective evwK Ask e‡m|
How/What (verb) wenxb
Sub+verb +a/an (hw` _v‡K)+very/great/most+ adjective evwK Ask e‡m|
a very/a great/a most
What a/an+ adjective/adverb+….+sub +verb!
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
What a dangerous thing a little learning is!
He leads a most unhappy life.
What an unhappy life he lead!
He was a very honest boy.
What an honest boy he was!
The peasantry of our country lead a most unhappy life.
What an unhappy life the peasantry of our country lead!
He is a great fool.
What a fool he is!
It is a very nice plan.
What a nice plan it is!
It is a very lovely garden.
What a lovely garden it is!
It is a very lovely garden.
What a lovely garden!
He leads a very miserable life.
What a miserable life he leads!
The fox is a very cunning animal.
What a cunning animal the fox is!
It is a very cheering report.
What a cheering report is!

very/a lot of
How+ adjective/adverb+….+sub +verb!
His handwriting is very clear.
How clear his handwriting is!
It is a very splendid building.
How splendid a building it is!
The crow looks very ugly.
How ugly the crow looks!
The cuckoo sings very sweetly.
How sweetly the cuckoo sings!
The flowers are very charming.
How charming the flowers are!
He is very lucky.
How lucky he is!
The bird is very beautiful.
How beautiful the bird is!
The bird is very nice.
How nice the bird is!

        Assertive sentence
              Exclamatory sentence
I wish I were+
Had I been +(hv nZvg)! /Or, If I were+(hv nZvg)!
Or, Were +I +(hv nZvg)!/Or, Would that I were+(hv nZvg)!
I wish I were/ I wish I could/ I wish I had
If/Would that(I wish I were/ I wish I could Gi cwie‡Z©)+wØZxq Subject n‡Z †kl ch©šZ+!
I wish I had Gi cwie‡Z© Had+ wØZxq Subject +Had  cieZx© Ask †_‡K †kl ch©šZ!
I wish I had+
I earnestly desire to +verb+ other words.
Had +I+(hv _vKZ)! Or, If I had+(hv _vKZ)!
Would that I had+(hv _vKZ)!
Sub+ wish +to……+/Subject+ desire to.+
Subject+ long for…/Subject+ want to….
If +subject +could +verb +evwK Ask!

I wish I could  be a child again.
If I could be a child again!
I wish I had been rich.
If I were rich!
I wish I had the wings of a dove.
If I had the wings of a dove!
I wish I were a bird.
If I were a bird!
I wish I were a child again.
If I were a child again!
I wish I were a king.
If I were a king!

I wish I were a king.
Would that I were a king!
I wish  I were a child again.
Would that I were a child again!

It is a matter of sorrow that he has failed.
Alas! He has failed.
It is a matter of great shame that you are a cheat.
Fie! You are a cheat.
It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.
Hurrah! We have won the game.
We rejoice that
Hurrah!+ sentence Gi evwK Ask.
It is a matter of joy that
Hurrah!+ sentence Gi evwK Ask
It is a matter of great pleasure that
Hurrah!+ sentence Gi evwK Ask
We are happy that
Hurrah!+ sentence Gi evwK Ask
It is a great joy that
Bravo!  sentence Gi evwK Ask
I regret that
Alas! + sentence Gi evwK Ask
It is a matter of sorrow that
Alas! + sentence Gi evwK Ask
We are sorry that
Alas! + sentence Gi evwK Ask
It is said that
Alas! + sentence Gi evwK Ask

                Affirmative  sentences
        Interrogative sentences
ev‡K¨i ïi‡Z Everybody  Everyone , Every man, All /All men+ verb   _vK‡j
Who does not/who did not/who can
not/who could not+ verb+ sentence Gi evwK Ask?
ev‡K¨i ïi‡Z Everybody  Everyone , Every man, All/All men+ ‘to be verb (am, is, are, was, were )  _vK‡j
 Who is not/who was not + sentence Gi evwK
Every mother
Every father
Every person
A_ev All w`‡q evK¨ ïi“ n‡j......
Is there any+ noun+ who does not +verb+
  sentence Gi evwK Ask?
Is there any+ noun+ who will not not+ verb+ sentence Gi evwK Ask?
Every mother
Every father
Every person
A_ev All w`‡q evK¨ ïi“ n‡j......
Is there any+ noun+ who does not +verb+
  sentence Gi evwK Ask?
Is there any+ noun+ who will not not+ verb+ sentence Gi evwK Ask?
Everybody lover her mother.
Who does not loves her mother?
Everybody fears death.
Who does not fear death?
Everybody likes an honest man.
Who does not like an honest man?
/Who dislikes an honest man?
Everybody hates a liar.
Who does not hate a lair?/Who loves a liar?
Everybody wants to be rich.
Who does not want to be rich?
Everyone wishes to be happy.
Who does not want to be happy?
Everybody wants to be happy.
Who does not wants to be happy?

ev‡K¨i ïi‡Z
None/No one/Nobody/No man/No person/ …_vK‡j  Zvi ¯’‡j
  Who + verb +sentence Gi evwK Ask?

Nobody believes a liar.
Who believes a liar?
None could say that the shy boy would be the famous Einstein.
Who could say that the shy would be the famous Einstein?
None likes to forget his country.
Who likes to forget his country?
Nobody trusts a lair.
Who trusts a liar?
None believes a lair.
Who believes a liar ?
None can do the sum.
Who can do the sum?

Auxiliary verb  (mvnvh¨vKvix wµqv ) wenxb Present Indefinite Tense n‡j
Don’t /does not+ subject +verb+ evKx Ask?
We eat to live.
Don’t we eat to live?

Achicles also died.
What happened to Achilies?/Who also died?
I have never been to Cox’s Bazar.
Have I ever been to Cox’s Bazar?
Their glory can never fade.
Can their glory ever fade? (Never Gi ¯’v‡b Ever  n‡e|)

To be verb
A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv K‡i mvnvh¨Kvix verb hy³ Assertive sentence ‡K  Interrogative G iƒcvšZi Kivi mgq hw` Sentence  wU Affirmative  nq Zvn‡j wbqgwUt

To be verb+ Subject +not + subject+evKx  Ask?
Or To be verb +n’t(not) + subject+evKx Ask?
Smoking is a bad habit.
Isn’t smoking is a bad habit?

It/There is no+person/thing
There is no Gi ¯’v‡b  who (e¨vw³i †¶‡Î) what is(e¯Zzi †¶‡Î)  +no Gi cieZ©©x Ask+ ?
Or,Is+ there no Gi ¯’v‡b  any + no Gi cieZ©©x Ask+ ?
There is no use _vK‡j
Is there any use n‡e
There is no use of this book/law.
Is there any use of this book/law?
There is no room in the bench.
Is there any room in the bench?

Auxiliary verb  (mvnvh¨vKvix wµqv ) wenxb Past Indefinite Tense n‡j
Didn’t +subject +verb(Present form)+ evKx Ask?
They spent a pleasant day.
Didn’t they spend a pleasant day?
The boy did his best.
Didn’t the boy do his best?
He lived in peace.
Didn’t he live in peace?
Everybody turned to look at Bahadur.
Did everybody turn to look at Bahadur?
They had nothing to say in this matter.
Did they have anything to say in this matter?

        Assertive sentence
                 Imperative sentence
First person(I, we,)/third person(He, she, Karim, they) w`‡q ïi“ n‡j
Let+ sub Gi objective form +verb (present form) + evwK Ask
First person(I, we,)/third person(He, she, Karim, they) w`‡q ïi“ n‡jt
Subject+ I….
Subject+ We….
Subject+3rd Person (He, she, they)
Let+ sub Gi objective form +not+ verb (present form)+ evwK Ask
(LetGi ci pronoun Gi objective case nq I verb mv‡_ s/es hy³ nq bv|)
Subject+ me+ Principal verb
Let+ us+ Principal verb
Let +3rd Person +Principal verb
You do not+ verb
Don’t +verb
You must +verb
verb+ evwK Ask +evwK Ask
You must not +verb
Don’t +verb + evwK Ask
You ought to +verb+
verb+ evwK Ask
You ought not to +verb
Don’t +verb+ evwK Ask
You should not+ verb
Don’t +verb+ evwK Ask
You are requested to+ verb
Verb+ evwK Ask +,Please.
Or Please+ Verb+ evwK Ask
You are requested not to +verb
Do not+ Verb+ evwK Ask, Please.
Please, Do not+ Verb+ evwK Ask
You should always +verb
Always +verb+ evwK Ask
You should never +verb
Never +verb+ evwK Ask
We should+ verb
Let’s +verb+ evwK Ask
I request you to +verb
Please + verb +object/complement
I advise you to +verb+
Please +verb+ object/complement
You should+ verb +object
Please +verb +object/complement
You are wanted to+ verb+ object
Verb +object

                   Assertive sentences
Imperative sentences
He plays football.
Let him play football.
He wants to go out.
Let him go out.

We don’t hate the poor.
Let us not hate the poor.
We should have the courage to say the right things.
Let us have the courage to say the right things.

We should settle the dispute.
Let us settle the dispute.
You should take care of your health.
Take care of your health.
You should not find fault with others.
Don’t find fault with others.
You should not kill your time
Do not kill your time.
You should not laugh at a lame man
Don’t laugh at a lame man.
You should look before you leap.
Think before you leap.

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