Right Form of Verbs

Right Form of Verbs

Rule (1):‡Kvb ev‡K¨i subject hw` third person Ges singular number nq Ges D³ evK¨wU hw` present indefinite tense nq Zvn‡j D³ ev‡K¨i g~j verb Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ n‡e| Z‡e ev‡K¨ g~j verb Gi c~‡e© †Kvb Modal verb_vK‡j G wbqg cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e bv| †hgb -  Ques. Mitu (play) chess.  Ans. Mitu plays chess.
# Sentence hw` Universal truth(wPišÍb mZ¨) Habitual fact (Af¨vmMZ Kg©) BZ¨vw` eySvq Zvn‡j Verb Gi Present Indefinite tense nq| †hgb-
Ques. The earth (move) round the sun.  Ans. The earth moves round the sun.

Rule (2):‡hme Sentence G †Kvb mg‡qi D‡jøL _v‡K bv Ges gv‡S gv‡S generally, usually, ordinarily, normally, always, sometimes, occasionally, naturally, seldom, frequently, every time, often, daily, everyday etc e¨eýZ nq †m ¸‡jv‡Z Verb Gi Present Indefinite tense nq| †hgb-
Ques. Sabina (learn) her lessons regularly.  Ans. Sabina learns her lessons regularly.

Rule (3):‡hme Sentence G Auxiliary verb wKsev Auxiliary verb iæ‡c e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i Ggb †Kvb verb_v‡Kbv, †m¸‡jvi Negative Ges Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j verb `to do’ (do, does, did)-Gi iƒcvšÍi e‡m| †hgb-
Ques. Sumi not (go) to school.  Ans. Sumi does not go to school.

Rule (4):Sentence G hw` AZxZ wb‡`©kK kã ev k㸔Q (Phrase) _v‡K (†hgb t Yesterday, last night, long ago, ago, long since BZ¨vw`), Zvn‡j Gi verb Gi past form (Past Indefinite tense) nq| †hgb-
Ques. My father (come) home yesterday.  Ans. My father came home yesterday.

Rule (5):Sentence G hw` just, just now, already, recently, lately, ever, yet BZ¨vw` _v‡K Present perfect tense nq| †hgb-  Ques. Rokeya (take) her dinner just now.  Ans. Rokeya has taken her dinner just now.

Rule (6):Sentence G hw` can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would BZ¨vw` Modal Auxiliary verb _v‡K Zvn‡j g~j verb Gi Present Form  e¨eüZ  nq| †hgb- do not, does not, did not.
Ques. He can (do) the sun.  Ans. He can do the sun.

Rule (7):‡Kvb Sentence G hw` have/has _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvn‡j eÜwbi wfZ‡ii verb Gi Past Participlenq| G¸‡jv n‡jv Present Perfect Tense. ‡hgb- been, be, being, get, got, getting, gotten, had, having. †hgb-
Ques. They have (go) to Dhaka.  Ans. They have gone to Dhaka.

Rule (8): Sentence G hw` if clause wU‡Z Past Perfect tense _v‡K Zvn‡j Aci AskwU‡Z subject Gi c‡i A_©‡f‡` would have /could have/ might have e‡m Ges eÜbx¯Í verb Gi Past Participle nq| †hgb-
1. I saw a blind man while I was walking along the road.
2. Don’t make a noise while your father is sleeping.

Rule (9):Auxiliary verb to be’ Gi iƒcvšÍi (am, is ,are, was, were, shall be, will be) _vK‡j Passive voice Gi †ÿ‡Î g~j verb Gi Past participle nq| †hgb-
Ques. They boy is (send) to school.  Ans. They boy is sent to school.

Rule (10):Sentence G hw` had rather, had sooner, had better, would rather, would better, must, let, need BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zvn‡j cÖ`Ë` verb Gi Present From  nq Ges Gi c~‡e©  to _vK‡j Zv †jvc cvh| A_©vr verb Gi base from wKsev Bare Infinitive e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb-
Ques. I had better (go) home by this time.  Ans. I had better go home by this time.

Rule (11):Ô‡h‡Z bv †h‡ZBÕ,ÔKi‡Z bv Ki‡ZBÕ,Ô‡cŠQ‡Z bv †cŠQ‡ZB BZ¨vw` A_© eySv‡Z No sooner............than/Scarcely/Hardly...........when cÖf…wZ correlative conjunction nq| G †ÿ‡Î No sooner/ Scarcely/Hardly Gi ci had+subject+verb Gi Past participle Ges when / than Gi c‡ii Clause-wU Past Indefinite Tensenq| †hgb-
Ques. No sooner had the rain (stop) than they (leave) the shelter.
Ans. No sooner had the rain stopped than they left the shelter.
Ques. Scarcely had the (reach) the stadium when if rain.
Ans. Scarcely had the reached the stadium when if rain.
Ques. Hardly had the (reach) the station when the train (start).
Ans. Hardly had the reached the station when the train left.

Rule (12):After Gi c‡i Ges before Gi c~‡e© Subject Gi c‡i had e‡m Ges verb Gi Past perfect tense nq; Ab¨ clause wU‡Z verb Gi Past Indefinite tense nq| †hgb-
Ques. The doctor (come) before the patient (die).  Ans. The doctor had come before the patient died.

Rule (13):Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g As‡k hw` Past Indefinite tense _v‡K Zvn‡j Gi c‡ii Ask Past Indefinite tense nq| †hgb-  Ques. It is many years since I (go) abroad.  Ans. It is many years since I went abroad.
Ques. Many years have passed since I (visit) Africa.  Ans. Many years have passed since I visited Africa.
# Since hy³ SentenceGi cÖ_g As‡k hw` Past Indefinite tense _v‡K Zvn‡j Gi c‡ii Ask Past Perfect tense nq| †hgb-
Ques. It was twenty years since the author first (meet) his lady guest.
Ans. It was twenty years since the author had first meet his lady guest.

Rule (14):‡Kvb Sentence  Gi ïiæ‡Z hw` would that/oh that _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvn‡j Subject Gi c‡i could e‡m Ges eÜbx‡Z cÖ`Ë verb Gi Present From  nq| †hgb-
Ques. Would that I (go) to London.  Ans. Would that I could go to London.
Rule (15):Sentence G `to be’ Ges having _vK‡j g~j verb Gi Past Participle nq| †hgb-
Ques. The Headmaster wants the boy to be (expel).
Ans. The Headmaster wants the boy to be expelled.
Ques. The thief ran away having (see) the police officer.
Ans. The thief ran away having seen the police officer.

Rule (16):hw` eÜwb¯’ verb Gi cy‡e©  Ges can not help/could not help/with a view to/look forward to/would you mind/be used to/in addition to/ past/mind/worth BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zvn‡j †mB verb Gi ing-form nq|  †hgb-
Ques. I go to the market with a view to (see) people.
Ans. I go to the market with a view to seeing people.
Ques. I am looking forward to (stand) first in the class.
Ans. I am looking forward to standing first in the class.

Rule (17):Sentence G hw` Wish, Fancy, it is time, it is high time  BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbx¯’ verb Gi Past Tense nq|  †hgb-   Ques. I wish, I (win) the prize.  Ans. I wish, I won the prize.
Ques. I fancy, I(fly) among the stars.  Ans. I fancy, I flew among the stars.

Rule (18):Sentence G hw` as if, as though, wish BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbx¯’ `to be’ Gi ¯’‡j were e‡m| †hgb-
Ques. He speaks as if he (be) the owner of the firm.  Ans. He speaks as if he were the owner of the firm.

Rule (19):Sentence G hw` each, every, one of  BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbx¯’ verb cye©eZ©x Subject Abyhvqx e‡m| †hgb-
Ques. Every mother (love) her child.   Ans. Every mother loves her child.
Ques. One of the students (be) very brilliant.  Ans. One of the students is very brilliant.
Ques. Either he or his friends (has) done this work.  Ans. Either he or his friends have done this work.

Rule (20):Sentence G hw` had + subject + Past Participle Øviv ïiæ nq Zvn‡j Aci clause-wU   Perfect conditional n‡q _v‡K| Gi subject Gi c‡i might have/would have /could have e‡m Ges eÜbx¯Í verb wUi past perticiple nq|†hgb-   Ques. Had I the wings of a dove, how soon I (taste) you again.
Ans. Had I the wings of a dove, how soon I would have tasted you again.

Rule (21): While Gi c‡i hw` †Kvb verb _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ hw` While Gi c‡i subject _v‡K verb Gi cy‡e© Was/were ewm‡q verb Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq |Sentence wU past continues tense G wL‡Z nq| †hgb-
Ques. While walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
Ans. A snake bit him, while he was walking in the garden.

Rule (22):Since ev for Gi ci mgq (‡hgbt two hours, morning etc.) D‡jøL _vK‡j Zv present perfect continuouse Tense n‡e| †hgb-  Ques. It (rain) for two hours. Ans. It has been raining for two hours.

Rule (23):`ywU clause Gi g‡a¨ hw` GKwU clause G if+subject+were _v‡K Zvn‡j Aci clause (principal clause) G subject Gi c‡i might/would/could e‡m| D‡jøL¨ †h Gme †ÿ‡Î might have/would have /could have BZ¨vw`I emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e †k‡lv³ †ÿ‡Î A‡_©i wKQzUv cv_©K¨ n‡e|   †hgb- Ques. If I were a bird, I (taste) you soon.  
Ans. If I were a bird, I would taste you soon.   Or, If I were a bird, I would have tasted you soon.

Rule (24): Have Gi ci e¯‘evPK Object (Direct object) _vK‡j Gi ci verb Gi V3  nq wKš‘ e¨vw³evPK ev (Indirect object) _vK‡j verb Gi V1  nq| †hgb-  1. I am going to have my hair cut.   2. I had him bring a pen.
# Rule: Get Gi ci e¯‘evPK Object _vK‡j Gi ci verb Gi V3 nq wKš‘  e¨vw³evPK_vK‡j To +V1  e‡m|
†hgb-  1. I got my car repaired.   2. I got a girl to sing a song.

Rule (25):There ev‡K¨i subject n‡j eÜbxi c‡i NP Gi Number Abyhvqx verb e‡m| †hgb-
Ques. There (be) ten boys.   Ans. There are ten boys.
Rule (26):A‡bK¸‡jv wRwbm GKK aviYv, cwigvY BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Ki‡j Singular verb e‡m| †hgb-
Ques. Twenty miles (be) not a long distance.   Ans. Twenty miles is not a long distance.

Rule (27):Tomorrow, next day, latter etc. _vK‡j Future Indefinite Tensen‡e| †hgb-
Ques. The next day (be) holiday.   Ans. The next day would be holiday.

Rule (28):or, nor, either............or, neither...nor, not only............but also cÖf…wZ Øviv hLb `ywU Subject hy³ _v‡K ZLb 2q Subject Abyhvqx verb Gi Singular ev plural form emv‡Z   nq| †hgb- Nikhil or/nor his brothers were present in the meeting.

Rule (29):With, together with, along with, as well as BZ¨vw` Øviv hw` Subjecthy³ _v‡K ZLb cÖ_g Subject Abyhvqx verb emv‡Z   nq| †hgb- Dipa as well as his friends is present.

Rule (30):GKB Sentence G GKB avivevwnKZvq cÖ`Ë Word mgRvZxq ev mg‡kªYxi nIqv Avek¨K| †hgb-
Incurrect: Rony is industrious, regular, disciplined and determination.
Currect: Rony is industrious, regular, disciplined and determined boy.

Rule (31):‡Kvb Sentence G by this (time/time/month), by next (time/month/year) BZ¨vw` _vK‡j †m Sentence wU future perfect tense G wjL‡Z nq| †hgb-   He will have done the work by this time.

Rule (32):‡Kvb Sentence G emphasis A_©vr †Rvi †`evi D‡Ï‡k¨ verb Gi cy‡e© do e‡m| †hgb t
Ques. Please (to do) meet me tomorrow.   Ans. Please do meet me tomorrow.

Rule (33):Collective noun mgwóMZ A‡_© singular verb ‡bq| wKš‘ c„_K mËv eySv‡j plural verb ‡bq|†hgb t
Ques. Please (to do) meet me tomorrow.  Ans. Please do meet me tomorrow.

Rule (34):A lot of, a group of, a number of, a great of many, a good many, too many, all, some, many, a majority of, a many of, a minority of BZ¨vw`i ci  verb Gi plural form nq|†hgb t
There are many boys are playing in the field.

Rule (35):Relative pronoun subject n‡j Zvi antecedent Gi A_©vr Zvi c~e©eZ©x Noun ev pronoun Gi number Ges person Abyhvqx verb nq| †hgb t 1. I who am your friend should stand by you.
2. He who is my friend should stand by me.   3. It is he who is responsible.

Rule (36):Many a/an, one of, The number of BZ¨vw`i ci verb plural nq|
†hgb t Many an admirer praises him.

Rule (37):Fraction (fMœvsk) †hgb half, two-thirds, three-fourths, lots etc Gi ci singular noun e¨eýZ n‡j verb singular Ges noun plural n‡j verb plural n‡e| †hgb t
# Halfof the apples are eaten.   # Half of the apples is eaten.                 

Rule (38):`ywU singular nounhw` GKwU gv‡Î e¨vw³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq Zvn‡j verbwU singular Avi hw` `ywU e¨vw³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq Zvn‡j pluralnq| †hgb t
# The Headmaster and President of the school is coming.
# The Headmaster and the President of the school are coming.
(GKB e¨vw³ n‡j GKevi Article Ges Avjv`v e¨vw³ n‡j `yevi Article e‡m|)

Rule (39):Person ¸‡jv hLb GK‡Î †jLv nq ZLb verbGi plural form nq|
†hgb t I, You, She, and I are playing football.

Rule (40):One Gi possessive pronoun one’s (not his/her) nq| †hgb t
1. One should be careful of one’s (not his/her) health.
2. One cannot be too careful about what one (not he) says.

Rule (41):‡Kvb main clause Gi past tense _vK‡j Ab¨ ev‡K¨ clause wU‡Z the next/following (day, month, week, year), The day, after, tomorrow cÖf…wZ _vK‡j clause wUi subject Gi ci would/should e‡m|  †hgb t
1. He said that he (go) there the next day = He said that he would go there the next day.

Rule (42):possessive of Øviv mshy³ subject Gi of Gi cy‡e©i number wU Abyhvqx verb singular ev plural nq| †hgb t
# Two of the boys are sick.   # One of the boys is sick.

Rule (43):To `yB cÖKvi (1) Infinitive to Gi c‡i me©`vB verb Gi Present form e‡m Ges (2) preposition to Gi noun ev pronoun e‡m| †hgb t # He likes to eat.  # He is going to school.  # he is coming to me.

Rule (44):Let/make/help/ verb Gi c‡i me©`vB verb Gi V1 nq| Let/make Gi c‡i to nq bv| help Gi ci to e¨envi Ki‡jI nq bv Ki‡jI nq| †hgb t
1. His interesting joke made me laugh.   2. He helps his father to do the office work.

Rule (45):If, until, when, in case BZ¨vw` hy³ Sentence wU hw` Present indefinite nq Zvn‡j AciwU future indefinite n‡e| †hgb t Unless you read well, you will fail.

Rule (46):A/An/The + noun A_ev A/An/The + Adjective + noun.
†hgb t 1. He is a good boy.  2. He is a boy.
Rule (47):And Øviv `ywU subject hy³ n‡j verb plural nq|  †hgb t  1. Two and two make four.

Rule (48):While Gi Av‡M Present tense n‡j While Gi mv‡_ Present continuous Ges Past tense n‡j While Gi mv‡_ Present continuous tense nq| †hgb t
1. He said that he (go) there the next day = He said that he would go there the next day.

Rule (49):Here ,there , no sooner , hardly , barely , rarely , scarcely , not once , not only , not until , never , never again , only after etc. BZ¨vw` `viv hw` evK¨ ïiæ nq Ges Gi ci hw` k~b¨ m&_vb _v‡K Zvn‡j †m ¯’v‡b subjectAbymv‡i mvnvh¨Kvix ev  modal verb emv‡Z nq Avi hw` mvnvh¨Kvix verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j  tense Abymv‡i do , does , did emv‡Z nq,†hgb-  a) Rarely are you found in the room.   b) Hardly could I solve this problem.
c) Never again will they stay in the hotel.

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