Right forms of verbs-2

Right forms of verbs

নিয়ম: কোনো Sentence ‘It’ দ্বারা শুরু হলে পরবর্তী verb singular হয় যেমন:
a. It (to be) difficult to do.
Ans. : It is difficult to do.
b. It (to be) you .who have done this.
Ans. : It is you who have done this.
নিয়ম: কোনো Sentence যদি introductory There দ্বারা শুরু হয় এবং তারপর singular number থাকে, there-এর singular verb হয় আর যদি there-এর পর plural number থাকে তবে plural verb হয় যেমন:
a. There (to be) a big river beside our village.                                                                 
Ans. : There was a big river beside our village.                                                                
 b. There (to be) a lot of work left for us.                                                                       
 Ans. : There were a lot of work left for us.
নিয়ম: Let, had better, had rather, would better, would rather ইত্যাদি থাকলে present form বসেযেমন:
a. I would rather die than (beg).
Ans. : I would rather die than beg.
b. Would you let me (go) there?
Ans. : Would you let me go there?
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ present indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ future indefinite হয়, অর্থাৎ structure-টি হয়— if + present + future. যেমন:
a. If you work hard, you (prosper) In life.
Ans. : If you work hard, you will prosper in life.
b. If he reads more he (pass) In the examination.
Ans. : If he reads more, he will pass in the examination.
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ Indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ subject-এর পরে would/could/might বসে এবং verb-এর present form হয় অর্থাৎ, structure-টি হয়:
If + past indefinite + (subject + would/could/might + verb-এর Present form) যেমন:
a. If he agreed, I (give) the money.
Ans. : If he agreed, I would give the money.
b. If you studied, you (get) a good result.
Ans. : If you studied, you would get a good result.
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ past perfect tense হলে পরের অংশ subject-এর পরে would have/ could have/ might have বসে এবং verb-এর past participle form হয়
যেমন: a. If you had finished it sincerely, you (get) a profit.
Ans. : If you had finished it sincerely, you would have got a profit.
b. If I had possessed vast wealth, I (help) the poor people.
Ans. : If I had possessed vast wealth, I would have helped the poor people.
নিয়ম: As if, as though, wish ইত্যাদি থাকলে Subject-এর পরে be verb-এর পরিবর্তে were বসে যেমন:
a. He behaves as if he (be) a leader.
Ans. : He behaves as if he were a leader.
b. I wish I (be) a millionaire.
Ans. : I wish I were a millionaire.
নিয়ম: As if, as though দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত থাকলে প্রথম clause-টি present tense হলে পরবর্তী clause-টি past indefinite হয় প্রথম clause-টি past tense হলে পরের clause-টি past perfect tense হয় যেমন:
a. He behaves as if he (buy) the car.
Ans. : He behaves as if he bought the car.
b. He spoke as though he (do) a great task.
Ans. : He spoke as though he had done a great task.
নিয়ম: While যুক্ত sentence- while-এর পরে verb থাকলে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয় আবার, While-এর
পরে subject থাকলে past continuous tense হয় যেমন:
a. While (take) dinner, he received the phone.
Ans. : While taking dinner, he received the phone.
b. While I (play) in the field, I saw him coming.
Ans. : While I was playing in the field, I saw him coming.
নিয়ম: Lest দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত থাকলে lest-এর পরবর্তী subject-এর সঙ্গে auxiliary verb should / might বসে যেমন:
a. Read attentively lest you (fail) in the examination.
Ans. : Read attentively lest you should fail in the examination.
b. Walk fast lest you (be) late in your class.
Ans. : Walk fast lest you might be late in your class.
নিয়ম: Would that দ্বারা sentence শুরু হলে subject-এর পরে could বসে এবং মূল verb-এর present form হয় যেমন:
a. Would that I (be) a bird!
Ans. : Would that I could be a bird!
b. Would that I (visit) Cox’s Bazar
Ans. : Would that I could visit Cox’s Bazar!
নিয়ম: সাধারণত Each, one of, every, either, neither ইত্যাদি দ্বারা কোনো subject গঠিত হলে সেটি 3rd person singular number হয় তাই এদের পরের verb-টিও singular number হয় যেমন
a. Each boy (come) here.
Ans. : Each boy comes here.
b. One of them (to be) guilty.
Ans. : One of them is guilty.
c. Everybody (wish) to be happy.
Ans. : Everybody wishes to be happy.
নিয়ম: Adjective-এর পূর্বে the বসলে subject-টি plural হয় এবং সেই অনুযায়ী verb বসে যেমন:
a. The virtuous (to be) blessed.
Ans. : The virtuous are blessed.
b. The poor (live) from hand to mouth.
Ans. : The poor live from hand to mouth.
নিয়ম: Titles, names, phrase of measurement দেখতে plural হয় singular verb হয় যেমন:
a. Thirty miles (to be) a long way.
Ans. : Thirty miles is a long way.
b. Star wars (to be) an excellent movie.
Ans. : Star wars is an excellent movie.
c. Eight hours (to be) a long time to work.
Ans. : Eight hours is a long time to work.
a. It (to be) difficult to do.
Ans. : It is difficult to do.
b. It (to be) you .who have done this.
Ans. : It is you who have done this.
নিয়ম: কোনো Sentence যদি introductory There দ্বারা শুরু হয় এবং তারপর singular number থাকে, there-এর singular verb হয় আর যদি there-এর পর plural number থাকে তবে plural verb হয় যেমন:
a. There (to be) a big river beside our village. Ans. : There was a big river beside our village.
b. There (to be) a lot of work left for us.
Ans. : There were a lot of work left for us.
নিয়ম: Let, had better, had rather, would better, would rather ইত্যাদি থাকলে form বসে যেমন:
a. I would rather die than (beg) .
Ans. : I would rather die than beg.
b. Would you let me (go) there?
Ans. : Would you let me go there?
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ present indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ future indefinite হয়, অর্থাৎ structure-টি হয়
if + present + future.
a. If you work hard, you (prosper) In life.
Ans. : If you work hard, you will prosper in life.
b. If he reads more he (pass) In the examination.
Ans. : If he reads more, he will pass in the examination.
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ Indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ subject-এর পরে would/could/might বসে এবং verb-এর present form হয় অর্থাৎ, structure-টি হয়: If + past indefinite + (subject + would/could/might + verb-এর Present form) যেমন:
a. If he agreed, I (give) the money.
Ans. : If he agreed, I would give the money.
b. If you studied, you (get) a good result.
Ans. : If you studied, you would get a good result.
c. If they tried, they (succeed).
Ans. : If they tried, they would succeed.
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ past perfect tense হলে পরের অংশ subject-এর পরে would have/ could have/ might have বসে এবং verb-এর past participle form হয় যেমন: a. If you had finished it sincerely, you (get) a profit.
Ans. : If you had finished it sincerely, you would have got a profit.
b. If I had possessed vast wealth, I (help) the poor people.
Ans. : If I had possessed vast wealth, I would have helped the poor people.
c. If he had met his teacher, he (solve) the problems.
Ans. : If he had met his teacher, he would have solved the problems.
নিয়ম: To ব্যতীত preposition-এর পরের verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয় যেমন:
a. He is now engaged in (read).
Ans. : He is now engaged in reading.
b. One can gather knowledge by (travel).
Ans. : One can gather knowledge by traveling.
নিয়ম: Can not help, could not help, look forward to, with a view to, get used to, mind ইত্যাদির পরে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয় যেমন: a. He came to Dhaka with a view to (find) a job. Ans. : He came to Dhaka with a view to finding a job.
b. I cannot help (laugh).
Ans. : I cannot help laughing.

নিয়ম: কোনো Sentence-এর শুরুতে subject-এর স্থানে verb থাকলে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয় যেমন: a. (To swim) is a good exercise.
Ans. : Swimming is a good exercise.
b. (To speak) is an art.
Ans. : Speaking is an art.
নিয়ম: If যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথমটিতে subject-এর পর were থাকলে দ্বিতীয় অংশে subject-এর পরে would/ could/ might বসে এবং verb-এর present from বসে আবার, would have/ could have/ would have- বসতে পারে সে ক্ষেত্রে verb-এর past participle form বসে যেমন:
a. If I were an artist, I (draw) a nice picture.
Ans. : If I were a child, I would draw a nice picture.
b. If I were a billionaire, I (establish) a hospital for the poor. Ans. : If I were a billionaire, I would establish a hospital for the poor.
নিয়ম: Had-এর পরে subject এবং verb-এর Past participle থাকলে পরবর্তী clause-এর subject-এর পরে would have/ could have/ might have + verb-এর past participle form বসে যেমন:
a. Had I been a teacher, I (talk) the real story to my students.
Ans. : Had I been a teacher, I would have talked the real story to my students.
নিয়ম: Verb ‘to be’-বিহীন sentence-কে Negative বা interrogative করতে হলে tense subject-এর number person অনুসারে do, does, did ব্যবহার করতে হবেযেমন:
a. We not (play) Ha-du-du.
Ans. : We do not play Ha-du-du.
b. She not (play) football.
Ans. : She does not play football.
নিয়ম: সাধারণত, preposition on, in of, for, from, by, after at, beyond, upon, against, with, without, before ইত্যাদির পরে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয় যেমন:
a. Rina is busy in (do) her home work. Ans. : Rina is busy in doing her homework.
b. Helen is neglected for (speak) foolishly. Ans. : Helen is neglected for speaking foolishly.
Keep on (try) hard.
Ans. : Keep on trying hard.
নিয়ম: Interrogative sentence যদি who, what, why, which, when, where, whose, how ইত্যাদি question word দ্বারা শুরু হয় তাহলে subject-এর পূর্বে tense person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb ব্যবহার করতে হবেযেমন:
a. Why he (look) so happy?
Ans. : Why does he look so happy?
b. When father (come)?
Ans. : When will father come?
নিয়ম: সাধারণত নিম্নলিখিত verb-গুলোর পরে gerund বসে: admit, enjoy, report, appreciate, finish, recent, avoid, mind, resist, miss, resume, consider, postpone, risk, delay, practice, suggest, escape, imagine, save, recall, prevent, propose, stop, deny, quit ইত্যাদিযেমন:
a. We enjoy (watch) TV.
Ans. : We enjoy watching TV.
b. I have finished (writing).
Ans. : I have finished writing.

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