1.   GKwU Singular subject GKwU Singular verb Ges GKwU plural subject GKwU plural verb MÖnY K‡i|
     Ex.  i) They (is/are) happy.        ii) He (is/are) happy.                iii)  This (is/are) a unique matter.
2.    Verb hw` Subjunctive Mood cÖKvk K‡i Z‡e Singular subject; plural verb MÖnY K‡i| Z‡e to be verb me mgq ÔwereÕ nq|
Subjunctive mood: GB mood- G verb AwbðqZv, m‡›`n, Aev¯—e, Kvgbv, B”Qv, ev AwfcÖvq e¨³ K‡i|
Exercise: i) (Believe/ Believes) it or not, the Titanic is a vast ship. 
                 ii) If I (were / was) a king.             iii) Would that I (was/were) a bird.               
3.     ‡h me Noun MYbv Kiv hvq bv †m¸wj A‡_©i w`K w`‡q Plural n‡jI Singular verb MÖnY K‡i|
Ex. i) Her hair (is/are) grey.      ii) The grass (is/are) getting long.
4.     Collective Noun Subject wn‡m‡e e‡m hw` ALÛ A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Singular Verb Ges hw` LwÛZ A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Plural Verb MÖnY K‡i| Same _vK‡j ALÛ A_© divide Ges various _vK‡j LwÛZ A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Ex.  i) The jury (is /are) of same opinion.            ii) The jury (is /are) divided in their opinion.
               iii)  The family (is /are) giving a party.          iv) The family (are/is) of various opinions.   
5.     Book, Magazine, Movie, Newspaper, Play Giƒc wRwb‡mi bvg Plural  _vK‡jI Singular Verb MÖnY K‡i|
Ex.      i) Thakor Mar Joli (is /are)  a fine story book.     
            ii)  The Bangladesh Times (is /are) a good magazine.
6.     cwigvY ev As‡Ki GKK eySv‡j Plural Subject -Gi ci Singular Verb e‡m|
Ex. i) Eight hours (is /are) our working day.  ii) Ten percent (is /are) a good rate of interest.
7.     Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Politics, News, innings, Gallows, ethics, Statistics, Economics, Athletics, Gymnastics, Optics   G¸‡jv ‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI Avm‡j Singular Ges G¸‡jv Singular verb MÖnY K‡i|
Ex. i) No news (is/are) good news.       ii) Mathematics (is/are) his favorite subject.
8.     Introductory ‘it’ Øviv hLb †Kvb Sentence ïi“ nq ZLb Zvi cieZx© Verb wU Singular nq|
Ex. i) It (is/ are/am) I who am to blame.       ii) It (is /are) we who are to blame.
9.     Anybody, anyone, each, everyone, everybody, nobody, no one, none, somebody, someone   hw` subject wn‡m‡e e‡m  Zvn‡j verb singular n‡e|
Ex. i) Anybody who (has/have) money is rich.                    ii) (Does/do) anyone like this?
10.   Any, one, each, either, neither, quality, none BZ¨vw`i ci ‘of’ Øviv Plural subject hy³ _vK‡jI Verb singular n‡e|
Ex.  i) One of the boys (were/ was) ill.       ii) Each of the girl’s (is/are) clever.
       iii) Either of the books (was/were) stolen.
       iv) Neither of the books (was / were) interesting.
11.   MvwYwZK wnmv‡ei †ejvq mvaviYZ  Plural verb use Kiv hvq|
Ex. i) Two and Two makes / make four.      ii) Five and five (is /are) ten.
12.   `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Singular Subject ‘And’ Øviv hy³ n‡j Verb Plural n‡e|
Ex.  i) Eva and Ruma (is/are) here.                ii) He and his friend (has/have) arrived.
13.   Each Ges Every kã `ywU w`‡q A‡bK¸‡jv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K Avjv`v fv‡e eySvq| myZivs  And  Øviv hy³  Subject ¸‡jvi Av‡M each/every em‡j verb Singular n‡e|
Ex. Each boy and each girl (has/have) paid the money.
14.   And Øviv hy³ `yBwU Singular Subject Øviv hLb GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡`i cieZx© Verb Singular nq| 
Ex.  The headmaster and secretary (has/have) come  to the meeting.
wKš—y wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³‡K eySv‡j verb plural n‡e|
Ex.  The headmaster and the secretary (has/have) come  to the meeting.
15.   hw` And Øviv hy³ `ywU subject GKwU  idea cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j verb singular nq|
Ex. i) Bread and milk (is / are) his only food.
     ii) The long and the short of the matter (is/ are) this.
     iii) Early to bed and early to rise (make/ makes) a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
16.   `ywU Subject  hw` as well as, in addition to, including, no less than, with, accompanied by, together with  Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zvn‡j verb singular  n‡e|
        Ex. i) He as well as his brothers (has/have) done this.
  ii) Niloy no less than the boys (is/are) guilty.
17.   Or, nor, but, either .........or, neither .............. nor, not only……….but also Øviv  `yBwU Subject hy³ _vK‡j verb me mgq wbKUeZx Subject  Abyhvqx n‡e|
Ex. i) He or his brother (is /are) intelligent.
       ii) He or his brothers (has/have) done this.
      iii) Either he or his brother (is/ are) present.
      iv) Neither Karim nor his friends (are /is) guilty.
     v)   Not only Biva but also her friends (has/ have) come.
18.   Relative Pronoun hvi cwie‡Z© e‡m Zvi Ae¯’v (Singular/Plural) Abyhvqx verb n‡e|
Ex. i) I am one of them who (acts/act) wisely.
                  ii) He is the man who (acts/act) wisely.
                  iii) These are the books which (has/have) been bought.
                  iv) This is the book which (has/have) been bought.
19.   Very few, both, all, a few + plural noun Gi ci verb plural nq|
        Ex. i) Both the boys (is/are) guilty. ii) All (is/are) requested to go there.
20. All cÖev` ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ em‡j verb singular nq|
        Ex. i) All that gliters (is/are) not gold.
21. The + Adjective ev‡K¨ Subject wn‡m‡e em‡j verb plural nq|
        Ex. i) The poor (is/are) born to suffer. ii) The virtuous (is/are) always happy.
22.   No Gi ci Plural Noun em‡j verb Plural nq|
        Ex. i) No birds (is/are) flying in the sky.
23.   There w`‡q evK¨ ïi“ n‡j cieZ©x Noun Gi Dci Verb wbf©i K‡i|
        Ex:           i) There (is/are) a chair in my reading room.
                        ii) There (is/are) three chairs in my reading room.
                        iii) There (is/are) a primary and a high school in my village.
24.   Infinitive, gerund, Noun clause  BZ¨vw` ev‡K¨i Subject wn‡m‡e _vK‡j verb singular nq&|
        Ex. i) To tell a lie (is/are) a great sin. ii) Swimming in the pond (is/are) a good exercise.
        iii) That you finished the novels (was/were) known to me.
25. The number of Øviv evK¨ ïi“ n‡j verb singular Ges A number of Øviv evK¨ ïi“ n‡j verb plural nq|
        Ex.           A large number of people (is/are) present there

                        The number of single mother family (is/are) increasing day by day.

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