The right form of words

The right form of words
Noun Gi e¨envi
1.             A, An, The GB wZbwU Articles Gi ci Noun e‡m|
‡hgb : 1. He is a boy/a teacher/an engineer 2. The book on the tableis mine.
2.             mvaviYZ `yBwU Noun Gi gv‡S of e‡m| of = Gi -- A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
                Kwi‡gi evwo= The house of Karim, ‡Pqv‡i cv= The leg of chair.
                mwjgMÄ K‡j‡Ri QvÎ =  The student of Salimgonj College.
3.             My, our, your, his, her, their, its GB possessive adjective ¸‡jvi ci Noun e‡m| †hgbt
                My house, Our school, Their car, Your pen, Its colour, Her dress.
4.             Many, more, a few, all, those, these, a number of, one of the, very few BZ¨vw`i ci plural noun e‡m| †hgbt
                Many students, these toys, a number of people, One of the boys, Those windows.
5.             Much, little Gi c‡i uncountable noun e‡m| †hgbt Much rice, Little water.
6.             This, one, each, every, many a, no, that BZ¨vw`i ci singular noun e‡m|
                ‡hgbt This book, each boy, many a boy, no one, that car.
7.             Adjective Gi ci noun e‡m| ‡hgb : An honest man, a brilliant student.
8.             Word Gi †k‡l er, ist, logy, cy, tion, ness, th, ment, ce, ism, ity, sion, age, al, ture, ess, hood, dom
BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Noun nq| er, ist, logy- _vK‡j common noun Avi evwK ¸‡jv Abstract Noun.
‡hgbt Worker, chemist, psychology, privacy, mention, carelessness, width, movement,  importance, heroism,
popularity, deceision, courage, approval, mintature, success, childhood, freedom.
9.             Noun wb‡`©kK kã ¸‡jvi ci hw` GK ev GKvwaK kã _v‡K Zvn‡j †k‡liwU Noun nq| gv‡Si¸‡jv Adjective nq| †hgbt
1. This clean new book.                                      2. That small yellow orrange
3. The large fierce animal.                                 4. An industrially develped country.
5. A small yellow flower                                     6. A very fast runner.
10.          ’s/s’- Gi Av‡M I c‡i Noun e‡m| †hgbt Marry’s cat.  Girls’ school

Use of different pronouns
1.             AndØviv hy³ `ywU Singular Noun- Gi c~‡e© hw` each  A_ev every _v‡K Z‡e G‡`i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ  Pronoun wU Singularnq|
Example : Every clerk and every peon should do (their /his) duty.
2.             hLb `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK  Singular Noun ‘And’ Øviv hy³ nq ZLb Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ Pronoun wU  Plural nq|
Example : Ruma and Soma are attentive in (her/their) lessons.
3.             `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Noun  hw` Or,Either------- or, Neither-------norØviv hy³ nq Z‡e e¨eüZ Pronoun wU wbKUeZx© Subject  Abyhvqx nq|
Example : Either Eva or Aka did (their/her) homework.
Jaill or John tried  (their/his) best to save the boy.
Either the Headmaster or the teachers have succeeded in (his/their) attempt.
Karim or his friends left (his /  their) living place.
4.             Collective noun GK A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Pronoun wU singular nq wKš‘ wfbœ wfbœ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Pronoun wU plural nq|
Example : The Jury were divided in (his/their) opinion. 
The Jury expresses same idea in (his/their) opinion.
5.             First person, Second person, Third person GKB Sentence G e¨eüZ n‡j cÖ_‡g second, third Ges †k‡lfirst person (231) e‡m|
Example : I, you and he are friends. [not correct]
                    You, he and I are friends. [correct]
                wKš‘ †`vl ¯^xKv‡ii †¶‡Î cÖ_‡g First person , Second person I †k‡l Third person (123)
                Example : You, he and I are guilty. [not correct]
                                     I, you and he an guilty. [correct]
6.             Ab¨vb¨ Noun Ges Pronoun Gi m‡½ First person e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© First person Gi Plural Pronoun e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ First person e¨eüZ bv n‡q Second persone¨eüZ n‡j Second person Gi Pronoun em‡e|
            Example : He and I did (his/our) best.
                                  You and your supporters are guilty for (their/your) evil motives.
7.             Transitive verb Ges Preposition Gi ci pronoun Gi Object iƒ‡c e‡m| †hgbt
                1. He helped you and me. 2. Let you and me go. (I n‡e bv)
8.             Be verb, than, as BZ¨vw`i ci pronoun subject iƒ‡c e‡m| †hgbt
            1. It is I who did it. 2. He is order than I (me n‡e bv)
9.             Avail, absent, pride, enjoy, exert- BZ¨vw` transitive verb Gi ci mvaviYZ subject Abymv‡i reflexive pronoun e‡m|
†hgbt  1. I enjoyed myself very much in the picnic. 2. I should avail myself of the opportunity.

Use of Adjective
1.      Adjective hLb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m mivmwi Noun †KQualify (we‡klvwqZ) K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Attributive use e‡j|
†hgb t  1. He is an honest man.  2. He is a wise man
2. Am, is, are, was, wereBZ¨vw`i ciadjective e‡m| †hgbt  1. He is wise 2. He is honest 3. The pen is red
wKš‘ Am, is, are, was, were Gi ci article _vK‡j Noun e‡m| †hgb: He is a teacher
3. Remain, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound, become BZ¨vw`i ci adjective e‡m|
†hgb:   1. Ice feels cold     2.  Honey tastes sweet      3. He remain busy.  
4. make + object + adjective e‡m|  †hgb: Moumita makes us aware.
5. article and noun Gi gv‡Sadjective e‡m| †hgb: An honest man.
Degree-Gi e¨envi
1.             Latin Adjective-Gi ci To e‡m Ges mv‡_ †Kvb comparative iƒc e‡m bv| 
                ‡hgbt Nipu is more senior than me®Nipu is senior to me.
2.             Positive degree-‡Z cÖ_g as/ so Gi ci adjective e‡m|
                He is as good as Karim. He is not so tall as his brother.
3.             mvaviYZ Positive degree Gi c~‡e© very Ges Comparative degree Gi c~‡e© much e‡m|
                ‡hgb, I am very glad to see you. 2. He is much better now.
4.             mvaiYZ Simple sentence G double comparative/superlative e‡m bv|
            ‡hgb- I fell comparatively better today = Ifell better today = I fell comparatively well today
5.             Superlative Degree Gi Av‡M The e‡m
                He is the tallest boy in the class.
6.             Unique, chief, golden, unanious, ideal, perfect-GB adjective ¸‡jvi memgq positive degree nq, comparative/superlative nq bv|
            1. This is the most unique case ® This is a unique case
                2. It was the most golden opportunity ®It was a golden opportunity.
7.             mvaviYZ GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘i `yBwU †`vl/¸Y/Ae¯’vi Zzjbv eySv‡j comparative degree Ki‡Z more+positive e¨eüZ Kiv nq| er/est ‡hvM Kiv hvq bv| †hgbt
                Raju is braver than strong. [GLv‡b ivRyi `yBwU ¸Y nj brave and strong]
                = Raju is more brave than strong.
8.             GKB ev‡K¨ Adjective Gi wfbœ degree mvaviYZ and Øviv hy³ nq bv|
                1.             Dhaka is the most crowded and very dirty city.
                                = Dhaka is a very crowded and dirty city. 
                 2.            Babu is the tallest and very intelligent boy.
                = Babu is the tallest and most intelligent boy.
9.             wbw`©ó `yB‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbv eySv‡Z comparative degree Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| than Gi cwie‡Z© of e‡m|
                1. Suny is the better of the two. 2. Jony is the wiser of the two brothers.                 
Right forms of verb
1.             Subject hw` 3rd Person I Singular number nq Gesverb hw` present Indefinite Tense- G _v‡K Zvn‡j verb Gi †k‡l s/es †hvM nq|
Ex. 1.The boy (play) football. .....................    2.The River Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean. .....................
      3.He (go) to school.           .....................       4.They (work) is the garments.                               .....................     
2.          mKj cÖKvi m‡Z¨i ‡¶‡Î Present indefinite Tense nq|[see Present Simple]
Ex. 1. The sun (rise) in the East. .....................            2. You (listen) to the radio everyday ? .....................
      3. Ice (float) on water. .         ....................           4. Babor (ascend) the throne at twelve. .....................
3.          ‡Kvb wbw`©ó mgq D‡j­L bv †_‡K sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` Adverb of frequency [always, regularly, sometimes, often, generally, daily, everyday, occasionally, usually, normally, hardly, on Fridays] _v‡K Z‡e Present Indefinite Tense nq|
Ex. 1. Normally I (finish) work at 5 P.M. .....................  2. Usually he (enjoy) parties. .....................
       3. He (prepare) his lessons regularly. .....................   4. Karim always (disturb) the class. ...................
4.             Be verb wenxb evK¨‡K Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j do/does (present simple) Gesdid (past simple) subject Gi c~†e© Avb‡Z n‡e|
Ex. 1. The girl (not/go) to school.     .....................                          2. He (sing) a song? .....................
      3. He (come) home yesterday ? .....................
5.             Interrogative Sentence hw`WH word Øviv ïi“ nq n‡e subject Gi c~‡e© Tense Abyhvqx to be verb e‡m|            
Ex.  1. How you (do) ?                       .....................           2. What you (want) ? .....................

6.             Sentence G AZxZ wb‡`©kK kã †hgb yesterday, ago, one day, then, once, once upon a time, the previous day,    long since, last+ time, early, in the ancient time, long long ago BZ¨vw` _vK‡j verb Gi past form nq|
Ex. 1. He (leave) home last night. .....................    2. I (come) home yesterday. .....................
       3. I (see) you long ago.           .....................    4. Long long ago there (be) a king in a country. ...................
7.          Pjgvb Ae¯’v eySv‡j eZ©gvb mg‡q verbGi Present Continuous Tense nq| G‡¶‡Î eZ©gvb mg‡qi j¶Y  †hgb- Now, this+time, at this moment, day by day, step by step BZ¨vw` D‡j­L _v‡K |
Ex. 1. He (sing) a song now. .....................        2. They (watch) T.V at this moment. .....................
                   3. This year we (not/grow) any vegetable. ..................... 4. The population (increase) day by day. ................
8.             Sentence G just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, so far, for a long time, since breakfast BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Perfect Tense nq|
Ex. 1. I (see) him recently. .....................                           2. You ever (be) to Dhaka? .....................
       3. He (go) out just now. .....................                         4. I (do) it already                .....................
9.             Has/have/had/to be/being /having BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi past participle  nq|
Ex. 1. He had (have) his revenge. .....................              2. I have (have) my meat. .....................
       3. We have (make) him captain                . .....................         4. I have a lot of work to be (do)  .....................
10.          GKwU Sentence G `yBwU verb_vK‡j e¨v‡K‡Ui verb wUi mv‡_ ‘ing’ †hvM nq|
Ex. 1. I saw him (go) .....................                                     2. I don’t want (leave) the place. .....................
11.          No sooner had ––––––––– than.
Scarcely had –––––––––– when.
Hardly had –––––––––––– when.
DcwiD³ MV‡b evK¨ MwVZ n‡j Had Gi c‡ii verb Past Participle n‡e Ges  than / when- Gi c‡ii  ‘verb’ Past form n‡e|
Ex. 1. No sooner had he (see) the police than he (run) away.                     ..........................................
       2. Scarcely had they(reach) the station when the train (start).            ..........................................
12.          Since / as if / as though Gi cÖ_g Ask present indefinite / perfect n‡j c‡ii Ask   past indefinite  n‡e|
Ex.          1. It is many years since I (come) to Dhaka.                                 ..........................................
2. Many years have passed since they ( meet)              ..........................................     
                3.He speaks as thought he (know) every thing.             ..........................................
wKš‘ cÖ_g Ask past indefinite n‡j c‡ii Ask Past Perfect n‡e|
Ex.  1. It was long since I (see) her last. .....................        2. She proceeded as if I (not / speak). .....................
13.          Before/After- Gi structure wbgœiƒc t
·      Past Perfect + Before + Past indefinite.
·      Past indefinite + after + Past Perfect
Ex. 1. The patient (die) before the doctor (come)         ........................................
       2. The patient (die) after the doctor (come)            .........................................
14.          Had better, had rather, would rather, let, must, need, dare, can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, going to , do not, did not, does not, to, bare infinitive BZ¨vw`i ci verb Gi base form  nq|
Ex. 1. You had better (go) home.     .....................                           2. You must (do) it. .....................
      3. I will not let you (enter) the room. .....................    4. We did not (go) to school. .....................
15.          Would that w`‡q sentence ïi“ n‡j subject Gi ci could em‡e|
Ex. 1. Would that I (go) to college. .....................            2. Would that I (sing) a song. .....................
16.          Mind, worth, without, past, cannot help, could not help, with a view to, look forward to, would you mind, get used to, of, for, on, in, by, Ges prepositional phrase BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ‘ing’ nq|
Ex. 1. Would you mind (open) the door? ..................... 2. Look forward to (hear) from you. .................
17.          It is high time, it is time, wish, fancy BZ¨vw` c‡i verb Gi past form nq|
Ex. 1. I fancy I (turn) pale. .....................                          2. I wish I (sing) a song. .....................
3. It is high time we (go) to the station. .....................      4. It is time we (start) to work. .....................
18.          As if, as though, wish, had Øviv subjunctive mood cÖKvk †c‡j ‘to be verb’ Gi RvqMvq were n‡e|
Ex. 1. I wish I (to be) a king. .....................                       2. He talks as if he (to be) a leader. .....................
19.          Main clause Gi  ‘verb’ Past tense n‡j Ges c‡ii As‡k the next+time D‡j­L _vK‡j eªv‡K‡Ui  verb Gi Av‡M should / would em‡e|
Ex. 1. He said that he (go) home the next day. .....................
20.          Passive voice Gi †¶‡Î am/is/are/was/were BZ¨vw`i ci verb Gi past participle n‡e |
Ex. 1. The book was (steal) .....................                         2. The man was (hang) for murder. .....................
21.          If + Present Indefinite + Future Indefinite.
             Ex. 1. If he works hard, he (shine) in life. ..........................................                                                              
                   2. If you run in the sun, you (catch) could. ..........................................
22.          If + Past simple + Past conditional [Past conditional = Sub+ would/might/could+ verb Gi base form]
Ex. 1. If he came, I (go) .....................                               2. If I had a type writer, I (type) myself. .....................
23.          If+ Past perfect + Perfect conditional [Perfect conditional = Sub+ would /could + have + v.p.p]
Ex. 1. If I had seen him, I (tell) the matter .....................  2. Had I been a king, I (help) the poor. .....................
                  3. I would have brought a pen, If you (tell) me. .....................
                  4. If you had started earlier, you (catch) the burn. .....................
24.          ‡Kvb KvR c~‡e© ïi“ n‡q GLbI ch©š— Pj‡Q  eySv‡j verb mvaviYZ Present Perfect Continuous  Tense nq| G‡¶‡Î Sentence – G mvaviYZ since / for _v‡K|
Ex. 1. I (read) for three years. .....................                     2. It (rain) since morning. .....................
25.          Have, has, had, get, got- BZ¨vw` verb  ¸wj hw` causative verb Gi KvR K‡i Zvn‡j eªv‡K‡Ui ‘verb’ Past participle n‡e|
Ex. 1. I got the work (do) by him. .....................              2. I had my rice (cook) .....................
26.          Lest hy³ Sentence – Gi MVb : Clause+ lest + sub +should + verb Gibase form.
Ex. 1. He ran fast lest he (miss) the train. ..................... 
27.          While Gi c‡i verb _vK‡j Zvi ing mv‡_ †hvM nq Ges sentenece   _vK‡j Past Continuous Tense nq |
            Ex. 1. While (walk) in the garden, snake bit him. .....................
                       2. While he (walk) in the garden, snake bit him. .....................
28.          Singular subject + Singular verb Ges  Plural sub + plural verb em‡e|
            Ex. 1. The colour of his eyes (be) blue. .....................  
29.          GKB ˆ`N©¨, cwigvY I ¯’vb eySv‡jsubject  †`L‡Z plural n‡jI verb singular n‡e|
            Ex. 1. Fifty  miles (be) along way. .....................
30.          Possessive (my, his, our, their, your, its, her, Moumita’s) Gi ci verb mv‡_ ING ‡hvM nq|
            ‡hgbt 1. I supported his (go) there...........................
                         2. We missed the train for Sumon’s (to be) late.............................
31.          Start. Stop, like, enjoy, hate, give, begin, avoid, practise, prevent, recollect, regret, remember, commence, admit, deny, confess, continue, dislike, excuse, finish, forgive, hinder, imagine, keep, miss, pardon, mention-BZ¨vw`i ci v + ing form nq|               
                ‡hgbt 1.Stop (write)/ Start (run)....................    2. Avoid (mix) with the bad boys...............................
32.          Wait, want, demand, hope, expect, pretend, agree, deserve, fail, hesitate, manage, arrange, ask, claim, decide, offer, plan, prepare, promise, refuse, threaten BZ¨vw`i ci to + verb nq|
            ‡hgbt I. we had planned (to leave) day before yestarday.   
                     2. We demanded (to know) our status............................................
33.          Please, let, see, watch, hear, make, help BZ¨vw`i ci bare infinitive nq|
            ‡hgbt 1. Please (take) a cup of tea..............................  2. He eat his brother (work) in this factory.......................
Adverb Gi e¨envi
1.             Adverb of Manner, Adverb of place, Adverb of time mvaviYZ Verb Gi c‡i e‡m, Avi hw` object _v‡K  Z‡e object Gi ci e‡m| †hgbt
                1. It is raining heavily. (adverb of manner)
                2. He will come here. [adverb of place]
                3. I met him yeasterday. [adverb of time]
2.             Adverb of frequency mvaviYZ action verb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| Avi helping verb Ges action verb _vK‡j action verb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| wKš‘ be ver Gi c‡i e‡m| †hgbt
            1. He always speaksthe truth. 2. She has never seen a tiger. 3. He is always busy.
3.             Adverb hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgbt
            1. The book is very interesting. 2. Karim is a rather lazy boy.
4.             m¤ú~Y© evK¨‡K modify Kivi Rb¨ adverb ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g e‡m| †hgbt
                1. Fortunately, I was saved. 2. Unfortunately, I have lost my key.
5.             GKwU ev‡K¨ hw` `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Adverb _v‡K Zvn‡j Av‡M manner, c‡i place Ges me‡k‡l time em‡e|  (MPT) ‡hgbt
                1. Runu sang sweetly int the hall last evening.
                2. He worked hard yesterday. 3. I shall there early.  


1.      The moon (shine) at night.
2.      Flowers (be) the gift of nature.
3.      It (dew) in winter.
4.      The rich (be) not always happy.
5.      The virtuous (be) blessed.
6.      The pious (be) happy.
7.      Ice (float) on water.
8.      He (carry) an umbrella daily.
9.      What you (do) now?
10.  Why Mr. peter (look) so angry?
11.  You (watch) television often ?
12.  He usually (go) to school by bus but today he (go) by train.
13.  Size does not matter for (chop) wood.
14.  The baby (cry) because it is hungry now.
15.  What you (go) to drink now?
16.  He (return) home just now.
17.  The play just (begin).
18.  He (not finish)  the work yet.
19.  I just (have) a snack.
20.  Have you ever (be) to Cox’s Bazaar.
21.  Why she (look) so nervous.
22.  My brother just (move) to a new place
23.  I can’t help (listen) to them.
24.  You (see) her lately?
25.  I have a boy (come) from the orphanage.
26.  We are none of us (get) any younger.
27.  I don’t mind (have) asparagus.
28.  I saw him (go) to the town.
29.  I answered (thank) her.
30.  The old sailor went away (leave) the marriage guest.
31.  They just (reach) the playground.
32.  What you generally (do) for a living ?
33.  Suman just (get) his revenge.
34.  I just (receive) my father’s letter.
35.  The tree not (bear) any fruit yet.
36.  He recently (return) home from abroad.
69.  I found the boy (sleep) on the bed.
70.  They saw the drunken porter (lie) on the floor.
71.  It is many years since they first (meet).
72.  It was long since I (see) her.
73.  They (play) football since morning.
74.  Their family (live) in Dhaka for the last five years.
75.  They (play) football since morning.
76.  I not (choose)my career yet.
77.  I (see) her long since.
78.  Last night I (have) a wonderful dream.
79.  He (go) ten minute ago.
80.  We (be) in Dhaka since last week.
81.  The boy (suffer) from fever for five days.
82.  It is high time we (start) the work.
83.  He talks as though he (be) a king.
84.  It is time he (leave) home.
85.  Nimmi wishes she (be) a millionaire.
86.  I wish I (sing).
87.  Eva proceeded as though I not (speak).
88.  He tells the matter as if he (know) it.
89.  I fancy I (turn) a trifle pale.
90.  The door was (open) by a Christian. 
91.  Jim was greatly (love) by Della.
92.  When was the book (buy)?
93.  The beggar went away (cry).
94.  He looked at his mother (smile).
95.  Della (save) every penny she could.
96.  Today she (weigh) twenty-one stone.
97.  Fifty miles (be) a long way.
37.  Why (be) you not with her ?
38.  His eyes (be) fixed upon Della.
39.  The headmaster and the secretary (be) present in the meeting yesterday.
40.  When you (come) last night ?
41.  It is high time we (start) for the station.
42.  If I were a bird, I (fly) in the sky.
43.  Would that I (enter) the room.
44.  The principal desired the notice to be (hang).
45.  I went outside the cabin having (forget) him.
46.  If I (see) him, I (tell) him the matter.
47.  If you wanted, I (help) you.
48.  If he comes, I (go).
49.  If someone had not mentioned her name. I hardly think I (recognize) her.
50.  Had you told me, I (bring) a toy.
51.  Had the king Solmon been the Janitor, Jim (pull) out his watch.
52.  Had you brought me here yesterday, I (fall) difficulty. 
53.  If he ran fast, he (get) the prize.
54.  Arabic is (speak) in Arab countries.
55.  If I (try), I might have succeeded.
56.  Many a boy (be) present in the meeting.
57.  If you play in the rain, you (catch) could.
58.  Fahim (play) for two hours.
59.  The principal wants the building (paint).
60.    The porter found the words (inscribe) on the door.
61.  She normally (take) her breakfast at7 a.m.
62.  I get the work (do) by him.
63.  The bus (leave) before I reached the station.
64.  We started after the train (start).
65.  Rome was not (build) in a day.
66.  One should not say anything without (know).
67.  I did not get used to (write) on this rough paper.
68.  Would you mind (open) the door?
98.  He insisted on my (go) to college.
99.  He is capable of (do) the work.
100.  We never planned of (go) there before.
101.  Ruman went to new market with a view to (buy) a shirt.
102.  They are bent upon (do) the work.
103.  Shamim said that he already (finish) reading the book.
104.  You had better (to go) home.
105.  Let him (to do) the work.
106.  The writer dared not (to drive) at night.
107.  The man was (hang) for murder.
108.  The agenda (be) carefully set.
109.  He did nothing but (sing) all day.
110.  The patriot looks forward to (receive) his reward from God.
111.  While they (play), the rain came.
112.  He started saving money lest he (fall) into trouble.
113.  I got work (do).
114.  Each boy (be) present in the meeting yesterday.
115.  The quality of the mangoes (be) good.
116.  A string of pearls (be) less bright than her teeth.
117.  The mounds (be) a heavy weight.
118.  The united stated of America (be) a resourceful country.
119.  There (be) a big tree is front of our college.
120.  There are (be) many trees in front of our college

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

নবীনতর পূর্বতন