Joining Sentence

Joining Sentence
Too ---------------To
1.         It is a very interesting matter. I cannot overlook it.
2          I was very young. I had not learnt to say ‘no’ to a woman.
3.         The weather was very cold. We could not go out.
4.         Fog filled the mountain passes very treacherously. The authoress dared not drive at night.
5.         The tea is very hot. It cannot be drunk.
Enough to
1.         Jerry was very honest. He admitted his fault.
2.         He had strength. He could do the work.
3.         The bay was very stormy. We couldnot cross it.
4.         The ice has thickness. We can walk on it.
5.         The load was very light. He carried it easily.

Because of
1.         He was delayed. He missed the train.
2.         There was heavy rainfall. I could not go out.
3.         I was saved. I showed a true love for all living things.
4.         Salmon was very costly. The writer could not afford it.
5.         There was dense fog. The writer delayed to return.

In spite of
1.         It rained heavily. There was no flood.
1.                  The bird was innocent. The sailor shot it one day.
2.                  The flower is sweet It does not look red.
3.                  There was water everywhere around them. They had not a drop to drink.
4.                  He cried loudly. 1 could not hear him.
1.         We went to bed late. We got up early in the morning.
2.         She was talking. I was prepared to be an attentive listener.
3.         It exists. It is difficult to explain.                                                                        
4.         I ordered a bottle of shampagne. I turned a trifle pale.                                         
5.         1 could not ask. I was burning with questions.
So that
1.         We work hard. We want to earn money.
2.         Shohel went to Cyprus. He wanted to get higher education.
3.         He eats food. He wants to get strength.
4.         He came to my house. His purpose was to meet me.
5.         He spoke loudly. He wanted the audience to hear him.

1.         It was a very big stone. The baby could not take it.
2.         It was far beyond my means. 1 had never thought of going there.
3.         It was even in texture.  So 1 went back to sleep.
4.         The weather was very cold. They could not go out.
5.         Jim was very punctual. He was never late.
Present Participle
1.         He finished the work. He submitted the bill.
2.         The guest stood still. He listened to the sailor.
3.         Salmon was very costly. The writer could not taste it.
4.         The tea is very hot. I cannot drink it.
5.         They saw the drunken porter. He lay on the floor.
Relative Pronoun
1.         The girl is my sister. She got the first prize.
2.         My aunt is a doctor. She works in the hospital.
3.         1 found them all living in a cabin. It belonged to the school.
4.         I meet the boy. His brother is a doctor.
5.         The man is a famous doctor. I met him in the bus.

Not only ---------But also
1          He is weak in English. He is weak in Bengali.
2.         The lady ate caviar. She also drank coffee.
3.         I will miss you. Pat will miss you.
4.         We gave him food. We gave him shelter.
5.         He heard music all around him. He heard two voices in the air.

1.                  Jerry came timely. He must look after pat.
2.                  People buy fish and vegetables. They go to the market.
3.         1 shall never do it again. I am determined.
4.         We want to earn money. We work hard.
5.         He entered the room silently. He did not want to disturb others.

1.         The sea was frozen. The ice was all around them.
2.         You cannot eat any more. You have filled your stomach.
3.                  He was punished. He behaved badly.
4.                  Jim was poor. He could not buy a chain.
5.                  It was expensive. It was not on the bill of fare.

1.        He has no mother. He has no skates.
2.         The room is not spacious. It is also not comfortable.
3.         1 had never shot an elephant. I had never wanted to shoot a bird.
4.         He will not eat. He will not play
5.         Amin was not late. Asif was not late.

No sooner -------------- than
1.         1 grew older. 1 rushed to comic papers.
2.         He entered the room. The bell rang.
3.         She heard the news. She fell ill.
4.         The sun set. The authoress started the car.
5.         Pat saw Jerry. It shook its tail.

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