Common Mistakes

Errors in the use of prepositions
Some verbs are directly followed by direct objects without prepositions. Examples are: discuss, enter, marry, lack, resemble and approach.
Incorrect: My father loves with me.
Correct: My father loves me.
Incorrect: We reached at the airport.
Correct: We reached the airport.
Incorrect: He ordered for my dismissal.
Correct: He ordered my dismissal.
Incorrect: John married with his cousin.
Correct: John married his cousin.
Incorrect: Jane entered into the room.
Correct: Jane entered the room.
Prepositions are not used in expressions of time beginning next, last, this, one, each, every, some, any and all.
Incorrect: See you on next Monday.
Correct: See you next Monday.
Incorrect: I will be rich on someday.
Correct: I will be rich someday.
Incorrect: We met on one Friday in February.
Correct: We met one Friday in February.
Prepositions are not used directly before the conjunction that.
Incorrect: I knew about that she had decided to quit.
Correct: I knew that she had decided to quit. OR I knew about her decision to quit.
Incorrect: I had no idea of that she had problems.
Correct: I had no idea that she had problems. OR I had no idea of her problems.
Prepositions are not normally used before infinitives in English.
Incorrect: I am thinking of to write a novel.
Correct: I am thinking of writing a novel.
Incorrect: I don’t like the idea of to get old.
Correct: I don’t like the idea of getting old.
Incorrect: She is very good at to cook.
Correct: She is very good at cooking

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