Exercises on English Tenses

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive)
  1. Look! Sara (go)/ is going to the movies.
  2. On her right hand, Sara (carry)/ is carrying her handbag.
  3. The handbag (be) is very beautiful.
  4. Sara usually (put) /puts on black shoes but now she (wear) /is wearing white trainers.
  5. And look, she (take) is taking an umbrella because it (rain) /is raining
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect)
  1. When he (wake up) /woke up , his mother (already /prepare) /had already prepared breakfast
  2. We (go) /went to London because our friends (invite) /had invited us
  3. He (hear)/ heard the news, (go) /went to the telephone and (call) /called a friend.
  4. When she (start) /started learning English she (already /learn) /had already learned French.
  5. Jane (already / type) /had already typed three pages when her computer (crash) /crashed .
  6. By the time the doctor (arrive) /arrived at the house the patient ( die) /had died .
  7. Before that day we (never / think) /had never thought of traveling to Japan.
  8. I (know) /had known him a long time before I (meet) /met his family.
  9. They (not / know) /did not know where to meet because nobody (tell) /had told them.
  10. It (be) /had been / 'd been cloudy for days before it (begin) /began to rain.
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect).
  1. I (just / finish)/ have just finished my homework.
  2. Mary (already / write) /has already written five letters.
  3. Tom (move) /moved to his home town in 1994.
  4. My friend (be) /was in Canada two years ago.
  5. I (not / be) /have not been to Canada so far.
  6. But I (already / travel) /have already traveled to London a couple of times.
  7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) /went to the cinema.
  8. I can't take any pictures because I (not /buy) /have not bought a new film yet.
  9. (they / spend) /Did they spend their holidays in Paris last summer?
  10. (you / ever / see ) /Have you ever seen a whale?
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
  1. The receptionist (welcome) /welcomed the guests and (ask) /asked them to fill in the form
  2. The car (break) /broke down and we (have) /had to walk home.
  3. The boys (swim) /were swimming while the girls (sunbath) /were sunbathing.
  4. My father (come) /came in, (look) /looked and (tell) /told me to tidy up my room.
  5. While one group (prepare) /was preparing dinner the others (collect) /were collecting wood for the campfire.
  6. While the parents (have) /were having breakfast the children (run) /were running about.
  7. Martha (turn) /turned off the light and (go) /went to bed.
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple future or future perfect)
  1. Tomorrow I think I (start) /will start my new project.
  2. I (finish) /will have finished it by the end of this month.
  3. The teacher (probably/assign) /will probably assign  a test to his students next Monday.
  4. He (correct) /will have corrected  it by the end of next week.
  5. My friend (certainly/get) /will certainly get  a good mark.
  6. By 9 o'clock, we (finish) /will have finished our homework.
  7. They (leave) /will have left the classroom by the end of the hour.
  8. I think I (start) /will start my trip tomorrow


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