Linking words: for SSC

Linking words:
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                          
There are six seasons in the year.Winter season is a remarkable season of the year.A Winter morning is cool (a)-----I get up from bed early in the morning, I have to face some problems.Nature looks pale(c)-----the sun rises.(d)-----the sun rises,the fog disappears gradually(e)----there are some difficulties, I like it very much.(eQ‡i QqwU SZz|kxZKvj eQ‡ii GKwU D‡j­L‡hvM¨ SZz|kx‡Zi mKvj VvÛv wKš‘ Lye mKv‡j Avwg weQvbv Z¨vM Kwi|kxZKv‡j hLb Avwg Lye mKv‡j kh¨v Z¨vM Kwi,Avgv‡K wKQz mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡Z nq|m~h© bv DVv ch©š‘ cÖK…wZ‡K weeY© †`Lvq|hLb m~h© D‡V,ZLb ax‡i ax‡i Kzqvkv †K‡U hvq|hw`I wKQz Kó nq,Avwg GUv‡K Lye cQ›` Kwi|)
            Answer: (a) but (b) when (c) until (d) when (e) though
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
The paragraph and essay are different from each other.(a)-----there are some difficulties between them.(b)----the paragraph has a topic sentence to introduce the main idea.Scondly it has a number of sentences in the middle to develop that idea.(c)-----there is a concluding sentence in it to bring the main idea to a close,(d)----the eassy also consists of a beginning,a middle and an end.It is,(e)----obvious that the paragraph and the essay share some common features in respect of the structures.(Aby‡”Q` Ges cÖeÜ GKwU AciwU  †_‡K Avjv`v|wKš— Zv‡`i g‡a¨ wKQz mv`„k¨ Av‡Q|cÖ_gZ Aby‡”Q‡`i GKwU welqe¯‘ m¤^Übxq evK¨ _v‡K hv g~j wPš—v‡K cwiwPZ K‡i|wØZxqZ gvSLv‡b Gi KZK¸‡jv evK¨ _v‡K hv g~j wPš—v¸‡jv‡K DbœZ K‡i|cwi‡k‡l Gi g‡a¨ GKUv me©‡kl evK¨ _v‡K hv cÖavb wPš—vavivi †Q` Uv‡b|wKš— GKBfv‡e cÖe‡Üi I GKwU Avi¤¢,GKwU ga¨eZ©x ¯’vb Ges GKwU Dcmsnvi _v‡K|ZvB GUv ¯úó †h,Aby‡”Q` Ges cÖeÜ MVb Abymv‡i KZK¸‡jv mvaviY ‰ewk‡ói AwaKvix|)
Answer: (a) besides (b)firstly (c) finally (d) but (e) therefore
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
last of all
Such as
first of all
English is the most widely used international language, (a)---communication with the foreigners, we cannot but use this language. There are certain jobs in the country(b)-----job of a pilot, a post man, a telephone operator etc where English is very essential.(c)---student wishing to go abroad must learn English.(d)----the importance of learning English in our country cannot be ignored .(e)---we should put high importance of learning. (Bs‡iwR e¨vcK e¨eüZ GKwU AvšÍ©RvwZK fvlv|we‡`kx‡`I mv‡_ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi †¶‡Î Avgiv GB fvlv bv e¨envi K‡I cvwi bv| ‡`‡k wKQy wbw©`ó PvKwi Av‡Q †hgb cvBjU,WvKwcIb,†Uwj‡dvb Acv‡iUi BZ¨vw` †hLv‡b Bs‡iwR AZ¨vek¨Kxq|GQvov I we‡`‡k †h‡Z B”QyK Qv·K Aek¨B Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z n‡e|myZivs Avgv‡`i †`‡k Bs‡iwR wkLvi ¸iZ¡‡K Ae‡njv Kiv hv‡e bv|cwi‡k‡l Bs‡iwR wk¶vi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i AwaK ¸i“Z¡ w`‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) while (b) such as (c) besides (d) so (e) rather
  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list.             
so that
The importance of English can hardly be exaggerated (a)…….it is a global language. We need to learn it for higher studies (b)…….books of almost all faculties of knowledge are written English.(c)…….if we do not know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive forces of the world.(d)…..learning and teaching English in Bangladesh suffer serious set-backs (e)…..most of the learners are not keen to learn it.(Bs‡iwRi ¸iyZ KgB evwo‡q ejv †h‡Z cv‡i †h‡nZz GwU GKwU ˆewk¦K fvlv|Avgv‡`i D”P wk¶vi Rb¨ Bnv ‡kLv `iKvi †h‡nZz Áv‡bi  cÖvq wel‡qi eB cy¯—KB Bs‡iwR‡Z wjwLZ|GQvov hw` Avgiv Bs‡iwR bv Rvwb,Zvn‡j Avgiv we‡k¦i cÖMwZkxj MwZi mv‡_ Zvj wgjv‡Z e¨_© ne|evsjv‡`‡k Bs‡iwR †kLv I †kLv‡bv Dfq †¶‡ÎB gvivZ¡K mgm¨v i‡q‡Q|KviY AwaKvsk wk¶v_©x GUv †kLvi e¨vcv‡i AvMÖnx bq|)
           Answer: (a) since (b) as (c) besides (d) both (e) because
  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list
other man
along with
As well as
An ideal student should have such qualities (a)---- -would attract other students to follow him. He should be punctual (b)---- --well-disciplined. He should not waste his time and energy in anything (c)—his studies. Besides an ideal students should be polite and well-behaved with all (d) ----in his institutions and outside. His polite and gentle behaviour (e)- -----academic excellence makes him dear to teachers and students. (GKRb Av`©k Qv‡Îi wKQz ¸bvejx Av‡Q|hv Ab¨vb¨ QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i AvK©lb K‡i _v‡K Zv‡K Abymib Kivi Rb¨|Zv‡K wbqAvbyewZ©Zv Ges myk„sLjvc~Y© n‡Z n‡e|Zvi mgq Ges kw³ bó Kiv DwPZ bq Zvi covïbv e¨ZxZ|GQvov I GKRb Av`©k Qv‡Îi bg¨ n‡Z n‡e Ges cÖwZôv‡b I  cÖwZôv‡bi evB‡i Zvi fvj e¨envi _vK‡Z n‡e| Zvi bgªZv Ges AgvwqK e¨envi Zvi mv‡_ GKv‡WwgK djvdj Zvi wk¶K‡`i Ges QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Kv‡Q wcÖq nq|)
Answer:(a) that/as (b) as well as (c) other that (d) both (e) along with
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
Trees are very useful to us. They help us in many ways. They give us oxygen, food and shade.(a)---,they protect us from air pollution.(b)-----many people are not aware of this. They are cutting down trees every moment without consideration.(c)---they continue to do it, one day there will be no trees left on earth.(d)---this really happens ,our lives will be at stake.(e)---,we should stop this practice immediately and grow more and more trees for our own survival. (MvQ Avgv‡`i Rb¨ LyeB cÖ‡qvRbxq| Zviv Avgv‡`i A‡bK DcKvi K‡i _v‡K| MvQ Avgv‡`i AwK&ª‡Rb,Lv`¨,Ges Avkªq †`q|GQvovI MvQ Avgv‡`i‡K evqy`~lb †_‡K i¶v K‡i|wKš‘ A‡bK †jvKB GUv m¤ú©‡K m‡PZb bq|Awe‡P‡Ki gZ Zviv cÖwZwbqZB MvQcvjv KvU‡Q|hw` Zviv Bnv Pvwj‡q hvq Zvn‡j GKw`b c„w_ex‡Z †Kvb MvQcvjv _vK‡e bv|hw` GUv mwZ¨ A‡_© N‡U Avgv‡`i Rxeb wecbœ n‡e|myZivs Avgv‡`i GB Af¨vm Awej‡¤^ e›Ø Kiv DwPZ mv‡_ mv‡_ wU‡K _vKvi Rb¨ †ekx †ekx MvQ jvMv‡bv DwPZ|)
Answer:(a) besides (b) but (c) If (d) when (e) so
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
Teaching is such a profession (a)---helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b)---a guide (c)---a pioneer. He has to dedicate to this noble profession in order to guide the nation.(d)---he is called an architect of a new society.(e)---he neglects his duties. (wk¶KZv Ggb GKwU †ckv hv GKwU RvwZ MV‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i|GKRb wk¶K c_cÖ`©kK Ges AMª`~Z DfqB|RvwZi w`K wb‡`©kbvq Zv‡K Ges gnr †ckvq wb‡R‡K DrmM© Ki‡Z nq| ZvB Zv‡K GKwU bZzb mgv‡Ri wb©gvZv ejv nq| hw` ‡m Zvi `vwqZ¡ Ae‡njv K‡i mvgvwRK k„sLjv †f‡½ co‡e|)
Answer:(a) that (b) both (c) and (d) so (e) If
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
In order to
Even if
First of all
(a)---solve the problem of copying in the examination, the government has taken some preventive measures.(b)-----the government is trying to raise public awareness. Recently the government has announced a law that if any student is found copying in the examination hall, he/she will be expelled from the hall.(c)---any invigilator is found helping any examinee ,legal action will be taken against him/her.(d)---outsiders are found involved in helping any examinee in copying, they will also be punished.(e)---the government has interchanged examination centres and formed invigilators teams to monitor the overall condition of the examination centres. (cix¶vq bKj mgm¨vi mgvav‡bi Rb¨ miKvi wKQy Kvh©Kix c`‡¶c wb‡q‡Q|cÖ_gZ,miKvi Rbm‡PZbZv RvMÖZ Ki‡Z †Póv Ki‡Q|m¤cÖwZ miKvi GKwU AvBb †Nvlbv K‡i‡Q †h,hw` †Kvb Qv·K cix¶vi n‡j bKj Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq Zv‡K ewn¯‹…Z Kiv n‡e|hw` †Kvb cix¶K †Kvb cix¶v_x©‡K mvnvh¨ K‡I, Zvn‡j Zvi wei~‡Ø AvBbvbyM e¨em&nv †bIqv n‡e|Ggb wK hw` †Kvb ewnivMZ cix¶v_x©‡K bKj Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡I Zviv I kvw¯Í cv‡e|AwaKšÍ miKvi cix¶vi †K›`ªmg~n cv¯úvwiK cwieZ©b K‡i‡Q Ges cix¶v †K‡›`ªi m‡©evcwi Aem&nv ch©‡e¶Y Kivi Rb¨ cix¶K `j MVb K‡i‡Q|)
Answer:(a) In order to (b) first of all (c) If (d) Even if (e) moreover
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                         
so that
as if
In order to
Most of our students cannot write out their examination paper fairly.(a)-----they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details.(b)---teacher suggest (c)------their answer should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily.(d)-------get expected marks you all should understand the question well and answer them to the point. Don’t worry (e)-----you answers are fairly short. (‡ekxi fvM QvÎ cix¶vi LvZvq my›`ifv‡e wjL‡Z cv‡i bv|‡h‡nZz Zviv cÖkœcÎ mwVKfv‡e ey‡S bv ZvB Zviv cÖvq AÜKv‡i wXj gv‡i Ges Ab©_K K_vevZv©q c~Y© DËi bv ey‡S gyL¯Í K‡i|hw`I Zv‡`i wk¶KMb Zv‡`i civgk© †`q †h Zv‡`i DËi msw¶ß nIqv DwPZ Zviv Ab©_K G¸‡jv `xN© K‡i|fvj b¤^i †c‡Z †Zvgv‡`i mK‡ji cÖkœcÎ fvjfv‡e eySv DwPZ Ges cÖ‡kœ hv †P‡q‡Q Zvi DËi Kiv DwPr|‡Zvgvi DËicÎ †gvUvgywU msw¶ß n‡jI Gi Rb¨ `ywðšÍvi †Kvb KviY †bB|)
Answer: (a) as (b) although (c) that (d) In order to (e) if
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                          
There is hardly anybody (a)---does not like flowers. Flowers are symbols of beauty and purity. Flowers are of many kinds.(b)---of them the rose is the best one. People like it most (c)----it has sweet fragrance and beauty.(d)---flowers bloom, nature wears a charming look. We cannot help gazing at them. Flowers always charm and amuse us with their beauty and sweet scent.(e)---flowers are very necessary for human life.(Ggb †jvK Lye Kg †h dzj fvjev‡m bv|dzj †mŠ›`h© I cweÎZvi cÖZxK|dzj wewfbœ ai‡bi|hv‡`i g‡a¨ †Mvjvc m‡ev©rK…ó| †jvKRb GUv †ekx cQ›` K‡I KviY Gi mywgó NÖvY I †mŠ›`h© Av‡Q|hLb dzj †dv‡U ZLb cÖK…wZ g‡bvig mvR avib K‡i|Avgiv Gi K_v bv e‡j cvwi bv|dzj me©`v AvK©wlZ Ges Avbw›`Z K‡i †Zv‡j Gi †mŠ›`h© I mywgó NÖvY Øviv|dzj gvbe Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Lye cÖ‡qvRbxq|)
Answer: (a) who (b) and/but (c) as (d) when (e) so
  1. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                          
at last
at first
Dengue fever is a serious disease(a)---is caused by a kind of virus called “Dengue Virus”.(b)----this virus was identified in Africa (c)---now it has spread all over the world.(d)---in most cases dengue fever has its remedy,it is better to prevent it.(e)---we keep our house clean and people are conscious of it,we can easily avoid this disease.(‡W½y R¡i GKwU gvivZ¡K †ivM hv GK ai‡bi fvBivm †_‡K m„wó nq|cÖ_gZ G fvBivm Avwd«Kvq mbv³ Kiv n‡qwQj wKš‘ GLb GUv c„w_exi meΩ Qwo‡q †M‡Q|hw`I AwaKvsk †¶‡Î †W½y R¡‡ii wbivgq Av‡Q,GUv‡K cÖwZ‡iva KivB DËgZi|hw` Avgiv Avgv‡`i M„nmg~n cwi¯‹vi ivwL Ges G m¤ú©‡K m‡PZb nq,Zvn‡j Avgiv mn‡R G †ivM Gwo‡q †h‡Z cvwi|)
            Answer: (a) which (b) at first (c) but (d) although (e) if

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