Mini Vocabulary for free writing

------------ am/is/are+ certain that-wbwðZ
(and) that implies that (Ges ) Zv †_‡K GUv Abygvb Kviv hvq †h....
..what follows from this that
                                  ¶‡Y  ¶‡b, †_‡K †_‡K
After  having  property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKv/cvIqvi ci
‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi †¶‡&Î/cvIqvi †¶‡&Î
Before having  property  ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi c~‡e©/cvIqvi c~‡e©
For having property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi Kvi‡Y/cvIqvi Kvi‡Y
behind having +property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi wcQ‡b/cvIqvi wcQ‡b
‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi/cvIqvi e¨vcv‡i
Through  doing something ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi/cvIqvi gva¨‡g
Having +property ‡Kvb wKQy ‡c‡q
Doing something ‡Kvb wKQy K‡i
Inspite of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kiv m‡Z¡ I
From doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kiv n‡Z/†_‡K
In doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi †¶‡Î
Before  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi c~‡e©
After  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi ci
Instead of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi cwie‡Z©
On  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Dc‡i
About/of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi e¨vcv‡i /m¤ú‡K©/wel‡q
By doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi g‡a¨ w`‡q/gva¨‡g
Without  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Qvov/e¨ZxZ
Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨/‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨ ev Ki‡ZBecause of doing something/In case of doing something    
For doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨
‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨ ev Ki‡Z
With doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi wb‡q/mv‡_
‡Kvb wKQy n‡q
‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi `iyb
In  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi †¶‡Î
Beside  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi cvkvcwk
‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi Rb¨,j‡¶¨, D‡Ïk¨,
Behind  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi wcQ‡b
….this implies that …..
….truly speaking mZ¨ ej‡Z wK
……kind of    (mvaviYxKib)
…divided into  wefË/fvM Kiv
A big sum of +noun weivU As‡Ki
A bit   wKQy mgq
a few K‡qK Rb /KqKwU , Aí K‡qKwU ,AíwKQy (h †Mvbv hvq )
A few minutes ago  K‡qK wgwbU Av‡M
A few years ago-K‡qK  eQi Av‡M
a few-mvgvb¨
A good deal of  eûmsL¨K/cÖPzi
A good number of ‡ek
A group of   mgwó
a jiffy-GKgyn~‡Z© g‡a¨
a little longer-Avi wKQy¶b
A little-wKQy cwi gvb , Aí cwigvb (hv †Mvbv hvq )
 A minute/second-GKwgwb‡Ui/†m‡K‡Ûi Rb¨
A number of -K‡qKwU , K‡qK Rb
A tomorrow afternoon-AvMvgx Kvj we‡K‡j
A.D.(Anno Domini)-L„óvã
About -Pviw`‡K
Above all  m‡e©vcwi/me©cwi me‡‡q eo K_vnj
Above- Dc‡ii w`‡K
According to me Avgvi g‡Z
Across -AvovAvwo fv‡e   
Actually cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
After all †gv‡Ui Dci/me wKQy m‡Z¡ I/nvRvi n‡jI /m‡e©vcwi /nvRvi n‡jI
After that Zvici
After this  Gici
After ward-c‡i, cieZx©‡Z
Again (Avevi, ZvQov ,AwaKš‘)
Again and again-evi evi
ahead-mvg‡bi w`‡K
al ready-B‡Zvg‡a¨ 
Al well as   Z_v, I, Ges
All day long mvivw`b e¨vwc
All in all-‡gv‡Ui Dci
All of the boys            †Q‡j‡`i mK‡j
All of them             Zv‡`i mK‡j
All of us Avgiv   mK‡j
All of you  ‡Zvgiv mK‡j
all the time-me mg‡q /me©`v
All the while memgq/me©`v
all through (the year/hislife)mviv eQi /Rxeb a‡i
All through his life mviv Rxeb a‡i
All) in all-‡gv‡Ui Dci (ejv hvq )
All-me ¸‡jv , mevB
almost all-‡gv‡UI, Av‡`Š| /cÖq mevB /me¸‡jv
almost always-cÖvqB me©`v
Almost- cÖq
almost no-ej‡Z ej‡Z †Kv‡bv-B †bB
Almost none-
Along- (eivei , mvg‡bi w`‡K  †mvRv )
Already-B‡Zvg‡a¨ †Kvb KvR n‡q †M‡Q Ggb
Also ( Avevi , ZvQv&ov, AvwaKš‘)&
Alternatively Ab¨ K_vq /weKífv‡e ejv hvq
Always  memgq/me©`v
------------am/is/are +clear that-¯úó
am/is/are likely to+ verb-m¤¢eZ n‡e ,
am/is/are most likely to+ verb-Le m¤¢eZ (n‡e)
-----am/is/are/was/were +natural that-¯^vfvweK
-am/is/are/was/were +very surprising that   -we¯§qKi
An example would be-GKUv D`vniY n‡Z c‡i G †h
And   Ges
And that’s mainly because
Another important thing is that   Av‡iKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© e¨vcvi n‡jv
Another thing   Av‡iKwU K_v
Another way of putting it is----
Any way/any how-hv‡nvK 
Any yet- ZeyI
Any-‡Kv‡bv (cÖ‡k›`bv-†evaK ev‡K¨
Around-(Pviw`‡K we‡klZ )
As   †h‡nZz/ KviY /†m‡nZz/ Ggb   †hgb,†hgb..†Zgb/hLb
As a consequence d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
As a result d‡j/hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
as follows/the following  h_v,†hgb,wbgœi~c
As if   †hb
As if were †hb
as long as/so long as-hZ¶b ch©šÍ
As long as-hZ¶Y
As soon as  †hBgvÎ †mBgvÎ
As soon as -gvÎB
As soon as -hLbB
at last Ae‡k‡l
As though †hb
As to m¤^‡Ü
As usually
As yet       GLb I ch©šÍÍ
As yet GLbI bv
aside- cv‡k ( Mw`kxj A‡_©)
aside-cv‡k (MwZ kxj A‡_© )
aside-cv‡ki w`‡K ,c‡k
At 4 p.m.-weKvj 4 Uvq
At 4 p.m.-weKvj 4Uv ev‡R
At 6 a.m.-mKvj 6Uv ev‡R
At a time GK mv‡_
At dawn-‡fv‡i 
at dusk-‡Mvaywji mgq
at first ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
At last Ae‡k‡l
At night-iv‡Zi ‡ejv
At noon-`ycy‡ii mgq
At present           eZ©gv‡b
 At present-eZ©gv‡b, GB g~û‡Z©
at the beginning ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
At the end Ae‡k‡l
At the same time-GUvI we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e †h|
At variance with e†jwecixZ/AmvgÄm¨
B.C. (before Christ)-L©óvc~e©
back-‡cQ‡bi w`‡K
backward-‡cQ‡bi w`‡K
Because  KviY /‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz
because of-Kvi‡Y
Before +noun /verb +ing +clause Kivi Av‡M
Before long AwP‡iB
Before that  Zvi Av‡M
beneath-(webxZ ) wbP w`‡q ,Zj w`‡q 
beside-cv‡k/cv‡k  w¯’i A‡_©
beside-Icv‡k, H‡Zv GLv‡b cv‡k(w¯’i A‡_© )
besides that GQvov/ZvQvov I
Both …..and.. DfqB/ Df‡qB, DfqwUB 
breadth wise-Avov Avwo , cÖ¯’ eivei
By and by Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í/µgvš^‡q
by comparison-Zzjbv g~jKfv‡e
By dint of  Dcv‡q
By force of  e†j
By means of   Dcv‡q
by that time-‡m mg‡qi g‡a¨
By the by
By the side of  cv‡k
By the way-fv‡jv K_v
by turns-ch©vq Kª‡g
By way of   ej‡Z wM‡q/K_v cÖm‡½
by-cvk w`‡q
Can not/could not  +but+verb  bv K‡i cviv, Acan not /could not +but +verb †VKv‡Z bv cviv, Gov‡Z bv cviv
can’t-bv civ-cvwi /cv‡I /cvi bv
cannot-bv cviv -cvwi /cv‡i /cvi bv
Consequently d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
Contrarily- wecixZ µ‡g
              cÖq †KDB bv , ej‡Z †M‡j †g‡UB/GKUvI bv
Could- cviZvg
Could not- ciZvg bv , cvwiwb
Day after day-w`‡bi ci w`i a‡i
Decade- `kK
Despite/Inspite of m‡Z¡I
Down there-ILv‡b wb‡P
Down -wb‡P
Downward- wb‡Pi w`‡K 
 Due to  Kvi‡Y
Durable -‡UK mB
During mg‡q/hveZ Kvj a‡i
Earlier-Gi Av‡M
Either …or A_ev/nq GBRb bv nq AciRb
Equally  GKBfv‡e
Equally important GKBfv‡e GB welqwUI ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †h
evanescent- (Bfv‡m›U) Acm„qgvb
Even though-GgbwK hw`I
Eventually d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
Everlasting `xN© mgq/wPi¯’vqx
Every century-cÖwZ kZvãx
Every day-cÖwZ w`b
Every decade-cÖwZ `kK
Every era-cÖwZ hyM
Every evening -cÖwZ w`b mܨv
Every Friday morning -cÖwZ ïµevi mKvj
Every Friday-cÖwZ ïµevi
Every month cÖwZ gv‡m
Every morning cÖwZ mKv‡j
Every night cÖwZ iv‡Z
Every now and then-cÖvqB hLb-ZLb /gv‡S gv‡S
Every week-cÖwZ mßvn
Every year cÖwZ eQ‡i
Everyday-cÖwZ w`b
Everywhere else-Ab¨vb¨ meLv‡b
Else     Ab¨ †KD
Everybody else cÖ‡Z¨‡K
Somebody else Ab¨ †KD
Anybody else  ‡h †KD
Everyone else cÖ‡Z¨‡K
Who else Ab¨ †K?
Anything else Avi wKQy
far from-`~‡i
few and far between-KgmsLKevi
few-Lye KgmsL¨K, AZ¨Kg msL¨K , ej‡Z †M‡j GK`g bv (hv †Mvbv hvq )
Finally   Ae‡k‡l
First cÖ_gZ
first/firstly-cÖ_gZ /ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
for a long time-A‡bK¶Y a‡i
For a short time Aí mg‡qi Rb¨
For a while    wKQy¶‡bi Rb¨
For a while-Aí mg‡qi Rb¨
For example D`vniY ¯^iƒc
For fear of   f‡q
for GKvi‡Y
For instance D`vniY ¯^iƒc
For sometime-‡ek wKQy mgq a‡i
For that  †m Rb¨
For that reason  †m Kvi‡b
For the purpose of   D‡Ïk¨
For the sake of   Rb¨
For the want of     Afv‡ei Kvi‡Y
For this   GRb¨
For this reason    G Kvi‡b
For this reason G Kvi‡b
for two hours-`yN›Uv hveZ
Formerly   Av‡M/AZx‡Z
Fortnight-`yB mßv‡n
forward-mvg‡b w`‡K
four times-Pvi evi, Pvi ¸b
frankly speaking
frequently evi evi
 from the beginning to the end- AvMv †Mvov/ ïi“‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ-
From this  G †_‡K
from time immemorial- A‡bK Av‡M †_‡K
From time to time gv‡S gv‡S
Further -AwaKš‘
Further more AwaKšÍ/ïay GLv‡bB Sv‡gjvi †kl bq
Generally-mvavibZ t/cÖvq mgq /Lye †ekx mgq
                          GKB K_v Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq Gfv‡e †h
Hardly had…when
has to be Aek¨B KiYxq
have to/has to Kiv Riƒix/Kivi LyeB cÖ‡qvRb/GRb¨ Ki‡Z n‡e
having +verb –ed n‡q/nIqvi ci
He /she/it /Rahim   is
He himself /she herself †m wb‡R
He/she/Rahim/it    has
Hence-G Kvi‡b ejv nq †h
Here and there GLv‡b †mLv‡b (¯’v‡bi †¶‡Î)
homeward-M„nvwfg~‡L, evwoi w`‡K
How †hfv‡e
However hZB/-Aek¨ ( GUvI mZ¨ †h )
Hundreds of people  kZkZ gvbyl
I /we /you /they      have
I am
I am certain that -wbwðZ
I myself Avwg wb‡R
I want to say one thing- Avwg Av‡iKwU K_v ej‡Z PvB
I will conclude by saying that –GK_v e‡j Avwg Dcmsnvi Uvbe ‡h
I will sum up by saying that-GK_v e‡j Avwg BwZ Uvbe †h
I/he/she/it  was
if -hw`
If I may be allowed to speak frankely -hw` Avgv‡K ‡Lvjv †gjv fv‡e K_v ejvi AbygwZ †`q nq
If not-hw` Zv bv nq ( Zvn‡j )..
if so-hw` ZvB nq (Zvn†j)
Immediately-AwP‡iB            ater-c‡i
In /under circumstances G Ae¯’vq/cwiwm&nwZ‡Z
In 1996-1996 mv‡j
in 2003-2003 mv‡j
In a like manner-GKBfv‡e
in a minute/in a second-gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨
In a moment mvgvb¨ mgq/gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨
In a month-GK gv‡mi g‡a¨
In accordance with in confirmily wemv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y©
In addition AwaKšÍ/AviI
In all †gvU
In any case-GgbwK /hvB †nvK
In case of   NU‡j
In common with  Ab¨‡`i mv‡_ mgvbfv‡e
In conclusion-Dcmsnv‡i ejv hvq, G wm×všÍ Uvbv hvq †h
In connection with   cÖm‡½
In consequence of   d‡j
In contrast-wecixZ c‡¶
In defense of   c‡¶
In fact   e¯ZZc‡¶
In fact  Avm‡j
In future-fwel¨‡Z
In future-MZ Kvj mKvj
In here-GLv‡b ( †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ )
Up here-GLv‡b Dc‡i
In honour of   m¤§v‡b
In January-Rvbyqvwi  gv‡m
In keeping with   Zvj †i‡L
In need cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
In no time-Aí mg‡qi g‡a¨
In order to     D‡Ï‡k¨
In other words-Ab¨ K_vq
In pursuance of   cvIqvi Rb¨
In quest of   mÜv‡b
In regard to  mg‡Ü
In respect of we‡ePbvq
In September-‡m‡Þ¤^i gv‡m
In short-ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq
In spite of that -Zv m‡Z¡I
In spite of-Zv m‡Z¡I
In summary-‡gv‡Ui Dci ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq
In that case-‡m‡¶‡Î
In the afternoon -weKv‡j
In the evening -mܨvq
In the event of   m‡Z¡I
In the face of     gy‡L
in the first place -cÖ_gZ
In the hope of  Avkvq
In the mean time-B‡Zvg‡a¨,BZ¨em‡i
In the morning   mKv‡j
In the past   AZx‡Z
In the recent past BwZc~‡e©
In the same manner -GKBfv‡e|
In the same way GKBfv‡e
In the same way-GKBfv‡e
In the twinkle of an eye ‡Pv‡Li mvg‡b/‡Pv‡Li cj‡K
In this context            G cÖm‡½
In this regard      G e¨vcv‡i
In time  mg‡qi g‡a¨/mg‡qi wfZi/g‡a¨
In total †gvU
In view of we‡ePbvq
In/on behalf of   c‡¶
Incase hw` Ggb nq
Incidentally-K_v cÖm†½ n‡q †bqv hvq ‡h
Into-wfZ‡ii w`‡K 
Inward-‡fZ‡ii w`‡K
Irrelevant    AcÖmvw½K
is to be Ki‡Z n‡e
It all happened because of
It is clear that -¯úó
It is easy to understand that-GUv †evSv mnR †h
It is natural that -¯^fvweK
It is obvious that -GUv †h ¯úó/GUv eySv mnR †h
It is only because GUv ïay G Kvi‡b †h
It is very surprising that-we¯§qKi
It means /This means/That means/This indicates GUv Bw½Z †`q,Gi A_© GB `vouvq †h Zvi gv‡b n‡jv
Must /will Ki‡eB Ki‡e
Kind of/sort of…ai‡bi
Kivi Kvi‡b
last century -MZ kZK
Last century MZ kZvãx
last decade-MZ `kK
last era-MZ hyM
last millennium- MZ mnmªvã
last month-MZ gvm
last morning MZ mKvj
Last night MZ ivZ
Last week MZ mßv‡n
Last year MZ eQi
last/lastly-cwi‡k‡l ej‡Z nq †h
Later c‡i
length wise-Avov Avwo , cÖ¯’eivei
Let alone ‡Zv ejviB A‡c¶v iv‡L bv,†Zv `~‡ii K_v
Let us turn to-GLb †PvL‡divb hvK Gi  w`‡K
Life long     Rxeb e¨vcx/AvRxeb a‡i
Like wise     Abyiƒcfv‡e
little-AZ¨šÍ Kg cwi gv‡b (hv †Mvbv hvq )
long lasting-   `xN©Kvj wU‡K _v‡K Ggb m¤^‡a¨ ejv hvq †h,
Majority of the people AwaKvsk †jvK
Many times  A‡bK evi/ A‡bK ¸b
Many types of  A‡bK ai‡bi
many-A‡bK ¸‡jv (hvMbbv Kiv hvq )
much-A‡bKUv , A‡bK Lvwb(hvMbbv Kiv hvq )
may be-m¤¢eZ , n‡ZI cv‡i †h    perhaps- m¤¢eZ
May n‡ZI cv‡i  ,m¤eZ n‡e (wbKU fwel¨r eySv‡Z )
may not-bv I n‡Z cv‡i
may not-bv I n‡Z cv‡i
Meanwhile    BwZg‡a¨
Meanwhile -B‡Zvg‡a¨,BZ¨em‡i
might- n‡jI n‡Z cvi‡Zv (AZx‡Z wb‡`©k Ki‡Z )
Millions of people jvL jvL/†KvwU †KvwU  gvbyl
month after month-gv‡mi ci gvm a‡i
more often than not-cÖvqB
Moreover ZvQvovI/-AwaKšÍ
most of the time-AwaKvsk mg‡q
most probably-Lye m¤¢eZ
Namely-‡hgb , h_v
Naturally ¯^vfvweKfv‡e
near- Kv‡Q
needs to be Kiv `iKvi
Neither ….nor GwUB I bq IwUI bq
Next   cieZx©‡Z/c‡ii  K_v n‡jv
next century-AvMvgx kZvãx
Next decade- AvMvgx `kK
Next era-AvMvgx hyM
Next Friday cie©wZ ‡mvgevi
Next Friday morning cie©wZ ‡mvgevi mKv‡j
Next Friday-AvMvgx ïµevi
Next millennium-AvMvgx mnmªvã
Next month-AvMvgx gvm
Next week-AvMvgx mßvn
Next year-AvMvgx eQi
No doubt cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
No one of the boys  †Q‡j‡`i †KD bv
No one of them        Zv‡`i †KD bv
No one of us   Avgv‡`i/Avgiv  †KD bv
No sooner +past than past Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB,Avm‡Z No sooner +past than past bv Avm‡ZB
No sooner had ….than
No-‡Kv‡bvB(bv) , GKUvI bv , GKUzI bv 
None of us Avgv‡`i/Avgiv  †KD bv
Not at all-‡gv‡UI bv
Not to mention bv ej‡jI P‡j
Now   GLb
Now a days-AvRKvj
Occasionally- gv‡S gv‡S
Off and on-gv‡S g‡a¨
often- cÖvqB AwaKvsk mg‡q
On account of    Kvi‡Y
On Friday-ïµev‡i
On occasionally -gv‡S gv‡S
On the 10 th June,2004-10B Ryb 2004 Zvwi‡L
On the 20 th proximo-AvMvgx gv‡mi 20 ZwiL
On the 20th instant -GBgv‡mi 20 ZvwiL
On the brink of    gy‡L
On the contrary   wecixZ c‡¶
On the ground of    Kvi‡Y
On the one hand  GKw`K †_‡K
On the other hand-Aci c‡¶ /wecixZ c‡¶ Ab¨ w`‡K
On the part of       Kv‡iv wb‡Ri †ejvq
On the pretence of   Q‡j,bv‡g
On the whole †gv‡Ui Dci
On time   GKevi/mgqgZ
Once again   Avi I GKevi/ Avevi
Once upon a time GK`v/GK mgq
One kind of   GK cÖKvi
One the eve of   cÖv°v‡j
One type of them  ‡m¸‡jvi g‡a¨
Or   A_ev
otherwise- b‡Pr,bB‡j , bZzev , Ab¨K_vq
Ought not to-(Kiv ) DwPZ bq
Ought to-(Kiv ) DwPZ
out- evB‡i
outward-eB‡ii w`‡K
over and over again-evievi ,evisevi
Over night-ivZvivwZ
Over there-Gcv‡k , GB †Zv Gcv‡k Ab¨ cvk †_‡K ejv
Over there-Icv‡k , H ‡Zv GLv‡b
 over-Dc‡i w`‡q
Overnight   mvivivZ
Previously Av‡M AZx‡Z 
Probably- m¤¢eZ
Procrastinating-`xN© m~Îx /AvVvi gv‡m eQi Ggb
Provided /provided that …
Providing that
Rarely/hardly ever-Lye Kg , eo †Rvi gv‡S g‡a¨
Rather..than eis
Rather-eis (GK K_vq ejv hvq †h)
Recently   m¤cÖwZ
Recently /lately   m¤cÖwZ
Regarding-Gi m¤^‡Ü Kjv hvq †h|
Repeatedly  evi evi
requires to be Kiv cÖ‡qvRb-
Right now-wVK GLb
Scarcely had ….when
Several times A‡bK evi
several times-K‡qK evi , K‡qK ¸b
shall be  able to /will be able tocie/cvi‡e m¶g n‡e /ne
shall not/will not  able to  cvi‡ebv
short lived-¯^ívqy
should not-(Kiv ) DwPZ bq
should-(Kiv) DwPZ
sidewise-cv‡k eivei , GK cv‡k , cvk Ny‡i
Simultaneously-GKB mv‡_ ,hyMc_fv‡e
since- ‡h‡nZz /KviY /‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz
since morning-mKvj †_‡K
So far   G ch©šÍ
So it follows that ….
so it is clear that  Zvn‡j GK_v ¯úó †h
So we must say that ……
So ZvB,myZivs,AZGe,d‡j
Sometimes  gv‡S gv‡S/KLbI KLbI
Some-wKQy , K‡qKwU , K‡qK Rb
Specifically we‡klfv‡e ej‡Z ‡M‡j ej‡Z nq †h|
straight-‡mvRv , eivei
Such ….that Ggb   †h
Such …as   Ggb   †h
ten times-`kevi , `k ¸b
That  ‡h  †m
That is  A_©vr
That is the general case that-mPivPi Giƒc N‡U †h 
That is to say-Ab¨ K_vq
That is why A_¨©vr Ab¨K_vq/Zvi gv‡b n‡jv GB †h
That is-A_¨©vr Zvi g‡b n‡jv GB †h
That reminds me of-G †_‡K Avgvi Gi K_v g‡b c‡o hv‡”Q-
That/which-hv ( e¯‘)
That’s because Zvi KviY
That’s why G Kvi‡b/†m Kvi‡b/ †m Rb¨B
The consequence was that -dj Giƒc n‡qwQj †h
The day after tomorrow AvMvgx ciï
The day before yesterday MZ ciï
The reasons are many KviY A‡bK ¸‡jv
The whole day mvivw`b mvi/ w`b a‡i
The whole night mvivivZ/mvi ivZ a‡i
Then  Zvici
There are basically-g~jZ
There is no…but Ggb †KD †bB †h….K‡i bv,Pvq bv
There is still another thing-ZeyI Av‡iKwU wRwbm ejv `iKvi
They all  Zviv mK‡j
They themselves Zviv wb‡R
Thirdly   Z…ZxqZ
This afternoon-AvR weKv‡j
This evening-AvR mܨvq
This is the general case-mPivPi Giƒc N‡U †h
This moment GBg~n©~‡Z
This morning-AvR mKv‡j  
 Though -hw`I /-Aek¨
Thousands of people nvRvi nvRvi gvbyl
Three times/thrice-wZb ev‡i , wZb ¸b
Thus         Gfv‡e
Till          ch©šÍ
Time consuming-mgq mv‡c¶ mgq jv‡M Ggb
To be done/Verb+ ed Kivi Av‡Q.K…Ze¨,Kivi g‡Zv,Ki‡Z n‡e,hv Kiv n‡e
To be frank         ej‡Z †M‡j
To begin with-ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
To illustrate   D`vnib ¯^iƒc
To me     Avgvi g‡Z
To night AvR iv‡Z
To start with ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
To sum up-‡gv‡Ui Dci/mvwe©Kfv‡e /Ae‡k‡l ejvhvq
Today- AvR
Tomorrow afternoon-AvMvgx Kvj weKvj
Tomorrow evening-AvMvgx Kvj mܨvq
Tomorrow morning-AvMvgxKvj mKvj
Tomorrow night -AvMvgx Kvj ivZ
tomorrow-AvMvgx Kvj
Tonight-AvR ivZ
Too- I
 To-w`‡K , cÖwZ
toward home-M„nvwfgy‡L ,evwoi w`‡K
Toward mvg‡bi w`‡K
toward(s) the west-cwðgvwfgy‡L , cwðg w`‡K 
toward-Awfg~‡L /w`‡K
transient-(UªvbwR‡q›U) ¶b ¯’vqx
twice-`yevi, `yB¸b 
Under consideration we‡ePbvaxb
Under trail   we‡ePbvaxb
underneath-wb‡P, wb‡P w`‡q
Until now    GLb I ch©šÍ
Until--hZ¶b bv ch©šÍ
Up here-GLv‡b Dc‡i
upward-Dc‡ii w`‡K
Usually      h_vixwZ/......mPivPi...../mvavibZ t
verb +ing cluse +subject+clause Kivi ci/Kiv n‡j/K‡i
verb+ing +subject +clause Kivi ci/K‡i
very few-AZ¨šÍ Aícwi gvb
very often-Lye †ekx mgq
was able to +verb ‡c‡i wQjvg /‡c‡iwQj
was not able to +verb-cvwiwb /cv‡iwb
was/were likely to +verb nIqvi m¤¢vebv wQj
was/were most likely to +verb-Lye m¤¢eZ n‡Zv, nIqvi Lye †ewk m¤¢vebv wQj
We all Avgiv   mK‡j
We are hopeful that-Avkvev`x
We can say that Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi †h
We/you/they           are
Week- mßvn
Westward- (cwðgvwfg~‡L , cwðg w`‡K
What   hv   Zv welqe¯Í
What is the name thing ----GKB K_v Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq Gfv‡e †h
Whatever  †h  B /hvwKQyB
Where  ‡hLv‡b
Where ever ‡hvLv‡bB
Whether /if  wK  bv
Whether ….or ‡nvK ev bv †nvK
Which/that ‡hwU †mwU,†h¸wj †m¸wj
Who ‡h   †m//whwb wZwb/‡K
Whoever-‡he¨vw³B / †hB
Whom/who/hv‡K  Zv‡K,hv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i‡K/Kv‡K /hv‡K
Whose Kvi /hvi / hvi  Zvi/hv‡`i Zv‡`i
Why   †Kb/Kx Rb¨/Kx Kvi‡b
Wide - cÖk¯Í
 will KieB Kie (†Rvi †`qv ev M~iƒZ¡ †`Iqv)
With a view to   D‡Ïk¨
With an eye to wbR‡i
With reference to wel‡q/e¨vcv‡i
with the result that --hvi dj GB n‡qwQj †h
within a week-GK mßv‡ni gv‡a¨
Worth +doing (verb +ing) Kivvi †hvM¨/Kiv jvfRbK/Kivi `vex/†hvM¨Zv/mydj/jvf
yesteday-MZ Kvj  
Yesterday afternoon-MZKvj weKvj
yesterday evening-MZ Kvj mܨv
yet GLb ch©šÍ bv
Yet to verb GLb I K‡I bvB,GLb I nq bvB
Yet-Z_vwc, ZeyI
You all ‡Zvgiv mK‡j
another name for    Aci bvg
lest …should b‡Pt,bB‡j,K‡iv bv Ki‡j, hv‡Z …bv
Need(s) to be verb +ed or need(s) verb+ing Kiv cÖ‡qvRb A_ev Kiv cÖ‡qvRb n‡q c‡o‡Q
In case of +Noun ‡¶‡Î,†ejvq,n‡j
In case +clasue n‡j,hw` Ggb nq,hw` GUv Kiv nq
As it were ‡hb,wVK †hb,g‡Zv
Hardly clause +when clause  Kivi mv‡_ mv‡_B,Kivi n‡q‡Q wK nqwb
Scarcely …before/when mv‡_ mv‡_ Kiv,n‡jv wK n‡jv bv GgZve¯’vq
sub +having done +clauseKiv n‡j/n‡j ci/Kivi ci
am/is/are+used to +verb+ ingAf¨¯Í,Af¨v‡mi `vm
used to AZx‡Zi Af¨vm

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