Using the right form of Verbs

Right form of verbs
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের পার্ট-A অংশের ১ নম্বর প্রশ্নটি অর্থাৎ Right form of verbs নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Rule-4: যদি before-এর আগে past perfect tense থাকে তাহলে পরে past indefinite tense হবে। আর after-এর আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ past perfect tense হবে। যেমন:
a. The patinet  (die) before the doctor came.
Answer: The patinet had died before the doctor came.
b. The patient died after the doctor  (come).
Answer: The patient died after the doctor had come.
c. The bell rang after I  (reach) school.
Answer: The bell rang after I had reached school.
d. We reached home after it  (start) raining.
Answer: We reached home after it had started raining.
e. They arrived here after you  (leave).
Answer: They arrived here after you had left.
Rule-5: যদি কোনো sentence-এ since-এর প্রথম অংশ present tense হয় তাহলে পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হবে। আবার since-এর প্রথম অংশ past indefinite-এর হলে পরের অংশ past perfect tense-এ হবে। যেমন: a. It is many years since I  (come) to Dhaka.
Answer: It is many years since I came to Dhaka.
b. Five years have passed since I  (see) you.
Answer: Five years have passed since I saw you.
c. Many years have passed since his father  (die).
Answer: Many years have passed since his father died.
d. It was many years since they first  (meet).
Answer: It was many years since they had first met.
Using the right form of Verbs
Rule-13 : কোন Sentence-এ অতীত ঘটনা, সন, তারিখ last, last year, yesterday প্রভৃতি উল্লেখ থাকলে past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন :
(i) He (to come) home yesterday.
++ He came home yesterday.
(ii) He (not return) home last night.
++ He did not return home last night.
(iii) He (to buy) five sheep last year.
++ He bought five sheep last year.
Rule-14 : Passive voice-থাকলে subject এরপরে auxiliary verb এরপরে মূল verb টি past participle করতে হয়। যেমন :
(i) The man (to hang) for murder.
++ The man was hanged for murder.
Rule-15 : Sentence-এ একাধিক noun বা pronoun থাকলে plural number (বহুবচন হয়)।
(i) The banana was cut into two (two half).
++ The banana was cut into two halves.
(ii) Her head is full of (louse).
++ Her head is full of lice.
Rule-16 : To be-এবং having এর পরে মূল verb টি past participle form হয়। যেমন :
(i) Having (to forget) him, I went to market. 
++ Having forgotten him, I went to market.
(ii) The thief ran away having (take) the basket.
++ The thief ran away having taken the basket.
(iii) The sun having (to set), we returned home.
++ The sun having set, we returned home.
Rule-17 : verb-এর পূর্বে without, cannot help, could not help, get used to, with a view to, would you mind, look forward to এবং এর মধ্যেকার for বা of থাকলে bracket-এর verb-এর সাথে ing যোগ করতে হয়। এই to গুলো preposition হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন :
(i) I went to market with a view to (to buy) a shirt.
++I went to market with a view to buying a shirt.
(ii) I did not get used to (write) on the khata. 
++ I did not get used to writing on the khata. 
(iii) I never thought of ( to go) there. 
++ I never thought of going there.
Rule-18 : Modal auxiliary can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, dare, used to, ought to, must, need, going to, প্রভৃতির পরে ব্যবহূত মূল verb টি present from হয়। যেমন :
(i) We ought to (respect) our parents.
++ We ought to respect our parents.
(ii) He can (do) the work.
++ He can do the work.
Rule-19 : Let, would, would rather, had better, had rather প্রভৃতির পরে verb এর present form হয়। verb এর পূর্বে to থাকলে তা উঠে যায়। এখানকার Let বাদে সবগুলো verb ই modal auxiliary. যেমন :
(i) We had better (to do) the work.
++ We had better do the work.
(ii) I will not let him (to finish) the task.
++ I will not let him finish the task.
Rule-20 : Wish, as if, as though প্রভৃতি থাকলে ব্রাকেটের to be এর স্থানে were বসে।
যেমন :
(i) I wish I (to be) a bird. 
++ I wish I were a bird.
(ii) He talks as if he (to be) mad.
++ He talks as if he were mad.
Rule-21 : Subject এর পূর্বে one of, each, every প্রভৃতি থাকলে তার পরের verb টি। singular হয়। যেমন :
(i) One of the boys (to be) absent yesterday.  
++ One of the boys were absent yesterday.
Rule-22 : একই দৈর্ঘ্য ও পরিমাণ subject মনে হলেও verb singular হয়। যেমন :
(i) Sixty miles (to be) a long way.
++ Sixty miles is a long way.
Rule-23 :  While এর পর verb থাকলে ing যোগ করতে হয় while এর পরে subject থাকলে past continuous tense হয়। যেমন :
(i) While (eat) rice, he stood up.
++ While eating rice, he stood up.
(ii) While he (eat) rice, he stood up.
++ While he was eating rice, he stood up.
Rule-24 :  দুইটি clause (খন্ড বাক্য) এর মধ্যে একটি if দ্বারা শুরু হলে উহা present indefinite tense হয় এবং অপরটি future indefinite tense হয়। future indefinite tense এ subject এর পর shall বা will বসে। যেমন :
(i) If you play in the rain, you (catch) cold.
++ If you play in the rain, you will catch cold.
(ii) If I find your watch, I (to give) it to you.
++ If I find your watch, I shall give it to you.
Rule-25 : What, why, when, where, whom, how প্রভৃতি Interrogative শব্দের সহিত tense অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb (সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া) যোগ করে Interrogative sentence গঠন করতে হয়। Interrogative sentence এ why, when, where, what ইত্যাদির পরই tense অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb যোগ করতে হয় এবং tense অনুযায়ী সাহায্যকারী  verb ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন :
(i) Why you (to cry)?
++ Why do you cry?
(ii) Where you (to go) yesterday?
++Where did you go yesterday?
(iii) Where you (going) now?
++ Where are you going now?
Rule-26 : sentence এর সর্বপ্রথম had বসে if-এর ন্যায় অর্থ প্রকাশ করলে sentence-এর সর্বশেষ subject এর পর auxiliary verb would have যোগ করতে হয় এবং মূল verb-এর past participle form হয়। যেমন:
(i) Had I been a rich man, I (help) you.
++  Had I been a rich man, I would have helped you.
(ii) If I were a rich man I (to help) the girl.
++ If I were a rich man I would have helped the girl.

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