Mixed Tenses - Put the verbs into the correct tenses.

1.      Andy is tired because he (work) _____________all day.
2.      By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies (become) _____________independent.
3.      David broke his leg when he (ski) _____________last week.
4.      (you/have) _____________a nice time in Rome?
5.      (you/finish) _____________your homework yet?
6.      He (be) _____________at his computer for six hours.
7.      How long (she/have)  _____________that car?
8.      How many people (die) _____________in the fire yesterday?
9.      I (not/know) _____________much about art, but I like some artists.
10.  I (wait) _____________for ages when finally the bus arrived.
11.  I (receive) _____________a postcard from Jane yesterday.
12.  I (correct) _____________all morning, I’m exhausted.
13.  I (never/be) _____________sailing, what’s it like?
14.  It was late.  Most of the shops (close) _____________.
15.  It (rain) _____________when I got up this morning.
16.  Janet (start) _____________a new job in September.
17.  Nelly (have) _____________a great time in New York at the moment.
18.  She was cooking dinner when we (arrive) _____________
19.  She (just/come) _____________back from a Mediterranean cruise.
20.  My husband (be) _____________free for most of the afternoon.
21.  The children were tired because they (swim) _____________in the pool all afternoon.
22.  They (go) _____________to spend six weeks in the USA.
23.  We can use the car, I (repair) _____________it.
24.  We were tired because we (be) _____________to a party the night before.
25.  We (be) _____________too late for the train, it had just left.
26.  When I got the airport I realized I (forget) _____________my passport.
27.  As soon as they (arrive) _____________we had dinner.
28.  When they were driving home last night they (see) _____________a terrible accident.
29.  Where (Robert/live) _____________now?
30.  Who (Mandy/talk) _____________to?
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