My Favourite Icon

In the journey of life we come across several unique people who undeniably stand out in our memory and enlighten us internally. This incomparable personality unknowingly becomes our idol, a person of veneration, a character of remembrance, a symbol of success, an icon. Unlike others my icon is truly inseparable from my world of imagination. It is he who has become my constant guru, my motivator and a legend who has taken a permanent place in the neuron cells and his memory cannot be deleted. This person is none but my teacher, my mentor, Mr. Yeasir Ahmed Milan. He taught me how to discover my inner-self. This icon showed the world, opening my eyes. It is he who taught me how to dream big and how to make that dream a reality. As an ordinary girl, I did not find the truth of life, purpose of my existence, my icon became my driver who took me there where the truth reins. Now I am confident and courageous to do the things that I must do. All the successful people on earth did have their icons for whom they became what they were. Famous scientists, legendary writers and successful businessmen did have their heroes of life. It is usually said successful icons can make future legends. My icon motivates me when I am in the ocean of depression, loves me when I am uncared, helps me when I am helpless, enlightens me when I am in the world of darkness. I never find me alone when I need a friend. He is a true and devoted guide in this world and an expected companion in the hereafter. I adore him and show my veneration, I pray for him for his heavenly purification. I am my present me for my dream icon, my mentor of life, the teacher. I am really proud of him for today and for eternity.

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