Transformation of sentences (Simple, complex and compound) at a glance

Transformation of sentence (Simple, complex and compound) at a glance 
01. Verb+ing +Extension ,Subject+ can/ could+ verb+ Ext.
     Example; Reading books, you can acquire knowledge.
Verb+ Ext. +and +Subject +can/could +verb+ Ext.
Example: Read books and you can acquire knowledge.
If +sub+ verb+ other word, sub +can/may +verb +Other word.
If you read books you can aquire knowledge.
02. Subject +verb +ing +other word +P.V. +other word.
      Some people working in the field are farmers.
Subject+ Realative pronoun+ P.V.+ other word+ P.V.+ other word.
Some people who are working in the field are farmers.
03. Subject+P.V.+article+adverb+adjective+noun.
       I saw a lame man.
Subject+ P.V. +other word +and +subject +P.V. +other word.
I saw a man and he was a lame.
Subject+ P.V.+ noun Phrase+ who/ which/that +P.V. +other word.
 I saw a man who was lame.
04. Subject+ verb +object +verb (ing)+object.
      Example; I saw them playing.
S+ to be verb (am/is/are/was/were)+verb(ing)+and+ verb(ing).
Example: They were playing and I saw them.
S+ verb +phrase +relative pronoun+ to be verb +present participle/past participle.
Example; I saw them who were playing.
05. Subject+ verb +infinitive (to +verb)………
       We eat to live.
Subject +verb +and +subject+want/wanted+to+verb…….
We eat and (we) want to live.
Subject +verb +so that +subject+ can/could/may/might+ verb……
Example: We eat so that we may live.
04. Subject +to be verb (past/present) +too +adj+ to +verb……
      Example: He was too weak to walk.
Subject+ to be verb(past/present)+very +adjective +and +can not/could not +verb+ext.
He was very weak and could not walk.
Subject +to be verb(past/present) +so +adj +that +s +cannot/could not +verb+………………….
Example: He was so weak that he could not walk.
05. Sub+ verb (past/present)+too +adj+ for +objective form+ to +verb (present)+other word.
      The bag is too heavy for the girl to carry.
Sub +verb (past/present)+very+ adj+ and  +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The bag is very heavy and the girl cannot carry it.
Sub +verb(past/present)+so+ adj+ that +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The bag is very heavy and the girl cannot carry it.
06. Sub +verb (past/present)+too +adj+ to be+ verb(P.P)+other word.
      The man is too dishonest to be respected.
Sub +verb(past/present)+very +adj+ and +sub+ verb(Past/present)+other word.
The man is very dishonest and nobody respects him.
Sub +verb (past/present)+so +adj+ that  +sub+ cannot/could not +verbpresent)+other word.
The man is so dishonest that people cannot /do not respect him.
07. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +to verb (Present)+other word.
        The girl is innocent enough to believe any man.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The girl is innocent and she believes any one.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The girl is so innocent that she believes anybody.
08. Sub+ verb (to be)+adj+ enough +for+ objective form+ to +verb (present)+other word.
  The question is easy enough for anybody to answer.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The question is very easy and anybody can answer.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The question is so easy that anybody can answer.
09. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +for +object+ verb(Present)+other word.
The essay is very easy enough for any student can memorize.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The essay is very easy and any student can memorize.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The eassay is so easy that any student can memorize.
10. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +to be+ verb (P.P)+other word.
       The man is honest enough to be respected.
Sub +verb(past/present)+very +adj+ and +sub+ verb(Past/present)+other word.
The man is very honest and everybody respect him.
Sub +verb (past/present)+so +adj+ that  +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The man is honest that everybody respects him.
11.Subject +Verb(past participle)+other word+ P.V.+ other word.
The book written by Humayan Ahmed is very interesting.
Subject+P.V.+other word+and+sub+P.V.+other word.
The book is very interesting and Humayun Ahmed wrote it.
Subject+who/which/that+P.V.+other word+P.V+other word.
The book which is written by Humayun Ahmed is very interesting.
12. Subject +Verb +other word(noun)+verb(PP).+other word.
         I bought a book of poems written by Rahman.
I bought a book of poems and Rahman Azad wrote that.
Subject+P.V.+other word(Noun)+who/which/that+P.V.+other word.
I bought a book of poems that/which is written by Rahman.
13. Inspite of /despite +possessive case +noun/adjective……….
             Inspite of his honesty, he was scolded.
Example;He was honest but scolded.
Though/Although +subjective form +verb +noun/adjective,…………………..
Example; Though he was honest ,he was scolded.
14.  Inspite of/despite cold/fog/rough weather/raining/snowing,
           Example: Despite fog, we reached there on time.
It+to be verb+,……..but+………………..
Example;It was fog but we reached there on time.
Though/Although+it+to be verb+cold/hot/storm/rough weather/ing (verb)+..
Example:Though/Although it was fog, we reached there on time.
15.  Without +verb(ing) +subject +verb +ext.
                  Without doing, you will die.
Verb (present form)+or+……
Example:Do or you will die/Do or die.
If +subject+do not/does not/did not+verb+Ext.,Subject+will/would+verb+…….
Example:If you do not do,you will die.
Unless+subject+principal verb, Subject+…………………………..
Unless you read,you will fail.
16. Subject+ to be verb+ at/in/on etc +time word
      Rubel was born in 1986.
It +to be verb+time word+and+subject+to be verb+ preposition…..
Example: It was 1986 and Rubel was born.
When+it+to be verb+time word+,……
When it was 1986,Rubel was born.
17. At the time of/In the moment of+ possessive case+ verb (ing)+ext.+…………………………….
    At the time of his departure, I was at the airport.
Subject+verb(according to tense)……and+……..
Example: He departed and I was at the airport.
When+subject+verb+Ext. Subject+verb+……
Example:When he departed, I was at the airport.
18. Subject +verb+ other word +at the time of +verb +ing +other word/at+ time.
     He woke up at the time of raining.
     He came here at four.
Subject+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word+then
He woke up and it was raining then.
When/While+subject+verb+other word+subject+verb+other word.
When it was raining he woke up.
He came when it was four.
19. Being +adjective+,-------------------------------
     Being weak in English, the boy could not do well in the examination.
Subject+ to be verb+…………………..and+…………………
Example: The boy was weak in english and not do well in the examination.
Since/As+subject+to be verb+ext.
Example: Since he was weak in English, the boy could not do well in the examination.
20.  Subject+ being +ext,+ second sentence.
      Example: Tea being hot, I could not drink.
Subject+to be verb(am/is/are/was/were+ext.+and+Subject+…….
Tea was hot and I could not drink it.
As+Subject+to be verb+adjective/noun, Subject+………………………
As tea was hot, I could not drink it.
21. At the time of/In the time of +Verb (ing),+………
Example: At the time of raining, I was at home.
It +to be verb(am/is/are/was/were)+Verb(ing)+and………………
Example: It was raining and I went at home.
When+ it+ to be verb +verb (ing),S +verb………………
When it was raining, I was a t home.
22. Having+verb(Past participle),Another sentence.
     Having done the work, the farmers left the field.
Subject+verb to have+verb(past participle)+ext. another sentence.
Example: The farmers had done the work and left the field.
Since/As+subject+have/had+verb(past participle)+ext.
Example: When the farmers had done the work, they left the field.
23. When subject is same:
      Subject +having +v(past participle)+ext.,+second sentence.
     The sun having risen, we went to play in the fields.
Subject+to have verb(have/has/had)+verb(p.p.)+Ext.+and +second sentence.
Example;The sun had risen and we went to play in the field.
24. Having +been +verb(P.P)+other word +subject +verb +other word.
Having been dismissed from the job the man is now at a loss.
Subject+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
The man was dismissed and he was at a loss.
When/After+subject+have/had+verb(P.P)+sub+verb+other word.
When the man lost the job,he was at a loss.
25. Because of, due to, owing to, on account of +possessive case+ verb(Participle form)+adjective/noun +Ext. +Next sentence.
       Due to his blindness, he cannot see.
It +to be verb+adjective form+and+…………….
Example.He is blind and cannot see.
Since/As+ Subject +to be verb +Adjective/Noun +,+ Subject+………………
Since/As he is blind and he cannot see.
26. Because of, due to, owing to +cold/fog/rough weather /raining /snowing, +Next sentence.
Example: Because of raining, I did not go to college.
It +to be verb+ cold/fog/rough weather /raining /snowing, +and +Next sentence.
Example: It was raining and I did not go to college.
Since/As +it +to be verb +Adjective/Noun, +subject+……………………………
Since it was raining, I did not go to college.
27. Besides +verb(ing)……………..subject+……………
       Besides knowing English, Our Headmaster know Bangla.
Subject +not only+…………but also……………
Example: Our headmaster knows not only English but also Bangla.
28. Both +Subject +and +S +verb+………………………
Example; Both Kamal and Jamal went there.
Not only+ First subject+ but also +second sentence +verb+…….
Example; Not only kamal but also Jamal went there.
29.Subject +verb to be+ both+a+ noun/adjective+ and+a+ noun/ adjective.
      He is both a singer and a composer.
Subject+ verb to be+ not only+a+ Noun+but also+subj+verb to be +a+ noun.
He is not only a singer but also a composer.
He who is a singer as well as a composer.
30. Subject +verb+ adverb +to +verb.
     Example: He reads attentively to pass.
Subject +verb+ adverb +and +subject +want to/wanted to/desire to+ verb+…………………………………
Example:He reads attentively and he desires to pass.
Subject+ verb+ adverb +so that +subject +may/might +verb+…………………
Example: He reads attentively so that he might pass.
31.By+verb+ing +Ext, Subject +can/could +verb+Ext.
     By reading books, you can acquire knowledge.
Verb +ext. +and+Subject+can/could+verb+Ext.
Read books and you can acquire knowledge.
If+ Subject +verb+ ext, S +can/could +verb +ext.
If you read books, you can acquire knowledge.
32. Subject +verb +noun/adjective/adverb+……………
     Example: Honesty is the best policy.
                     Heath is wealth
Subject+verb+other word+and subject+verb+other word.
It is honesty and that is  the best policy.
It is health and that is wealth
It+to be verb+Subject+relative pronoun (who,that,which) +verb+Noun/Adjective/adverb……
Example:It is honesty that is the best policy.
It is health which is wealth.
33.Subject+verb+the way of+ possessive+ verb +ing
I know the way of his doing the work.
Sub+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
He did the work and I know that.
I know how he did the work.
34.Subject+ verb+ upto +possessive +verb +verb +ing +other word.
    Students will stay in the classroom upto taking examination sheets by their teachers.
Sub+verb+other word+and +then+sub+verb+other word
Students will stay in the classroom and their teacher will take their examination sheets.
Subject+verb+other word+till/until+sub+verb+other word.
Student will stay in the classroom till/until their teachers take their examination sheets.
35. Just at the time of +verb +ing +other word+ sub +verb+ other word.
       Just at the time of coming here I saw him.
.Sub+verb+other word+and just then+sub+verb+other word.
I came here and just then I saw him.
As soon as +sub+ verb +other word +sub +verb +other word.
As soon as I came here, I saw him.
36. Subject +verb+the reason of +verb+ ing+Noun+other word.
       I know the reason of his absence.
Sub+verb+other word+and +sub+verb+other word.
He is absent and I know the reason.
Sub+verb+why+verb+other word.
I know why he is absent.
37. Subject+ verb+ the place of +verb +ing /at/in +place.
      I was born in Dhaka.
Subject+verb+other word+and+sub+verb+other word.
It is Dhaka and I was born here.
Subject+verb+other word(noun)+where+sub+verb+other word.
It is Dhaka where I was born.
38. Subject +verb +possessive +verb+ ing /noun+other word.
      I know his demand.
Sub+ verb +conjunction +subject+verb+other word.
He demands and I know it.
Subject+verb+what+sub+verb+other word.
I know what he demands.
39. Just+ before +possessive +verb +ing +other word.
  The train started just before our reaching at the station.
Subject+ verb +other word+and+just then+subject+verb+….
We reached the station and just then the train left.
No sooner had+sub+verb(pp)+than+subject+verb(Past)+other word.
No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
40.subject+verb+to+verb(present)/in order to +verb(present)+other word.
He came to know the matter/in order to know the matter.
Sub+ verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
He came to me and he wanted to know the matter.
Sub+verb+other word+so that+subject+can/could+verb(present)+other word
He came to me so that he could know the matter.
41.With/for all, notwithstanding +possessive case+ noun+ principal clause.
          For all/with all  its beauty, it is very short
However beautiful it may be, it is very short.
42. Subject+verb+adjective+like+noun/pronoun
      The boy is brave like his brother.
As ……as,   so……
The boy as brave as his brother.
43. With a view to
     We went to library with a view to reading books.
Subject+so that/in order that/that +may/might/can/could+verb
We went to library so that we could read books.
       Every man wants to prosper in life.
There is/was no+noun+but+verb+….
There is no man but wants to prosper in life.
45. Adjective+ verb+noun
       A studious student can make a better result.
The +noun+who/which+to be verb+adjective+verb+/….
The student who is studious can make a better result.
46.Adjective(Common Noun)
        The idle cannot prosper in life.
Those+who+verb to be+adjective+verb…..
Those who are idle cannot prosper in life.
          I saw a pious man.
Subject+verb+noun+who/which+to be verb+…..
 I saw a man who was pious.
48.subject+verb+NP+interrogative adverb
         Teacher showed us how to solve the problem.
Subject+ verb+ NP+ Interrogative adverb+ subject+ should/could +verb
Teacher showed us how we could /should solve the problem.
    Unfortunately, the girl failed in the examination.
It is +adjective+ that+….
It is unfortunate that the girl failed in the examination.
/request/beg/order+ indirect  object +to be verb+..
         Mother wishes me to be an ideal citizen
Subject+ verb +that +subject+ should+ infinitive case+…
Mother wishes that I could/should be an ideal citizen.
51. Adjective+ noun=Noun Phrase
      He is an honest man.
He is a man and he is honest.
Principal clause+ Subordinate adjective clause.
He is the man who is honest.
     Wait here till raining.
     Wait here until our arrival arrive.
Wait here till it rains.
Wait here until we arrive.
53. After possessive case +Noun;          /
      At the time of +Gerund/Noun
At the time of his waking up, it was raining.
When+ subject +verb+……..subject +verb+…………
When we woke up ,it was raining.
54. While/During+(Possessive case)+Gerund/Noun+ Principal clause.
             Wait here while raining.
As long as as/so long
Wait here as long as it rains.


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