Write an e-mail to the DC of your district for granting relief for the flood affected people

Suppose, you are an Assistant teacher, your locality has been seriously affected by a recent flood. Now, write an e-mail to the DC of your district for relief for the flood affected people.
From : Puranjan< puranjan1955@yahoo.com>
To : < office@deputycommissionar.com>
Sent : Sunday, September 13, 2015; 10:12am.
Subject : Request for granting relief for the flood affected people.
Dear Sir,
Most humbly and respectfully I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that our locality has been seriously affected by the recent flood. The flood affected people are living most pitiable lives for want food, drinking water and medicine. In this situation, they are badly in need of some relief. I, therefore, hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant some relief for the people for this locality.
Puranjan Kumar,
Assistant Teacher,
Munuria High School

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