Write an e-mail to your friend for return the book immediately

Suppose, your friend Niladry Raiyan borrowed a book from you. The Junior School Certificate Examination-2015 is knocking at the door. You need the book immediately. Now, write an e-mail to your friend requesting him to return the book immediately.
From : Mugdho < hsmugdhodrmc@yahoo.com>
To : Niladry Raiyan < nraiyan2012drmc@yahoo.com>
Sent : Sunday, September 13, 2015; 12:09 pm.
Subject : Request to return a book.
Dear Niladry,
It is pretty long time you borrowed a book entitled “A Book of English Grammar and Composition” from me but you have not yet returned it to me. Perhaps you have forgotten it. However, Junior School Certificate Examination-2015 is knocking at the door. So, I have to study more and more. I have revised the syllabus of almost all the subjects except English Second Paper. At this moment I need it badly. Friend, I think you have already realized the importance of the book. So, I would be highly delighted provided that you return the book as early as possible.
Thanking you,

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